The sky was blue-gray just then. Seagulls were doing an ungeometric dance in the air, trying to scavenge off pelicans that swooped into the water in bullet straight trajectories to swoop up fish in their ample bills. It was as though the denizens of the heavens were firing them off from divine sniper rifles, in order to contain fish populations.
Seagulls were notorious thieves, and the pelicans best bet was to swallow the fish immediately, if they didn’t want to lose extremities to the seagulls. It rarely happened though. The thieves always got some fish.
The fisherfolk of Fata smelled something different in the air. They knew something strange was going to happen before spotting him. It was what some people call a sixth sense, dulled in most urbanites, but keen-edged in those that live more in the world and less in their heads. Well before they found him, they knew to a man that today was an extraordinary day.
They dragged him out of the water an half hour later, when it was still early Friday morning. He had been mauled by a caiman, and his left shoulder was in terrible shape, with the bone showing. It required at least several months to heal, if it were given proper medical attention. The good thing was that it didn’t appear infected.
He looked fairly handsome. Bronze skin, coal black hair, strikingly blue eyes with large pupils. He wasn’t particular impressively built, more like someone who can be called wiry. He was some five feet seven inches tall. Not particularly impressive on all counts, except for how handsome he was. Naturally, the women of Fata were whispering all about him.
I suppose if a handsome stranger shows up in your village you would whisper too, if you are a red-blooded, man-loving woman or man. But the women of Fata later discovered this stranger’s most astonishing secret, which amplified the frenetic pace of these whispers’ circulation.
It was Daria Hernandez who discovered it. The men had turned him over to the women for caring. Daria Hernandez was the village doctor. Tall for a woman in this village. Five Nine. One forty pounds. Voluptuous. Jet black hair. Dark brown eyes. A beautiful face that a movie watcher would compare with Paz Vega.
The men cleaned him up, and dressed him in coarse white cotton overalls and laid him out for whatever procedure she would give him for his shoulder. He was unconscious but breathing after they had pumped his lungs. They prayed that he didn’t stay in a coma, but they wondered if it was too late for prayer. Nothing they had done had awoken him.
They’d found a bracelet on his right hand that simply said “Silesiar” – which didn’t really mean anything. A nonsense word perhaps. More than likely though, it was probably a name, and so they started calling him Silesiar.
Daria Hernandez had a simple plan that morning. She was going to dress his shoulder properly, and then she would turn her attention to other patients with coughs, colds, fevers and those everyday ailments that we all almost decide not to report. She sent up another fervent prayer to the Madonna Maria that that old hypochondriac Mr. Vasquez expired in his sleep today.
It was unbecoming of a doctor to offer such prayers, but the old goat was pushing ninety-three, but it did nothing to lessen his lusty advances. Last time he had come for a general checkup, she found him buck naked in her office, asking that he be given a physical. She had sent her assistant Diego to do it, and Mr. Vasquez had been very displeased, and had let half the village know about how she had been unprofessional.
Please, Madonna Maria, if not for me, for all the other women in this village. Let it be painless. Maybe he could die while having some erotic fantasy, and could go out happy. Just take the randy old goat from us.
She focused on Silesiar for now. She pulled the overall down his shoulders, clumsy as the action was, for she needed access to his shoulder. It worked for a little, but she had iodine and alcohol running down the overalls and making a mess on her precious operating table. So she looked around with guilt, and prayed that the men had dressed him appropriately and preserved his modesty.
Then she pulled the overalls down to his waist, and that appeared okay, except that the patient didn’t seem to like the folded overalls around his waist and kept squirming, even though in a coma. So she did what anyone would do, and tried pulling them a tad lower and arranging them around his waist so that the discomfort was minimal. It got caught under him, and instead of gently moving him around, she tried yanking the overalls down by grabbing what was stuck under him. It was abrupt and unexpected.
The overalls tore down the center, right around his waist, and snug as they were, they let something loose. Daria almost screamed in terror at first, because she thought there was a snake or an eel there. Then she realized what had happened.
Her frantic attempts to soothe his discomfort had torn the overalls at his loins, and his genitals had tumbled out. What looked like a sleeping snake was his penis. It was much darker than his skin, almost ebony, which was not surprising from his bronzed skin tone. It was soft, and flaccid, but was at least a foot in that state. The testicles could barely be contained in there either, each the size of an orange.
She gasped when she realized what had happened, and then felt some weird complex mix of emotions flush through her body. Guilt, embarrassment, and a vigorous surge of lust, which seemed to grow stronger, the longer his genitals were out in the open.
It was difficult to not look at the elephant in the room. A foot when it was flaccid, and probably not even slightly aroused. That was astonishing. Daria hadn’t seen anything close to it. She didn’t want to look, but her body wanted her to look. She wanted to do a lot more than look.
Good sense prevailed a moment later, and she remembered his shoulder. She knew she couldn’t work if his cock was staring at her, so she used one of the arms of his overalls to cover his loins. She tore her eyes away from there and set about mending Silesiar’s shoulder with as much tender loving care as she could.
When she was done cleaning the wound, she stitched it up and dressed it with as much gentleness as she could bring herself to muster in her state of arousal. After that, she decided that she needed to change his overalls because the torn overalls would give away what was only hers to know just then.
She suspected the men would not talk about his member, because they wouldn’t want their women taking an interest. So she was the only woman who knew of Silesiar’s genetic miracle. She preferred keeping it that way.
There didn’t appear to be an infection. She had doused the wound with iodine. Then she set about testing the bone joint. There was no indication from the sleeping man that he was feeling anything, but still, there may have been a hairline fracture. The caiman had gouged out a chunk of flesh, all the way to the bone.
If its powerful jaws worked as advertised, Daria suspected that this man was in for a world of pain when he came to. She decided that for now she was done. Her mind was still filled with his gigantic genitals. That reminded her that she needed to change the overalls.
The cotton overalls that he’d been dressed in were one of a set of several dozen that showed up around the village. The village folk had pooled together their resources and talents to create these and donated several to be used by senior citizens and by the local hospital, which was essentially a couple of rooms, a makeshift dispensary that was stocked by Daria and a pharmacist who visited once a month. It also contained a cupboard that held the remaining overalls. Daria walked up to the cupboard and pulled out another overall. Now she’d have to change him.
She placed the new overalls on a chair next to the bed he was on. She pulled the overalls off his shoulders, and shifted him to and fro so that she could slip them out from under him. She turned him on his side, as the upper half of the overalls were now under him. She tugged and pushed and moved him around the best she could.
She slipped the overalls off his buttocks, and then turned him on his back again, and pulled them down, once again exposing his massive member. As earlier, heat filled her body, but she didn’t allow herself to be distracted. Not any more than she already was. She turned him on his other side, and pulled the overalls down from the other side of his waist, and then turned him back on his back, and pulled them off his body.
She had the new overalls right next to her, on a chair. She should have simply picked them up and started dressing him, but her loins were on fire now. Her mind stopped functioning.
She started salivating, and she leaned forward and allowed her saliva to drool all over his cock and balls. She massaged it into the skin of his penis gently. She kissed his balls one at a time, with slow deliberation. Her actions made him moan. She licked his pubes in the same deliberate manner.
She looked up at him, and her eyes were transfixed by his coal black eyes staring into hers. She almost backed away in shock, but he smiled and nodded. He was way more handsome when awake. Daria was a raging torrent of hormones at this point, and that was all the encouragement she needed. She took as much of the cock into her mouth as she could, and it wasn’t much. It was just too big for any single mouth. She sucked and blew and nibbled, and rotated her lips, enjoying every sensation that coursed through her body.
She sucked some more. She ran her tongue all the way, up and down his enormous shaft. He moaned. She slurped his cock with gusto, and she licked his balls from all conceivable angles with broad licks.
She masturbated his cock with her right hand, and then pushed it into her mouth while crushing his orange sized balls against her chin with her hand. She loved gagging, it appeared. She felt him tremble, as though he felt her gag reflex against the tip of his penis, sending tremors up his shaft.
She overcame the gag reflex and pushed deeper still. He could feel her throat quivering, not wanting a foreign object in there, but she was relentless. She pushed it even further in and moved her head up and down.
She released his penis once more, as she needed to breathe. She spat on his cock again and licked it with tender love and care. She spat on his balls individually and massaged the spit into them. She played with each ball and appeared to weigh it in her palm, and then she went back to what she loved doing.
Then her loins started itching with the heat of lust. She climbed onto the bed, sitting astride him. She pulled off her skirt and her dark red panties that were soaked with her juices. Her cunt was throbbing, and dripping with her secretions. He looked at her with what could only be called glee.
There were no words between them. pushed the lips of her pussy against the top of his massive penis. He grunted and thrust forward. His foreskin pushed back, as his member slipped through the lips. She strained, and gasped, feeling his cock tearing into her.
She moaned and then let go, and started screaming in pleasure. Her entire vagina was stretched out as much as it possibly could be. As she moved forward and backward, she could feel his cock deep inside her belly. He grunted to match her screams, and they continued moving at a frantic pace for several minutes.
She could feel the pressure building inside her, as her orgasm neared its edge. She saw the cliff edge of the impending climax in his eyes as well, when she opened her eyes after being lost in the reverie induced by hard, mindless, animal lust.
Their groans and screams built up to a crescendo, as she felt her pussy being stretched out far wider than it was anatomically meant to. She didn’t give a jot, just then. The intense erotic pleasure that was building up in her was well worth it. She felt shudders course through her body, as a first wave of pleasure hit her.
She felt another wave of an orgasm engulf her, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. Silesiar had the look of a lustful animal on his face, as her pussy dripped its juice all over her. She felt him speed up his motions.
She climbed off him, and moved down, so that her mouth was facing his dribbling and engorged penis. She licked the pink head of his penis, and took it inside her mouth once again, straining, and continuing to feel her orgasm ripple through her. She backed her lips away from his cock, and wrapped her palms around the shaft of his cock, and started pumping it with gusto and as hard as she could.
She heard him groan frantically, and she continued to pump away at a steady pace. A minute later, as his groans turned louder and more frantic, she felt his cock shudder, and his hips tremble, and she knew that the torrent of jizz was on its way. As soon as the thought flashed through her mind, his cock erupted with a molten geyser of cum exploding into her mouth.
The first spurt hit her directly on the lips, and she opened her mouth to allow more of the second spurt to shoot in. It was no ordinary explosion of cum. The first spurt entirely covered her mouth and jaws, and the splatter from that falling onto her nose and the rest of her face. The second filled her mouth, and she drank in the cum the fastest she could manage, as he continued groaning and ejaculating.
Then there were several smaller spurts of cum while he shuddered to a full unloading of his giant balls. He moved his cock so that other spurts covered her breasts and her hair. When he was done, she was covered in a thick film of cum, and her loins were dribbling wet with her own juices, which had covered him. It was at this point that self-possession started to reassert itself, and they looked at each other, both with goofy grins, but also feeling awkward.