Gina Panics When She Reads The New Script

"Young couple must get comfortable with public nudity -- fast!"

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Tom and Gina were what you might call “childishly romantic”. Which was understandable. After all, they were both little older than children. Tom first noticed Gina during their senior year of high school. They had been in the same school the previous year too but in different classes. But over the summer, Gina had blossomed from a pretty young girl to a voluptuous young woman that any normal young man would find impossible to overlook.

Gina’s thick, curly, auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders and accentuated her average height making her seem a bit taller than her actual 5 foot 6 inches. Those waves formed a soft, warm frame for her exquisite face complete with rosy cheeks, full lips, and big, bright green eyes. Falling onto her shoulders and then off again, her waves lead the eyes naturally down to her body with its breathtaking curves.

From their first encounter, Tom had been awestruck by Gina’s figure, especially her breasts, even though they were well-concealed by the sweater she wore on that unseasonably cool September day.

It was between classes and they were heading in opposite directions when, rounding the same corner, they literally bumped into each other. Tom had good reflexes and was able to put both his hands on Gina’s shoulders to avoid a real collision. This helped Gina stop right in her tracks. Well, most of her stopped. Tom immediately noticed that Gina’s breasts had an inertia all of their own and stopped moving a heart-melting second after the rest of her.

When his eyes met Gina’s, Tom suddenly realized that she had caught him staring at her chest. For a moment they just stood there facing each other, Tom’s hands frozen to Gina’s shoulders. Tom’s face wore that deer-in-the-headlights expression – a combination of delighted surprise and embarrassment. Gina just smiled sweetly. She had noticed the slightly built, yet handsome months earlier. Gina had already decided that she liked this shy, dark-haired boy and was secretly thrilled to feel his hands on her shoulders and the look of wonder in his eyes as he looked her over.

As Tom silently stared, the cute smile on Gina’s lips broadened. She had only recently started to get used to the admiring looks she received from boys and men of all ages. She liked the new experience of being thought of as attractive and she especially liked that Tom was clearly impressed with what he saw.

Tom finally “came to” but all he could muster was a lame, “Hi.”

“Hi,” Gina replied, the cute little smile still on her lips.

Still somewhat stunned by his beautiful discovery, Tom surprised himself by coming up with a humorous, self-deprecating comment that began a light conversation with more than a little flirting. That’s how their romance began. Two years later, for whatever the deep-seated reason had been, pledging their undying love to each hadn’t been enough and Tom and Gina got married at the ripe old age of nineteen years.

Now out of school and saving money for university, they had each found work with a small local movie production company. It was small by industry standards but it wasn’t just some fly-by-night outfit either. It had a good track record, having made some award-winning films and also some cheap but profitable flicks that let the owners consistently pay their bills and meet their payroll.

Tom landed a job as a junior member of the lighting crew while Gina was regularly chosen as an extra or cast in non-speaking bit parts. She had no training in acting but her looks made it easy for casting directors to find some way to get her in front of the camera.

No one they worked with knew that Tom and Gina were married. In fact, they intentionally avoided each other on the set. They didn’t arrive together or leave together. Why? Because the company had a strict rule against employing more than one member of a family. Tom and Gina didn’t know why, whether it was an industry standard or peculiar to this company, and they didn’t ask, worried that someone might wonder why they were interested in that policy. Instead, they just made do.

They both enjoyed their work. So much so that they talked about pursuing careers in the film industry. They were young, naive and off to what they considered a pretty good start.

So it was that they found themselves scheduled to work on the same set of one of the company’s campy, low-budget flicks, Tom assisting the lighting director and Gina cast, not really as an extra, but where her character appeared in several scenes but didn’t have any lines. It was by far the biggest role she had landed to date.

Tom never needed to see a script in advance. His job was just following instructions from more senior staff and sometimes using his own judgment to adjust the placement of the lights to best effect. As that depended on the physical set, including the natural lighting at the time, it was useless for him to see a script in advance.

That was often the case with Gina too. As an extra, she never got a script. Even in a wordless bit role she usually wasn’t given a script. She just showed up, got dressed and made up and did as the assistant director instructed. But this role was different.

When the script arrived at their apartment she threw herself onto the couch and excitedly tore open the envelope. She noted the hastily scrawled words “Girl 2” on the cover and eagerly scanned the script to see what the role of “Girl 2” called for.

As she read, her heart started to race. Beads of sweat started to form on her skin and her throat became as dry as a desert. By the time she had finished, she was shaking. About to sob, she shook her head.

“Maybe I’m overreacting,” she tried to fool herself as she began looking through her scenes with greater attention. But the more she read, the more anxious she became.

Tom and Gina had kidded about what would happen if she ever got a role like this. Tom had teased her, telling her that a girl as young and beautiful as she was was bound to be asked to show off for the camera. She had accepted his teasing as a compliment and just laughed it off. She knew it was possible that she’d be asked to show some skin someday but hadn’t thought through what she’d do. But now here it was and she had to make a decision.

First, what would she tell Tom? He’d probably even be in the lighting crew when they shot her scenes. She had to at least warn him if she decided to go through with it. But would she? What would it mean to turn down a role this early in her “career”? Surely, that would be the end of it. The thought of missing what had so far been fun and easy money filled her with regret. But what of her relationship with Tom? That was the most important thing in the world to her. And what about doing the things the script called for? Could she even agree to do those things?

“Tom?” Gina said, putting the script out of sight.

“Yeah, Baby?” Tom responded.

“You’ve worked on some scenes that involved some nudity, right.”


“Were there very many?”

“No. They usually limit the number of people working those scenes and it’s only been in the past couple of months that I’ve been assigned to work any of them at all.”

“So, they still shoot some that you don’t work on?”

“Oh, I’m sure they do.”

Gina gathered her thoughts and asked, “So what are those scenes like?”

“What do you mean?” Tom replied.

“Well, describe what it’s like to work on those kinds of scenes.”

“Well, the ones I was on just involved a bit of toplessness, some making out, nothing explicit. They always need several takes, but in between takes, the actors cover up and everything seems very professional.”

“Hmm.” Gina thought that sounded very tame compared to the script she had just read.

“So think about those scenes … and think about what you’d think if I was one of the actors.”

During the conversation, Tom had entered the room. Gina now looked up into Tom’s eyes for the first time, nervously waiting for his response.

“You got the new script?” Tom asked while wearing an expression Gina found difficult to read.

“Maybe. … Yes,” she replied, lowering her gaze before raising her eyes back to Tom’s. She felt awkward and shy but it was too important to her to know what Tom was thinking so she met his gaze and tried to read his expression.

Gina loved how sensitive Tom always was to her own feelings and he didn’t let her down this time.

“Wow. I bet your mind is spinning.”

Tom sat down beside her and wrapped her in his arms.

“I love you,” he said, “and you’re so beautiful I’m not a bit surprised they want you for a role like that. I haven’t thought about it too much. I think we’ve both wondered if it would come and what we’d do. But I do want you to know that I respect that it’s your decision and whatever the role is and whatever you decide, the one solid thing you can count on is that I love you and that’s never going to change. So think of it this way: decide what you want to do without giving me a second thought because I’m with you 100% whatever you decide. I mean that. I’ll help you make the best of it either way.”

“Thanks, Tom. I love you so much,” Gina said, wiping a tear from her eye. She felt so relieved to hear Tom’s words and know that he meant them. In a way, it didn’t make her decision easier but in another way it did – because she knew whatever the decision, losing Tom wasn’t the risk she had feared it might be.

“The role is a bit steamier than the ones you described. Does that change anything?”

“Not really, Tom replied. It certainly raises my interest and my head is spinning a bit too. But I just keep coming back to the fact that I love you. And, like I said, I guess I always expected this was going to happen.”

“In fact,” Tom continued, “I’ve never told you this, but when I see other guys look at you, I guess I’ve always gotten a thrill out of that. I mean, you’re beautiful, super hot, and you’re all mine and I know that no matter how much other guys see you and want you, you’re still mine. They can see you, they look at you and they like what they see and I can’t stop that. And I don’t even want to stop it. I want them to see you and to envy the lucky guy who you’re really with. And that’s me.”

Gina leaned up and planted a soft, sweet kiss on Tom’s lips. Tom’s words had made her feel so desirable and so loved.

Meanwhile, Tom was examining his own deepest feelings. “I’m just thinking out loud, but if they got to see more of you, I think I’d feel the same way. Like, it would be a thrill for me to know that other guys have seen you the way I see you. I know what they’d be thinking about you and no, that wouldn’t bother me. I think it would be exciting.”

“What if they touched me?” Gina asked.

Tom thought about that. Then he thought of how to put his feelings into words. “Would you think I’m weird if I thought that might be exciting, too?”

“I don’t know. Not weird in a bad way.”

Tom thought. “I’m not 100% sure how much of this I really feel and how much I want to say to be supportive and make the most of things. All this is a shock to me too – though it really shouldn’t be I guess. It was bound to happen.”

“I know, I know, Baby. And I really appreciate how easy you’re making it.”

“So are you leaning toward doing it?”

“I don’t know yet. I don’t imagine it would be a great career move to turn it down.”

“Probably not,” Tom replied.

“It’s all so confusing. I don’t know what to expect of myself. Of how I’ll feel,” said Gina.

“Too bad we couldn’t rehearse it.”

The couple retreated to their own thoughts for a few minutes.

“I think we could rehearse it, in a way,” Gina finally said.

“Not the script, but our feelings about it.”

“How so?” asked Tom.

“Well, what if we let someone catch us, you know, making out?”

“Like at the park or the beach or somewhere?”


The next day was Saturday and the first scene in the new script wasn’t being shot until Monday. So, to carry out what they were calling the “emotional rehearsal” Tom and Gina headed to a state park in the next county.

It was a beautiful day. The park was heavily wooded but also had well-groomed trails and some wide-open fields as well. They had been fairly quiet and thoughtful as they walked along, hand in hand, but suddenly Gina perked up. With a broad smile, she hugged Tom’s arm close to her. Tom smiled back, not least because he enjoyed the feeling of Gina’s soft, bra-less chest against his arm.

“I’m shaking,” said Tom. “I’m looking at you and you can’t possibly understand how incredibly sexy you are. And I can’t believe we’re going to let some very lucky guy see you … uncovered.”

Gina hugged him tight. “You make me feel so good,” she said.

“Sexy?” Tom asked.

“Yes, sexy.”

“Very sexy?”

Gina laughed, “Yes, very sexy.”

“So how do I make you feel again?” Tom continued.

Gina stopped. Tom took another step and turned toward her about an arm’s length away. Gina raised her hands to the top button on her light summer dress

“You sir … make me feel … very …” Gina undid the button. Tom’s gaze lowered to his beautiful young wife’s chest.

“very …” Gina undid another button exposing a good deal of skin along the inside curves of her breasts.

“sexy!” Gina undid more buttons leaving her dress open all the way down to her waist, exposing the inner curves of her breasts.

“Wow!” Tom said, shaking his head and staring. Gina smiled watching the look of pure lust on her husband’s face. She tugged her sleeves until her dress was dangerously close to falling off her shoulders. She then grabbed Tom’s hand in hers and pulled him along to resume their walk.

Tom kept looking sideways at the incredible eye candy walking beside him. Catching him looking at her, Gina smiled and laughed.

“How do you feel?” asked Tom again.

“Why don’t you find out?” Gina responded.

“Ha Ha, I am really looking forward to pawing you, but that’s not what I meant.”

“Well, I really do feel sexy but also really nervous … and excited. You know you’re the only guy who’s ever seen me topless.”

“Baby!” Tom said, “You’re like an exhibitionist virgin!”

They both laughed at that.

They came to a wooden bench maybe 6 feet wide. The path in front of the bench stretched off in a straight line in both directions. In the distance, they saw someone approaching.

“You’re beautiful,” Tom said and he kissed Gina on the lips.

“You’re handsome,” Gina replied and kissed him back.

“I think it’s time you lost your virginity,” Tom said.

“I think …” Gina glanced down the path, smiled and kissed Tom again. “…you may be right.”

Another kiss. Then Tom positioned his beautiful wife so that she stood next to the bench, facing the path, with Tom at her side opposite the direction the person was approaching from so as not to block their view. Tom faced Gina and put his hand on her cheek, turning her face toward him for another kiss. He slowly caressed Gina’s cheek and slid his hand down her neck to her shoulder.

“Keep your arm by your side, Baby” Tom breathed into Gina’s ear. “That way when I slide your dress off your shoulder it will fall all the way to your waist. Also, don’t turn your body towards me so they get a nice clear view.”

Tom’s directions made it seem to Gina a little like she was on a set. By focusing on those directions she quelled a bit of her nervousness. A bit, but in truth, she was soaking wet with excitement.

“It’s a guy,” Tom announced, looking past Gina at the man who was getting closer. “A jogger, looks about forty. He’s probably married. It’s probably been years since he’s seen anyone like you, like this …”

Gina felt her dress slide off her shoulder and down her arm. She felt the sun and the breeze on her very erect, very exposed nipple. Her breath, already heavy, became heavier still.

“You look amazing,” Tom said and kissed her. Gina thought her knees were going to buckle if she didn’t melt first.

Since Gina was almost directly between Tom and the jogger, Tom could see him plainly even while they kissed.

“He’s getting close. He’s looking at you, Sweetie. I bet he can’t believe his luck,” Tom whispered into Gina’s mouth.

Gina could now hear the jogger’s footfalls getting louder. All she could think about was that, right now, for the first time, a total stranger was looking at her bare breast. She knew in her heart that Tom was right about how she must look to the man and that he was lusting for her. She was shocked by how incredibly aroused she was from the eroticism of this new experience.

Suddenly the footfalls stopped and she could hear the man’s breathing from just a few yards away. She turned toward him.

“Hi,” he said, smiling. Smiling back, Tom replied with a “Hi,” but Gina could only smile and nod at the handsome middle-aged man. She quickly glanced down at her bare breast and then back up at the man. She saw that his gaze had followed hers and was lingering on her breast. She felt the moisture growing between her legs.

“Mind if I rest here a bit?” the stranger asked politely.

“No, go right ahead,” Tom answered. The man took a seat on the far end of the bench. He unhooked a water bottle from his belt and drank with his left hand, his right arm draped over the back of the bench so he was half-turned toward the couple. Meanwhile, Tom had turned Gina’s face back toward his and kissed her. He could see the man continuing to watch them as they kissed.

Tom broke their kiss and whispered into Gina’s ear. Tom’s breath and whispered words sent a shiver through Gina’s already quivering body.

“He’s sipping his water and can’t take his eyes off your breast,” Tom breathed. “Sit on the bench beside him.”

Nervously, but obediently, Gina sat next to the man without looking at him directly. Instead, she looked down demurely, her back straight, her arms also straight and her hands palm down on the bench on either side of her. This had the effect of gathering her breasts together, making them wonderfully round and full. The man hadn’t moved his arm from the back of the bench and so when Gina sat down, his hand was lightly touching her bare shoulder. From his posture and position, the man had a wonderful close-up view of Gina’s bare breast and most of the other breast too, but that wasn’t enough for Tom.

With no room for him on the bench, Tom stood behind the bench, directly behind Gina. He slid Gina’s dress off her other shoulder and Gina watched it fall to the bench. Slowly she raised her sight and sought the man’s eyes. She found them locked onto her now completely topless form.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back towards Tom, exposing her long slender neck. Nothing covered her soft, delicious skin all the way from her exquisite face down to her waist. She looked spectacular, her natural beauty enhanced by her youth and innocence. To some, a topless girl is rather commonplace – even if a beautiful one – but this topless young beauty had never exposed herself like this to anyone before. The eroticism she was experiencing showed on her face and in the rapid rise and fall of her chest. The eroticism she was experiencing was contagious and thoroughly enveloped both Tom and the stranger.

Tom was hugely turned on by their mutual exhibition of Gina’s body. He was rock hard under his shorts as he slowly moved to Gina’s side and kissed his way down her cheek to her neck and to her breast. Now squatting beside his beautiful wife, he took her nipple into his mouth. Gina sucked air through her teeth and nearly climaxed.

Tom reached around behind Gina’s head and nudged the man’s hand, still lightly touching Gina’s shoulder, until it fell onto her shoulder which he began to gently caress.

“Do you want him to touch you?” Tom whispered, loud enough that the stranger could clearly hear.

A second’s hesitation and then, “Yes,” was Gina’s answering breath.

“‘Yes’ what?” Tom gently prompted.

“Yes, I want him to touch me,” Gina breathed.

“Where do you want him to touch you?”

“My breast. … Anywhere,” Gina exhaled in her sensual stupor … and then, “Everywhere.”

The man needed no further encouragement and slid his hand slowly down over the upper curve of this lovely young woman’s breast until he was cupping and fondling her. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked down to see her own breast in this stranger’s hand.

As she watched the man squeeze her softness and tweak her hard nipple, Gina sucked air through her clenched teeth. When he raised her breast to his lips and sucked her nipple into his mouth she moaned.

Watching this and hearing Gina’s “Ooohhhhmmmmm,” Tom released his erection from his shorts and stroked himself while he watched the strange man’s tongue dance over his wife’s breast.

Tom was now kneeling next to Gina. Noticing Tom’s fully erect penis, the stranger fished his own erection out of his shorts. Gina looked down to see the stranger sucking her breast and then further down, her eyes moving from one erection to the other, comparing the only two cocks she had ever seen in her young, inexperienced life. The sight of these two fine specimens was sexy enough but it was enhanced by her own nudity and knowing that her body was responsible for the intense erections. Not to mention the heavenly sensation of her breasts being sucked by the owners of those erections.

As she watched, Tom began unbuttoning the remaining buttons of her dress. She realized that, in a moment, the most intimate part of her body would be on display to the total stranger who was already devouring the part she and Tom had already exposed. She vividly recalled that just a moment ago she had practically begged him to touch her “everywhere”. She arched her back, thrusting her breast deeper into the strange man’s mouth, as her sexual excitement reached another new high in anticipation of his touch.

Tom stood and admired his dripping, hot wife, now naked and fully exposed to a total stranger. He didn’t dare touch himself now, knowing that it would set off an explosive orgasm he wasn’t quite ready for. The stranger lost no time in starting to explore Gina’s pussy with his hand while still sucking on her breast. Tom bent until his lips brushed Gina’s ear.

“Touch his penis,” he whispered. Tom’s hot breath and lascivious words fanned Gina’s own undeniable lust. She tilted her head back, opened her mouth and exhaled loudly, knowing she was about to do what her husband had just given her permission, no, direction, to do.

Gina found the man’s throbbing penis with her hand. She felt its warmth, its smoothness, and its power. She started to pull the foreskin up and over the head, picking up her pace until she matched the pace with which the man’s hand was molesting her own clit. They only lasted a few minutes before they both came hard, gushing onto each other’s hands. Seeing this Tom turned his body slightly to the side and ignited his own orgasm, spurting a fountain of cum onto the grass beside the bench.

After his own climax, the man withdrew his hand from Gina’s pussy, but seeing Tom erupt beside her, Gina stiffened her back, lifted her hips, and using both hands, brought herself to a second climax. Tom and the stranger watched in wonder as the priceless look of exquisite ecstasy played over Gina’s beautiful face.

Though she was the last to come down from the orgasmic high, Gina was nevertheless the first of the three to regain her senses. Looking from one to the other she smiled seeing them both still gaping at her fully nude body, their hands on their still mostly erect cocks.

Her smile widening, Gina teased, “Well, can I cover up now or haven’t you boys seen enough yet?”

Gina’s words finally brought Tom back to earth. But he could still appreciate the intense eroticism of the scene – his wife, her dress gathered around her on the bench where she sat, almost lying, her naked body stretched out away from the bench towards the path, her hands on her inner thighs, her arms gathering her luscious breasts into two perfect spheres, her nipples pointing to the sky, and a total stranger right next to her admiring the sight, his hand still on his semi-hard cock.

“You … are … amazing,” the stranger said, lowering his mouth to Gina’s. As they kissed he fondled her breast and then inserted two fingers into her pussy. Gina sucked air again as the man broke their kiss, withdrew his fingers and put them in his mouth, licking them clean.

“Not to mention delicious,” he added.

“Hear that, Baby? I’m ‘delicious’,” Gina said happily, still holding her increasingly uncomfortable but highly erotic pose.

“Oh, I’ll say you’re delicious. And I hate to say this but I see some more people coming down the path.”

With that, the three started putting themselves back together. The man slapped Tom on the shoulder several times, smiling. Then he cupped Gina’s cheek and gave her a final, long, kiss on the lips, smiled at her, and jogged off without turning back.

The whole encounter only lasted about fifteen minutes but Tom and Gina felt exhausted and headed home. Gina had only done up the buttons on the bottom of her dress and left her top open all the way back to the car and on the drive home.

“I think we may have created a monster,” Tom remarked at one point.

“Umm, an insatiable monster, I think,” Gina replied, patting the bulge in Tom’s shorts. “I hope you don’t mind,” she added.

“Does that look like I mind?” Tom replied. “I loved it. Way more than I even thought I would, and I even had a suspicion I was going to like it.”

A few miles down the road a large truck appeared on the highway ahead of them. Gina smiled sweetly at Tom and then pulled her dress open, tucking the sides of her dress between her arms and her body so her sleeves were still on her shoulders but her chest was totally exposed.

“Want to put a smile on the face of a few truckers on the way home?” Gina asked, her voice sweet and shy even while brazenly exposing her body.

“Well, we do only have a few days left to rehearse,” Tom said, as he stepped on the gas and moved into the passing lane.

Published 2 years ago

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