Gulf Coast Beach Fun Pt-2
Though a bit more difficult for me now, with both of us sitting there naked, we continued to casually chat and flirt. In the beginning I stayed rock hard the whole time. The afternoon was really beginning to heat up now however, and once again as our casual banter continued, I began to find it easier to relax more in Delilah’s presence. I never really entirely went soft though, except when we would jump in the water to cool off. The Gulf was still pretty brisk in temperature, which made the warm sun feel all that much better after we got out.
Since it was a distance of 200 feet or more from our shade to the water, we always put our suits back on for the trip, for it could be an additional 100 feet once you got out in the water before it was deep enough to relax in, to get well beyond the shore breakers. It was not at all unlikely that someone could come within sight while we were away from our towels, which we could use to quickly wrap up in if someone came along, especially the Beach Patrol. This was still pretty much the “Southern Bible Belt”, and one did not need to take unnecessary chances. And a patrol could slip up on you pretty quick on an ATV 4-wheeler.
Earlier in the day we did not really swim, as the currents there could be quite treacherous, especially in Spring, with the wind and tide whipping up a lot of big waves and rip currents. We mostly just squatted or splashed around in water about waist deep. In-between swims we would return to towels that we kept laid out in the full sun, peel our suits off, and lie down to warm up and dry off. Like a couple of big lizards, we would just lay there, soaking up the warmth and sunshine. After a bit, before we started to sweat again, we’d go back to our towel-draped chairs to relax in the shade, get a drink or snack, and just simply enjoy the day.
I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I was becoming with being naked around this amazing and beautiful woman. Once I warmed up again, I was nearly almost always in some state of arousal, but she took it all in stride and never made a thing about it. It all seemed perfectly natural after a while. At one point she told me about how she had lived in Europe for a few months, right after she got out of college. She explained to me how the culture there was much more casual about social nudity. “Americans are just so hung-up about the display of naked bodies,” she blurted out, “It just seems so silly!”
As the afternoon progressed we chanced to see porpoises go by several times, and occasionally they would frolic and leap out of the water. During one of these moments we both commented on how free they were with their play, and our eyes met. There was an undeniable spark at that juncture, much different than any other connection that we had made so far that day, as our gaze lingered for just a bit longer than usual.
Every time that we walked to the water and back, I took every opportunity I could to walk behind her… fumbling with something by the shade rig, or lollygagging in the water… I just could not get enough of that truly spectacular rearview, and she was a master at swinging those lovely hips of hers as she walked. I love a well-toned back, and I’ve always been a bit of an “Ass Man” as well (and a nice pair of legs almost always follows in those situations).
By now the afternoon was wearing on, and it was getting to the hottest part of the day. As we stood to go for a cooling splash in the water, I managed to ask her what she did to maintain such a lovely figure. She coyly looked over her shoulder as she strolled away toward the water and replied, “Yoga, swimming, and body sculpting.” The first one I knew something of, and the second I was very familiar with (which sure helped explain those magnificent shoulders, arms, and back that she had). I had no idea what “Body Sculpting” was, but whatever it was, I sure as hell was all for it!
I could not pinpoint exactly what it was, but even though her demeanor seemed very casual and unassuming, this woman was just too damn sexy… especially in her graceful movement. Each time we stood and I saw her move, I would start to get hard again. I would fumble with my erection in my shorts, to make it easier to walk to the water, which of course allowed me the delay I needed to get yet another opportunity to take in the sight of her walking in front of me. (Yes… I like to watch.)
This day seemed to be taking forever! I was loving every minute of it though. At this point in time I felt more comfortable with Delilah than any woman I’d ever met.
We entered the cool water, which had an immediate effect on my woody. Each time however, it was taking a little longer for the cool water to completely relax me. In the waning afternoon the waves now were little more than a gentle swell, so we were actually able to safely swim for a bit. When we returned to water that was just a bit over waist deep, we would squat down to rest and take in the beauty around us.
The water transitioned from the most amazing blue-green color that you could imagine, to a deep, dark blue, as you looked out over the Gulf. On the horizon this deep blue quickly melded into a grey line, and then up into a wall of fat, fluffy white clouds, filled with light and shadows, contrasting against the aqua water and bright blue sky above. There were times when it was difficult to tell exactly where the horizon line was, which would give the Gulf a rather surreal appearance. Looking back towards the shore provided a beautiful view of the brilliant white sand beach, backdropped by the similar dunes, which were accented with billowing sea oats, and various forms of bright green vegetation, all rich with Spring growth. It was a magical moment to behold.
We were half squatting next to each other, taking in the view, when without warning she grabbed my wrist and pulled herself into me, landing on my lap sitting sideways. She then quickly shifted her hold to grab my upper arm, while raising her other hand and snaking it behind my neck. I was absolutely startled, and my cock instantly began to harden again, despite the cool water. I instinctively held her waist in my grasp.
The swells gently bobbed us up and down, my feet intermittently connecting with the firm bottom sand. In this position I was nearly at eye level with her incredibly hard and long nipples (an extra benefit of the cool water), their thickness straining against the thin, wet material. I could not help but stare, and I wanted so badly to taste them. She got my attention again with a slight tug on my neck.
Once again she paused to let the sudden effect of her actions settle on me. With a slight tilt of her head she looked dreamily into my eyes. “You’re just too cute,” she purred, and she firmly pulled us together for a quick kiss. I could not have been more surprised at that moment, and had it not been for the coolness of the water, I probably would have cum right then and there!
As she pulled back, her expression took on a much more mischievous look, and she suddenly took her hand from behind my arm and plunged it into the water between our bodies, inside my shorts, and firmly grabbed my now fully hard cock. “Oh My!” she gasped, “Now That IS Impressive!” With a firm grip on my manhood she leaned in again, pressing our cheeks together, and in a husky voice breathed into my ear, “I may just have to do something about that later!”
She spun herself around now, so that she straddled my lap, firmly wrapping those wondrous legs around my waist. It was like she was a gymnast, and I was the “apparatus”. She let go of my cock and wrapped both arms around my neck. She slowly drew me into her for a very long and deep kiss, pressing our bodies together tightly with her legs, squeezing me firmly. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed back, a low moan vibrated from deep within her… I felt as if I was going to explode!
Up to this point in my life I had fairly limited experience with being sexually involved with others. My fantasy life was pretty active though, and I tend to be a pretty quick study. I paid close attention to her responses as our bodies were firmly locked together, and as she alternated the pressure of our lips… sometimes lightly brushing them together, sometimes pulling me in tight, then opening her mouth wide, our tongues dancing together wildly. She knew what she wanted, and she was in complete control. I followed along instinctively. The intensity of our urges ebbed and flowed, much like the swells that moved our bodies in the water.
The kissing seemed to last forever, and eventually I began to relax some, giving myself into it, just as she was giving herself to me. By the time she broke off the kiss, I was transported to another place. One so beautiful, that it is nearly impossible to find the words to describe it. I’ve now come to understand that a good kiss can be a very clear indicator of the quality of what can follow, and that in the right conditions a kiss can be even more erotic and sensual than sex itself. I’m still thankful to this day that I had someone like Delilah to set such a good example for me so early in my life.
She eased back, her head rolled around slightly as she let out a deep sigh, eventually making eye contact again. “Mmmm,” she purred, “that was nice!”
Being in a mostly stunned state, about all I could muster was a grunt, followed by some babbling that eventually ended up something like, “I thought that was great too.” Her body was totally relaxed as I held her. The pressure of her body against mine felt profoundly exquisite.
She unwrapped her firm legs from around my waist and disengaged from me. Standing up, she grabbed my hand and began to tow me out of the water. I was so weak-kneed that it was all I could do to stumble up the beach. By the time we reached dry sand, I had some of my composure back, but my baggy and wet suit clung to me and left nothing to the imagination as to what my state of arousal was.
Every few steps she would glance back over her shoulder with a sly smile as she continued to pull me back to our spot. Each time she would allow her gaze to drift down to my crotch, where her smile would widen slightly… occasionally licking her lips. And each time she turned to do this I would get a slightly better view of her extended nipples, and the lovely curve of the side of her breast. The teasing she was subjecting me to for the day seemed endless.
I felt a certain lewdness now as I stared at her backside. Her flesh was still slightly covered in goosebumps as the late afternoon air began to evaporate the saltwater off her body. Each time her foot firmly planted itself in the loose sand, her ass jiggled with a rippling effect that had me mesmerized. The thin, wet fabric of her nearly transparent suit clung tightly to her well-toned body. Even though I’d already seen her completely naked, my perception had now changed, and there was something about the scene before me that now added a whole new level of eroticism to the situation.
As we got back to the towels that lay in the sand next to the shade tarp, she spun around and pulled me into her with one, fluid motion. Once again, she wrapped her hand behind my neck and pulled me in for a quick, yet deep kiss. Just as suddenly, she pushed away from me and took a step back. Without any shyness at all she stared at my cock, straining against the wet fabric of my suit.
She gave a slight sigh, recaptured my gaze (which was more like a look of total bewilderment, I’d imagine), and in a throaty voice said, “Well, I suppose it is time that we did something about that, isn’t it?” I nodded dumbly in agreement.
Delilah stepped forward and slipped her thumbs inside the waistband of my trunks. In one motion she slid my suit down to my ankles and fell to her knees in front of me. On her way down, as my incredibly hard cock sprung out of my suit, it slapped her in the face. She giggled, and placed her forearms against my thighs, while at the same time grabbing my ass. She had me firmly in her grip and was once again in total control.
My cock was so hard that it stood nearly straight up. I nervously glanced up and down the beach to see if anyone was in sight. For the whole day we had seen no one, and there was still nobody visible. A bit unusual, but not unheard of for a weekday in mid-May… still, it is always best to keep an eye on the lookout. To get a better stance, I awkwardly stepped out of my trunks that covered my feet. She blew lightly against my cock… it twitched uncontrollably. I was getting weak in the knees again, and I was afraid if she did that again I might just erupt cum all over the place, on her face, and in her hair, everywhere. I concentrated desperately on not doing so.
She let out another giggle and took one last look into my eyes. I can only describe her expression as wicked abandonment. A sly grin crept across her face, and then her expression softened as she looked back to my cock and grunted.
Delilah then lunged her face forward and grabbed my cock with her lips. It stood up so straight that she could not reach the head with just her lips, so she worked her lips and tongue down the side of it, pressing it against me until she could get her mouth over the head. She gently held the bulging head of my cock in her lips and began to hum. My head rolled back and a guttural, animal moan began to emanate from deep within me, my knees began to shake. Were it not for her firm grasp on me, I likely would have toppled over, I was completely losing control… I felt that familiar tightening of my ball-sack as I got ready to cum.
Without warning she firmly plunged her face forward, forcing my cock deep down her throat, her nose firmly pressed into my pubic bone. Her throat muscles began working my cock, and that was all I could take. I shot what felt like a gallon of cum down her throat, in wave after wave. A confusing combination of grunts and groans flowed from deep within me, it was all I could do to remain conscious and not collapse. Again, her firm grip and strong body were about all that was holding me up as I grabbed her shoulders for balance, convulsing and shaking uncontrollably.
After I finished emptying my cum inside her throat, I slowly began to return to reality. My legs were still more like rubber, and my head was full of the fog surrounding it from what was without a doubt the most intense orgasm I’d ever had so far in my life. I’m sure my expression was one of drunken stupidity. I smiled meekly and managed to stutter out some words of appreciation between gasps for breath.
As my head continued to clear, my cock began to slowly grow softer. She continued to hold me firmly in her mouth, nostrils flaring as she breathed heavily, working her tongue all around my cock, cleaning as much cum off it as she could. She was like a woman possessed by some sort of sexual demon, and I began to squirm from the heightened post-cum sensitivity of my cock.
She gradually slowed her actions and let my cock slip from her mouth, and then she began to stand up. I had to keep a firm grasp on her shoulders to steady myself. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and turned her face slightly sideways and up towards mine, parting her lips, inviting me in for a kiss, and kiss we did. She pressed her lips against me gently, and then pushed her tongue inside my mouth. The combination of my salty cum and the sweetness of her mouth filled me. Once again I was transported to another place.
She broke off her kiss and took a half step back. “Lie down,“ she said. It was not quite a command or a demand, but there was definitely a strong sense of urgency in her voice. I promptly obeyed.
She stood at my feet and looked up and down my body in admiration. My tanned and well-muscled form was hers for the taking. My still softening cock lay sideways across my body, still leaking cum. Her body relaxed as she let out a deep sigh.
She glanced up and down the beach to see if anyone was around. Satisfied, she quickly peeled her bottoms off. Her spectacular bronzed body was backdropped by the brilliant blue sky. Beads of moisture still clung to the thick curls of her pubic hair, which in the waning afternoon light looked like glistening diamonds.
I thought I could see some additional moisture from deeper between her legs, but it was hard to tell for sure. She slowly undid her top, and waited till she held my gaze again, before taking it off and tossing it aside.
It did not matter that I’d had plenty of opportunities to see her nude form for most of the day… as now it was like I was seeing it for the first time. For the entire day I’d been trying to keep my composure, be polite, and be respectful of her. She had coyly played along. Now before me stood this magnificent sexual animal. The look on her face was nothing short of pure lust. I had no doubt what her intentions were at that moment, and my cock began to twitch and stir again. Seeing this, she subtly nodded her head in approval, as a wide grin spread across her face.
From my angle of observation, I was treated to the most delightful vision of the female form that one could possibly imagine. The late afternoon light accentuated all the most delightful curves of her body, from her toes to the top of her head. Dried particles of salt and a few lingering beads of water glistened on her skin in what was becoming the golden glow of the softening day. I was completely speechless, and breathless, and my heart literally skipped a beat.
She stepped forward and planted her feet firmly on either side of my knees. The view was spectacular. I could have laid there for hours just taking in the vision before me. My cock was now hardening enough that it was beginning to inch its way up onto my abdomen. She collapsed her body on top of me, her moist pussy lips straddling my hardening cock. Her hands clutched at my chest.
Her head rolled back, and a soft moan escaped her lips. “Oh Yes!,” she breathed heavily, “That is what I’ve been wanting to feel all day!”
She began to slide her moist and swollen pussy lips up and down the length of my cock, firmly pressing it into my belly, massaging its sensitive underside. I could occasionally feel the nub of her hard clit brushing up and down the length of my quickly hardening cock. Like her nipples, her clit was long and thick, hard… and apparently very sensitive when aroused.
At the same time, she pinched and pulled at my nipples, and pressed her weight into my chest and crotch. The sensation was fabulous. My breathing was beginning to match hers, heavy and labored. She continued to maintain control here and knew exactly what she was doing. I was more than happy to let her use me like this.
In a seductively languid fashion, Delilah continued to massage the underside of my cock with her extremely well-lubricated pussy lips. Eyes closed, rolling her head around, her flaxen hair occasionally whipped about, sometimes lightly tickling my chest and face. With her arms she lowered and raised her torso, adjusting the intensity and angle of the pressure of her pussy massage on my cock.
Intermittently her perfect C-cup breasts and obscenely extended nipples would come within reach of my mouth, and I would lick and tease them. As I was able to do this, the pace of her motions would briefly accelerate, and the animal nature of her moans would be heightened.
After several minutes of this, I sensed a new level to her intensity, and she made her breasts and nipples constantly available to my mouth. I began to sense that she liked the nipple play a bit rough. I alternated from one to the other, licking, sucking, teasing, and pulling on them with my lips and teeth… assaulting them with my tongue.
She continued to rub my cock with her moist pussy as I felt the crescendo build. Eventually I sucked as much of one breast in my mouth as I could, held it lightly in my teeth, and with my tongue lashed furiously at her nipple, which felt like an extra-long and thick pencil eraser in my mouth.
Suddenly her body stiffened, her head whipped back, and a low wail emanated from deep within her, which slowly rose in pitch till she was like a screaming banshee. At the same time, her body began convulsing and shaking uncontrollably, her head and hair whipped about frantically… and a flood of juices gushed forth from her, and soaked my groin and belly area thoroughly. I was completely startled by this!
As her orgasm subsided she collapsed on top of me. Her extended nipples pressed firmly into my chest, contrasted by the soft mounds of her breasts surrounding them. Her body heaved on top of me as she caught her breath, which at first was gasping and ragged.
Eventually she calmed down and lay her head on my chest, muttering soft purrs as to how good that felt. I was awake now! And my cock by this time was hard enough to cut glass. Once she recovered enough, she lifted herself up on all fours, hovering over me. She tilted her head down to look between her legs at my now raging hard-on, her damp hair once again tickling my face and chest.
“Oh, what a good boy you are,” she cooed. Turning her face back to mine she asked with a sultry tone of innocence, “Is that hard cock all for me?” I looked down as well. Extending past the thickly matted fur of her mons I could plainly see her swollen pussy lips, which were lewdly dripping her juices onto my cock and balls.
I managed to squeak out an affirmative. “Yes,” was all I could offer.
Without any ceremony at all, she reached down and grabbed my cock (yes, after brushing the sand off her hand… damn sand gets into everything!), braced the tip against the opening of her love flower, and then swiftly impaled herself on me with a grunt. There was not much ritual at this point, it was just pure animal lust. With a series of deep moans and groans, she sat herself up and began to slowly gyrate on top of me. She was lost in her own pleasure… I was spellbound.
The intensity of these purely sexual acts, combined with the incredible beauty of the surroundings in the late afternoon, was almost completely overwhelming. All the while, as she had me pinned down, using me for her pleasure, I explored every part of her that I could reach with my hands, while we both continued to grunt, moan, groan, and growl as a response to her treatment of me. It all indeed was quite a treat!
Now as she rocked back and forth, and around, I could feel the length of my turgid cock exploring her insides. The velvety walls of her opening were slick and wet and felt simply wonderful. The waning sunlight glistened on her beautifully tanned skin. I began to feel a frantic sense of intensity from her movements. All I wanted to do was cum hard, and cum now!
She reached back and massaged my balls gently. Again taking on her feigned innocent expression and tone she breathed, “Is there another load of hot cum in there for me? Can you shoot it deep inside my pussy for me?” She then reached between us and began to play with her clit. After a few moments of this her eyes closed and her head rolled back. A long, slow moan once again started from deep within her. While less intense than before, and with not quite so much volume in her cries of pleasure, her whole body convulsed and shook, and once again our bodies were flooded by her juices.
She paused briefly with eyes closed to bask in the moment. Then her eyes popped open wide and she gave me a wicked look. She once again grabbed at my chest and began to pinch and pull at my nipples. She slowly rode my cock in every way possible. Intermittently I bucked wildly and groaned in a furious attempt to increase the pace so I could cum sooner, but she held me down and slowly pumped my cock with her tight pussy when I would relax to catch my breath.
Again, Delilah was in control, and I was little more than her “fuck toy”, but I wasn’t at all worried about that at the moment. She alternated between sitting up and grinding into me, to simply stroking my hard cock with her sopping wet pussy by lifting herself up and down with her powerful leg muscles.
I continued to constantly explore her body with my hands as she rode me. When she would lean down close enough, we would tease each other with our mouths. As usual, her nipples were long and thick with excitement, and I relished licking and teasing them with my mouth whenever they came in reach and played with them with my hands when she sat up. She loved having her nipples teased and manipulated. At times her body would shudder in a slight quivering gesture… I would find out later that these were mini orgasms for her. I totally lost count of how many times this happened over the course of the afternoon.
As she would lay her full body weight on me, our bodies slick with sweat and cum, we would slide obscenely against each other with wet slapping and sucking sounds. I tried anxiously to thrust my cock deeper into her.
“Fuck me with that big, hard cock of yours baby,” she purred into my ear, “Let me feel all that hot cum spurting deep inside me.” In-between the furious poundings we gave each other, we would continue with gasps of similar vulgar dialog. I was beginning to think that this chick liked it dirty… but who was I to complain? … Or even think?
After a good ten minutes or more of furious fucking and intense grinding, I began to get that familiar feeling building deep within me. My balls began to tighten up, and the intensity of my movements became even more frantic. She picked up on the queues and began to give me more encouragement, both physically and verbally. Right now this woman was little more than a lean and muscular fucking machine.
Delilah propped herself up on her hands and knees and began to stroke my cock with her tight pussy. Milking just the tip of my cock, I began to convulse uncontrollably. She plunged firmly down onto me just as I began to unload wave after wave of hot cum deep into her. She ground her clit hard against my pubic bone and suddenly erupted into an orgasm of her own, yet again flooding us with her juices.
She collapsed on top of me, and we lay together for a while in a gentle embrace. As our breathing became more normal, we snuggled together, basking in the afterglow of our combined orgasmic bliss. The setting was intensely erotic. The smell of sex mixed with the gentle Gulf breeze, along with the sounds of the beach environment was both peaceful and titillating… the soft lapping of the swells against the hard, wet sand at the shoreline, an occasional Seagull passing by with a cry… there was nothing to disturb this magical moment as we soaked it all in.