“Innuendoitis,” the specialist told Kyrie with a sympathetic look she could not see behind his mask and protective hood.
“Christmas is going to come soon. You’re telling me I must sit alone and hope for a stroke of luck?” Kyrie said with a frown underneath her own protective face covering.
The specialist informed Kyrie her condition was rare, and a cure was a long way off. He told her he knew of only one other confirmed case, a man who, like her, had been struck down with identical symptoms.
“I don’t want to rub you up the wrong way, doctor, but it’s exhausting. If someone doesn’t get to the bottom of this, I’ll be moaning to every newspaper. Whatever you can think of, let’s give it a try and see if we can pull this off,” Kyrie said with desperation in her voice.
Justin was sitting alone. He didn’t get out much. He loved the outdoors, but his condition meant he couldn’t risk the consequences. He had been banned from every bar in town and even spent a night in the cells after telling the female police officer that his condition made it hard for him, had sucked his confidence, and he wanted to put any solution in her hands.
Justin was surprised to see an email from his specialist had arrived. He read its contents, which spoke of another case of innuendoitis having been confirmed, and the news that the unethical committee had agreed to a trial to see if two sufferers experienced a change in their condition if they shared their symptoms together online.
‘I’ll jump at any chance to put a finger on what’s making this such a stiff challenge,” Justin said in his immediate reply.
Justin began typing his email to Kyrie, dealing immediately with the fact that his name ‘even had fucking innuendo in it.’ He wrote with no self-pity about his situation and expressed the hope that Kyrie’s story was one he could help to reach the climax she needed.
“Innuendoitis has brought us together. Let’s get to the bottom of this, and feel free to talk about anything and get it off your chest,” Justin concluded.
Kyrie smiled when she saw Justin’s message. It felt wonderful to communicate with someone who actually understood.
“Let’s come together here and thrash it all out. Innuendoitis will be swallowed by our efforts and roasted. We shall overcome and will do so again and again until we can release ourselves from the restraints fixed to our bodies by innuendoitis,” Kyrie replied, bringing herself to climax with her fingers once she had finished typing.
Kyrie felt so much better after dealing with her pressing issue, and even more so when she received a message from Justin saying he thought the plan was worth a stab at.
“We will go to the lengths necessary to beat it. Christmas is coming, and I want you to reach into your stocking with joy when it does and feel the moist nibbles and the cracker inside it with a smile. The matter is firmly in our hands now,” Justin typed before slipping a crafty one in with a smile.
Kyrie knew immediately that, as well as her dripping wetness, the route to her salvation could be driven by the use of her fingers. Her next message had her chat sharing ID, and she told Justin she felt that taking things orally would seem a natural way to develop their shared search for a cure for their innuendoitis.
“I can moan freely to you now, and when you’re sending your replies, you won’t tire your fingers bashing one out every hour now,” Kyrie replied with relief.
It was a hectic run-up to Christmas, but Kyrie always jiggled things about to fit Justin in. Both of the world’s only confirmed sufferers of innuendoitis had found an escape route, and whenever there was a slot free, Justin and Kyrie filled it and did so eagerly.
“My baubles need a woman’s touch, and dealing with all the fiddly tasks means I’m always lubricating my fingers,” Justin explained in the run-up to the big day. Kyrie told Justin that she had turned her thoughts to getting everything ready food-wise and how she was quite particular about what went into her Christmas dinner.
“A really good stuffing can make everything else seem so much better,” she explained.
Justin talked to Kyrie about how traditions were different from hers where he lived and that he had to wait until the evening to exchange gifts with friends.
“It might only be chocolates sometimes, but I love to see the happiness on her face when she dips her fingers into her box and offers everyone a taste of what is hers to share,” Justin explained as he talked about his oldest acquaintance.
Kyrie explained that although Christmas was a minefield, in terms of her innuendoitis, she still felt joy on the day.
Justin replied, saying he hoped Joy thanked Kyrie for the treat and that he did his best to go with the flow too.
“Fingers crossed there’s no ‘Christmas comes but once a year’ talk this time,” he added.
Justin told Kyrie he was always up early on the big day and that he liked to go to the park with his pet to meet the dogs and their owners.
“A session of strokes before breakfast is a perfect way to begin Christmas morning, I find,” Justin explained.
Christmas Eve came, and both Justin and Kyrie celebrated Eve’s good fortune with some extended chat of their own. It was stuffed with the symptoms of innuendoitis and was very hard, as was to be expected. It was no surprise to either Justin or Kyrie to see the weather turn unseasonably warm and wet in their respective locations, and it would have been a shock if it hadn’t, to be fair.
Christmas Day began with a lick on his face for Justin, but he was astonished to find it was from the dog and not a part of his dream. He felt a rubbing sensation, too, but discovered its source was only the fabric of his T-shirt on his neck. Justin felt a wetness in his groin, as he often did on waking up, but the loose cap on a misplaced water bottle explained everything.
Justin did not want to tempt fate, but a text message from an acquaintance telling him she was in Cumbria did not make him wonder if she’d gone to Cockermouth. A Christmas miracle had happened. His innuendoitis had disappeared!
Though he knew it was the very early hours of Christmas Day for Kyrie, Justin felt desperate to share his news with her. He made plans to call her later, hoping she, too, had been set free. Within ten minutes, Justin’s scheduling was irrelevant, as his phone alerted him to an incoming video call.
“Me too!” Justin screamed once Kyrie had detailed a similar experience after retiring to bed in the early evening after a busy day.
Justin and Kyrie chatted happily to share their Christmas joy and the wonderful freedom it had given them. It fell to Kyrie to put its significance into words.
“We can choose when to be deliciously filthy with our thoughts now. We don’t need to hide away in fear of our innuendoitis landing us in jail or getting us barred from every public building where we live. We can fuck each other with words whenever we feel horny and have the time to hear each other’s thoughts and listen to them sigh, moan, and giggle themselves to orgasm. Christmas gift-wise, it’s even better than chocolate!” Kyrie screamed, putting events into perspective beautifully.
There was a great deal to organise and a busy day ahead, but Kyrie booked out the next half hour in her head instantly. Justin had some time at his disposal too, and if he hadn’t, he would have found some.
Justin and Kyrie undressed each other with their words, taking turns to do so. They massaged each other, they kissed and sucked everywhere, and they brought things to life in their respective homes, as they did.
Every filthy extreme that wandered into their thoughts was accompanied by giggles of fun, and every stroke and plunge they shared brought smiles brighter than a truckload of tinsel and glitter glue.
No champagne cork would release that day with the force behind them that the orgasms Justin and Kyrie shared did. No Christmas turkey would have a tastier stuffing inside it than Kyrie’s wet lips and her clit did from her frantic festive fingers either.
“Fuck you, innuendoitis!” Justin and Kyrie screamed together as they decided to have another filthy phase of chat and a bonus climax. It was Christmas, after all!