After the morning’s escapades in the pool with Mr. Smith, Tom and Gina might have been tempted to take it easy. But they couldn’t. Not if they were going to get one more rehearsal in before the first day of filming tomorrow.
To be a true simulation of what they expected to experience on the set, Tom had to be just a bystander, a voyeur only. He was going to have to just stand by and watch passively as two strange men got to see Gina nude – see her, and touch her.
How nude? How much touching? Tom still hadn’t seen the script. And he hadn’t had much time to dwell on the details since he and Gina had kept themselves pretty busy the past few days, putting themselves in situations where they could learn how each of them felt about the racy role Gina had been cast in.
Tom marveled at how, just since the script had been delivered two days earlier, a stranger, and their elderly landlord had both seen Gina’s beautiful body: her full, tear-drop breasts and delicate, inviting pussy. The stranger had taken her breast in his mouth, teasing her nipple with his tongue as he came in her hand. And Mr. Smith, the landlord, had mauled Gina’s perfect breasts while cumming on her sweet ass.
“I can’t believe we still need to top all of that,” thought Tom.
Tom had been an active participant in both experiences. Both times he too had gotten off to the thrill of seeing the beautiful young woman he adored being used by other men as their sexual plaything. Both times he had been the one who worked her pussy to an orgasm while the men sucked and groped her breasts.
This time, if she came, it would be entirely at the hands, so to speak, of someone else. Thinking of another man’s hands, or even his penis, on his wife’s bare flesh made him jealous, but it also made him as hard as a rock.
For Gina’s part, the past few days had been a revelation. She always thought of herself as a rather demure young lady. She had started to loosen up in the course of being cast as an extra in several films. The casting people, whether men or women, always seemed to find something tight-fitting, low-cut, or otherwise revealing for her to wear. But over the past couple of days, her feelings had quickly progressed from being willingly seductive to wanton exhibitionism. Now she felt the desire to flash more than her smile at every guy she saw.
“It’s just an equal and opposite reaction to years of living a very tame life. It’s bound to fade soon,” she told herself.
The first time, she had been nervous, shaking as she stood there, in her flimsy summer dress, listening to Tom describe the man jogging towards them. She trembled as she felt her dress fall from her shoulder, the gentle breeze on her nipple telling her that her bare breast was exposed to the stranger’s view. But her nerves had soon given way to intense eroticism and then sexual ecstasy as she stroked the stranger’s cock while he and Tom turned her body to jelly.
The second encounter had started completely by accident. By chance, she had been discovered by their landlord while she was innocently sunbathing. Well, she was nude, and she knew there was a chance of being seen, so maybe she wasn’t totally innocent. When he saw her she knew instantly how the sight of her glorious nineteen-year-old body was affecting the older man.
It was thrilling to watch him stare, dumbstruck, at her naked body but craved even more. She remembered smiling sweetly as she parted her legs, putting absolutely everything she had on display before his lustful gaze.
His visual feast had been interrupted by Tom’s arrival. Soon the three of them were frolicking, naked, in the pool. Before long Gina felt the man’s penis sliding all over, and between, her ass cheeks, his hands groping her breasts. While he was cumming on her ass she was suddenly impaled by Tom’s long hard cock. She came like that, with her tongue in her landlord’s mouth and two penises emptying themselves all over her body.
What would encounter number three be like? Both Tom and Gina quietly wondered the same thing as they drove the 50 miles to a quiet, sandy beach. Tom wore a grey T-shirt and thin, loose blue shorts. Gina wore a light-weight, yellow summer dress that buttoned all the way up the front. She wore nothing underneath and Tom was already hard from the way Gina’s body moved beneath her dress, from the very obvious shape of her nipples, and the anticipation of what was to come.
It was only in the past few days that Tom had discovered himself to be the kind of man who took intense sensual pleasure out of his wife being used as the sexual plaything of others. Tom’s “depravity” was only matched, it seemed, by Gina’s desire to be used. Tom wanted to keep Gina all to himself and at the same time wanted to share her with the whole world. Gina loved the way Tom looked at her, like he was now, and how he looked when someone else was lustily probing her with their eyes, their hands, or their penis.
Along the drive, they gradually scripted a plan. By the time they got near their destination, the anticipation had driven them both to start acting like horny teens, which is actually what they were. Gina reached across and started fondling Tom through his shorts. Tom pulled her closer until she reclined with her head against his shoulder, her breasts within easy reach. Steering with one hand Tom unbuttoned Gina’s dress with the other. When he had opened it enough he cupped Gina’s breasts one at a time and while she helped by holding her dress in place, he freed her breasts from her dress.
“What a sight!” Tom said, grinning ear to ear as he looked at Gina. Her dress was still on her shoulders and buttoned up to just below her breasts. But her breasts were completely uncovered, lifted, and gathered together by her dress.
Gina looked up, over the top of her head into Tom’s admiring eyes. “Spectacular!” he said as she watched his eyes darting between her plump, round orbs and the road.
A minute later they came to a T-shaped intersection with one lane turning left (theirs) and one right. They had been behind an old pickup with two men in it who looked to be in their fifties. Tom pulled up alongside the truck which was in the right lane. A line of cars was approaching from the left so both vehicles were stopped at the intersection for over a minute.
It only took a moment after Tom pulled up for the driver of the truck to notice Gina through the open windows. The bright sun streamed in on her, shining a spotlight on her glorious features. The driver motioned to the other man in the passenger seat to look and then there were two strange men openly admiring Gina’s beautiful bare breasts.
Tom looked down at Gina who was looking at the strangers, holding as still as can be, her shy smile growing wider every second. She considered pulling her knees up and flashing her pussy but decided her current pose was sexy enough and didn’t want to spoil it by moving.
“I’m so wet,” she said to Tom, and chuckled.
“You’re so f’ing hot,” Tom replied.
“Wow,” Gina chuckled. “I’ve never heard that before.”
“Well, it’s true. There isn’t a guy on the planet who could see you like this and not be willing to give 10 years of his life to fill you with his cock.”
“True that, Buddy!” Tom and Gina were both started to hear the truck’s driver speak, not realizing they could be overheard. Tom laughed out loud as Gina tried to stifle her own laugh by putting both hands over her mouth. This only enhanced her pose, her raised forearms squeezing her breasts together and making them look even more round and full.
The last car in the line finally passed and Tom began his turn. Gina blew the men in the truck a kiss as they parted ways. Looking in his rearview Tom wondered aloud if they would see those men later.
When they got to the beach parking lot they put their plan into action. When there was no one around Gina got out of the car. Taking just a beach blanket, a towel, and some sunscreen, she headed to the beach. She hadn’t buttoned up but she had put her breasts back under cover. But her bounce, her partly open dress and its thin material conspired to reveal her glorious figure and how delightfully close it was to being exposed.
“That’s my wife,” Tom said out loud to himself, watching Gina happily stride toward the beach, radiating confident beauty. She resisted the impulse to turn and wave as the plan was to make it look like she was alone. After a while, Tom got out, with his field glasses, a beach blanket and a small towel of his own, and headed in the same direction.
This beach was huge with plenty of dunes and not many people. The idea was for Gina to find a spot that was out of the way but not entirely secluded. It had to be close to a spot where Tom could spy on her from a secluded spot in the dunes. After about a ten-minute walk along the shore, Gina came to what looked like an ideal spot.
There was an inward curve in the shoreline – like a little bay. She could position herself so that anyone walking the shore would need to turn and walk straight toward her in order to avoid getting their feet wet. A little ways past her location there was a break in the dunes. It looked as if there was an area there where Tom could spy on Gina without being obvious.
She took up her position, roughly ten yards from the water, sitting on her blanket. When Tom walked past they just winked at each other and he kept going, finally veering left and settling into the area among the dunes.
No one could see Tom as he removed his shirt and then his shorts, the lay of the dune, and the beach grass hiding his nudity from anyone on the beach. He knew he’d be eager to stroke himself while watching Gina and figured there was no point in waiting to get started.
Meanwhile, Gina was making herself more comfortable. There wasn’t anyone within several hundred yards of where she spread her blanket. She dropped her towel and sunscreen and walked to the shoreline. She danced a little, twirling about, just having fun exploring the way her body moved and how easily she could expose her breasts by moving one way or another.
She undid a few more buttons, opening her dress all the way to her waist. Depending on the direction she faced, her dress billowed in the gentle off-shore breeze and sometimes blew her dress aside, exposing a breast. She practiced how she needed to move in order “accidentally” expose herself to someone walking by.
Tom licked his lips as he watched his wife playfully strolling along the shore. His field glasses gave him a perfect view of her tantalizing movements. The breeze seemed to constantly threaten to tear her open dress from her body and kept Tom lusting in anticipation of Gina’s next erotic movement. He stroked himself and nearly came simply from anticipating that she would soon be uncovering herself, not just to him, but to total strangers.
That’s when Tom noticed two teenage girls, about sixteen or seventeen, walking a mid-sized dog along the shore towards Gina. Eventually, Gina noticed them too. In her private thoughts, she began to explore her feelings about exposing herself to members of her own sex. By the time they reached her, she had decided to experiment.
The girls soon caught up to Gina as she strolled slowly and aimlessly along the shore. With her occasional twirling, it occurred to Tom that someone might think she was high or drunk except that her movements were far too graceful.
She turned towards the girls and greeted them with a “Hi” and a warm smile which they returned just as the breeze blew Gina’s dress off her left shoulder. Her exposed breast instantly attracted the stares of the girls. Without fixing her dress Gina knelt on the sand to greet the dog.
“What a cute puppy,” Gina said, petting the dog and scratching its ears. “What’s his name?”
She looked up at the girls for their reply. “Boxer,” one of them said, shifting her gaze briefly from Gina’s bare breast to her face before returning it to her breast. Gina noticed the other girl’s gaze hadn’t moved from her breast at all.
“Well, hello Boxer. Are you a good boy? Are you a good boy?” she said as she continued to shower the dog with attention. Boxer stood up and put his paws on Gina’s shoulders. Tom felt there was something oddly arousing about seeing the canine’s penis sticking straight out toward his half-topless wife.
“Well, you’re a big boy, aren’t you Boxer,” Gina laughed, noticing the same thing Tom had.
Gina’s gentle tussling with the dog soon dislodged her dress from the other shoulder and it fell to her elbows exposing both of her glorious breasts to the staring, open-mouthed girls. The dog wasn’t too large or aggressive so Gina was able to remain comfortably in control rather than be toppled over by it. The dog licked Gina’s cheek and neck and she gathered the pup toward her and gave it a gentle hug, feeling its penis poking her chest.
After a moment she released it and stood up. She pulled her dress back up over her shoulders but unbuttoned it to her waist. The breeze blew the fabric back and forth over her breasts playing peek-a-boo with the staring girls.
“It’s a beautiful day for a walk on the beach,” Gina said to the girls.
“Yeah, beautiful.” The girl who replied only briefly managed to look Gina in the eyes. Meanwhile, Boxer had noticed a seagull on the sand and began tugging on his leash, forcing the girls to resume their walk.
“Well, see you later. Enjoy your walk,” Gina said, waving to the girls as they walked on. She followed them with her eyes and noticed that after a few steps they started holding hands.
“Wow. Did I do that?” Gina joked to herself. Gina strolled back to her blanket, determined to wash the dog smell off her hands, face, neck, and chest. She calculated that she could take her dress off and sit in the little bay that the curving shoreline made near her blanket and get washed without causing too much of a spectacle. If someone down the beach, or perched in the dunes like Tom, had field glasses, they’d get an eyeful but otherwise, she doubted anyone would notice. If they did, they wouldn’t be able to really see anything, not that she thought they’d really mind if they did.
So Gina sat on the blanket, unbuttoned the rest of her buttons and peeled the dress off. She then scampered cutely to the little cove and sat in the cool water, splashing it over her body where the dog had touched her and lightly scrubbing her skin with her little towel. Once finished she reclined, supported by her elbows, oriented toward the sun and the shoreline. Somehow she hadn’t noticed the older man who had walked up the beach right along the foot of the dunes – not until he took a hard turn toward the shoreline just a dozen yards from where Gina luxuriated in her shallow little bay.
Their eyes met while he was still too far for a verbal greeting. Gina determined to let him speak first. But he never did – not a word. He looked to be in his 70s, thin with weathered skin, wearing only beach shorts and carrying a stick and a small bag. Upon reaching the shoreline he turned and walked along it in Gina’s direction. His eyes locked onto her and never left her as he approached. Gina just stared right back, smiling.
Where Gina sat, the water was only a few inches deep, not deep enough to provide even the slightest cover. Tom watched the stranger get closer. He saw the stranger stop just where the shoreline of Gina’s bay started to curve inward. He was less than 20 feet from her. Tom could see the stranger’s eyes scanning Gina’s body. Tom couldn’t see but Gina’s eyes remained locked on the man’s, watching them as they feasted on her naked flesh. As Tom watched, Gina bent and raised her left knee, parting her legs to give the old man a perfect view of her bare pussy.
After staring for a few more seconds, the man looked around, put his things down on the sand, and gingerly knelt down. He opened the fly on his shorts and fished his penis out of the opening. Looking at Gina he started to stroke himself. Gina just continued to lay back smiling sweetly, thrilled to be giving this old man so much pleasure just from the sight of her body.
She watched the man’s penis get hard and long in his hand. Gina decided there was one more thing she could do to intensify his visual stimulation. Slowly, now braced on just her left elbow, she slid her right hand over her hip to her pussy and used it to part her lips and hold them open.
The old man did not wear glasses. He didn’t need them as his vision had always been excellent. But he was never so glad of that fact than he was now, clearly seeing the soft, wet, pink folds of this beautiful creature’s most intimate parts. He looked into her eyes and marveled that she was looking at his penis. He returned his gaze to her tender pussy, licking his lips and picking up his pace. Soon he was gushing towards her, emptying himself with greater force than he had in years, decades. He milked every drop from his body and then, spent, he continued to kneel there, trying to capture this vision in his memory forever.
Finally, he stood up, turned around and started walking back down the shore. As an afterthought, he turned toward Gina and waved. She waved back and the old man resumed his trek. Gina watched him go and pressed her hand to her clit. Oh, how she wanted to cum. But she was determined not to, lest the release diminish the intense eroticism that was pushing her to surrender fully to these new exhibitionist urges.
Tom was in the same predicament, only worse, knowing the recovery period would dampen his fun far more, and for far longer, than Gina’s. So they both remained on edge, torturing themselves with constant pleasure while denying themselves the ultimate prize.
Gina splashed some cool water onto her body, wet her hands, and brought them to her face in an attempt to lower her temperature a bit. With no one nearby she chanced a look up at Tom and saw him sitting in the dunes looking her way. She could only see him from about the waist up. She took another quick look around and motioned for him to stand. There was no way anyone else could see him in the dunes so he stood.
Tom’s erection was glaringly obvious even from this distance and the sight of it brought a huge smile to Gina’s lips. She too stood up and made a heart sign with her hands. Unlike Tom, Gina could be seen by anyone with field glasses. She wasn’t keen on being the next naked Internet babe so she walked back to her blanket and lay there, still naked, enjoying the warm sun on her skin.
It wasn’t long before Gina started to worry about getting burned. Reluctantly she got back into her dress but didn’t bother with any buttons. She just put some sunscreen on her legs and lay on her front.
“This isn’t much fun,” she murmured to herself. But then she noticed the two girls she met earlier returning from their walk. As they approached she rolled onto her side, facing toward them. She was “wearing” her dress in the sense that her arms were in the arm holes, but it was completely unbuttoned giving the girls a full frontal view of her nude form. They never took their eyes away from her as they approached.
Once they were within earshot she called to them and waved, beckoning them over to her.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming over. Listen, I want to get an all-over tan but I don’t want to burn. But I have a skin condition and sunscreen makes my hands break out so I need someone to put it on me. Would you guys mind giving me a hand?”
The girls silently looked at each other and then nodded, “Yeah, sure.” “No problem,” they said. They let Boxer off his leash and he seemed content to wander close by and investigate the shore’s various smells. Meanwhile, Gina slid out of her dress and onto her front, reaching back to hand over the sunscreen container.
In a moment she felt the cool ointment touch her skin, along with one, then two, and then four hands rubbing it into her back, neck, and shoulders.
“My name’s Gina, by the way,” Gina said.
“I’m Fran.”
“I’m Sally,” the girls replied.
“Your skin is so soft,” Fran said.
“Thanks,” replied Gina. “This feels so good I could do this all afternoon.”
“Yeah, me too,” said Fran, and Sally agreed.
The girls worked down Gina’s arms and back but slowed down before moving to her ass. They moved back up her back a little, looking at each other before tentatively moving lower with each stroke, their hands gliding up and down just a little farther over the curve of Gina’s ass each time. Soon Gina felt four hands kneading her firm, round ass. She rocked her body a little so she could spread her legs apart.
“Mmmmm,” she moaned, hoping to encourage the girls to continue and to take it as far as they wanted. The girls’ hands on her ass felt great but she wanted more. Abruptly she flipped onto her back. The sudden sight of her breasts and pussy so close and awaiting their touch caused the girls to freeze.
Gina smiled up at them and took the sunscreen and squeezed a generous amount onto her breasts and in a line down her chest to her pussy.
“There. I know it’s a bother. Thank you so much for doing this,” she said, closing her eyes and raising her arms over her head.
“Oh, it’s no bother,” Fran replied. “You have a beautiful body and your skin is incredibly soft.”
“Thanks, Gina said, peeking just long enough to see Fran and Sally kneeling on either side of her, hovering over her, their eyes wide and roaming over her body, as if wondering what part of this sumptuous banquet to sample first.
Gina closed her eyes again. In seconds she felt their hands on her skin, spreading the lotion over her breasts, first the upper parts but then over her nipples and undersides.
“Mmmmm,” Gina breathed out another encouraging moan. The girls, emboldened by the evident pleasure Gina was taking in their touch started groping her breasts in earnest. When they cupped her she would moan, when they squeezed her she would moan. Fran looked at Sally as if to say, “Watch this,” and strummed her fingers back and forth over Gina’s nipple.
“Ohhhh,” Gina sucked air through her teeth and thrust her chest out toward Fran, craving even more contact. And she got it, as both girls started tugging and twisting her nipples to Gina’s obvious delight. She was already fully aroused when Sally started working her hands down over Gina’s stomach and over her mound to her pussy.
“Ohhhh … suck my tits,” Gina whispered desperately. “Please,” she begged. The girls didn’t need to be asked twice. They both descended on Gina’s breasts as if they were starving animals, licking, biting, and sucking every part of the soft, firm orbs. At the same time, Gina reached down and guided one of each girl’s hands onto her pussy. Their first touches were tentative but soon they were fingering her with expert vigor.
“I’m cumming,” Gina groaned before her face contorted and her body spasmed in orgasmic ecstasy. It was intense and lasting and when it ended it was quickly followed by another, almost as powerful. Though young, the girls knew what they were doing, Fran’s fingers delving into Gina’s hole while Sally’s vibrated her clit. And all this while the girls continued feasting on Gina’s tender breasts.
After the third orgasm ended Gina literally couldn’t speak for several seconds.
“Who’s next,” she finally said. Both girls looked around, pulled their T-shirts over their heads and stripped out of their shorts. With Gina in the middle, they each draped a leg over her and crushed their hungry pussies into her soft smooth legs. Six hands roamed over three naked young bodies as Fran and Sally humped Gina with abandon. It was only a few minutes before they came, their juices gushing all over Gina’s legs.
A few minutes later, Gina sighed and started to stand. “Thanks, guys, you were both fantastic.”
“So were you, Gina,” Fran replied, while Sally nodded her agreement.
Still, with no one about, Gina headed back to her little bay to wash off all the saliva and pussy juice while the girls redressed and left, waving goodbye with big smiles.
Gina chanced another glance toward Tom over her shoulder and just shook her head as if to say, “Can you believe that just happened?” Tom saw her through his field glasses and raised his arm, thumb extended to the sky. He had come so close to losing control as he watched the two teen girls ravish his sweet wife. He had even considered going down to see if he could join the party, but decided not to chance to ruin a good thing.
Even now he couldn’t touch his throbbing penis knowing he’d cum if he did while replaying in his mind the sight of two pretty young girls fingering Gina, and humping her legs as they suckled her perfect, tear-drop-shaped breasts.
No, Tom didn’t want to cum just yet because he had a feeling this beach day was going to get hotter still.