This is the true story of my 2005 Christmas holidays.
For me, fall semester 2005 ended in a rather ominous fashion and the following Christmas break brought with it some rather kinky and strange new developments.
Jackie, the girl from my high school who had been gangbanged by several of my fraternity brothers earlier that semester had become quite infatuated with me. (see A Frat House Party Turns to Gangbangs!!) Maybe it was the fact that I had watched but not participated in that gangbang compounded by the fact that I had a girlfriend and had constantly refused Jackie’s many sexual advances. But her infatuation was turning to obsession.
Is it happened, Jackie was becoming quite a nuisance, sending me non-stop texts, emails and calling me all the time. Worse yet, Jackie kept showing up wherever I was around campus and off campus, and of course this was really beginning to annoy my girlfriend Jennifer.
Finally, Jennifer had demanded that I tell Jackie to “fuck off” and leave us alone.
I should have done just that right away, but my failure to act decisively would eventually cost me dearly. Instead I just tried to avoid Jackie and do everything possible to dissuade her without hurting her feelings.
Meanwhile, Jennifer and her best friend, Brittany, had befriended a bisexual call girl and exotic dancer named Renee, who was paying her on way through college. Her influence over the girls was sometimes quite unsettling. Renee was extremely attractive in a super slutty way, with numerous tattoos and piercing, streaked and bleached hair, with an incredible body and gorgeous face.
The three of them made for a rather unique trio, Renee and her faded, dented up Dodge Neon, self-described “trailer-trash” upbringing, hanging out with Jennifer and Renee, rich southern blue bloods tooling around in Brittany’s Porsche Boxster and Jennifer’s BMW Roadster. One thing easily in common being that all three had a wild exhibitionistic streak and a very horny nature. They drew all kinds of attention as they liked to show off their bodies in the tiniest, shortest of skirts and skimpiest of attire. Mind you, I was every bit as entertained and appreciative of the view as was anyone.
As the semester came to a close the entire campus and the thousands of fans that make up the Dawgnation were extremely excited because our university’s football team, the Georgia Bulldogs, had won the SEC East and were going play LSU in Atlanta at the Georgia Dome for the SEC Championship. And it turned out that Jennifer’s dad had given her 4 tickets for us to go to the game.
So on the big night, Jennifer and I went to the game along with Brittany and a guy named Hartley, an older guy about 24, from Connecticut, who was a medical student at Emory University and an old family friend of both Jennifer and Brittany’s families.
As it turned out the game was great! The Dawgs, who were predicted to lose to the LSU Tigers, instead pulled a huge upset and actually routed LSU for the SEC Championship. I yelled so much during the game that I could barely speak by the end.
Confetti was streaming down everywhere in the Georgia Dome and all of us UGA fans were celebrating and turning the Dome into our very own party. The four of us stayed until the championship trophy was presented and then we left to go drinking and do some late night partying.
Jennifer, Brittany and I were all still just nineteen years old at that time, but we all had some of the best fake ID’s that money could buy, thanks to Jennifer and Brittany’s connections, so we had no problem getting into any nightclubs or bars. We hit several night clubs and partied until about 4:00 in the morning. Then we went back to Jennifer’s house. Her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and we had the place to ourselves.
By that time we were all very drunk and high as Hartley earlier had supplied us all with ecstacy. We were feeling the ‘X’ high with no inhibitions, just the dream quality “love” feeling that ecstacy provides.
Then back at Jennifer’s, Hartley surprised us with something else. He laid out a few lines of coke. Normally I would not do that but being drunk and on X, I joined in and snorted a line myself.
The details are sketchy in my head but as I best remember it, we all soon ended up naked. How we all became naked I am not sure at all. Jennifer was sitting in my lap kissing on me, when I believe it was Brittany at Hartley’s prodding suggested that we swap partners.
In a haze I remember that soon we were all on Jennifer’s huge bed and I was fucking Brittany and Jennifer was being fucked by Hartley. I had my eyes on Jennifer and thought she looked so hot getting fucked by that other guy. (I was stoned out of my mind.)
Jennifer and Brittany were both just wild and loud as hell. Later, we switched back and I fucked Jennifer while Brittany was getting fucked by Hartley just inches from us. And then things got even wilder as Jennifer and Brittany ended up face-to-crotch on each other in the 69 position providing Harley and myself with a hot steamy lesbian show while we sat back and watched.
My mind still has a difficult time trying to remember the details of that drug and alcohol driven wild night but I know we all switched again and I had sex with both Jennifer and Brittany one more time each before falling asleep.
I woke up sometime around noon. Everyone was piled up sleeping naked on Jennifer’s bed. I felt so very strange, as if I had lived a dream but I knew it was real. I was really hung over too and couldn’t believe what we’d done. I had never before felt as bizarre as I felt that day when I woke up. I could smell the sex and sweat on all of us from the night before.
Soon everyone was awake we all just took turns showering and then went out for an afternoon breakfast at International House of Pancakes. No one brought up our wild sex adventure during our conversation. We talked about our hangover, the game, our plans for the holidays and the three of them rehashed old stories about experiences growing up that they shared.
I sat their listening to stories about how their filthy rich families had gone together to places like Europe and ski trips to Colorado, and to places like The Hamptons, Cancun and Rio de Janeiro, and such.
For some reason when I arrived back at my parents house later that evening I found it extra comforting, even much more than usual. The familiar surroundings, the stability, the fact that being at home made sense and was comfortable after the strange experience of the previous night.
Jennifer and I talked by phone and texted over the next few days but never talked about that crazy drug induced night of sexual depravity. Then in a few days when I went down to see her again, she brought it up.
Jennifer said to me, “Don’t let let it bother you because we were just all fucked up and high and those things happen…it doesn’t mean anything.”
I just nodded my head. It was the only response I could think of.
But the kinkiness would not end with that one night.
A few evenings later we were all at Jennifer’s parents’ extravagant Christmas Party bash. Jennifer looked so sexy in her party dress, a very low cut and micro short, backless, dark green dress with a slightly lighter shade of green glittery stockings. Her friend Brittany wore a red mini dress with red lace patterned stockings. The sight of them both was so sexually intoxicating.
Hartley was with Brittany along with many of their rich upper class friends whose parents were also at this huge Christmas party. Though all of us under 21 years old were not supposed to, we still were able to sneak and get champagne to drink.
At some point several of the college age people left and we ended up at a house that Hartley rented close to Emory University. All the girls were still wearing their really short hot party dresses with stockings and all they guys in our tuxedos.
The after party at Hartley’s grew to be very wild. There was a lot of drinking and all these rich kids had a loy of drugs. A thick haze of smoke from chronic pot covered the air and everyone was snorting lines of coke. Several chicks that were dancing together had pulled there dresses down to flash their boobs at everyone. Nearly everyone did some lines, smoked blunts and drank from Hartley’s extensive supply of alcohol and champagne.
Jennifer and I along with Brittany and Hartley ended up downstairs in a room in the basement. It must’ve been Hartley’s weird sex room or something. It was all red (partly caused by the dim red lighting) with a big round bed with red sheets and a big mirror on the ceiling with several mirrors on the walls and there was even one of those sex swings hanging from the ceiling.
I do remember Jennifer saying, “it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the ‘fun’ room.” Then she, Brittany and Hartley had a good laugh.
Once we entered the room Brittany grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. I was so drunk, stoned and just fucked up by then that I just started kissing her back. I felt my cock grow to a full erection in my trousers. And soon Brittany had my pants down and was on her knees sucking my cock.
Being so stoned I didn’t even think about Jennifer. So as my mind cleared just enough to startle myself, I quickly glanced around the room for her. I saw Jennifer lying on top of Hartley on the bed, she was stripped down to only her thigh stockings and Hartley was naked underneath her and they were giving each other oral sex in the 69 position.
As Brittany was sucking and licking my dick up one side and down the other and stroking my testicles, I was watching Jennifer’s head bobbing around on Hartley’s crotch, her long dark hair preventing me from seeing her face.
Brittany got off her knees and took my hand leading me to the bed and we lay down next to Jennifer an Hartley. As soon as we had done that Jennifer crawled over on me and Brittany switched over to Hartley.
I ended up on the bed naked on my side, Jennifer was sucking my cock and Brittany was licking my asshole. Hartley ended up behind Jennifer fucking her dogstyle while she still was sucking me and Brittany crawled up on my face and rode my face as I licked her pussy. At one point the girls were on all fours facing each other kissing while I fucked Jennifer from behind and Hartley the was fucking Brittany from behind. Then we put our clothes back on and stammered back up stairs.
It was a really strange evening. The place felt like it was floating on air to me. A few people had left but several were still there partying. There were more girls than guys and I noticed at least few girls coupled up and making out with each other.
After awhile Hartley took three girls down stairs to his “sex room.” By then Jennifer was sitting snuggled up with me in a large chair. Brittany was asleep in another chair. I am not sure what time it was when anything happened but at some point Jennifer decided to call a cab to come get us. The taxi took Jennifer, Brittany and myself back to her parents house where her parents’ party had long since ended.
I slept in a guest bedroom and Jennifer and Brittany went to sleep it off in Jennifer’s bedroom. I woke up the next morning very hung over, took a quick shower and found the change of clothes I’d brought with me the day before and put them on before venturing out to see what was going on.
Jennifer’s parents had a catered breakfast bar set up for the many guests who had spent the evening. I got some coffee, a plate of fruit and donuts and sat at one of the many tables. I had almost finished eating when Jennifer and Brittany made an appearance. They grabbed some food and coffee and came and sat with me.
They were both complaining about how hung over they were. No one mentioned the ‘sexscapade’ from the night before.
The rest of the holidays I stayed at my parents’ house and working with my uncle to restore my old Nissan SUV and an old 1980s Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 motorcycle.
I got together with Jennifer several times over the holidays, I even spent the last half of Christmas day at her house. She and I attended a New Years’s Eve party in my home town which was fun but not particularly wild.
Again Jennifer’s dad gave us four tickets to the next UGA football game, the very next night, the Sugar Bowl, which was going to be held in Atlanta instead of New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina. Again Hartley accompanied Brittany, but our Dawgs, despite a huge comeback, lost that game by only 3 points and the rather somber mood from the loss killed our party spirit.
As far as those two drunken, drugged up, kinky swapping experiences, I tried to put them out of my mind, just chalking it up to the fact that we were so drunk and high. But I did feel really strange about it, maybe a little creepy, and I felt a lot of guilt.
There were some questions I had but didn’t really want the answer to, such as Jennifer’s statement about not seeing Hartley’s “sex room” in “a awhile.” The problem of knowing that she had been there before.
But soon, as winter classes started, more pressing problems arose as that crazy girl, Jackie, began to seriously stalk me again.