Getting lucky in the casino

"What happened in Vegas finally makes it Online"

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About a year ago my wife and I were in Vegas. She loves the place for the glitter and shows. I love gambling. So I was surprised when she came up beside me at the craps table and whispered, “What a beautiful black man at the other end of the table.” That was not an unusual thing for her to say, but I glanced her way and could see a little lust in her eyes.

She’s in her thirties, yoga shaped, and absolutely beautiful…but she’s not a sexual person. We make love only once a week and we miss 1 week each month when she is on her period. She would not consider making love in the daytime or in an unusual place. She does not know that I beat off three or four times each week to stay healthy.

So I was pretty excited to see her showing this hint of sexuality! My mind wondered if she would consider doing something in Vegas that she wouldn’t consider doing anywhere else.
As the dice moved ahead to Mr. Beautiful, I placed a $25 bet on the line and tossed another green chip to the center of the table. “Hard eight,” I said, which is a bet on double four. The dealer said it would be working on the come out and I agreed. That bet pays 10 for 1 and Mr. Beautiful threw a four-four on his first roll!

“Hard eight,” I screamed…and without thinking twice I said, “Parlay that.” That gave me $250 on the hard eight. I turned to Sandy to explain what I was doing–which was pretty outrageous by my betting standards–and I wasn’t even looking when I heard the dealer say, “Winner eight, it came the hard way.”

I whirled around and added my voice to the cheering. We now had the most exciting table in the casino, and I had a stack of black and green chips that came to $2,250. Plus I still had $250 on the hard eight.

Mr. Beautiful kept the dice for ten minutes, which is pretty fantastic, and he hit one more hard eight. Ca-ching. I won dozens of other nice bets where I raked in $50 to $500 each time. As soon as Mr. Beautiful crapped out I put my chips on the table to have them converted into bigger denominations. I walked away with over $12,000, and all because my wife had taken a liking to a movie-star type black guy.

We headed toward the cashier, both excited, and I said, “Sandy, do you know the meaning of What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” She said yes. Then I blurted it out. “Would you like to make love to that black guy and let me watch so we can always remember this amazing night?

That kind of question could have ruined my marriage had I asked it at home. To this day I’m amazed that I said it.

Her response was, “Is that possible?”

Holy shit. I almost came in my pants. “It’s possible,” I said, “and no one would know but you and me. It would be our Las Vegas secret.”

Then she came to her senses. “No, I couldn’t do that. You’re just teasing me.”

I didn’t want to overplay my hand. “I love you,” I said, “but I’m not kidding. It would be an adventure for both of us and we could talk about it for the next forty years. I’ll go find the guy if you want to consider it.” 

I saw her look around. That was my signal. I put the chips in her hands and told her to cash us out at the cashier. Then I reached into her hand and took back one green and four reds. “I’ll meet you over by the cashier,” I said.

It only took me a few seconds to find Mr. Beautiful. He was talking with two friends not far from the table. “Hey, thanks for the great shooting,” I said.

“Hey, my man,” he answered. He showed me his fistful of chips. I saw nice clean hands and a wedding ring.

I put five new chips into his pile. “Here, these are yours, too. My wife made a hard eight bet for you and she wants you to have the winnings.”

One of the other guys got the joke and said, “Bill has a lot more than hard eight.”

We all laughed.

I had a few drinks in my gut and was feeling so fucking bold. “You saw my wife, didn’t you? Young, blonde, gorgeous. She wants to meet you.”

Bill’s friends saw what was happening and said they had to go.

Ten hours later Sandy was freshly showered, blow dried, moisturized, and wrapped in a big white hotel bath robe. She looked ravishing and I couldn’t keep my hands off her. But at 11:15 Bill was still not there. I had licked Sandy’s pussy three or four times. I tried to make her cum, but she was too nervous and I was in too much of a hurry.

Finally we heard the knock. Mr. Beautiful said, “Hey, are you guys still sure you want to do this?” I invited him in and indicated my wife with a sweeping gesture. “Here’s your prize,” I said, “for being such a fantastic craps shooter.”

“Hi, Sandy,” he said. “Are you nervous?”

She said she was very nervous, but it was obvious she was ready.

I said, “Open your robe and let Bill see what you look like?” She closed her eyes, undid the belt and let her hands fall to her sides. Bill got his first look at her small but perfect tan-lined tits, her beautiful flat tummy, and her shaved, tan-lined bikini area.

“Wow,” he said, “you are more beautiful than you were this afternoon.” He stepped close to her and opened the robe a bit more and bent down to give her a very light kiss on the lips. Meanwhile, his big hands explored her breasts and swept down the slope of her body. He kissed her again and added a little tongue. She opened her mouth and kissed him back.

For whatever reason, I was not the least bit jealous. This was her adventure and mine, too. As they kissed, he moved his hands up to her shoulders and pushed the robe off. There she stood, naked as a stripper, nipples erect, pussy moist and weak kneed. He put his hands on each side of her waist and picked her up as if she weighed nothing. He held her high enough to kiss her tummy as he walked to the king-sized bed and placed her there. I beat him to the bed and pulled back the spread and top sheet.

“Would you like me to take my clothes off?” he asked.

She said yes.

I was actually suprised she could still talk.

He tossed his shirt on a chair and dropped his pants to the floor, leaving an impressive cock profile under his briefs. Then he dropped his shorts and massaged his semi-erect monster to get the kinks out. It was ten or twelve inches long and as big around as a Coke can. Then he kneeled on the bed and started massaging her body with his big hands. The cock was not the main event right away. He kissed her breasts, her tummy, her arms and her lips. She moaned and smiled at him like he was the most important man in the world…and it didn’t bother me in the least. I never cease to be amazed by my own part in this.

Eventually he laid his whole body on top of her with his hard cock making itself known. He kissed her deeply and them moved up, straddling her, to put his cock against her lips. She licked its juices, kissed it, and grabbed it with both hands like a baseball bat. She tried sucking on it but it was just too big around. She could get the head in her mouth and that was about all. “Do you think this will fit in me?” she asked.

“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised,” he said. Then he moved down to add moisture with his tongue and do a little probing with his fingers. About this point she reached over and held my hand, which was the first time in ten minutes that I had existed in this scene. I was happy she was including me.

Bill put the tip of his juicy monster right up against her slit and started applying a very small amount of pressure. She pressed up against him, but there was hardly any penetration. Then he grabbed his shaft and rubbed it up and down her labia, spreading his juices from top to bottom. When he put it against her pussy again it found its way into her. She grasped harder on my hand and then let go. She reached down and spread her pussy lips so she could see what was happening. He got about four inches in and moved softly in and out, making a little extra headway with each transit.

Then somehow she started to orgasm. He hadn’t done much but I guess the whole experience was acting on her. I saw her pelvic thrusts increase in pace as she does when she comes. And soon she was definitely the prime mover. He was biding his time and making a little more headway moment by moment. It seemed to me that he had eight inches in her and still there was a lot more cock to go.

Sandy started making orgasm noises and facial expressions. I had never before been in a position to watch an orgasm in this way. Bill laid down against her to feel her whole body in this new kind of response. Then he started adding his pumping power to hers. Somehow, she was able to take all of that gigantic organ into her small body. She finally screamed out, “Jesus fucking Christ” as her orgasm reached its peak.

He bent down so he could kiss her face during this strong show of emotion. She was too caught up in the moment to kiss him back. Her pelvis was still hitting, hitting, hitting against him and then he changed his tempo in what could only be the anticipation of his own cumming. “Do you want it in your pussy or in your month?” he said.

She added new fervor and said, “In my pussy. Oh, shit, fill me up, honey. Give me your cum.”
With that, he made an aarrgh sound and plunged so deep that she screamed as if in pain, but it definitely was not pain. I saw him tighten his legs and buttocks four or five times as he dumped his load deep into my wife. Her legs were spread as wide as she could spread them but now she was no longer pumping and neither was he. They just lay there together.

Bill said, “Sandy, that was the best fuck of my life. I kid you not. You are fantastic.”

“Thanks,” she said, and she reached out for my hand again. She turned her pretty face toward me and said, “Kiss me, honey,” which I gladly did.

Bill pulled out quietly. I looked at his dripping cock, still huge but not totally erect anymore. “I’m going to leave so you guys can enjoy your special night,” he said. “Can I call you again tomorrow?”

Sandy said, “Yes you can. I might be sore but I want you to call. Will you promise?”

Bill was gone just a minute later, and I was ripping my Bermuda shorts off. During the whole episode I had not played with myself in any way. Now I was going to get in the game. My cock was rock hard, and I was wondering what sloppy seconds would feel like.

I looked into Sandy’s pussy and knew immediately that I didn’t want sloppy seconds. I wanted to eat her. I wanted to kiss and lick and smell that place of pleasure that lay there streched in front of my eyes. I told her how beautiful she looked and started making big bottom to top licks across her pussy.

“Do you like that?” she asked.

Between slurps and kisses I told her I did.

“I do, too,” she said. “I’m so happy we did this. It was totally amazing and I don’t feel like we did anything wrong.”

I didn’t feel like anything was wrong either. I kept spreading her lips and slurping out nice gulps of thick, white cum. When I thought I had a lot of his taste on my face and in my mouth I moved up and kissed her deeply. As we kissed, my cock found the sloppy place and we just lay there together. Her pussy didn’t have its familiar tight feeling but I already had other plans for my own load.

I got my cock all sloppy with his cum and brought it up to her face. “Here, my love. This is your final taste of Bill’s cum. I want you to suck me off and enjoy the taste of both of us.”

The phone rang the next morning at 10:00. We were having a big room service breakfast. We felt great, although one of us was a little sore. I answered and it was Bill.

We have one more story. We live our two stories every week when we make love, and every now and then she lets me have a mid-week session.

Published 13 years ago

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