Glamour Shots: Chapter 26

"Dave and Alli sail toward uncharted waters."

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“What? He is not after me – that’s absurd!” I was pretty sure she was riding my cock and yanking my chain all at the same time. Multi-tasking, as it were.

Accomplishing yet a third simultaneous task, she reached back beneath us and found my balls, which she gently squeezed and stroked even as her pussy tightened on my hard shaft. “Ah, but maybe he is! I have it on good authority that Derek likes the hunky guys just as much as he likes the pretty girls, and you, my sweet husband, are one hunky guy!”

“Who told you that?”

“I can see that for myself.”

“What? No, not the part about me being hunky, anyone can see that.” Alli laughed, maybe not the desired response in that it seemed to come so easily. “The other part; who told you that he’s bi-sexual?”

She settled all the way down onto me and wriggled her bottom deliciously before answering, “Do you remember Ron, one of the models you met the night that we had dinner with Michael and Marci at Chubby’s? The one that I told you was bi, but was hooked up with Tim, the cute gay one?”

I shrugged. “Vaguely, they all sort of ran together… and I can’t believe we’re talking about this while you’re playing ‘ride ‘em cowgirl’.”

She laughed. “I could stop…” she did, sitting motionless astride me with my cock deep inside of her.

“Mmm, well, you have stayed on the full eight seconds, so that could work for a while, just don’t dismount early.” I tightened my pelvic muscles, causing my cock to flex and swell inside of her and earning a small moan for my effort.

“No danger of that! You feel so good inside of me that it ought to be illegal.”

“Probably is in some states. So Derek is really gay?”

“Not gay, sweetie, bi. He’s bisexual.”

I pondered that for a moment. “Huh. Why?”

She looked down at me, her expression slightly puzzled. “Why? What do you mean, ‘why’?”

“Well, why would he be bisexual? I mean, he’s a fairly good looking guy, he definitely likes women, and he can charm the pants off them; he proved that with you.”

“Hey! Be nice, or I won’t do this anymore…” she squeezed me and wriggled her ass, her pussy sliding on my hardness. I felt a rush of sensation to the base of my cock, a powerful urge to come, but managed to suppress it just enough, groaning.

“Whew! That was close; you have no idea how close you were to making me come just then.”

She wiggled her eyebrows at me as she was unbuttoning my shirt and spreading it open. “Well, that is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” She gently pinched my nipples.

“Yeah, but I’m not ready for the rainbow to end just yet.” I held her hips and thrust up into her a couple times, earning a small moan as I felt a shudder run through her body. “Did you just come?

She sighed happily. “Mmm-hmmm. Jealous?”

“Very. So anyhow, I don’t get why he’d be gay.”

“I told you; not gay, bisexual.” She shrugged, a movement which made her lovely breasts rise and fall very attractively and prompted me to reach up and cup them, running my thumbs over her hard nipples. “He just is, there is no ‘why’. To make proper use of an overworked tautology, it is what it is. Or, more appropriately, he is what he is.”

“Huh. Go figure. I guess you’re right, maybe.”

“I am. As usual. Now are you ready to shut up and go in search of the end of that rainbow?”


“Good. Me too.” Allison bent forward and kissed me even as her hips began to rise and fall, her slick pussy gliding snugly over my cock. When she straightened up she reached behind her and found my balls again, right where she’d left them, and began to fondle and gently massage my scrotum. It felt astonishingly good, and I knew that with the arousal of the photo session and her teasing and torment of my sex over the last several minutes I wouldn’t last very long.

“Um, jeez. That feels so good! I think one of us is getting pretty close to finding the gold.”

“Make that both of us. But you may still have to go in and search for a few extra coins, even after you find your gold; if you catch my drift…”

“Yeah, very subtle. Can I use my tongue?”

“Mmm, that’s exactly what I was hoping for! Go for the gold, my sexy man.” With that she began to ride me furiously, sliding herself down onto my cock until she was fully impaled and then wriggling just a bit before rising all the way up until I almost slipped out of her, then taking all of me yet again, squeezing my ballsack the entire time. I was getting very close to the precipice, but trying to hold out as long as possible. When she cried out and came it obliterated my resolve, and the pent-up rush coalesced and burst forth.

I don’t know how much I came. I can never truly tell if I can’t actually see it, and it was probably no more than the usual, but it felt like a quart. I pumped and writhed and thrust, doing my best to fill her up and carry her along with me. I needn’t have worried, as she was riding a very powerful orgasm herself, and her amazing pussy seemed to grasp me and milk me dry.

Afterward, as I lay there exhausted and spent, she collapsed onto my chest. We were both breathing heavily, and the sexual aftershocks running through our bodies where we remained joined were contagious, my little mini-pumps and flexes earning gasps from her even as her involuntary contractions did the same from me. She moved up slightly and found my lips with hers and we kissed, our tongues dancing.

She pulled back just a bit. “Your tongue need a little more exercise?”

“Absolutely. I like to keep it in good shape. Nobody loves a fat tongue.”

She laughed and sat up, and as she did I felt a gush of cum escape her and run down over my balls. She reached back and caressed them, spreading our combined cum over my sack before bringing her wet, slippery fingers to my lips. “Would you like a taste first, to see if you approve?”

“Like taste-testing a bottle of wine? What are you, my semen sommelier?” We both laughed as she rubbed her cum-coated fingers across my lips. When she pushed them into my mouth I sucked on them, biting softly as I did and eliciting a small moan from her. That apparently pushed her buttons, because she rose off of me, letting my cock slip free to fall wet and limp against my stomach. She was eager for more.

She knee-walked her way up my body, trailing a dribble of cum up my stomach and chest until she was above my face. Before I could pull her down to me and bury my tongue in her juicy sex a large dollop of my cream fell onto my chin and ran down to my throat. Wasting no more time or cum, I pulled her down to my lips; she willingly – eagerly, even – complied.

She was a steaming hot, wet, glorious mess of soft, sexy, slippery petals and hard little nubbin, and I swallowed a mouthful of our juices before I got busy on those delectable bits. I hungrily licked and sucked at her even as she began to grind herself against my lips. Apparently the sensation I’d had that I was cumming buckets wasn’t entirely off-base, because now, mixed with her juices, it was leaving her and returning to me, and it was a lot of cum. Either I’d been very turned on and had a great deal of pent up… umm… energy, or it was Fleet Week, and she’d been entertaining the troops before we’d begun. I swallowed a fair amount, but still my lips and lower face were well-coated.

With my tongue and lips doing their thing she came quickly, her writhing and contractions a delight to enjoy from my position, and shuddered through another orgasm shortly thereafter. She’d pretty much squeezed all of my cum out of herself by the time she came again a minute or so later and I seemed to get a small rush of her juices instead. It was great!

A couple more special Alli-orgasms, including a final one that made the earth move (literally, it felt like!) and she toppled off of me and slid limply to the floor, where she lay face-down, spread-eagled and panting on the carpet.

We were both spent and needed to catch our breath and relax for a moment. Ruby chose that moment to come over and see if we were done, and finally ready to give her some attention. I gave her a few gentle neck scratches and ruffled her ears, but she really wanted Alli, not me. When no signs of life appeared on that front she walked a few steps away and lay down, looking at Allison with a mournful expression.

Wondering if maybe Ruby sensed something that I was missing, I rolled over to the edge of the sofa and looked down at Alli. “You okay?”

No response. “Alli, baby, you okay?”

A muffled reply, “Mmm-hmm.”

I reached down and ran my fingers down her lower back to the swell of her ass and felt her shudder. “You sure?”

“Don’t touch me!”

“Well! That’s a fine how-do-you-do!”

“I’m a bundle of nerve endings, Davey. I think you could stroke my earlobe and make me come right now.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that!” I stretched my arm out and touched her right earlobe, the side of her face that was upward.

“God!” Her body jolted, shudders running through her. “Seriously, don’t touch me!”

I laughed softly. “So it was good for you then? I assume, anyhow…”

“You have no idea.” She was still facing away from me, her voice tired and slightly muffled, but her breathing had slowed to where she could speak in full sentences. “I don’t know why you’d ever worry about me wanting another man; there is nobody else on earth that could possibly do the things to me that you do.”

I smiled. I really liked the sound of that, even if she was merely stroking my ego. “Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Mmm-hmm. I’m so glad you don’t mind doing that after you’ve come in me. It’s incredibly intense like that, just after.”

“Don’t mind? I enjoy it! I love when you have those explosive orgasms, even if my face probably does look like a glazed donut about now.”

She turned and looked up at me and started laughing. “It definitely does, Mr. Krispy Kreme! Well, I don’t know about crispy, but definitely creamy.”

I used my shirttail to wipe away some of the damages. “Yeah, you’re kind of a mess. Not as much as you were a few minutes ago, but still…” I reached out and touched her, and this time she didn’t recoil or beg for respite, her extreme post-orgasmic sensitivity apparently waning. “I feel a nap coming on. All I need is a sexy body snuggled up against me; any suggestions?”

“Well, I suppose I could see if Michael is available…”

“Haha – but no. Not exactly what I had in mind. Get up here, you!” She rose and slid into the curve of my body, the two of us spooned tightly together on the sofa. She was warm and wet and smelled gloriously of sex, and I loved the way we fit together. “So you think Michael is sexy, huh?”

She wriggled more tightly against me before speaking. “Well, I suppose some women would think so.”

“But not you?”

“I’m some woman.”

I laughed. “That you are! So you do then? Think he’s sexy?”

“Yeah, he is. Very – but so are you, just in a different way.” I heard her take a deep breath and sigh on the exhale, her body relaxing as she melted against me.

“So I’m not sexy in a ‘built like a Greek god and hung like a horse’ kind of way then. I’m sexy in some other way?”

That earned me a giggle. “Yeah, that’s Michael all right; he is built, and his cock is huge. But you’re sexy in lots of other ways, handsome, gentle, smart, funny, loving, clever – and very, very generous as a lover.”

“Ah, yes, well… thank you. I work with what I have, and you always inspire me to new heights.”

“All done fishing for compliments now?” She reached her hand in behind her, between us, and squeezed my limp cock.

“Hmm, that feels nice! Let me think… yeah, guess I’m done for now. Thanks for the daily affirmation. I just need to be reassured from time to time that I’m good enough for you.”

“You’re too good for me… and too good to me.”

We both knew that wasn’t true, but I didn’t argue. Instead I just pulled her more tightly to me before letting my hand slide down to cup her breast. “You really want to do this book thing, huh? You enjoy doing the modeling?”

She was silent for some time before answering, and when she did she nodded. “I really do. There’s something very freeing about it, in addition to being exciting and earning me lots of money to spend on the shelter. It’s just… I don’t know. Really outside the box for me, I guess. Like I put on a whole new persona and do things very easily that I’d never in a million years imagine myself doing.”

I thought about that for a moment. She was right; the whole thing had been unlike her from the start, and taking what had begun as a simple, fun glamour photo session into what we were now contemplating… well, those were uncharted waters. I could understand how she might find it liberating, an opportunity to grow and to challenge herself to try new things. Still…

“The idea of posing naked with strangers doesn’t bother you? You used to be so modest about that kind of thing. I mean, yeah, you’ve always been hot and sexy and open and all that stuff with me, and I assume with your earlier lovers, but that’s one-on-one and in private.” I paused, but when she remained silent rushed on, “and this won’t be just Derek and his assistant with you. There will be others in many of these shots, other women probably and men for sure, from what he was saying. Naked. Aroused, if what I heard is true.”

Her hand, which had been gently fondling my cock – to the point that I was beginning to harden again – went still, just gripping me. “Is it going to make you get all weird and upset if I say I’m looking forward to that?”

“Umm, I don’t know. Are you?”

“Yes, very much. Are you upset?”

I thought about it. “Upset… no, not really. Not angry or anything either.”


I sighed. “Maybe, a little. Confused mostly, I think. Are you not happy with our love life? With us?”

“Ohh, honey! I’m extremely happy with us, and content, and as far as our love life I think anything more might just kill me. Don’t ever think otherwise. It’s actually you and your love that’s given me the confidence I need to tackle this project. You always make me feel so beautiful and desirable. You have from the moment we met, the way you tripped over your own tongue…” she giggled.

I laughed. “Yeah, thanks. I’m not always at my best around astonishingly beautiful women.”

“It was sweet, and very endearing. And flattering, in an innocent and clumsy sort of way. It made me fall in love with you almost right from that moment.”

“So, my plan worked to perfection.”

She laughed again. “It did; very diabolical.” She released her grip on my half-hard cock, then leaned forward and picked up the “Couples” book from the coffee table before snuggling back into the curve of my body, her sweet ass pressed firmly to my somewhat-swollen, semi-erect sex. She flipped through it quickly, holding it where we could both see the pages, before stopping at a black and white photo of a middle-aged white couple.

The man – large, muscular, Mediterranean-looking, his head and genitalia clean-shaven and his skin tone somewhat darker than that of the woman – was standing, arms folded across his chest. The woman, a small, pale-skinned brunette, her mound also smooth, was seated at his feet, her legs folded beneath her. It was a submissive pose, not unlike the one Alli had assumed with me a short time earlier on Derek’s orders. One of her hands rested on her own thigh while her other arm was wrapped around his brawny leg. Her head rested against the bulging muscles of his thigh, eyes staring into the camera lens, while her fingertips lightly supported the underside of his heavy, bulging scrotum. Like me, he was semi-erect, his big cock thick and solid.

Alli gazed at it for a moment, and I felt a tiny shudder run through her body. I stated the obvious. “You like that shot.”

She nodded. “Yes. I find it incredibly sexy… sensual. Something about it goes straight to my libido.”

“What will you do if Derek asks you to pose like that, touching some stranger’s junk?”

“I’ll get very wet, I’m sure.”

I snorted. “Yeah, I have no doubt… not exactly what I was asking, however. Would you do it?”

“Yes, if we agree to me doing this project I think that will need to be understood; I’ll almost certainly be put in situations similar to this.”

“Yeah, and that’s the part that bothers me, well, that and Derek and his controlling attitude, of course.”

She sighed. “You don’t have to worry about him and his control issues; I told you that. He’s the boss, because he’s the one signing the checks, and I’ll do what’s asked of me, within reason. I’m not going to do anything that would damage us. Don’t you trust me?”

I hadn’t thought of it from that perspective, but in doing so I could see how she might view my trepidation as a lack of trust. “That’s not it, Allison. Of course I trust you, and I guess I’m slowly getting comfortable with the idea of you dealing with Derek, doing this posing for him. Still, though, you’ll be touching other men in intimate ways, I’m sure, and they’ll be doing the same with you. Surely you can understand how I might take umbrage at that.”

She giggled. “Umbrage? Seriously? Will it also raise your ire and cause you a fit of pique?”

I laughed; I couldn’t help it. She had taken a tense moment and turned it on its head with her comment. “Alright, alright; I take your point. You doing that kind of photo will make me jealous. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Well, at least I know what to do with that. I had no idea how to get you past ‘umbrage’.” She wriggled against me. “Davey, jealous is okay. I’d be jealous too if the shoe was on the other foot, I’m sure; if you were in intimate poses like this, with sexy women touching you. But it’s a photo shoot; they’re not engaging in foreplay leading up to sex, and we won’t be either. All we’d be doing is moving from one pose to the next, and then the next, with a photographer giving us direction and probably an assistant or two in the room handling lights and other equipment. It couldn’t be any less romantic.”

“Who mentioned romance? She’s fondling his balls, her nipples are stiff, and he’s well on the way to a raging hardon. Romance, arousal and sex can go very nicely together, but they don’t have to… obviously.”

She paused for a moment, and then acknowledged my point. “Well, yes, they do appear to be aroused… umm, let’s look at a different example.”

She flipped several pages randomly before opening the book to a different plate, this one an interracial couple and in color. It was taken more or less from the black male’s point of view, from above his head; he was lying on his back, one arm up and his head resting on it. He was looking toward his feet, but there was a slender redhead sitting on his thighs, facing him. She was quite pretty, fair-skinned and lightly freckled, her eyes stunningly blue, and her pale pink nipples were hard and puckered on her full breasts as she leaned forward over him.

He was looking down at her as she simply held him, his impressively large package, flaccid cock, heavy balls and all, just cupped in her hands. Her sex was visible beyond, open for business, smooth and pink between her legs, but was not the focal point of the image; instead the artist had skillfully used a large enough lens aperture to slightly blur both foreground and background, which included her body above her forearms and the man’s head and upper body, down to his abdomen. By allowing much of their anatomy to remain slightly out of focus he had directed attention to the only clear, sharply-focused portion of the photo which was the center, the man’s lower stomach to upper thighs, the woman’s forearms and face as she leaned forward, and her hands reverently holding his sex.

The contrasts were stark almost to the point of being startling, which had no doubt also been intentional. Her fair, smooth pale skin, lightly freckled, contrasted to his very dark tones, his coarse skin covered in many places with small black hairs; her slender, fine-boned build compared to his bulky, muscular physique; her delicate smooth sex, visible though out-of-focus, contrasted to his thick, heavy, almost exaggerated male organs, bristling with short, black, curly pubic hair; and her long, glistening red hair to his smooth, shiny pate.

Again though, the focus of the photo drew the eye back to center; his thick, dark cock and heavy balls in her small hands, her slender fingers slightly cupped around him. She supported his heavy scrotum in one hand, utterly filling it, while the other was cupped beneath his thick shaft, which drooped a few inches past the edge of her palm, the bulbous tip just barely peeking out from within his fleshy foreskin. The contrasts in color and size were so stark there, between small, pale hands and huge, dark genitals, that the rest of the contrasts seemed almost superfluous. It was a strange picture, erotic yet somehow slightly disturbing; sexual, yet innocent.

I wasn’t at all sure why Alli had chosen this page on which to pause, and I craned my neck slightly to look at her.

“You know, that’s one of the reasons I’ve always heard that it’s good to date a woman with small hands; it makes your dick look bigger.”

She laughed. “I think his would look pretty big regardless. That’s a really impressive package.”

“Yeah, thanks for noticing. You like this picture?”

“I do, but that’s not why. I just think it’s so… I don’t know. Minimalist, maybe? It’s so stark and simple, but something about it stirs me. I think it’s incredibly erotic, but there’s no sex involved, and it doesn’t even look like he’s at all aroused.”

She was right; his cock lay entirely flaccid in her hand. I shrugged before saying, “No, I guess not. Touching intimate bits, of course, but no sex. Truth is, though, I wouldn’t be any more comfortable with you posing like this with some dude, even if his cock isn’t hard at that particular moment. It’s still very intimate, and very sexual.”

“But she’s just touching his body, not doing anything really sexual. It’s no different than touching his arm, or his head.”

I laughed. “I don’t know about that! If somebody grabs me by the arm I don’t really think anything of it, but if somebody walks up and grabs me by the balls we’re looking at a whole new ballgame… so to speak.”

“You’re cute,” she said, laughing. “I guess that’s true, but she’s just holding him in her hands, not fondling him.”

“Yeah. Nonetheless…”

She flipped to a different picture, moving just a single page this time. It was the same couple, the black guy and the fair-skinned redhead, this time standing back-to-back. He was enough taller than her – her head didn’t even reach his shoulder – that his ass fit into the curve of her lower spine and her pretty little bottom fit in beneath the swell of his muscular ass, against the back of his thighs; it was as though the curves of their bodies were designed to fit together. He was massively larger than her in both height and bulk, and the overall effect of the picture was one of contrasts; masculine contrasted to feminine, black to white, large to small, even sheer power to nimble grace.

Both were naked, but there was nothing overtly sexual about the photo; his cock hung limp in the profile view, drooping over the swell of his balls, their arms were at their sides, and the only place they touched was backs and butts. Her breasts were lovely, and her nipples appeared to be erect, but that may have been their normal state – or it could have been cold in the room, although it didn’t seem to be having the usual deleterious effect on him.

Alli held the book in front of me. “How about this one? Is this too sexual too?”

“I don’t see anything really objectionable to that. I mean they’re nude, sure, but nobody is fondling anybody or rubbing their juicy parts together.” She laughed, and I went on, “It’s about as innocent as you can get with a nude man and woman in the same shot, isn’t it?”

“So you wouldn’t object to me posing like this?”

“I guess not. I mean, it’s really not even all that erotic to me.”

She turned and looked at me. “Really? I think it’s very erotic.”

“Probably because it reminds you of Michael, you think? Hell, that could almost be you and Michael, the way they match up and contrast.”

“Oh, no, not really! I’m taller than her and my hair is darker, and Michael is much bigger than this guy.”

I squeezed her. “Oh, you noticed that, huh?”

“Not that,” she laughed. “Well, yeah, that too, but that’s not what I was talking about. Michael is taller and more muscular than this guy, bigger through the shoulders and chest. And he’s also better looking and his skin is a prettier color… to me, at least. And yes, silly man, Michael’s cock is bigger too.”

“So you’re saying that if you were posing like this with Michael, you’d be pretty turned on.”

She thought for a moment before replying, whether to consider if she’s be aroused or not or to decide what to say in order to not press my jealous buttons, I wasn’t sure. “Yes, I think I would. I don’t think I could be around him naked, either or both of us naked, that is, and not be aroused.”

“Well, at least that’s an honest answer. Thank you.” She wriggled her butt against my groin, giving another little push to my growing cock as another thought occurred to me. “You wanna know something funny? If it was Michael you were posing with it probably wouldn’t bother me, any of these poses, really.”

“Really? Why is that? You seemed kind of jealous of him after the party.”

“Well, yeah, but we worked it out. We’re friends, and I trust him with you, and you with him. Plus, you’ve already touched each other at the party. You even had his cock in your mouth for a minute there.”

“It was a few seconds, not a minute! And you were doing your fair share of groping and being groped too, buster.”

“No, I know. I wasn’t criticizing, I was just saying that since you’d had prior contact with him, and he’s a friend, it wouldn’t seem quite so, uhh, you know…”

She laughed. “You silver-tongued devil. It wouldn’t seem quite so what? Slutty? Sexual? Nasty, illicit, dirty, wanton…”

“Umm… I was actually going to say threatening. You know I’d never call you slutty or nasty or some of those other things, except maybe jokingly. But threatening, yeah. To me… to us, actually.”

“You’d find me posing naked with other men threatening? To us?”

“Yeah, a little. It’s a very intimate thing.”

“Oh, Davey! You’re my intimate thing! I don’t give a damn about anybody that Derek might hire to pose; the rest of this is just a job, a way to make some pretty easy money without busting my ass to do it.”

“Well, I do love your ass; I’d hate to see it get broken. It is already cracked, though…”

That one earned me a good laugh from her, and it eased the tension a bit. “You’re a goof. I find it amazing that you’d be worried about any of these other guys, who we don’t even know, but you’d be okay with me posing with Michael.” She paused for a moment, a thought occurring to her. “You know, I wonder if he’d do it. I mean, he is built like a Greek god, like we said; surely Derek could find a way to use him in some pictures, at least.”

It was my turn for a hearty belly-laugh. “Michael? Yeah, right! He’d cut off his left nut before he’d pose naked for pictures, especially for a guy like Derek.”

“Oh, I don’t know. He doesn’t spend all those hours in the gym sculpting that physique so that he can be ashamed of it and keep it hidden away.”

She had a point – and truth was, he was never particularly shy about taking his shirt off and had been totally at ease naked in front of the group at the hot tub party. Way more so than I had been. Still… “I can’t see him posing for Derek though. That guy just gives off a bad vibe.”

“I like him, and he’s incredibly talented.”

“Yeah, apparently women can’t sense what a sleaze he is. Guys can though, and Michael would.”

“Is that your special spider sense that only men have?”


“If male’s spider sense is so keen, why is it that the female spider often eats the male after mating? Maybe guys should be saving those finely-tuned senses for more important things.”

“Maybe so, but really we don’t care, as long as we don’t get eaten before mating. I mean, you know, except in the fun way.”

She laughed again. “Sad, but probably true. You actually kind of like the idea of me posing with Michael, don’t you?”

“Well, let’s just say that I mind it less, and one thing, if Derek tried anything with you Michael would squash him like a bug. Still though, not sure I can accurately say I like it.”

She wiggled her ass against me again. “Feels to me like you really like it. Ever since we started talking about me and Michael together you’ve gotten harder and harder. You’re hard as a rock, Davey.”

I was aware of that particular barometer of my sexual fantasies; I just hadn’t realized that she was keeping such a close watch on it as well. “Well, actually, as long as we’re being truthful, yes. The idea of you posing with him, knowing you’re attracted to him and how horny that would make you… I do kind of like that, at least as a fantasy. Is that weird?”

“I don’t think so. I think it’s very sexy, and anyhow, we did have that talk with him and Marci about swapping and playing sometime, so we’re really not venturing very far afield here, are we?”

“I suppose not. We do have to make a decision on that at some point and get back to them, you know.” Talking about the possibility of swapping or playing with them did nothing to ease my arousal, and I moved a bit, sliding my cock against her. “It would seem that I’m not the only horny one on this sofa. You’re dripping wet, my love.”

“That’s mostly you, stud. You did just come in me a little while ago, and even though you were a gentleman and cleaned a lot of it up, there’s still more.”

I ran my hand slowly down her taut tummy until I could slip my fingers between those slippery lips; she was absolutely soaked, hot and cum-filled. “Mmm, lovely! I’ll take some of the blame, but that’s certainly not all me.”

“No, it’s not. A lot of it is me. You know, as long as you’re so hard I wouldn’t mind if you slipped it back in, and I know how much you love sloppy seconds…”

I didn’t need to be asked twice! I maneuvered a little until I freed my cock from where it was pressed against her slippery bottom, and then used my fingers to guide myself into her. She was hot and tight and so very slick, and I pushed all the way in to her in one long, slow slide. She felt amazing inside, so very welcoming and snug, and her body formed to me perfectly as I felt a final gush of my semen squeeze out of her and run down my balls and groin.

She was certainly right about how much I enjoyed sloppy seconds, and I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations of our bodies moving together. One advantage of second time around is that I can last longer under almost any circumstances; an advantage of the first time having come inside of her is that all of that extra lubrication and the fact that she is slightly pre-stretched reduces the friction of the second enough that I can usually go on and on. So that’s what we did.

We made long, slow love, almost gentle, my cock sliding in and out of her in the rich coating of our combined cream. We whispered things to each other and reveled in the closeness, enjoying a tender, almost casual fuck. Our hands wandered and explored, using the time to touch and feel and enjoy every sensation we could.

I played with her hard nipples until she was gasping and writhing, and I felt her fingers on my shaft, feeling my slick hardness and lightly caressing me as I moved in and out of her body. I think she was enjoying the extra sensation of feeling me slide into her, and I placed my hand atop hers, allowing me to experience the same sensation.

I eventually moved my fingers to her sensitive little pebble and stroked it lightly until she came, and when she continued to move and make sounds like she needed another we did it again. Eventually, after we’d been moving together for quite some time, she reached the point where she wanted to feel me come inside of her again – and she knew exactly how to quickly accomplish that goal.

She reached back a bit until she was cupping my balls in her hand and allowed her fingers to roam and explore that sensitive place just behind them, near my asshole. She knows what that does to me, and it didn’t take long for her to bring my pot to a boil. I groaned and thrust into her in an incredibly intense and satisfying release, my cock rock-hard as it jerked and spasmed with each rush of fluid that I pumped into her. It was almost painfully intense, right on the cusp, and I ground out a wincing, teeth-clenched, “God almighty!” as I crashed through my orgasm.

Feeling me pumping and throbbing inside of her got her off one last time as well, as it often does. After, we lay there exhausted, gasping for air as our hearts slowly returned to a normal rhythm. We just held each other, not speaking, until eventually my erection faded and I slipped out of her.

We were gloriously wet and messy and reeked of sex, so we went up and showered together, which involved a lot of touching and stroking, and then we got dressed and went out to dinner – just the local Applebee’s, dependably good but nothing special. We were seated almost immediately, as it was after the dinner rush, and after we’d ordered we had a chance to talk over drinks.

Mostly we talked about Derek, and about Alli’s plans to pose for his book project. Although we hadn’t really agreed that she was going to go ahead with it, as we talked I could hear the enthusiasm and excitement in her voice and began to realize that she was viewing our decision as a fait accompli. I tried to bring her back to earth.

“Babe, we kind of left the ball in his court. He needs to get back to us with a contract and a model release. I sincerely doubt that it’s going to be something we can agree to without some serious negotiation.”

She shrugged before responding, “No, I know, but you’re a great negotiator, so I know you’ll get it worked out.”

Well aware that there are times when the differences in deals are just too great to overcome, I tried to lower her expectations a bit. “We’ll see. There will be some things that I’ll insist on that might be tough for him to accept, and vice-versa, I’m sure. We’ll find out how much of a horse trader he is pretty quick.”

“Such as?”

“Such as what am I going to insist on, you mean?” She nodded, and I went on, “Well, one thing I’m going to demand is right-of-first-refusal; basically veto power over him using any photos I don’t approve first. From the sound of what he said, he’ll be taking hundreds of shots, if not thousands, and some of those may show you in ways that we wouldn’t want anyone else to see.”

She seemed puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Babe, you’re going to be naked with horny guys! When he’s busy clicking away, some of the shots may end up looking like you’re getting fucked or something even when you’re not! I don’t want those out there, that’s just porn.”

I realized that I’d said that a bit emphatically, my voice perhaps too loud, and she looked around self-consciously, blushing, before she replied, “Oh, I don’t think he wants any photos like that!”

“Then giving me the right to shoot them down shouldn’t be an issue for him.”

She reached across and took my hand. “Honey, he’s not going to agree to that; no artist would, they can’t have someone censoring them after the fact. That would kill the whole project right there, I think.”

My turn to shrug. “Maybe; we’ll find out how bad he wants you, I guess.”

She was silent for several seconds, unhappy that I was apparently willing to nix the deal over that one detail. That’s how it works, though, if there are non-negotiable deal points. Finally she sighed. “I suppose you’re right. I sure could make good use of the twenty-thousand dollars though.”

I leaned back and looked at her. “Twenty grand? He’s offering you that much? Did he say what that would entail?” I was aware that professional models, the ones at the top of the profession, made huge money, but that’s usually for big commercial accounts. I’d figured maybe Alli might get as much as five thousand, maybe ten for Derek’s little project, but knew that if he’d tossed out a number like twenty he was undoubtedly prepared to pay more.

“He said that it would probably be about three weeks of work, but long days, ten hours or more per day, maybe.”

That was a lot of work, but still, he’d opened with a number that was almost seven grand per week. “I don’t get it; this is a private project, and he still has to pay the other models too. How can he pay that much?”

“He says it’s a prestige thing for him, to build his reputation and get his name out there. He thinks he may get to do some gallery shows with some of these photos, and book-signings, maybe even sell some limited editions to collectors. And besides, he’s only paying the other models scale, because he doesn’t need anyone in particular. He says I’m the star!” She grinned in delight as she said that, and I laughed. I could tell she was very flattered by his desire to create an entire photo book around her.

“Well, you are certainly my star, the one at the center of my universe. You do realize that’s his opening bid, right? That he’s willing and able to pay quite a bit more?”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yup. Unless he’s a moron, and I don’t think he is.”

“Wow! I could do everything I’ve ever dreamed of with my shelter! I could probably even bring in a full-time assistant. A paid one!”

I laughed at her excitement, and the way her generous and kind heart shines through when she talks about her animals. “That you could, my love.”

“Oh, this is so great! I’m glad you’re helping me with this, I know you’ll look out for me.” She paused for a moment, her excitement dimmed, obviously thinking about the sticking point I’d mentioned. Eventually she said, “How about this; instead of you getting to veto the photos, we ask him to let me have the final say? He already knows that you’re going to be difficult, that you and he have kind of a confrontational thing going on, a rivalry, but he thinks he has me kissing his feet. He will think he can get anything past me, but we know that’s not true.”

I thought about that; she was right that he would never give me censorship rights, but he might just agree to Allison approving the photos, just to get on with the project. Before I could speak, she continued, “You might open up by saying you want to be able to refuse certain photos, but when he objects, and he will, you know, then toss me out as an alternative, like you’re giving in.”

“That’s a textbook definition of how to negotiate to get what you want.” I laughed in amazement. “You, my dear, are not only gorgeous, you’re brilliant too! Maybe I should let you hammer out this whole deal.”

She shook her head, smiling. “No, that’s your field. It makes my head hurt to even think about it.”

“Well, I don’t want your head hurting, that’s for sure. That plan can work though, assuming you also don’t want any pornographic pictures of you showing up in public venues.”

She smiled. “Of course I don’t. I save all of my pornographic moments to share with you and you alone.”

“Well, except at certain hot tub parties, of course…”

She blushed instantly, giggling. “Well, I did share that with you, just not with you alone. You loved it though, and you know it!”

“It was definitely a fun night, no denying that. You got a bit wild, which was a surprise, but it was a turn-on. Who knew?”

She giggled again. “I did, or at least I was pretty sure. I had fun, and I’m glad you did too. I’m hoping that maybe the process of doing this book will make for some more fun moments.”

Before I could ask her to elaborate on that our food arrived. We dropped the subject entirely as we ate and more or less forgot about it. Later, at home, we devoted some much-needed time to Ruby, who had been a total sweetheart through our lovemaking and all, waiting patiently until we were free to take care of the most important thing – her! We stroked and talked to her, tossed her ball back and forth, and generally spoiled her rotten for much of the time between dinner and bed.

We both went along on her nightly walk, an unusual occurrence which she took note of and enjoyed. We went to bed thinking maybe we’d have one more romp, but it turned out we were both tired and sexually satiated, and we fell asleep with Ruby curled up between our feet, warm and content.

We didn’t hear anything back from Derek right away, and after awhile it moved to the back of my mind as I was preoccupied with work issues. I’m sure Alli thought more about it than I did, but I was more accustomed to putting the contractual ball in the opponent’s court and waiting for the return volley; nothing for me to do until then, so no need to waste any time thinking about it.

It had been a Friday evening when Derek had been at the house and Alli and I had enjoyed the subsequent evening of arousal and pleasure. It was a week later, the following Friday morning as I was getting out of my car, that I’d seen Michael pull up in front of the office to drop off Marci. I walked over to say hi, and the three of us stood near their car for a few moments, chatting.

They invited me to join them for lunch and I accepted – so, of course, a little after ten o’clock that morning my phone rang and it turned out to be Derek. He had put together an initial contract and wanted to know if we could meet over lunch to discuss it. I explained that I had lunch plans already, but asked him to hold on a moment while I checked something.

I put him on hold and stuck my head out the door of my office. “Hey, Marce, I’ve got Derek on the phone, and he had a contract he wants to talk to me about. Can I get a raincheck on lunch with you guys?”

She looked up from her computer. “Is this the same Derek that takes pictures of your naked wife?”

“Not naked, Marci… usually, anyway. But yeah it is. Why?”

“Why don’t you just ask him to join us? Alli says he’s kind of a hunk, and that way I could judge for myself.”

I laughed. “Slutpuppy… and with your significant other sitting right there, too! You sure that’s going to be okay?”

She waved off my concerns. “Oh, of course – I don’t bitch when Michael ogles the ladies and he doesn’t complain if I mentally undress the guys, as long as I only physically undress him. Ask the hunk to join us.”

“As long as you’re sure.” I started to turn away, but paused. “Did Alli really say he’s a hunk?”

She laughed. “I wondered if that was going to get past you. Yes, she did, but she said he’s not nearly as cute and sexy as you, and without even meeting him I know that’s true.”

“Sure she did, but thanks. Chubby’s around 11:30 gonna be okay?”

“Perfect, I’ll let Michael know. Hey, if I can catch a ride with you, he can just meet us there.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know why not, we’re both here. I’ll see if Derek is interested.” I did, and he was. He hesitated momentarily, but his desire to move ahead with his project won out. That’s one more thing you should never reveal to the person across the table in a negotiation; eagerness. I filed it away for future reference.

Published 9 years ago

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