Getting Raised

"Gina evaluates her younger subordinate and Josh proves he has what it takes to earn his raise."

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Fridays. Josh hates Fridays. They’re either slow and drag on for so long or they’re so hectic that it’s five o’clock and nothing is done. This was one of those slow Fridays where you screw around on YouTube and hope the boss doesn’t walk past. In Josh’s case, that’s Gina. Gina is a company woman. She is married, has her 1.5 kids, a picket fence, a fancy car, and a big rock on her finger. She has dark hair which is always in a tight bun. She always wears a pantsuit too, something with a modest cut.

In fact, the only time Josh can remember seeing her in jeans and with her hair down was at a company picnic a few years back. Her hair had a natural kind of wave to it under the ball cap she wore. He noticed her in a different way that day. She had her toddler on her hip and a lollipop in her mouth. She seemed more human. Not the sterile, straight-faced boss but actually a mother, a wife. Josh didn’t think much of Dave, her husband. He was nice but kind of a goof, he carried their older son on his shoulders but needed almost as much wrangling as the toddler. She was warm with them, patient. It was also on that day that he noticed her smile. Gina doesn’t smile much at work. She doesn’t have much occasion to, he reasoned.

Gina knocked on the frame of his office door, yanking him out of his revelry. “Joshua, could I see you in my office at about quarter to five? I have your evaluation prepared and I’d like to get your input before I send it to corporate.”

“Sure thing!” Josh said, trying to sound chipper and not like she had just startled him out of a daydream.

“If you could please be punctual, I am going out after work tonight. I have a reservation at 5:30 at Macino’s,” Gina said.

“I’ll be there at 4:30, how’s that? That way you can bounce a little early and not worry about the traffic,” Josh countered.

“That would be splendid! Thank you, Joshua.” She took one step back before turning and leaving.

Josh likes Gina. As bosses go, she isn’t bad. She’s actually a good boss; she always says “please” and “thank you” even though she really doesn’t have to. She buys him coffee the next morning if he had a bad day the day before. She is older than him and he figures she has had to deal with some real stuffed shirts at corporate over the years. He figures that’s why she’s so straight-laced and professional at work but still a thoughtful and kind person; she’s been put through the wringer a time or two.

He looked at his clock, one more game of Minesweeper then he would head up to see her. He turned in his self-evaluation a few weeks ago and heard nothing from her about it until now. He was actually a little excited. He gelled his hair and checked it the pocket mirror in his desk. He unbuttoned his polo shirt so his collar laid nicely on his collarbone and headed to the elevator.

When he got to Gina’s office, her door was closed. He knocked softly in case she was in a meeting or something. “I’ll be right there,” Gina said from inside the office. A few moments passed. “Joshua is that you?”

“Yes ma’am, I’m a little early but I figured it wouldn’t hurt if we got started. I can come back.”

“It’s okay Joshua, actually could you please step in here quickly and close the door behind you. I think I need your help with something.”

“Will do.” With that, Josh opened the door, slid inside, and closed the door quickly behind him. When he turned around he saw Gina in a long, black, strapless dress. She was facing away from him, the tiny zipper only halfway up. Gina’s hair was up in a claw clip and a few stray sausage curls had fallen loose. He admired her long neck and bare back exposed by the dress. She had some freckles on her shoulders from childhood sunburns and a tattoo of a swallow flying away with a heart in its beak.

“Nice tattoo,” he blurted, kicking himself as the words ran out like impatient children before his tongue could catch them.

“Thank you, Joshua. It’s for my dad. I got it when he passed away last year,” she said softly.

“I’m sorry.” Josh remembered now and felt even worse. He had gotten her flowers when he found out, she had them for two weeks before they wilted. She still had the vase on a shelf in the corner. “I shouldn’t have said anything. You said there was something I could help you with?”

“It’s okay Joshua. It’s part of the healing process. I feel a little sheepish to ask this but could you zip up my dress? I can’t quite get it.”

“No worries,” his voice nearly cracked, “I can do that.” His feet felt like bricks as he went to her. The muscles of her shoulders and back swam with tension beneath her skin. The whole room felt bigger to Josh in this moment, as though his steps would never bring him to her. He could see that she was nearly shaking as he finally reached her. She was covering her chest with a shawl, looking down, her eyes almost closed. Her shoulders raised and fell with each breath softly, like a wave on the shore. She waited patiently.

He gently lifted a loose spiral of hair away from the zipper and placed it over her shoulder. Her neck muscles twitched as he did. He gently tried the zipper but it wouldn’t budge. He tried a little harder and still nothing. Josh spoke softly so he wouldn’t unnerve her further. “I think it’s stuck, I’m going to back it down a little and try again.”

“Okay, thank you.” She turned her head slightly toward him.

He slowly lowered the zipper an inch or two looking for a thread or something caught in the track but found nothing. He began to zip the dress again and stopped to adjust the tracks. He was feeling daring. The devil on his shoulder pleaded a good case: Pretend you are having trouble with it and ask to touch her. Josh took a deep breath before he spoke. “I’m having some trouble with this, can I put my hand on your back to hold it.”

Gina was looking down still, eyes closed. “You may.” She said it like an Amen at the end of a prayer. He gently put his hand on her shoulder blade. She breathed in sharply and he caught the scent of her perfume, Vanilla Lace. Very classy, he thought. He continued to zip slowly until he reached the top.

Josh let out a held breath. “All finished.”

“Very good. Thank you so much for your discretion. I do apologize for my immodest attire during your evaluation.” She put her arms in her shawl and buttoned it.

“No problem.” Josh was barely able to wipe the silly grin off his face before she turned.

“That’s what I like about you, very adaptable and pragmatic.” She had done her make-up differently as well. Her usual skin tone lipstick and light bronze blush were gone. She now had smokey eyes and arrest-me-red lipstick with a rosy blush. She had replaced her pearl studs for gold hoops and gold chained ivory pendant lay on her clavicle under her black knit shawl. Josh was sure she could read the shock on his face. He had always found her to be alluring but he was struck in awe of her right now.

“Thank you,” he said but his words sounded distant in his own ears as if he was underwater and could only hear muffled vowels. She smiled slightly. She smiled at him, at something he said. That was even more of a compliment than the compliment he had thanked her for. His heart was racing, why was he having to rummage so much to find words right now and who had stuffed his mouth with cotton?

“You’re welcome,” Gina said as she reached into her desk drawer and pulled out his evaluation. She laid it on the desk. “I can’t give this to corporate.”

Josh was confused. He was not able to discern where she was leading him with this cryptic statement so he waited for her to continue.

“You are a good employee, Josh, but it’s been a rough year. The corporate office has made it quite clear that we can’t give out raises to everyone who asks.” Josh was beginning to recover his senses and looked her in the eyes as she spoke.

“You called me ‘Josh’.” He sounded stupid even in his own head.

“Yes, I suppose I did, do you mind if I call you “’Josh’?” Gina asked.

He didn’t mind. Not at all. Not even remotely. In fact, he found it odd that in the seven years they worked together she had yet to call him “Josh”. Most people would have called him Josh by now. Did she just say she can’t give this to corporate? That I’m not getting a raise? I just zipped your dress up and I thought we had a moment! “No I don’t mind, you can call me Josh,” Josh replied. “Could you go back to what you were saying about my eval? You said you can’t give it to corporate? Does this mean I’m not getting a raise?”

Gina looked down at the evaluation on her desk and then at Josh. “No, Josh, you’re not getting a raise. You have to earn a raise, you have to go above and beyond,” Gina said.

Josh’s eyes fell to her hands gesturing as she spoke. Her neatly manicured nails flashed and danced in the light.

“Corporate doesn’t want to hand out raises to everyone, just those who earned it. Corporate thinks that if they deny a few raises here and there they will motivate people to achieve more. They think that when you finally do earn a raise, you will appreciate it all the more and go the extra mile more often.” Then Gina paused. He looked back up at her face, into her dark eyes. Something was different. He could almost smell the ozone in the air. She stood up and walked to the door. “That which we obtain too readily…”

“…we esteem too lightly,” Josh finished.

“Thomas Paine”. Saying that Gina, turned over the deadbolt on her door and it locked with a crisp snap. Josh tilted his head. Gina read the confusion on his face. She liked him more than she would care to admit. She liked his sloppy polo shirt collars, when he left them unbuttoned and his chest showed a little. She liked his butt in khakis, she liked how he was always a little scruffy on Fridays because he only shaved twice a week. He was a threat to those goons at home office because people liked him. People would go to bat for him. She would go to bat for him.

“What are you doing?” Josh asked.

Seeing if you’re ready to go the extra mile. She sat on the desk in front of him. “I don’t know? What am I doing?” Josh looked at her as she spoke. She was irreverent in tone. He had never seen her like this and he was completely taken by her. He tried to avoid looking up her dress, he might be able to catch a glimpse but would it be worth getting caught? She stood up. Josh was still sitting, thinking, weighing the words said and not said, reading the room. She patiently waited again. Josh looked up to see her standing in front of him, slowly breathing, head down. He stood up in front of her. “Josh, do you know what it’s called when you have your eyes closed but can sense someone is near?”

“No.” He spoke so softly it was nearly a whisper.

“It’s called vibrational energy.” She reached down and took his hand in hers, draping it over her shoulder before continuing. “My yoga instructor told me that. Everyone’s is different and sometimes you have a connection with someone and are open to them and you can feel them even when they aren’t with you.” Josh stood silently. “I used to think all that weed he smoked fried his brain.” She put his other hand on her hip. Josh’s heart quickened, his mouth was dry again. “Then I noticed something about you.” She lowered his chin with her hand so their eyes met. “I noticed how much I think about you. I think about you a lot. Sometimes I think about you when I shouldn’t be thinking about you.” She smiled. She turned his head so she could whisper in his ear. “Like when I’m making love to Dave.”

“I’m flattered,” Josh said. You dipshit! ‘I’m flattered’?! She just told you she fantasizes about you during sex and you’re ‘flattered’?!

Gina smiled wickedly before replying. “I thought you might be.” She traced his lips with her fingers. “Now what’s a lady gotta do to get a kiss?” Josh leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him slowly, confidently, deeply. When they broke, she massaged his chest and neck. “I see you unbuttoned for the occasion, I was hoping for more natural attire.” She lifted his shirt, up and he took it off for her. She admired his six-pack bumping through his skin and his nice pecs. He had a hairy chest and the most adorable trail of hair down to his navel disappearing into his pants. She put her face in his chest, sniffing deeply. Acqua Di Gio, very nice.

“Have a seat on the desk,” Josh said, his confidence returned. “I’m going to show you I am willing to go the distance.” Gina sat on her desk and Josh got on his knees. He gently pushed her thighs open and slid his hands up her legs, hiking up the dress. He could see her panties, white with little hearts and bears. He gently pushed them aside, probing her pussy with his finger. He kissed her thighs, high up on the inside where the skin is soft and supple, her hair tickled his nose.

“Dave never does this for me, I’m always asking, but he never does. I tried shaving, waxing but now I just let it grow,” she confessed.

“I like it, it smells better.” He kissed her a few more times, his lips and tongue teasing her, heightening the mood. Then he licked her, put his tongue inside of her. She pushed his head into her, he instinctively rubbed his nose and mouth all around. She gasped, grabbing a handful of his hair. He looked up at her and added “It tastes better this way too.” He smiled and then back to licking and massaging with his fingers. He liked to see how deep he could get his tongue inside of her. He liked the salty taste of her excitement mixed with the sweet smell of Vanilla Lace.

He had done this before for women but he never enjoyed it this much. He felt really aroused just by how much pleasure Gina was getting from it. He pulled her hips into his face and smacked her ass. He licked wildly, sliding a finger inside to fill her, and grinding his nose into her clit. After only a minute or two she pushed his head away and furiously stroked herself.

“Oh God, I’m gonna cum!” Josh closed his eyes and seconds later felt the warm splash of her orgasm on his face, neck, and chest. She had gushed all over him, marking him as her own. He slicked some of the juice on his forehead back through his hair and smiled. He unbuttoned his pants and took them off, his erection huge in his boxers. He stripped off his underwear to reveal a nice thick dick. Not overly long, but very hard. Gina turned around so Josh could unzip her dress and he slid it down over her hips dropping it to the floor.

She let her hair out of the claw clip and it fell to her shoulders. He basked in the warmth and scent of her hair. She had used a fruity hair spray this morning, still had remnants of coconut and citrus. She could feel his warm breath on her neck and it gave her chills. She could feel him poking her in the thigh. His hands slid down her arms, across her soft belly, and cupped her breasts. He ran his fingers over a chicken pox scar on her stomach and felt the ridge of her C-section scar. She tensed.

“They’re okay. They’re a part of you and I’ll love them even if you don’t,” Josh said.

She wanted to tell him how great it felt to be held, to be desired. She wanted him to know how much she needed that. Then she realized that her half-baked yoga instructor was right; Josh already knew what she was going to say. She wanted to cry, but first, she wanted to fuck. She smiled sweetly. “What’s a lady gotta do to get quick fuck?”

She leaned over the desk and Josh got behind her. She was practically dripping. He peeled her underwear off and reached around pushing her apart a little. Then he slid it in, slowly spreading her open. He made long deep thrusts at first, slowly building the anticipation. He whispered through the tangle of her hair how nice she was, how warm and wet. He held her by the hips. When she arched her back he cupped her breasts and squeezed them lightly. She liked the feeling of him, the rhythm. His thickness stretched her a little, it was a welcome change. She could feel the heat coming off his hands from his exertion as he ran them over her body.

The excitement in her grew from a smoking tinder to a fire in her belly. Gina felt like she should scream. Her eyes wandered to the pictures of Dave and her family she had here and there. He always had that goofy smile on his face. Did he keep that smile during sex, she didn’t know. She had her eyes closed. She wondered what Josh thought of him right now, was he looking at the same pictures? Would he judge her afterward? She would wear the scarlet letter proudly if it meant more sex like this. His thrusts grew more rapid and intense now, desperate one could say. She felt a hand slide between her legs and rub her clit. Her jaw tightened, she moved instinctively now with his thrusts, maximizing penetration. She could swear his cock was kissing her cervix with each thrust.

She heard him growl and then his breaths became very fast and heavy as he groaned. Gina felt the warmth inside her and it made her climax so hard she squirted again, all over Josh’s legs and groin. It had been a while since she had it happen inside her like that, a pleasant reminder that made her legs weak. It burned a little and slid around while he became soft. Some ran out, she felt it land on her calf.

When they had finished panting she turned to face him. “We should do that more often! I’m recommending you for a raise,” she said breathlessly.

“I wouldn’t mind going the extra mile regularly!” Josh replied.

She chuckled, teasing her dark ringlets with her fingers They both started getting dressed again. “That stuff about energies though, that I was serious about. I miss you when you are out, think of you and know you are near. I knew somehow that I could trust you.” She wiggled the dress up to her chest. “Can you zip me up, please?” Gina asked.

“No worries,” Josh’s voice now confident as he answered, “I can do that.”

Published 2 years ago

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