Gina woke the next morning feeling like a new woman. After their torrid lovemaking last night, Gina had slept naked for the first time in her life. She woke before Tom and just lay there thinking. She had always felt a need to hide her body as if it were a treasure she had to protect from others who might take it from her and make it their own. It was just the way she was raised. But now, after yesterday, she still thought of her body as a treasure, a very real treasure, but one that belonged to her to spend as she pleased. And rather than keep it hidden, she wanted to share it with others who would take as much joy in it, as she did. She had always felt rather small and helpless but today she felt powerful, in control. It was like her new attitude about her body was giving her the power to make herself and those around her happy. She liked that feeling and wanted to follow it to see where it would lead.
Gina got up and quickly discarded the thought of getting dressed. Instead, she went to the bathroom and then straight to the kitchen where she made herself a cup of coffee and stood sipping it in front of the patio doors.
The apartment they rented was a part of a large home which their landlord, a nice seventy-five-year-old widower, had renovated. The patio doors opened onto the back deck where a crystal clear pool reflected the beautiful blue sky. Beyond the back fence was a green area. A high-rise apartment building rose in the distance.
In the past, Gina had been mildly annoyed that anyone with the right equipment could see from one of the more elevated apartments into their backyard. Today she realized that she didn’t mind anymore. In fact, she smiled thinking that right now, with the morning rays streaming through the glass door, someone up there could be enjoying the sight of her naked body, albeit from a distance. But then again, if they had binoculars or even a telescope, they would probably be getting a great view.
She stretched, holding her arms straight and high and her feet apart. She chuckled at her distinctly feminine version of the ‘Vitruvian Man’ she was displaying for anyone who happened to be looking.
Emboldened by her newfound confidence, she slid the patio door open and tentatively stepped out onto the deck. She tiptoed over to one of the recliners and lay on her back, enjoying the warm but not yet scorching sun, feeling the gentle breeze waft over her body. She didn’t have much of a tan but at least what she had was even thanks to a few sessions at the local tanning salon. She really disliked tan lines.
A mechanical squeak alerted her to the other patio door being opened. Uh oh. “It must be our landlord, Mr. Smith,” Gina thought. She heard his faint footfalls on the deck but didn’t turn and look, worried now that she might have taken her newfound feeling of textile liberation too far. Had he noticed her? Would he mind her being nude on his deck?
He came into view while walking slowly over to the side of the pool. If he saw her, he wasn’t letting on. He casually scanned the pool, the yard, and the horizon beyond his property before slowly turning around. He heard Gina before he saw her.
“Hi, Mr. Smith,” Gina greeted him nervously.
A little startled but pleased to hear his pretty young tenant’s voice, Mr. Smith was about to return the greeting with his usual “Hi, Sweetheart” when he noticed something remarkably different about Gina and his words caught in his throat. His eyesight wasn’t as good as it used to be but he was sure that Gina was naked! Slowly he walked toward her. After a few steps, he finally managed to return her greeting with a bit of a question mark in his tone.
“I hope you don’t mind how I’m dressed, or not dressed,” Gina asked lightly. “If you do, I don’t mind going in and putting something on.”
The thought of that suddenly filled Mr. Smith with sudden dread and he quickly stammered out his reassurance.
“No, don’t even think of it. I, uh. No, you just startled me but no, I don’t mind in the slightest.” Mr. Smith’s smile betrayed his real thoughts: that this glorious sight was not only acceptable but a perfectly delightful way to begin his day.
“Thanks,” Gina smiled, her eyes watching Mr. Smith’s as they traveled all over her body. Watching him looking at her like this brought back that intense feeling that she first experienced only yesterday in the park. She was giving this man something, something of herself, and giving it freely. It cost her nothing and gave them both pleasure. His attention made it clear how much he enjoyed and appreciated the gift.
For her part, Gina could see herself through his eyes, and think of herself the way he did. Was it wrong to be valued for one’s physical beauty? Only if one dismissed the value of the physical world, Gina thought. She wondered at the golden sun, the clear blue sky with its clean white clouds, the bird song, and gentle breeze, and the fact that, despite the beauty all around them, Mr. Smith had eyes for her and her alone. Right here and right now, as far as Mr. Smith was concerned, Gina knew that her beauty dwarfed that of the sun, the sky, and all the rest. She felt intensely appreciated, attractive, desired, and in turn, she felt herself becoming quite aroused. Gina realized she still had more to give.
Still watching his eyes, Gina slid her left leg off the recliner until her foot was flat on the deck. With her legs parted and her arousal increasing by the second, Gina’s slit started to gape open, her soft wet folds glistening in the sunlight. She wasn’t spreading her legs wantonly, just enough to put her most intimate parts on display while still seeming at least somewhat casual about it.
She looked down at her pussy and stared at it, hoping Mr. Smith would see this as an invitation to look too for as long as he wanted. Mr. Smith accepted the unspoken invitation and watch Gina’s neatly trimmed pussy unfold to his view. He drank in the sight of her spectacular breasts and sweet face. He noticed how she looked at herself, as if she too were awestruck by her own beauty. Her expression was one of innocent, youthful wonderment. Like a little girl who had just discovered something amazing and wanted to show it to everyone. “Look, Mr. Smith! A butterfly! Isn’t it pretty?” Mr. Smith chuckled at the imagery.
Gina looked up at him and when their eyes met her smile became even sweeter. She watched his eyes as she moved her foot so it went under the recliner, while ever so slightly bending her other leg, spreading her legs even wider, becoming more obvious. Mr. Smith stared silently, intently at Gina’s fully aroused and inviting sex. In this now quite explicit pose she knew there was nothing left of her to show that Mr. Smith wasn’t already seeing. As he looked at her Mr. Smith felt stirrings of his own that he hadn’t felt in years.
Just then Tom came out. He had been watching most of this from just inside and decided it was time to become a part of the action.
“Hi everybody,” he beamed, handing a tall glass of cool water to the near-panicked Mr. Smith before bending to kiss his wife and handing a glass to her.
“Well I see you’ve made yourself comfortable,” Tom teased Gina, trying to act casual.
“Another beautiful day, isn’t it Mr. Smith?” he added, wearing a big friendly smile.
“Yes indeed. I just hadn’t figured it would be quite this beautiful,” Mr. Smith remarked. Tom’s smile and friendly demeanor had already put him at ease.
“Ha. Ha. I know what you mean. She really is gorgeous.”
“I was very polite too,” Gina added cutely. “I asked Mr. Smith if he minded seeing me like this and he was kind enough to say he didn’t.”
“Ha. Mind indeed. I’m not so old that I’d ever mind a beautiful young girl lounging naked on my back deck,” Mr. Smith chuckled. “In fact, I don’t think I’ll ever get that old.”
“In fact,” he continued, “both of you feel as free as birds to dress as you please anywhere you like. It’s fine with me. No need to ask again.”
“Great,” said Tom, “I might have a skinny dip myself later.”
“Please do,” said Mr. Smith.
“No time like the present,” Gina quipped putting her drink down and yanking Tom’s shorts off, instantly exposing his already semi-hard penis.
Tom noticed Smith admiring him and said, “Well, I guess that settles that. Why don’t you join us?”
“Well, maybe I will,” Mr. Smith replied, but I think I’ll leave my trunks on at least for now.
“Ahhh. That doesn’t seem fair,” Gina pouted.
“Well, we’ll see,” Mr. Smith smiled back at her. “I don’t think I’m up for the competition,” he kidded, looking back at Tom’s growing penis.
“Oh, I bet you won’t have anything to worry about,” Gina replied looking from her husband’s penis to Mr. Smith’s crotch.
Smith laughed. “Your husband has fifty years on me. For your sake, I hope there’s a difference.”
Both Gina and Tom laughed at that. “I don’t know though,” said Gina coyly looking down at Mr. Smith’s crotch again. “All a penis needs is the right encouragement.”
“Well, you’re very encouraging,” Mr. Smith replied playfully. “Just look at Tom.”
They both looked admiringly at Tom whose erection now stood straight up, almost parallel to his body.
“Ummmm.” Gina dragged her fingers lightly up and down Tom’s shaft as Mr. Smith watched.
“Well let’s all be young and foolish today,” Gina joyfully exclaimed, leaping to her feet and taking Mr. Smith’s hand, dragging him toward the pool with Tom close behind.
Tom and Gina jumped into the pool, giddy with the sight and feel of their sexy bodies bouncing around attractively in the open. Mr. Smith took his shirt and sandals off and eased into the pool, using the ladder. Once he was in Gina swam towards him. The water was only thigh-deep in the shallow end and she walked the last few steps toward him in all her naked glory.
Just as she got to Mr. Smith Tom caught up to her and began tickling her sides. Gina squealed and grabbed Mr. Smith, using him as a shield against Tom’s advances. In the ensuing tickle fest, Gina’s breasts brushed across Mr. Smith’s arms several times, reminding him of how deliciously soft a young woman’s breasts were.
At one point she was behind him, her hands on his hips, her hard nipples sliding across his bare back. Then Mr. Smith got behind Gina, on the pretext of complying with Tom’s request that he hold her still for him. He began with his hands gingerly holding her hips but Tom urged him to hold her tighter so she couldn’t escape. So he wrapped one arm around Gina’s waist and with the other, he tried to capture the arm Gina was using to fend off Tom. Rather than try to escape, Gina held Mr. Smith’s arm to her waist so he couldn’t let go of her.
As she bent and squirmed to fend off Tom, Mr. Smith felt Gina’s wonderful bare ass grinding into his crotch and was delightfully surprised by the rather impressive erection it was giving him. Soon Gina let Mr. Smith capture her other arm. He was still standing behind her and now all four of their arms were around Gina’s waist leaving Tom free to tickle Gina wherever he wished.
“Are you ticklish here?” asked Tom, mischievously as he lightly tickled her sides.
While Gina squealed and squirmed Mr. Smith loosened his grip so that she could squirm free if she wanted but Gina pressed them firmly against the underside of her breasts while at the same time moving her ass back and forth over Mr. Smith’s erection.
“Are you ticklish here?” Tom asked, as he gently twisted and flicked her nipples.
“You know I am, you devil,” Gina laughed in mock outrage.
“Here, you tickle her there while I find another ticklish spot,” said Tom as he grabbed Mr. Smith’s right hand and placed it directly onto Gina’s right breast. Even with wonderfully soft nineteen-year-old flesh in his hand, Mr. Smith was too much the gentleman to take advantage and Gina felt him let her go. But the feel of her breast in the old man’s grasp was a thrill she wasn’t ready to end.
Quickly Gina placed both her hands over his and guided them up to her breasts, pressing his hands into her soft flesh. She made him squeeze her and move his hands all over her until he started to fondle her of his own volition. Slowly she lowered her arms to her sides and luxuriated in the feel of the older man taking possession of her with his hands.
Mr. Smith’s back was against the pool wall so when Gina started grinding her ass firmly into his erection he had to stand his ground. She reached behind with both hands and tugged his waistband down until she felt his bare penis slide between her cheeks. Mr. Smith responded by starting to grope Gina’s breasts in earnest while sliding his penis all over and around her ass.
“Ummm,” Gina moaned softly, not only in response to Mr. Smith but also to the delightful sensation of Tom’s fingers beginning to explore the other “ticklish” place he had found between her legs.
“Oohhh, you guys are making me feel sooo good,” she whimpered, almost breathless from the intense stimulation of all her hot spots at once.
A few moments later Tom took a few steps back to admire the sight of his gorgeous wife in the older man’s arms, his hands mauling her breasts as he humped her ass. She looked amazing. So soft and sexy. So vulnerable yet confident, the willing possession of another man. Their eyes locked. Gina’s chest heaved as she moved her hands down to her pussy and held her lips apart. Tom immediately accepted the invitation and strode toward her. Without hesitation, he bent his knees slightly and impaled his wife’s pussy with his throbbing penis, crushing her between himself and Mr. Smith.
A sharp intake of breath followed by a long, low moan escaped Gina’s mouth. Her head rolled back and to the side, eyes closed. Tom couldn’t stay inside her given the position the three of the were in, but he could trust in, withdraw and thrust in again, and that’s what he did. A moan escaped Gina’s beautiful lips with each of Tom’s thrusts. She opened her eyes, parted her lips, and rolled her head back with her face toward Mr Smith’s. He accepted her unspoken invitation and met her lips with his own, lips and tongues entwined in a passionate kiss.
Gina felt Mr. Smith stiffen and then felt his warm cum on her ass, as he groaned with pleasure into her mouth. Immediately, her own intense orgasm contorted her exquisite face and nearly buckled her knees. Tom’s final thrust sent him over the edge as well and he shot rope after rope onto his wife as he watched her orgasm in the arms of another man.
As they started to come down from their sexual high, Gina wrapped her arms around Tom and gave him a huge hug and kiss. Breaking the kiss he quietly mouthed, “You’re amazing!” Gina grinned from ear to ear. Tom smiled and collapsed backwards into the water. Gina laughed and then turned around and took Mr. Smith in a full-body embrace, giving him a long luscious kiss as well.
When their lips parted she held the embrace, keeping her breasts squashed into Mr. Smith’s chest and feeling his softening penis against her skin. Mr. Smith looked into her beautiful face and smiled. He was almost lost for words as to what just happened and how he could have been so lucky as to have been a part of it.
“That was literally the most fun I’ve had in years,” said Mr. Smith. “We’ll have to go skinny dipping more often.”
They all laughed and agreed before putting themselves back together and quickly saying goodbye for now. After all, Tom and Gina had one last rehearsal this afternoon.