“Okay. Where we going then?”
“Not us, me and the girls.”
“Ermm, okay, any reason I’m not invited?”
“On a girls’ night out? I think the clue is in the title.”
I felt between my legs, looked at Tina and said, “Sorry, dear, my crystals aren’t working properly, you just said ‘we are going out, you and the girls’, no mention of a girls’ night out, I thought you meant our girls. Anyway, I thought that was last week?” It wasn’t unusual for Tina to go out with her girlfriends, but it was usually once a month, around the second or third week. It was also not unknown for them to go out more than once, but this was usually a special occasion and with plenty of notice.
“Sooo…who, when, where, how, why?”
“The usual crowd, Friday, not really your concern, probably by cab as I’m sure there will be plenty booze involved, it’s a special night being arranged by Diane for Abbie’s fortieth.”
“What if I had a surprise planned?”
“When was the last time you surprised me?”
“Actually, only a couple of months ago, remember, the film followed by dinner and dancing.”
“Sorry.” At least she had the decency to look sheepish.
“And not my concern? Really?” Tina nodded her head, but as the conversation had gone on she looked less and less sure of herself.
“Of course it’s my concern! You’re my wife, what if something happens? And why is it an issue, it’s never been a problem before.”
Tina’s shoulders slumped and she dropped onto the sofa behind her looking defeated. I sat next to her, taking her hand in one and putting my arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer to me.
“Hey, what’s the matter? What’s brought this on?”
Tina looked up at me with her beautiful eyes, such a pale blue they would appear grey at times. One of the things that had drawn me into her clutches were her eyes; they usually shone and when she smiled it extended all the way to them and it was like a lighthouse illuminating the void between you and giving you a safe path home into her arms. But now, the shine was gone and there was no smile and without any other clues, her whole face projected sadness. She studied a spot on the carpet for a while, then looked back at me and I saw something I had last seen twenty-something years ago.
We had been going out for a little while and had I managed to get hold of tickets to see The Cranberries. Tina had been so excited, then just a week before said she couldn’t make it. When I asked her why and she hesitated to give a decent reason, I tried to dig a bit more. I’d spent a lot of money especially for a student and done a lot of running around to get the tickets, I felt I was justified an explanation. She reacted much the same; there was that same sadness but it was followed by an angry fire.
“You don’t own me!”
“I’m not saying I do, it’s just the time and money involved it would be nice to at least have an idea of why.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“It’s not about trust or ownership, I thought you might at least have respected the effort I put in to get them. You know what, don’t worry, I’m sure I can find someone to go. Let me know if you change your mind.”
I refused to contact her, then a week later I got a call. “You took Jane?!”
“Nope. Why couldn’t you go?”
“Why is she going on about going to the concert with the ticket she got from you?”
“Because she did. What is this all about, Tina?”
“You know damn well! I thought we were a couple, you’ve not called me all week then I find out you went out with Jane.”
“I thought we were a couple too, how about we exchange explanations?”
There was silence on the phone. I really don’t know what was going through her head and right up until recently could not understand what the big deal was. I’m still not a hundred percent sure, but she finally spoke up.
“I was with Paula and her sister and some of her friends. It was her sister’s hen party. I knew it was coming up and had promised I would go with Paula months ago as she didn’t know any of her sister’s friends very well. It was only after you had the tickets that Paula then gave me the date. I really didn’t know how to explain it to you, all I could imagine was you not wanting to have anything to do with me.”
I could hear her choking up at the other end as she finished. Her answer had explained nothing to me and I felt almost as angry as I had when she’d first cancelled, so I was a little sarcastic.
“How’s that working out for you?” Okay, maybe a bit more than a little.
She burst into tears and hung up. About thirty minutes later there was a gentle knocking at the door and when I opened it Tina was stood there. Her strawberry blonde hair was a mess, her eyes bloodshot with dark rings around them and when I asked her in, she threw her five-foot-two-inch body at me. I carried her into the living room and sat in my chair with her in my lap.
“Wanna talk about it?” I asked; she just nodded her head.
“What was the big deal about telling me?”
“I thought when I told you, you would want to stop me going or dump me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“It was a hen party, there was going to be, there was drinking and strippers, I…”
“You thought I would think you would get carried away? Do something with them? Why would I think that, like I said, I trust you. Is there any reason I should change my mind?”
“Noooo,” she wailed, burying her head in my shoulder.
“So, no big deal, just another girls’ night out? Did anything happen with any of the others that might fail a boyfriend test?” She found that spot on the carpet that she so loves. No matter where we have lived, what room we are in, she always has her spot with her. That spot is for when she is trying to work stuff out, be it what to say or what to do; sometimes she uses it just to delay answering to put me off pursuing and if it’s of no importance to me, she knows I’ll let it drop.
“It’s okay. That’s between them and their conscience. Guess you want to know about my night?” She nodded. “Jane asked about the concert and when I said you couldn’t go, she asked if I had anyone else to take.”
I felt Tina tensing up, so asked, “I’ve been remiss, would you like a drink?”
This earnt me a very sore nipple; she always had a vicious grip and when she got really pissed off, a look that could melt steel. “Okay, okay,” I said, putting my hands up to protect myself.
“Did you know Jane’s sister loves The Cranberries?” A shake of the head from Tina.
“It’s also her birthday next week. Did Jane tell you what a great time her sister had and how over the moon she was that Jane had got hold of the tickets?”
She had her head down and hands in her lap; she knew she’d jumped to just the conclusions I had laid out for her. I gave her a minute of thought before starting to tickle her and she threw her arms around my neck and burst into tears. While holding her tight I said, “I know, I was a shit and led you down a false trail, but it did hurt that you wouldn’t tell me, it hurt today too when you told me why. I don’t think I’m that shallow or jealous, I’d like to think I’m pretty easygoing within my boundaries and even open-minded about stretching them.”
“Oh, you are, you are, I’m so sorry, I was just scared, I knew I wouldn’t do anything and should have known to trust you and I don’t know why, but it just, I don’t know, I’m sorry, I’m just…” before dissolving into tears again. If I wrote what she said as she had said it, there would be no punctuation, no capitals and no spaces; it just came out as a single blur of words.
I gave her a couple more minutes, then lifted her chin and looked her in those beautiful blue-grey eyes and said, “It’s okay, we learn and we move on.” I then leant forward and kissed her gently on her nose and when I saw the smile returning to her eyes, before it got to her mouth, I leant forward again and kissed her lips pressing softly, lovingly before pulling her into a tight hug. After we had sat there for a while and I felt her after-sobs slowing down too, I lifted her up and carried her to my bedroom. I laid her on the bed and slipped in behind her spooning against her tiny frame and held her tight.
“I love you,” she said; this had been her first declaration when we weren’t in the throes or afterglow of sex, what I call the first time for real. Things said in the build-up or coming down from sex are questionable at best in my mind, and no promises made, count.
I let it hang for a couple of seconds and pulled her a little tighter before nuzzling into her ear and whispering, “I know. Shall we order some pizza?”
“You are such a bastard!”
“Just one of the many things you love about me.” I got up and trotted down the stairs, got the leaflet from the drawer and called the pizza company. Oh, the world before widespread internet, smartphones and apps. As I walked back into the bedroom, Tina was just standing up in front of the bed. I walked up to her and hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. I then pushed her back onto the bed and straddled her, holding her wrists down, my face about six inches from hers.
I said, “Tina Mary Croft, I know you love me, you’ve loved me since before all this shit kicked off. That is why it hurt me that you didn’t trust my reaction. But worse than that, I have loved you since our first date and when we kissed I knew I was with someone special. Doesn’t mean I won’t put you over my knee if ever you pull a stunt like this again.”
“Promises, promises,” she said as she pulled me down and we kissed with more passion than we ever had before.
We were married a little over a year later and had two beautiful girls by our third anniversary. They are both now attending university; although it might appear they are adults and have left the nest, that’s just wishful thinking. If we don’t visit once a term and call once a week we soon hear from our babies again, and come the holidays they are both back to stay.
And this is where we are: the spring holiday. The girls have both come home and so I felt justified thinking that the ‘girls’ night out’ was Tina, Michelle and Claire, poor stupid husband with the faulty crystal balls.
Drawing her close so her head was rested on my chest, I put my chin on top of her head and said, “Let me guess, Diane has arranged a stripper or knowing Diane, two?”
Tina shook her head. “Not really, but close. She’s arranging tickets to a hen night at the Palace Theatre. It won’t be just us, but there will be strippers, quite a few from what I hear.”
“Okay, so we’re here again? Only this time the boyfriend rules are husband rules. Do you have any intention of breaking them? Do you think any of the others will and encourage you to? What really are your concerns?”
Tina looked up at me and then pulled her phone out and after fiddling about for a bit pulled up a video that she showed me. I must admit, I burst out laughing when I saw what it was. Her look changed from concern to confusion as she asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Bear with me,” I smirked, but when I got no reaction from her, I said “Bear?” Still nothing. I thought with a smile, mid-forties and still so naïve, it was lovely in many ways, but then the penny dropped about how potentially dangerous it could be. I fiddled about on my tablet for a bit and turned on the television. After clicking through a few links, I found what I was looking for and cast it onto the TV, telling Tina to not say anything, just watch carefully. After the video was over–it was only fifteen minutes long–I said, “Notice anything?”
Tina shook her head and said, “No, what was I supposed to see?”
“Watch their wrists.”
Part way through the second viewing Michelle appeared from the kitchen and sat down. “Dancing Bear?” she said. “Really? You know these are all a setup?”
Both of us looked at her and I grinned and nodded as I looked over Tina at my eldest. “Mind you,” Michelle went on, “some of them have some meaty cocks on them!”
I nearly choked as I burst into laughter then tried to stop myself. Tina, while elbowing me hard in my ribs barked out, “Michelle Evans! That is no way to talk!”
“Ooh, the full name, you really are in trouble,” I laughed, which earned me another elbow. “She is twenty, dear, I’m sure if not she, but others use far more ‘descriptive’ language at uni. However, Chelle,” I continued, looking over at her again, “I think time and place and in front of your mother is never either.”
Michelle just smiled and nodded, “So, why are you two watching porn this early in the evening?”
“Long story,” I replied, “that you’ll probably never know in full. But as you’re here would you like to enlighten your mother about these shows?”
Michelle held up her hands, got up and grabbed her drink and said, “S’okay, I’ll leave that down to you. I think I’ll go and get dinner started.” At which point she returned to the kitchen with a huge grin on her face. Tina was looking at me expectantly, so I restarted the video.
“Watch the wrists of the women that get involved,” I said. “Notice how the ones that do, have certain coloured wristbands on? And while they wave their cocks at most of the women, it is only those with wristbands on that they push. Sure, some of the others, after some alcohol and in the atmosphere, might get carried away and join in, the only ones that are expected to are those with the right colour wristband.”
“Oh!” was Tina’s response, then, “but there are two colours that get involved?”
“If we could find the continuation of this one, you’ll find that they possibly start fucking,”
“Language!!” I heard from the kitchen, followed by a snigger.
With a smile, I continued, “And when they do, that will be only one colour wristband probably, at least bareback. If you see rubbers or a different colour wristband, then chances are it’s alcohol again, or the slut gene.”
“Slut gene? What about the women with wristbands?” asked Tina.
“As far as I understand, the ones that get fu–MADE LOVE TO–bareback are part of the team, they are paid just the same as the strippers to hype up the atmosphere. If the guys get lucky, fine, but most important is a room full of drunk amped-up women who are likely to tip a lot. As for the blow jobs, I think women can sign up to do that, but not having been to one, all the info I have is from the ever truthful internet.”
“Why do you know all this?”
I opened my eyes wide and looked at her with my best madman look and said, “I’m not afraid to go down the rabbit hole. You start by looking up one thing, then something in that triggers a question, so you look up that, a few searches later you are finding out how a bunch of strippers consistently gets blowjobs from different women at different events. Then, if you look at a few of these videos, you’ll start to see some familiar faces turning up a few times.”
“Seriously? I thought Michelle was kidding! Anyway, dinner’s ready.” This was Claire, our younger daughter. I had forgotten to clear the TV, so I did and we adjourned to the kitchen and sat down and ate. As we were finishing and clearing the dishes, Claire asked, “Why the porn?”
I looked at Tina, who looked sheepish, so spoke up, “Diane is organising tickets to one of these events for Abbie’s fortieth and your mum can’t decide if she wants to go or not.” Both girls piped up that she should; it would be fun and interesting to know how they actually operated when you got there. Once the kitchen was cleared and we went back to the living room, the subject was forgotten. We put on a film, broke out some drinks and relaxed for the rest of the night. However, when we got to bed, Tina cuddled up to me and started kissing my neck.
I pushed her back saying, “You know the rules: if it’s said between foreplay and afterglow, it doesn’t count. If you’ve got something to say, say it now before I ravage you, you horny little minx!”
Giggling, Tina said, “Would you really not mind me going?”
“Again, you know the rules, don’t do anything you would be ashamed to tell me or would break our boundaries, but look, enjoy and have a laugh with your friends. I do want to know dates and at least approximate times.”
“And location?”
“The Palace, you already told me.”
“Oh yes, thank you, you know I love you!”
“I do and I love you too. It does make me smile that you still get so nervous about telling me stuff like this. I love you and trust you but I’ve never owned you. You’re an adult, you can make choices for yourself, I only ask that you take certain things and dates into account, other than that, it’s your call. And if it goes tits-up, it’s also your responsibility. Now, come here!”
I pulled her on top of me, kissing her deeply, licking her lips. As she opened her mouth to accept my tongue, I refused to put it in, teasing the tip of hers as she pushed it out to me. I broke off and kissed her cheek then worked down past her jaw to her neck, nuzzling into the soft spot between her collarbone and shoulder. My hands had worked down her back, giving a gentle back massage until I was holding her firm cheeks in each hand. I pulled her in, grinding against her pubic bone, pulling her cheeks apart and working my fingers between them until I was pressing against her tail bone.
This had the desired response; she arched her back pushing herself against my erection and lifting her chest off mine. Her beautiful 32B boobs were presented to me and even after over twenty years of marriage, I never tired of the sight of them and could never resist them. I bought my free hand up and started to cup and knead one while I leant forward to kiss and nibble the other. Firmly I worked both of her boobs, caressing, stroking, kneading on one, kissing and nibbling the other, but on neither was I touching her nipple. All the while I was moving two fingers around on her tail bone, pushing her forward onto my crotch. Tina moved to the side a little and spread her legs slightly, pushing one between mine and straddling one of my legs before continuing to grind against me.
She leaned forward again forcing me to stop kissing her boob and whispered in my ear, “If you’ve got a match tomorrow, I’m going to fuck up your legs for you!” She then bit my ear and tried to pull back.
I pulled her head back to me and said, “One, I can’t think of a better excuse to not run fast. Two, I owe you a spanking, do you want to make it a second?” She started laughing.
After her grinding on my leg, I could feel she was already very wet, so in a swift movement, I grabbed her and moved to the side, sliding to the edge of the bed. I spun her to the side so she was over my knee and felt between her legs; I was right. She tried to sit up so I put one hand firmly between her shoulder blades and said, “Are you comfortable, missy?”
“I’ve been worse,” she replied.
“You’ve been worse what?” I said and bought my hand down sharply, but cupped and not overly hard on her left buttock.
“I’ve been worse… you fuck?” Smack! on her right buttock. “Ow! Okay, I’ve been worse… sir?”
“That’s better. Now, missy,” I said, starting to rub up and down along her lips, “do you remember the last time we had a conversation like tonight I promised you a spanking?”
She nodded her head.
“I think ten will do for starters, okay?”
Again, she nodded.
“After each, I want to hear gratitude for the punishment and the reminder, okay?” This made her snort; we really had never roleplayed before and it made me smile; all the same, I pushed two fingers into her sharply, withdrew them and smacked her bum across both cheeks. “This is no laughing matter, missy!”
“Yes, sir, sorry, sir.” I could hear the smile in her voice.
I brought my hand down on her left buttock. “Thank you for reminding me to be a good wife, sir”
“And don’t forget to count.”
“Yes, sir, one, sir.”
I bought my hand down on her right buttock. “Two, thank you for reminding me to be a trusting wife, sir.”
And back to her left. “Three, thank you for reminding me I must be confident to talk to you about anything, sir.”
And so this went on until I had done five on each buttock, with Tina effectively covering all the things that had wound me up that time before. I can’t say that I was unimpressed that she remembered it all. As I finished, I felt her move as if in expectation of me letting her up; instead, I held her firm and manoeuvred her so she came off my lap and ended up bent over the bed. I came around behind her sliding two fingers into her wet pussy and leant over the back of her to whisper in her ear. “I think missy enjoyed her punishment just a little too much, I think I’m going to have to fuck it out of her, don’t you?”
She was getting close as she just bit her lip and nodded making a mewling sound as if trying to say yes. I removed my fingers and slid into her with ease, pulling back and sliding in deeper, stroke by stroke until I was balls deep. I then reached around and started to stroke her clit slowly as I withdrew nearly all the way, before pushing back all the way in. I slid my hand down her back to her tail bone again and started to massage that with a couple of fingers. With each stroke, I got faster and tried (but failed) to keep a steady pace with my fingers. I could feel her shuddering and it wasn’t long before I felt her Kegel muscles start working on my cock, trying to grip and massage it; I was getting close too.
Then she cried out, “Oh, my fucking god!!” and started to shake under me. I was a little worried at first; I had not seen her cum so hard before, but I was distracted with my own orgasm overtaking me and I went rigid as I pumped my sperm into her.
We lay like that, with me over the top of her for a bit before she turned her head to me and kissed my cheek, saying, “That is one meaty cock you have there, sir!”
Laughing I sat up saying, “That almost deserves another spank.” But I changed my mind when I saw that Tina’s bum had a pinkish hue all over. I stood and lifted her onto the bed, laying her face down and telling her not to move. I went into the en-suite and got her hand moisturiser and some wipes. I put some of the moisturiser on each cheek, the coldness making her jump a little, before gently rubbing it in, making sure all the pink was well covered, then I took a couple of wipes and cleaned up the mess I had made, before pulling the duvet over her. I put the wipes in the bin, the moisturiser in the bathroom, before turning off the light and spooning in behind her.
“I love you, missy.”
“I love you too… sir.”
I could almost feel her smile as we snuggled up closer and went to sleep.
(A quick thanks to rawraw25 for encouraging me and giving me some feedback on a preview of this. Thanks, I think to all the others that have pushed me to do a bit more.)