All this happened during summer break of my sophomore year in college. I was back home for the summer until fall semester started. I’m not sure why I spied on them that night because I’d never had any sexual thoughts about any of my family members. It just kind of happened. I still think about it sometimes, and the memory is still fresh.
It was a little after midnight on some random July Wednesday night in a suburb of a large U.S. city. Our neighborhood was quite peaceful, and not a whole lot happened there, especially at night. You’d hear the occasional car revving or hear a dog barking, but not much else. I remember the weather being strangely cool that night—not cold, obviously, but quite comfortable for a July night in the U.S., and as a result, we had our windows open to get some fresh air in the house.
I was in my bedroom playing games on my computer, bored off my ass, when I heard a woman’s sexual moan coming from down the hall. Now I’d heard them having sex many times over the years and had never really given it a second thought, but I was kind of grossed out at first because I knew it was my mom. However, the more I heard, my nineteen-year-old hormones took over, and I started getting turned on–in fact, I was starting to get hard as a rock. My brain told me otherwise, but my dick was guiding me, and I knew I had to try to get closer to the sounds.
So our house at the time was a split-level, with my room, my brother’s room (he just so happened to be on a trip with his buddies), and the spare bedroom being on the top level, the living/dining/kitchen being on the second, and my parents’ bedroom being on the first level. It’s a very common style of architecture in much of the U.S., and my parents still own and live in that same house. I walked as quietly as I could downstairs, knowing I’d have the excuse of getting something to drink from the fridge if they came out of their room. My plan was to just kind of stay in the kitchen and get off to the sounds of my mom moaning, but as I heard more, I knew I just had to try to see them. I heard a few more moans, then said fuck it and went outside to the backyard. With our house being a split level, as I mentioned, their bedroom window was a little below knee-level, and holy shit, did I get a show.
The blinds were down, but open. My parents were both completely nude, and my mom was riding my dad reverse cowgirl. Their bed was positioned to where the head was under the window and the foot was facing toward their door. So my viewpoint was that my dad couldn’t see me and I could see my mom’s ass and back moving on him. We were a fairly normal looking family, and both of them were in decent shape for their ages (mom forty-seven, dad forty-nine), so it was actually way hotter than I could ever have imagined.
To paint a picture, my dad went jogging pretty regularly and rode his stationary bike, so even though he wasn’t ripped, he still was in pretty good shape. My mom didn’t exercise as much, but she definitely wasn’t fat, just a bit chubby, with what seemed like average breasts. She did, however, have quite a large rear end and it jiggled quite a bit when she walked.
As I continued watching mom sat up straight and started bouncing away on him, and her big ass did that amazing thing where it jiggled like jello every time she landed. The window was open, as I had mentioned, and I heard those amazing sex sounds up close, especially her moans and her ass slapping on him. As crazy and incredibly hot as this whole thing is to witness, I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life, but I’m not jerking off, just rubbing myself over my boxers. Maybe I was too nervous to try jerking in the backyard or something. I kept watching, just absolutely mesmerized by my mom’s movements and the sheer fact that I’m watching my parents fuck.
Suddenly I hear my dad say, “Babe, I’m cumming,” and she hopped off him, kneeled next to him, grabbed his cock, then jerked him off until he came. She was kneeling on his right side, facing left, so I saw everything. I’ll never forget her facial expressions and her reactions–as she was jerking him, she said, “Cum for me,” then he did just that. As he ejaculated, she was staring at his spurts and was smiling and laughing, and I remember she saying, “Yeah baby.”
Then, out of nowhere, she looked out the window right at me. I was SO busted.
I literally ran back to my room and slid into bed. No more than 10 minutes later mom knocked on, then opened, my door. She didn’t ask if she could come in, so I knew I was in big trouble. I was scared shitless, and expecting my dad to throw me out and potentially cut off my college funding. She closed the door behind her, and the first thing she said was, “What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you have any respect for people’s privacy?”
I was so nervous that I didn’t know how to respond, so I just told her that I had heard her sounds and got curious. I said I was only going to listen at first, but got so horny that I needed to see it in person.
She then asked why would I ever want to see them doing that, and if I was grossed out seeing them like that. I said I didn’t know why, but it was kind of hot when I actually saw it and I loved seeing her body nude. She looked completely shocked that I would ever say something like that, but from her facial expression, I think she was flattered. To this day, I believe it’s why she then asked if I had pleasured myself when I was outside watching them.
At this point, I was basically in a daze from all of this, so I told her that I hadn’t done it outside but that I had planned to do it when I got back to my bedroom. She then said something that I never in a million years would have ever expected her to say, and I still remember hearing it like she’s still saying it to me.
“If I help you, you have to promise me this will never happen again. I’m serious.”
I asked her what she meant by “help me.”
She replied, “Help you. Help you finish what you intended to do when you got back here.” Needless to say, I felt like I was dreaming. My mom just offered to jerk me off. Is this really happening?
She then said, “I just want you to keep this in your memory so you don’t get any more stupid ideas like this again. This is a one-time deal, so don’t expect this ever again.”
I replied, “Absolutely, Mom. I swear, I’ll never do anything like this ever again.”
She asked if I had anything that I use when I masturbate, and I told her I had a bottle of baby oil in my top dresser drawer. After she got the bottle, she told me to lay down on my bed and pull down my boxers. She said if it was my dad, she’d pull them down herself, but she won’t do that for her son. I did as she said and pulled them down to my feet. My cock was absolutely rock hard—definitely the hardest I’ve ever been in my life to that point—and it was sticking straight up in the air.
She squirted some oil on her hands, rubbed it into my cock, then proceeded to give me an absolutely killer handjob–to this day, I’ve never had another quite as good. She alternated between using two hands and just her right hand, and a few times she caressed my balls. She also alternated the speed—sometimes she would jerk it quickly, then she’d stop and barely move her hand. As she progressed, she started doing some dirty talk–she said, “Did you like watching me ride on top? Riding cock is my favorite position,” and “Too bad you didn’t see me getting fucked from behind.” It was too intense, and I told her I was about to cum.
When I said that, she said, “Cum for me baby.”
I completely lost control and shot cum straight in the air. It went everywhere–all over my chest, my stomach, the sheets, and all over her hand. She reached over and grabbed one of my t-shirts, wiped her hand off on it, then handed it to me to clean myself up with.
She did smile for a second and told me I shoot like dad, before getting serious and telling me that if she ever caught me spying again, she’d tell him and I’d have to face the consequences. I got a kiss on the forehead, she left, and I went to sleep shortly after.
All these years later, we’ve never spoken of this, nor did I ever even attempt to spy on them again. Nearly twenty years later, and I still can’t figure out why she would do something like that.