We’re both in our early 30’s and have an extremely broad-minded outlook towards sex. We both like the same things and frequently experiment with ourselves and others, pushing the boundaries of our relationship to the utmost to find that added bit of spice that’s so necessary for a sex-life to remain vibrant and exciting! We’re both bisexual and because there’s not a hint of jealousy between us, we frequently share consenting partners with each other, sometimes as a foursome, where we all get off together, and sometimes as two separate but mutually approving groups.
More times than I care to remember, I’ve watched Anne being shagged by other men, women and even both during our relationship and have sometimes actively taken part with them. And when she or her partner for the evening have wanted to be alone, I’ve even taken some drinks upstairs for her and her male or female lover when they’re lying there recovering, having just finished fucking with each other in our bed!
We keep nothing from each other and Anne loves for me to come back home of an evening and tell her in the greatest detail, everything I did whilst out cruising in the car, fucking with other women or guys! She loves to lie back and openly wank herself to a violent orgasm whilst listening to how I fucked another woman I’d met earlier, or how I sucked a guy off or was fucked by him! And on the evenings when she comes home and tells me of her own sexual exploits, it usually ends up with her sitting astride me and impaling herself on my rigid cock as she tells me everything she’s done that evening, both of us usually coming together! She also loves to actually watch me fucking and being fucked by women and other guys, and she especially likes to watch me with someone else whilst I’m wearing some of her own sexy undies, something she insists on me doing regularly! And more times than not, she asks me to wear her undies for her when we go out for an evening, even if it’s just for a drink at our local, saying it really makes her cunt juice up, knowing that her boyfriend’s standing right there beside her while he’s secretly wearing her basque and nylons! She always wears sussies and nylons herself but she can’t stand wearing panties, so never does! Tonight was no exception and as I looked across at her, I could plainly see a good amount of her stocking-tops as she slumped back comfortably in the passenger seat, her short skirt riding up her nylon-clad thighs!
“I’m really gonna have to have a piss very soon, my darling!” she said to me as we drove along, “I should’ve gone to the loo before we left!”
“We’ll have to leave the motorway at the next turn-off then.” I replied, remembering that we’d passed a large sign only a few miles back, saying that the next motorway services were 34 miles away, “It’s a good hour before the next services.”
“Christ, I can’t wait that long!” she replied. Two minutes later, a large blue sign loomed up and showed there was a turn-off only one mile away!
“I’ll pull off there and find a café or something.” I told her, “If there’s not one handy, you’ll have to squat down behind a hedge or something!”
“Only if you let me suck your cock while I’m pissing!” she smiled as she reached across and squeezed my cock, “You know that pissing outside makes me randy, ever since we pissed in each other’s mouths earlier this summer in the park!”
I smiled as I remembered how Anne had squatted over my mouth a couple of months ago in the park, to squeeze my cum from her cunt after I’d just fucked her!
She’d tried so hard to squeeze out every drop of cum, she accidentally pissed in my mouth and couldn’t stop! She then looked down at me and watched as I gulped down all I could catch, her then insisting that we swap places and that I should do the same to her because the thought of it turned her on so much!
“Okay, you’ve talked me into it, you sweet talking bastard!” I smiled.
A minute later we were pulling off and slowing down as I reached a minor road that spanned the motorway.
“I’ll drive a mile or so more down here to find a café or something.” I told her, “After that, you’ll have to have your piss al fresco!” I drove on, and was just about to pull over to the hedge when I saw an illuminated red and blue sign in the distance. As I drove up and neared the sign, I could read the words ‘The Red Lion Hotel’ and saw the welcoming sight of several silhouettes through the frosted front windows.
“Here we are my darling, your loo awaits you!” I said as I drove round the side of the building and pulled up in an empty space on the dimly lit car park at the rear, “D’you fancy a drink while we’re here?”
“Hmmm, that’d be nice!” Anne replied, “I’ll nip into the ladies while you go to the bar and get me a large Southern Comfort!”
We entered the pub and Anne made for the loo as I strode up to the bar, ordering a pint for myself and a Southern Comfort for her. As the barman got our drinks, I looked around and chose to sit in the Lounge, where the wraparound seating looked to be more comfortable than the wooden chairs in the Public Bar. A minute or so later Anne arrived and sat beside me, sipping her drink and lighting us both a ciggy.
“Hmmm, it’s rather nice in here.” she remarked, “I do love to see a roaring open fire, it’s so welcoming somehow, especially with the slight chill outside!”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” I replied, “It’s really relaxing as well!” The fire certainly worked it’s magic on us, and we both felt very relaxed as we gazed into the flames and drank our drinks.
“Another?” I asked, noticing that her glass was empty.
“Hmmm, I’d love one!” she replied as she yawned, laid back and stretched against the overstuffed back of the seating, “I must be more tired than I thought! That last one went straight to my head!”
“No problems.” I said, “I’m feeling okay but I’ll only having the one pint because I’m driving, otherwise I’ll be falling asleep too! It must be all the entertaining you’ve done this last week!” She gave me a knowing smirk and smiled as I went back to the bar for her drink, she being only too aware that I was referring to the 2 women she’d met and fucked with every night and all night during our week’s stay at the hotel!
“I didn’t hear you complaining when they asked you to join in with us!” she said as I sat back down beside her with her drink, “It’s a wonder you’ve any cock left!”
“I’ve enough to give you a good fucking before we set off home later!” I told her.
“Hmmm, I’ll hold you to that!” she smiled as she raised the Southern Comfort to her lips and took a gulp, “But it’ll cost you another of these before you do!”
“Next time I’ll get you two, my darling! That way I’ll be sure of a fuck!” I replied, stroking and squeezing her nylon-clad thighs. She reached over and gave me a kiss, her hand dropping to my cock and squeezing it under the table! We sat there for a few minutes more before I got up for Anne’s next drink and a group of a dozen black guys came in and sat opposite us, obviously just having finished work, as they were still dressed in their work-clothes. One came and stood alongside me at the bar and ordered a round of drinks as I went back and sat alongside Anne again.
As I drank what was left of my pint, I caught a couple of the guys looking across at Anne and smiling before whispering something to each other. I wasn’t surprised at this and, in fact, I would’ve wondered what was wrong if they hadn’t looked across at her because she was a good looking woman and men were always doing that anyway! But what was unusual was, they’d look across and then whisper something to each other before cautiously looking back in our direction when they thought I wasn’t looking, again whispering something else and passing it on throughout the group!
“I think I’ll risk another half of lager.” I said to Anne as I stood up, “Are you ready for another Southern Comfort now, my love?”
“Ready…. willing… and waiting!” she said, smiling at me through distinctly glazed eyes! I smiled a knowing smile as I went to the bar and saw that she was in fact more tired than she’d realised and was definitely getting tipsy!
I paid the barman for our drinks and turned to walk back to our table when I saw something that stopped me in my tracks! Standing there with our drinks in either hand at the entrance to the Lounge, I could see what the guys were looking across at.
Sitting at our table was my girlfriend Anne with her knees spread wide apart and the whole of her nylon-clad thighs totally on view! As I watched, she looked at me and, with careful movements of her fingers, slowly hitched up the hem of her already short skirt to expose all of her stocking-tops, black suspenders and very hairy cunt to me and the guys sitting opposite! I felt my cock twitch as she licked her lips and spread her knees even wider to reveal her glistening cunt-lips and her large clitty as it peeped through the lush and tangled mass of her black pubic hair!
She then suddenly closed her thighs and straightened her skirt, giving the guys the impression that she’d noticed me coming back and that I was unaware of her flashing her hairy cunt at the guys! I then dutifully walked in, carrying on the deception as I sat down beside her and sipped my drink.
“You horny cunt!” I said as I turned sideways and smiled at her, making sure the guys couldn’t hear what I was saying, “They’ll be wanking themselves silly tonight!”
“I sincerely hope they’ll be fucking themselves silly – deep inside in my cunt!” she smiled back at me as she lit another ciggy, “I’ll give them another look at my cunt in a minute or two to see what happens! Don’t let on that you know what I’m doing!”
“I won’t!” I promised her, “I’d LOVE to see you fucking with a black guy! How about if I went to the gents and left you alone so’s you could flash at them again?”
“Go and have your piss…. and take your time!” she smiled. I made my excuse and got up, walking into the loo with a cock that was already semi-hard with the thought of all those black guys fucking my beautiful Anne! Coming back a few minutes later and sitting down alongside her, she leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“You’re gonna like this! I just flashed my cunt at them again and they all leant forward to get a better look, – so I spread my legs even wider, hitched up my skirt and fingered myself for them! You should’ve seen the look on their faces, it was magic!”
“Looks like you’re gonna be fucked by a load of black cocks over the bonnet of a car or down a quiet lane somewhere then!” I whispered back to her.
“And just the thought of it is making my cunt juice up as wet as hell! How about getting me another drink and we’ll see if they make a move?” she suggested.
I nodded and went to the bar, sure of the fact that either way, Anne was gonna get a good fucking from either me or the guys! As I was waiting for her drink and buying some more ciggies, I was aware of someone standing alongside me.
“Hey man, I hope you don’t mind me saying, but your wife over there is one good looking woman!” a deep voice said quietly from over my right shoulder, “You’re a very lucky guy to have a woman as beautiful as that!”
“I’m sorry?” I replied, turning to see that it was one of the guys that’d followed me to the bar, “Oh…. Oh yes… I agree with you! She is beautiful, isn’t she!”
“Tell me pal, aren’t you frightened that someone as lovely as her will run off with somebody else and leave you all alone?” he asked, “I would be!”
“She’s no need to!” I explained, not bothering to correct him about my relationship with Anne and knowing full well that the guy was testing the ground and wondering how the hell to ask me if there was a chance that he and his mates could fuck her, “We’ve an open relationship and we can both fuck with anybody we want! So why on earth should she want to leave me?”
“Mmmm, that’d explain why she’s been giving us the ‘come on’ then!” he replied, “So… you… you wouldn’t mind if we all asked her if she wanted some fun with us?”
“If, by ‘fun’ you mean that you’d like to fuck her, you’d better go and ask her yourself!” I replied, “I won’t stop you – in fact I’ll join in if you and her want me to!” With that, I smiled, turned away and went back to sit alongside Anne.
“Bingo!” I said as I put her drink down, “You’re about to get your black cock!”
The guy came back with a tray of drinks for his mates and relayed the information I’d given him at the bar, the other guys raising their eyebrows as it dawned on them that they could soon be fucking with the gorgeous creature sitting opposite them!
A moment later, the guy I’d been talking to at the bar, came over and sat beside Anne.
“Excuse me. Me and your husband have just been talking at the bar…. and he tells me that…. that you might like a bit of fun with me and my friends?” he stammered.
Anne took a sip of her Southern Comfort, looked at him, then across at his friends and thought for a moment before she answered him.
“It all depends on what you mean by a bit of fun!” she smiled, casually reaching across and trailing her fingers over the growing bulge in the guy’s jeans before squeezing it, “If, by…. ‘a bit of fun’ you mean making use of this….. why not?
Do you know of somewhere where we could go to and enjoy ourselves?” Her fingers remained firmly wrapped round his cock, in full view of his mates across the room.
“Sure!” he replied as Anne released her grip and stroked the full length of his stiffening cock again, which was now making his jeans bulge a good 8 or 9 inches down his left thigh, “We’ve gotten the company van outside, if that’d be okay?”
“That’ll do fine!” she replied, “But first, I want all of you to go to the gents and make sure you’re nice and clean, I don’t like the taste of stale sweat! When you’ve done that, come back in here and finish your drinks – don’t worry, we’ll be waiting in our car outside for you and we’ll follow you to somewhere more… private! We don’t want everyone in the pub knowing what’s going to happen, do we?”
“No, of course not!” he readily agreed, “I’ll go and tell the guys!” With that, he got up and went across to explain the plan to his mates, me and Anne both standing and walking out of the pub to wait outside for them in our car.
“We could fuck off right now and leave them all with rock hard cocks!” I laughed.
“It’s those rock hard cocks I’m thinking of!” Anne replied, “That’s why I want us to wait fore them as agreed!”
“Hmmm, I fucking love you!” I whispered as I reached over and squeezed her firm right tit, “And I’d have been disappointed if you had agreed to go and leave them!”
“And I love you too, my darling!” she replied, reaching down between my legs and squeezing my semi-hard cock, “That’s why we’re always gonna be together!”
We sat in the car and waited for the six guys to come out of the pub and get in their van, which they did a few minutes later. I then started the engine and waited until their white van that was parked beside us moved away, me following it onto the main road until it turned off down a country lane just opposite the pub.
About of a mile down the unlit lane, the van pulled over under some trees and onto a rough piece of ground beside a gate, it’s engine stopping.
“Still sure you want to go through with this?” I asked. Anne took my hand, guided it between her nylon-clad thighs and over her hairy gash. It was sopping wet!
“What do you think?” she smiled.
“I think we’d better get out, we’re gonna be quite busy for the next couple of hours!”
Anne gave me a knowing wink and got out, standing in front of our car as the guys got out of their van and stood in a group in front of her.
She then calmly reached up and unzipped her short black skirt, allowing it to slide down her nylon-clad thighs and onto the ground. Then, sitting back against the bonnet of our car and spreading her legs apart, she reached up and slowly undid her satin blouse, sliding it off her shoulders to reveal her black cup lacy bra, matching suspender-belt, black lace-top nylons and very hairy cunt!
“Okay, who wants to be first?” she asked calmly as she pushed her hands up under each cup of her lacy bra to fully expose her dark aureole and fully erect nipples so’s they clearly poked out over the scalloped lace edges of the cups, even in the dim light.
One of the guys moved forward, unzipped his jeans and pulled out his long, black cock as he stopped and stood between Anne’s widespread thighs.
She reached out, took hold of the throbbing black cock and pulled it towards her, lightly sliding the knob-end up and down so’s it made contact with her juicing slit!
“Why don’t the rest of you guys strip off so’s you’re ready to join in?” I suggested, starting to get undressed myself. They didn’t need asking twice and all of them stripped everything off and stood there wanking themselves as they watched Anne and their friend, him now reaching down and catching her behind her knees and lifting her up before sliding his jutting cock all the way into her!
“Ooooww yes! Fuck me!” she hissed quietly as his balls pushed up against her ass, “For fuck’s sake, you guys, use me! Use my body to make yourself come and don’t bother about me, just fuck me real hard and fill me with your cum! I want to feel your cocks stretching my cunt and feel your hot and sticky cum spurting into me!”
Hearing Anne urging him on like that really turned the guy on and he humped back and forth into her, his shaft glistening in the dim light with the coating of Anne’s cunt-juices as she laid back on the bonnet, her arms thrown wide open. A couple of the guys looked at me and I nodded, so they walked towards the fucking pair, Anne grabbing hold of their cocks and wanking them as they leant over her and sucked her erect nipples, making her gasp with pleasure! I then stood alongside one of them and leant forward, obviously taking him by surprise with what I did next! As Anne wanked him, I bent forward and slipped his knob-end into my mouth, sucking it as Anne urged me on and told the guy who’s cock I was sucking to come in my mouth!
“His favourite thing is to drink another guy’s cum, especially when it’s oozing out from my well-fucked cunt!” she gasped as the guy between her thighs fucked into her even harder, now pushing her whole body back and forth along the bonnet!
“Well he’ll soon be able to drink some of mine then!” the guy fucking her gasped, “I’m getting very near!” That was my cue to move round beside them and bend over to suck Anne’s erect clitty and his shaft every time he pulled back from her!
“Oooo yes! Spurt your cum deep inside my cunt, you fucking bastard! Fill it with your cum so’s I can squat over his face and he can lick it out of me and swallow it!” she gasped to the sweating guy that was pounding his throbbing meat into her, “You just watch me squeeze your hot cum out of my cunt and watch him eat it!”
Anne always ‘talked dirty’ to me like that when we fucked because she knew it was guaranteed to make me come almost immediately!
Sure enough, the guy reacted just the same as me, within ten seconds he was spurting jet after sticky jet of thick cum into my girlfriend’s waiting cunt! His whole body jerked and convulsed in time with each spurt as he laid over Anne’s reclining and semi-naked body, pumping his spunk into it with me waiting until he’d finished!
Then, just as he started to withdraw, I clamped my lips over his glistening shaft and knob-end, sucking them clean of his cum and Anne’s cunt-juices!
He stood back, fighting for breath with his limp cock now dangling between his thighs as he looked down at Anne, still lying on the bonnet with her hairy cunt gaping wide open and steaming in the cool night air!
I then knelt between her splayed thighs, looked up, opened my mouth wide and held onto her suspenders as she slid off the bonnet to stand with her legs either side of me. Knowing I was in place, she let go of the two cocks she was holding and squatted slightly, holding her cunt-lips apart and grunting softly with the exertion of tightening and relaxing her cunt-muscles as she squeezed dollop after dollop of the thick and stringy cum from deep inside her cunt, into my eagerly waiting mouth!
“Drink it you bitch!” she hissed at me, “Eat my new lover’s hot cum and swallow it!”
The other guys gathered round and silently watched the sticky strings of their friend’s thick cum start to ooze out of Anne’s gaping cunt and slither into my mouth, no doubt seeing for the first time a guy actually drinking another guy’s cum!
“Oh yessss!” she breathed as she looked down between her nylon-clad thighs and saw the viscous off-white strings of cum that slithered from her hairy cunt but remained attached to her hairy cunt-lips, tying us together before finally parting so’s they formed a large pool of cum on my tongue, “That is some thick and creamy cum! Now, swallow it! Swallow my lover’s cum and lick me clean!”
I did as she ordered, gulping down the thick spunk before reaching up and teasing yet another thick string of cum that dribbled from her cunt-lips as she squeezed even more from deep inside her gaping cunt!
“I told you he likes to drink the cum from my cunt!” she said, smiling as she looked up at the rest of the guys, “Now, how about us all going into that field where I can lie down on the grass and take more than one cock at once? I want you all to fuck me until you can’t fuck another stroke! And if any of you want to fuck my partner… feel free! He loves to have a nice cock coming up inside his ass just as much as I do!”
She strode over my kneeling body and made it to the gate but no further! As soon as she attempted to climb over, two of the guys stopped her and held her arms firmly, pulling down on them so’s she was bent over the top rail as another stood behind her and impaled her cunt with his massive cock!
“Oh yessss!” she gasped, That’s right, use me you black bastards! Use my fucking cunt! Do anything you want with…..
She was stopped in mid-sentence by another of the guys pushing his cock into her mouth and squeezing her firm tits as he reached inside her bra and freed them from the confines of the black lacy cups!
The gate rattled loudly as the two guys fucked her from both ends, Anne thoughtfully stepping up to the next higher rail of the gate so’s her knees were bent, which allowed the guy fucking her cunt to get inside her even deeper!
The guys holding her arms realised they didn’t need to hold her any more and called me over to them. I climbed into the field, and once there, they got me on all fours beside Anne’s head so’s she could watch as they took up position, one at my head and one between my legs! As the one behind me eased his cock into my ass, I looked up at my girlfriend and drank in the erotic sight of her with two black guys fucking her as she bent over the gate, one deep inside her cunt and one in her mouth!
A second or two later, my view was obstructed by the guy kneeling at my head shoving his cock into my mouth and holding onto my head! This was the first time I’d ever sucked a black cock – or been fucked by one!
They both fucked into me for another good 5 minutes, the one in my ass really going in deep until I heard one of the guys fucking Anne groan loudly, and I knew she was receiving a thick load of cum, but didn’t know where! Then the guy in my mouth came and I gulped down the never-ending jets of cum, him finally slowing to a stop and leaving his shrinking cock to soak in my mouth, weak dribbles of cum oozing from the slit in his knob-end for me to swallow!
I soon found out which of the guys fucking Anne had come, because the guy in my mouth pulled out and I was rolled onto my back, the rest of the guys physically lifting Anne off the gate and carrying her over, face down, positioning her over my face on all fours as the guy in my ass slid into me once again!
As he did so, Anne’s face-fucker rammed his cock back into her mouth, just as she squeezed the first load of cum from her gaping cunt, it slithering into my mouth!
Then the last guy straddled us and squatted down, holding his cock at the base before plunging it deep inside Anne’s oozing cunt and pulling out to ease it into her ass, his balls banging against my chin as he rammed into her!
Picture the erotic sight of me completely naked, being fucked as I lay on my back in a field, sucking another guy’s thick and creamy cum from my girlfriend’s gaping cunt as she squatted on all fours over me and took a guy’s cock in her mouth and another up her ass! It was no wonder my cock was aching for release!
We all stayed like this for another 5 minutes of more before the guy fucking her ass suddenly pulled out and pushed his knob-end between Anne’s hairy cunt-lips, spurting his massive load of cum against her gaping cunt-lips to join his friend’s, his cum instantly filling her oozing opening and gushing into my open mouth!
I gulped rapidly and gagged slightly on the sheer volume of cum as he then pushed his massive ‘mushroom-like’ black knob-end into my mouth so’s I’d get the last few spurts deep down my throat! It was just then that I heard Anne gagging and knew instinctively that she also was getting a good mouthful of cum as well!
She then climbed off me and quickly swivelled round, lowering her head and clamping her cum-coated lips over mine before opening her mouth and letting the mouthful of cum that she was holding, slither into my own!
It was only a moment later that the guy in my ass finally came, his hot cum coating the entire surface of my ass with it’s sheer amount! Spurt after spurt jetted inside me and I could feel his knob-end throbbing and his shaft pulsating with every spurt!
Then I felt that truly delicious ‘warm and wet’ feeling, that anyone who has been fucked by another guy and had him come deep inside his ass, will instantly recognise!
We were then told to turn over and I was told to get on all fours while Anne laid beneath me, so’s they could watch Anne take her turn in drinking a guy’s cum as it oozed out of my dilated asshole! As she did, I clamped my lips over her gaping and cum-coated cunt, to drink down whatever cum escaped from it whilst the guys stood back and watched us and had a ciggy as they recovered.
As we laid there, closely coupled in the ‘69’ position and both slurping cum, one of the guys walked over and threw something onto the grass beside us.
“Hey, Anne! You said that your husband likes to act like a woman? And like a woman, he likes to drink another guy’s cum?” the guy said, “Well he might as well look like one as well! Put those on him so’s he’ll look the part!”
I looked over to see Anne’s red lace and black velvet basque and a new pair of her black lace-top nylons lying beside us on the grass!
While the others had been having a ciggy, he’d been to our car and gone through Anne’s suitcase to find some of her undies for me to wear!
“We’re all gonna fuck you ‘doggy-style’ so’s we can watch him drinking our cum as it oozes out of your cunt!” he added, “None of us have ever seen a guy drinking another guy’s cum before tonight!”
“You’re spoiling us actually!” Anne replied, stopping to lick a thick string of cum from my dilated asshole and swallowing it, “His favourite thing is to go out each evening whilst dressed in my undies, pick up another guy and let him fuck him!
Then he comes home and we fuck each other senseless while he tells me all about it!”
“You’re certainly two horny fucking guys!” one of them said.
“And you’re both a good fuck as well!” another added, “I’ve never actually fucked another guy before, but I’ve certainly enjoyed tonight! I never thought I’d actually fuck another guy and enjoy it!”
“And seeing him drink our cum – Wow! What a turn on!” another said.
“How about seeing me drink my own cum?” I asked, “My balls are still full and I’d like to fuck Anne and then suck her out while you watch!”
“Sure!” one of them said, “Go ahead!”
Anne climbed off me and stood up, straightening and adjusting her suspender-belt and nylons before she gathered her basque and unopened pack of nylons from the grass and passed them to me to put on. The guys were standing a little way from us by the gate and watched us intently as she dressed me. I thought that she looked really sexy with her erect nipples on full view and her hairy cunt glistening as she helped me struggle into her basque and nylons in the moonlight, and I nearly came on the spot when knelt down and sucked on my rigid cock as she fastened the tops of her lace-top nylons to the suspender-clasps of her sexy basque!
“There! You look good enough to eat, my darling!” she said as she adjusted the length of my suspenders and straightened my nylons, “Mind you, you always do look sexy in my undies, and I love you wearing them! Hey, how about me buying you some undies of your own so’s you can wear them all the time?”
“Mmmm, I’d like that!” I replied, and then added, “Why not go all the way though?”
“How do you mean?” she asked.
Well, as well as the undies, I could buy a skirt, blouse, and maybe a wig, and I could wear them at home of an evening after we’d locked the door. You could then teach me how to apply my makeup, and I could be your live-in girlfriend!”
“Fucking hell!” she gasped, “What a great idea! We could be two girls together and you’d always be dressed as I like to see you!”
“And once we’d gotten used to the idea, and you’d trained me a little, maybe we could go out sometimes with me dressed in my ‘girlie’ stuff as well!” I suggested.
“Now that I’d like!” she said excitedly, “You…. you… you wouldn’t mind being my ‘girlfriend’ instead of my boyfriend then, would you?”
“I’d be your girlfriend that had her very own cock – just for you!” I replied.
“And my friends!” she corrected me, “I know of a dozen that’d love to fuck with another ‘girlie’ that has her very own cock!”
“And your friends!” I agreed, “But I’d need a new name to go with my new image!”
“Hmmm…. How about Suzy?” she asked, “That sounds nice and feminine!”
“Suzy it is then!” I said, “Hi Anne, I’m Suzy, your new live-in lover!”
“Christ Suzy, are we gonna have some fun together, or what?” she beamed.
“Starting right now!” I replied, “Get yourself down on your hands and knees for your first fuck by your new girlfriend, Suzy!”
She willingly obliged, dropping onto all fours, spreading her knees wide and pushing her ass back towards me as I knelt behind her and the guys gathered round to watch us, slowly wanking their cocks back to full hardness, getting themselves ready to fuck us again! I eased my throbbing cock into her delicious cunt, Anne softly sighing and wantonly pushing back at me as she felt her cunt-walls being stretched by my thick shaft. Then I eased my full length into her and started to fuck in and out of her juicy cunt, slowly picking up speed until my balls were slapping against the furry black thatch that surrounded her cunt-lips!
“Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck me senseless, my darling!” she gasped, dropping her upper body onto the grass so’s I could get inside her even deeper, “Yessssssss!!!!!”
The thought of what we’d just been talking about made me feel really horny, yet strangely contented and I thought about how good it was gonna be of an evening with me and Anne sitting at home, both of us dressed as girls!
I could feel my spunk starting to rise and, as I didn’t want to come too soon, I stopped fucking in and out of her and held onto her suspender-belt and pushed all the way inside her, grinding my hips against her in a circular motion instead, my balls now making her cunt-lips alternately stretch and relax as they rubbed against them!
“Don’t stop!” she suddenly whispered urgently, clawing the grass with her fingers, “For fuck’s sake don’t stop doing what you’re doing, it’s gonna make me come!”
I then realised what was happening. My cock was stirring the inside walls of her cunt and, because of the way Anne was pushing back at my cock, my knob-end was brushing up against her cervix, actually making her stomach twitch and jerk as it brushed and prodded against it! Whilst doing that, my balls and groin were doing their own stuff on her cunt-lips and clitty, rapidly bringing her to her orgasm!
“Nowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she gasped suddenly as she pushed her cunt hard back at me, clawing and tearing at the grass with her left hand and reaching back to grasp my nylon-clad thigh with the other, “I’M COMINGGG, NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!”
I felt her cunt suddenly tightening around my shaft and I instantly let go deep inside her, humping hard against her and not pulling away as I flooded her cunt with my hot and thick cum! She responded by gripping me ever tighter with both her cunt-muscles and her hand as her orgasm peaked and she let out a wail that sounded like something inhuman! In all the times I’d fucked Anne, she’d never orgasmed as hard as that!
I could feel her cunt-muscles pulsating and the inner walls of her cunt rippling as she took all I had to give her, spurt after spurt of my cum jetting inside her until her cunt audibly squelched loudly and the force of her rippling cunt-muscles almost seeming to try to push my cock out of her! I watched the sweat running up her back, dividing at her shoulders and flowing down and under her arms to run over her firm tits and drip off her erect nipples, soaking into the grass!
Then, as I slowed to a stop, my orgasm now having peaked and my cock now feebly spurting only weak dribbles of watery cum, she let out a series of low moans and her cunt-muscles gradually relaxed their grip on me, allowing me to slip out of her.
“Hey, that was some fantastic fuck!” one of the guys said quietly as I sat back and we watched the steam rising in the cool night air from her gaping cunt!
“I’ve never made a woman come as hard as that!” another confessed, “She was on another fucking planet, man!”
I squatted there a moment longer and then I slowly slid underneath her, Anne shakily lifting herself up and onto all fours to allow me to ‘69’ with her and clamp my mouth over her well-fucked, cum-filled cunt!
Anne then squatted over my face, her splayed knees pushed wide apart as she strained her cunt-muscles and forced my cum to ooze from her gash, the white goo spluttering and bubbling as it slithered from her cunt and into my mouth!
“Swallow it, my darling. Swallow your cum for me!” she said softly, looking down between her splayed thighs as she caressed my face, “Drink our cum for me!”
I did as she asked, both of us holding hands and looking each other in the eye as she tensed and squeezed out as much of our cum-cocktail as she could!
“Now it’s your turn!” I said to one of the guys as I licked the last string of cum from Anne’s puffy cunt-lips, “Fill her up good! I want a bellyful of cum!”
He didn’t need telling twice, instantly kneeling down and easily sliding his rigid cock into Anne’s well-fucked cunt, only an inch from my face! I felt Anne’s lips tighten around my semi-hard cock and her body rocking back and forth as the first guy fucked into her, his shaft glistening with her cunt-juices! A moment or two later he came deep inside her, his body juddering before he slipped from her, his cock being immediately replaced by one of the others. He too slid in easily, no doubt because of her cunt now being half filled with cum already!
As he fucked his cock into her, cum started oozing from between his thick shaft and Anne’s cunt-lips, dripping straight into my waiting mouth for me to swallow!
This went on until the last one knelt behind her and announced that he was gonna pull out at the last moment and spurt his cum straight into my mouth, and then he was gonna watch me drinking what had been already spurted into her by the previous guy!
“I must warn you though, when I start to come, I’ll come a bucketful!” he said, and looking at the size and weight of his balls, the size of his ‘mushroom-like’ bulbous knob-end and the girth of his shaft, he certainly could as well!
I watched intently as he took hold of his cock and wedged his massive knob-end in between Anne’s cunt-lips, stretching them wide so’s they looked as if they were about to tear apart! Then, he slowly pushed it all the way into her like a massive piston and I heard her cunt gurgling and squelching deep inside as that massive knob-end forced it’s way through the large mass of cum that had already been spurted into her by the other guys! Cum then slowly oozed from her and slithered along her gash, forming sticky, white, viscous strings before it dribbled like egg-white from her erect clitty, suspended in mid-air as though it was tying us together before it parted, and finally slithered into my waiting mouth! Even in the dim light, I could see the bulge in her belly that was made by his massive knob-end as it travelled up and down Anne’s cunt, a copious amount of cum flowing from her each time he pumped his thick, black and shiny cock into her already cum-filled cunt !
Without warning, he pulled his thick cock out and directed that massive knob-end at my mouth, his fist wrapped around the shiny shaft. A heavy wad of thick and creamy cum splatted into my mouth, followed by another, and another and another, until finally, after what seemed like half a pint, he ran out of cum and laid the dribbling knob-end on my bottom lip, a watery fluid leaking from it and into my mouth!
Not to be outdone, I reached up and eagerly swallowed the now soft knob-end into my mouth and sucked him clean, licking his gnarled cum-coated shaft clean of cum and cunt-juice for good measure!
Anne rolled off me and laid back on the grass, thoroughly fucked and satisfied!
The erotic sight of seeing her lying there with her knees bent and splayed, her gaping cunt on full view to us all, her firm tits pushing up and over the cups of her lacy bra and her suspenders stretched tight across her thighs, made me feel really horny again and I simply had to fuck her one more time! I got down between her knees and slid my aching cock into her cunt and held her close as I fucked into her again.
“Oh yes, my darling! I want the last load of cum to fill my cunt tonight to be yours!” she whispered as I felt her nylon-clad thighs wrap tightly around my waist, “Fuck me, and we’ll show these guys how to really please a woman!” The sweat dripped from my brow as I pumped my aching cock into her, Anne writhing beneath me as I took a leaf from her book and ‘talked dirty’ to her, talking in time with my thrusts!
“I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t stand!” I whispered as I stabbed my cock into her, “And the next time I fuck you, my darling, I’ll be dressed in my own sexy undies and I’ll be fucking you as Suzy!”
“Oh yes!” she breathed excitedly, “Tell me how you’re gonna fuck me as Suzy!”
The next two minutes were spent with me ramming my cock into her as hard as I could whilst I told her how I’d dress up as a whore and fuck her while she laid back and let one of her girlfriends squat over her face and drain her cum-filled cunt into her mouth, and how it’d be my cum that was draining from her girlfriend’s cunt!
With no warning at all, Anne suddenly gripped me really tight, her cunt tightening and her nails digging deep into my waist as her eyes rolled back and she arched her belly upwards, letting out a low, strangulated groan from deep down in her throat!
My cum immediately blasted into her in powerful spurts as I held onto her arched and convulsing body, me grunting loudly with every spurt and her silently jerking with every spurt of my cum that hit her insides!
“AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHH!” she gasped a moment later as her orgasm peaked, and she collapsed back to the ground, “OH, MY GODDDDDDD!!!!”
I rested for a while as I lay on top of her, my cock shrinking and sliding from it’s cum-filled prison before I rolled over and knelt up to see her lying there with her knees bent and splayed wide apart, her black suspenders fully stretched and perfectly framing her gaping and steaming cunt in the cool night air, my cum now profusely leaking from it and forming a viscous white pool between her thighs!
“Well gentlemen.” I said, turning to the guys, “I think we can say that she’s well and truly fucked! I hope you’ve all enjoyed yourselves?”
“Fucking fantastic!” one of them said.
“What a night!” another said.
I finished off the evening’s entertainment by leaning forward and licking my girlfriend’s cunt clean of all the cum and cunt-juices that oozed from it, taking my time to let Anne recover her strength! Finally, she stood up and was helped to our car by the guys, who surprised me by taking turns to kiss her hairy gaping cunt as she sat back on the bonnet with her legs wide open, no doubt all of them getting a taste of the watery mixture of cum and cunt-juices that still seeped from her!
“I’m driving back like this!” Anne said as the guys thanked us and finally drove off into the gloom, “I can’t be bothered to change or get dressed!”
“If you are, so am I!” I replied, “Besides, I’ve got to start getting used to dressing as Suzy from now on – haven’t I?” She smiled and then kissed me before getting into the car and laying back with her feet up on the dashboard as we drove off into the night.
Driving back, I asked her what’d caused her to have such a massive orgasm earlier?
“Actually, there were two things, my darling!” she replied as she dipped her fingers into her still oozing cunt and we alternately sucked them clean as though it was a sherbet dip or soda fountain, “Firstly, your knob-end rubbing up against my cervix! You’ve never done that before and it made me feel really horny!”
“And the second?” I asked.
“Mmmm, the thought of you being dressed as Suzy!” she cooed, “Now that is something really special! I’m juicing up again, just thinking about it – look!”
She proved her point by cupping her hand below her gaping cunt and squeezing out a load of frothy cum and cunt-juice, filling her palm before holding it above her face and allowing it to trickle from her hand, into her open mouth!
“Tomorrow, we’re going shopping for some a wig and some sexy undies and clothes for you!” she said as she licked her hand clean, “And tomorrow night, I’m gonna teach you how to apply your makeup so’s you can look like Suzy!”
“And then?”
“And then you fuck my ass off!” she giggled.
Two hours later as we turned into our street, Anne informed me that she wasn’t gonna bother getting dressed when she got out of the car. Instead, she was gonna stay as she was and walk up to the front door in her bra, suspender-belt and nylons!
“It’s late, and besides, I don’t give a fuck if anyone does see me!” she added.
“And neither do I!” I replied, “And I’m gonna do exactly the same!”
“I think I’m gonna like you as Suzy!” she said as she opened her door and strode up to our front door, me following, only wearing her basque and nylons!
I don’t think anyone did see us actually? What was important, was that we’d decided to do it anyway and fuck to everybody else!
We slept well that night. Both having had a shower, we climbed into bed with a very large drink apiece, and snuggled up together and talked awhile before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
She was true to her word about the intended shopping spree! I thought she would’ve forgotten, but the following day was spent shopping for my new basque, a couple of bra and suspender-belt sets, several pairs of nylons, various skirts, tops, blouses and a wig! And to top it all, she bought me a pair of latex ‘falsies’ and told me that I had to wear them inside my bra if I was wearing ‘everyday’ stuff such as a jumper and jeans while I was around the house!
“But for God’s sake remember to take them out before answering the door!” she warned me, “Unless you want to ‘come out of the closet’ completely?”
“Let me think on that for a while!” I answered her, wondering if I’d ever have the guts to do what she suggested?
Early that same evening saw me sitting at Anne’s dressing table while she applied my makeup for me, showing me how to do it for myself. Then she brushed my wig for me before picking out a sexy outfit for me to wear.
“Pick one that’ll make me look like a slut!” I told her, “If I feel okay with it, I might even go out for a drive in the car with you whilst wearing it.”
“Well in that case, you can borrow one of my split skirts.” she replied, “And if you’re gonna wear your nylons with it, that’ll make you look like a real slut!”
She was right! It took a while, but when she’d finished fussing about, I looked at myself in the full-length mirror and didn’t recognise myself! Instead, I saw a woman that looked as though she was going out for one thing – fucking!
And that’s just what we did! We fucked until we couldn’t fuck any more.
Since then, Anne and me have fucked with many different partners, sometimes me fucking one of her women friends as Suzy, and sometimes her fucking my male friends! And after a great deal of training from Anne on how I should walk and talk more like a woman, we now go out regularly in the car as two girls, usually with me ending up by getting fucked by a guy, or watching a guy fuck Anne, and then doing my favourite thing – sucking her out!