A couple of months after my divorce I got tired of sitting at home after work and started hitting different bars after work, having a couple of drinks, checking out the crowd, and then going home to make dinner. I was not used to the solitude of living by myself.
I kept running into another guy, about my age, at a couple of the same bars and we struck up several conversations. One day while at Ollie’s Pub Mike came in and sat down next to me. It was obvious that we were both searching for women to either hook up with or possibly date.
“There are no quality women in our small town,” he told me. This was something that I was learning as I had joined an online dating site two weeks prior. “They’re either ugly, smokers, have five cats, or worse, they have adult kids living at home.”
I chuckled, “Mike, you summed it up perfectly!”
Thinking back to when I was married, I did not pay attention to who was single and who was married, I was oblivious. As my Ex and I started serious talks about going our separate ways my eye became trained to instantly look at a woman’s left ring finger. If I saw a cute woman in my age range, it was the first thing I did. At the grocery store, gas station, gym, and even at work.
Mike continued, “I even tried online dating. What a waste of time and money. Have you tried it? Any luck?”
I looked around the bar and in a hushed tone said, “I just joined Match about two weeks ago. I’ve been on two dates, but no chemistry with the women.”
Both ladies I met online were somewhat attractive, had decent jobs, and from their profiles seemed to be like a person I’d like to date. We just didn’t connect with our personalities, beliefs, or lifestyles. I then looked at him, “And I dropped a hundred bucks on each date!”
Mike fired back, “Jeff, you need to learn how to date online. I’ve got a website for you. It’s a gal who is a dating coach and she does YouTube videos with tips for men about dating. Check it out.”
“I don’t know” I lamented
“Find her video on ‘TDL.’ It stands for Time, Date, Location, and she outlines the first three dates.
Date number 1: coffee or cocktails, max twenty-five dollars and thirty to forty-five minutes.
Date number 2: something physical like a walk at the park, bike ride, etc., and one to two hours.
Date number 3: a nice dinner date.”
“Hmmm, I like the date scenarios. And it all makes sense” I told him. “Has it worked for you?”
He leaned toward me and whispered, “It did. But I gave up on online dating. I was dropping about $500 a month on the various dates and still not getting laid. I have a girl I see once a month now.”
“A girl? A ‘Friends With Benefits?’” I inquired.
“No, a provider,” Mike said.
“What’s a provider?” I asked.
“Jeff, do you live in a cave? A provider is a prostitute. This gal is thirty-eight, good looking, and for ninety minutes it costs me $400. I see her once a month.”
I was in shock. I’m not sure if he was being serious or just jerking my chain. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Nope,” Mike said. He opened his phone’s browser and went online and showed me a woman’s photo. “This is Lisa. Would you like her phone number? Tell her you’re a friend of mine.”
“Uh, no thanks. Last thing I need is to get busted at some dive massage parlor and for it to be in the newspaper,” I said to him.
“No, it’s not like that. She works out of a small office complex and runs her business as a Certified Massage Therapist. She’s licensed and gives great massages,” Mike told me.
“Here in Woodland?” I asked.
“Yes, right here in little ol’ Woodland,” he told me.
“Mike, I don’t know. I just can’t see myself seeing a hooker.”
“She’s high class. She is not a streetwalker hooker,” Mike said. “Go for an hour, it’s only three hundred bucks.”
“No, I’d never do that,” I told him.
“Dude, you should go for the FBSM. Full body sensual massage. Lisa will give you a great massage, she’ll be totally nude or wear some lingerie, and after you flip on your back she’ll massage you some more, and then jerk you off while she talks dirty to you.”
“Are you fucking serious,” I asked.
“Dead serious. Two hundred bucks,” Mike said. “Give me your phone and I’ll pull up the website where you can view the women and filter it out with an age range, race, and either escort or massage services.”
I was still in shock. I was not dumb enough to think that there weren’t hookers in our once small town, but I was clueless about these websites Mike is talking about. Reluctantly, but with much curiosity, I handed him my phone. “Use the Incognito browser, please.”
“Dude, go home and look it up on your computer, the mobile site is kind of hard to use. Just check it out,” Mike said.
I finished my customary second drink and asked where he’ll be tomorrow. “Meet me at The Pub,” Mike told me.
On my short drive home, my head was spinning. While I had only been single for five months, I have not had sex for just over a year as the Ex started sleeping in the guest room months before I moved out. The idea of fucking a woman was growing, both literally and figuratively, as I had to adjust my cock on the drive since I was now erect.
After I had dinner I grabbed my laptop, turned on the San Francisco Giants game, and punched in the website address. I had to create an account, so I used one of my old Gmail accounts that did not include my name. The site was simple to use with your location, a mile radius, and several filters, much like real dating sights like Match and Tinder. You could even check boxes for specific acts that the woman will provide; bare back blow job, cum on face, anal sex, and much more.
I played around with the filters and the next thing I knew I was looking at over a hundred women. Some were very attractive and some were obviously tatted up strippers or druggies, and their rates reflected their looks. There were ladies from twenty-one to sixty, of all races, and all shapes and sizes. I decided to search the FBSM section and filter the ages from thirty-five to fifty. I put in Sacramento as my location and a twenty-mile radius. When I clicked search, thirteen profiles popped up.
As I viewed the listings most of the women had photos wearing lingerie, sexy club attire, and about half include full or topless nudes. And, I would have classified a third of the women as beautiful: cute faces, good bodies, and nice-looking hair & makeup.
My cock was hard as steel and I felt the need to self-pleasure, so I went into my bedroom, got my supplies of lotion and baby wipes, and proceed to jerk off thinking of getting such a massage from these hotties. It did not take me long until I shot a huge load into the awaiting baby wipe. I cleaned up with another wipe and went back to the living room and finished watching the baseball game and then went to bed.
As my alarm went off in the morning and as I was trying to wake up I noticed that I’ve got “morning wood.” I must have been thinking about the sexy massage ladies all night. I quickly got ready for work and got on the laptop. Scanning the ladies from last night I saw one that really interested me.
Teresa was a beautiful white-haired blonde, sparkling blue eyes, age forty-five, and a small BBW at five-foot-six tall, dress size ten-twelve, and with luscious 38DDs according to her profile. She worked a real job, so this was a side-hustle for her. She only worked weekends and evenings by pre-set appointments. Teresa’s rate was two hundred dollars per hour. She had three photos, all in different pieces of lingerie, and featuring her ample bosom. She was a woman I would have noticed at the grocery store, and, if I saw her at a bar, I would try to strike up a casual conversation.
While at work that morning I could not get the pictures of Teresa out of my mind. At lunchtime, instead of going to the nearby deli with my co-workers, I went home and got back online to find her phone number. Her ad said to text her and what information to include in the message.
My text read, “Hi Teresa, I’m Jeff. I’ve never done this before. I’d like to book a one-hour massage with you. I found you on the PD website. I’m a newbie with no references. Looking for Saturday afternoon.”
A few hours later, back at work, my phone dings. It’s Teresa. She instructs me to call her at seven o’clock. My mind ran wild with thoughts of her hands all over my body and caused my cock to swell.
I met Mike at The Pub after work and as I sat down he looked at me with a grin and asked, “Did you book a girl?”
I chuckled and said, “Is it printed on my forehead?”
“Tell me the details. Who is she?” he inquired.
“I’ve only texted this gal, a massage gal in the Midtown area. She is a hot blonde with big tits. I’m supposed to call her at seven o’clock,” I told him.
Mike grinned, “Is it Teresa?”
“Shit, do you know her?” I asked.
“No, I’ve never seen her. But if she offered full service I sure would,” he told me. “Some of the massage girls will do full service after you’ve seen them a few times, but they don’t advertise it. Most ladies will let you touch them, suck their tits, and maybe even finger them. It just depends on the vibe.”
Stunned, I muttered, “Really?” I felt like a naïve child just learning the truth about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
“Yes, it just depends on the woman. Make sure you ask before you do anything. Just say, ‘May I play with your boobs’ or something like that,” he told me.
“Good to know,” I said.
“Did you read her reviews?” he asked.
“Yes, she’s all five stars and they all say she’s super nice,” I told Mike. I finished my beer and told him I’d see him somewhere next week.
“Here, Monday 5:30. I want to hear all the details,” he said chuckling.
That night right at seven o’clock I called Teresa’s number. “Hello Jeff, I’m Teresa,” said this sexy voice. She asked me about six questions as she screened me. She finally asked my last name and where I work. I stopped. Do I really want to give her that information? This seemed a bit sketchy I remember thinking.
“Ummm, I, umm,” I mumbled.
“Jeff, I have your phone number. I’ve already Googled you. I’m ninety-five percent sure I know your last name and where you work. Hell, I even found you on LinkedIn and Facebook,” Teresa told me. “That is a nice profile pic in your blue button-down and red striped tie”.
Fuck, she knows exactly who I am I thought. I didn’t know what to do. After a short pause, I said, “OK, you obviously did your research. Yes, my last name is Williams and I work for the Farm Bureau.”
“Thank you, Jeff. I like to see if my clients will be honest with me,” Teresa told me. “And, yes, I do my research. It is fairly easy with a phone number,” she said. We talked about a total of ten minutes to set up our session. She ended the conversation by telling me, “I look forward to being your first FBSM provider.”
That Saturday morning, I did my regular routine of laundry and ran a few errands. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed every inch of my body getting ready for my massage. I also “manscaped” since it had been a while. I have a nice six-inch cock with a large mushroom head. I shaved all but a small business card-sized area above my dick.
As I drove the twenty minutes to Teresa’s I noticed that I was a bit nervous. I had her address, the “donation” (what providers call payment), and a bottle of wine I picked up earlier for her. Parking in Midtown is a prized possession, and somehow, I scored a spot right across the street from her location. Soon I was at her door and knocked.
With the door closed, I heard, “Jeff, is that you?”
“Yes, it is,” I replied.
“Can you step back so I can see you through the peephole please,” she asked. I do as requested and the door soon opened, “Come in, Jeff.”
There was no one in the doorway and I felt a bit worried. Were cops behind the door. Was this a sting? Was the guy from Dateline inside with a camera crew? Fuck. I walked in. The living room was dark as all of the blinds were closed, with only one small table lamp on. Trying to focus I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Welcome to my pleasure palace, Jeff,” I heard. I turned to see Teresa. I damn near dropped the wine.
“Wow!” I whispered quietly. Teresa looked stunning. She was wearing a red bra and pantie set, thigh-high black fishnets, and black stilettos. “You look amazing!”
Teresa leaned in for a hug and whispered into my ear, “Thank you. Follow me.” She grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway of her beautifully decorated upscale condo. There were several doors but only two are open. “This is the bathroom, and this is the massage room,” she said as she gestured to the two doors across the hall from each other. “If you’d like to rinse off in the shower or wash up there are towels in there. I’ll wait for you in here.”
I told her that I had showered less than ninety minutes ago but I will wash my face and use the restroom. I entered the massage room a few minutes later where I found two beige club chairs, a large oversized massage table, and a single bed. The room had a very peaceful Zen vibe. “I love the Zen décor,” I told her.
“Thank you. I want my clients to be relaxed. Soft neutral paint colors and no busy patterns,” Teresa told me. She stood up from the chair and gave me another hug. “I know you’re nervous. Just relax and enjoy yourself,” she whispered. “Would you like to disrobe, or shall I undress you?”
“Oh,” I said, “you may undress me. That sounds wonderful.”
This woman slowly, seductively, sensually, and erotically undressed me until I was in nothing but my briefs. Needless to say, I was hard as a rock. She ran her hands down my bare chest as she squatted down. “Well, I see you’re ready for the massage,” she said with a big smile on her face. Teresa slowly pulled down my briefs and I stepped out of them. With one hand on my right leg for balance, she gently held my cock in her right hand and blew a warm breath on my manhood. “You have a beautiful cock, Jeff. What a nice big head.” She gave me a few strokes as she stood. She told me to lie face down on the table. Due to my raging hardon, I had to adjust my cock and balls as I laid down on the table.
Teresa slowly started the massage explaining that she used an organic coconut oil. I jump a bit when something falls on my butt. “What was that?” I asked.
Teresa giggled and said, “My bra. Do you understand what FBSM involves?”
Feeling like an idiot I said, “A massage with a hand job?”
“Oh Jeff, you’re in for a real treat today. A Full Body Sensual Massage means I will use all of my body. My hands, arms, elbows, breasts, hair, and legs” Teresa explained.
“That sounds so nice,” I said with my face buried into the headrest.
“I like to get to know my clients on our first visit, do you mind if we talk?” she asked.
“I’d like that,” I replied. As she massaged my shoulders, back, legs, and butt we shared a bit about our lives. I learned that she is from Ohio and moved to California with her then-husband sixteen years prior. She had two boys in their early twenties who have lived with their dad after graduating high school.
Teresa said she was taking CMT classes when another student mentioned this type of business. She went on to ask about my life, being divorced, and normal stuff. I confided to Teresa, “You are the first woman to touch me in over a year, and the only woman, other than my Ex, in about thirty years.”
“What? You’re handsome. I can’t believe you haven’t had success dating,” she told me.
I laughed and said, “If I had success, I would not be here.”
“I’ve heard that before,” Teresa said laughing. “Just relax and enjoy yourself. I guarantee I’ll touch you like no other woman in your life.” As she finished that sentence her hands went up my legs back towards my butt. She whipped her hair on my ass, and I lightly moaned a bit. “Do you like that?” Teresa asked.
“Yes. I’m loving this experience so far,” I said.
Her hands and arms were really working over my hamstrings, and it felt great. I moaned again. She whipped her hair on my ass again. Her hands were inside my thighs and my cock grew hard. I hoped she’d reach under and touch my cock or balls, but no such luck. With her hands spread wide, she kneaded my butt some more. My ass twitches a bit and I released a deep sigh. Her hands left my ass and I wondered what was next. I soon felt a finger running down my spine and the crack of my ass. As she lightly skimmed over my starfish I lightly gasped.
“Oh, was that a good reaction or a bad reaction,” she asked.
“Good. I liked that. Do it again,” I pleaded.
Teresa slowly teased my asshole with her coconut oil-lubed finger. Circling the outer edges and dragging that finger over all of my nerve endings. Fuck, it felt good. “Like this,” she teased.
“Yes, just like that. Oh my God, that feels so good,” I told her. “I never thought I’d enjoy ass play.”
Teresa leaned into my ear and whispered, “Wait until the flip Big Boy.”
Soon she instructed me to flip onto my back. When I did I saw her big boobs for the first time. “You are so pretty,” I told her. “And your hands are magical.”
“Oh, stop it,” she said. “Are you flirting with me?” she teased sarcastically.
“I can’t flirt with a beautiful woman?” I asked.
“You can do anything you want,” Teresa said.
Seeing an opening I asked, “May I touch your boobs?”
She looked me in the eyes and said, “Yes, thank you for asking. Such a gentleman.”
I raised my hands and gently cupped both breasts and gave them a nice soft slow squeeze. Her tits were large yet firm. I suspected she had implants but didn’t see any obvious scars. I tenderly rolled her nipples in my fingers. With her right hand, she touched my cock lightly, stroking its length with the back of her hand. I moaned once again. “Stop teasing me,” I said playfully.
“Be patient. I haven’t even started massaging your chest or legs yet,” she laughed. “Jeff, you also have a nice sensual touch. Most guys just grope and squeeze boobs. I can tell you’re a bit more of the romantic and sensual type, aren’t you?”
“I’d say so,” I said. “My Ex never appreciated the things I did for her.”
As she is massaging my thighs she asked, “Like what?”
“Flowers, cards, candle-lit dinners, just tons of stuff,” I told her. I continued, “Once I set up a hotel room with flowers, candles, and soft music. She didn’t care.”
“Every other woman would have loved those types of things,” Teresa told me, making deep eye contact. I’m in a trance looking at her blue eyes thinking this woman is perfect. Beautiful, sensual, and appreciative.
Without even thinking I said, “Kiss me.”
To my surprise, she leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Teresa smiled and said, “Stop flirting with me. Rule Number One: Do not fall in love with your provider.”
I shot back sarcastically, “Love? No, it is too early for that. It is pure lust.”
She laughed and played it off, “You’re funny. Stop talking and let me massage you.”
Teresa continued massaging my front side. She kept brushing my cock, which was standing straight up and rock hard. Without warning, she pinched one of my nipples causing me to moan. She smiled. Next, she parted my legs a bit and fondled my balls. I moaned again. Teresa finally grasped my cock firmly and gives it a long hard squeeze. “Fuuuuuuuck,” I said.
She moved slightly and put my cock into her ample cleavage and started to slide her tits up and down around my cock, essentially a tittie fuck. The sight of my cock between her big tits was such a turn-on. My thoughts turned to blowing my load all over her big boobs.
She smiled and said, “Are you aware that you’ve been dribbling pre-cum down your cock for several minutes?”
I shook my head no.
“And you liked it when I pinched your nipple, didn’t you?”
I shook my head yes.
“And you liked it when I rimmed your ass with my finger, didn’t you?”
I spoke, “Yes, that felt amazing.”
“Do you trust me?” she asked.
I shook my head yes.
Teresa continued, “I’m going to lube my finger and tease your ass, and then slowly insert my finger into your ass. Would you like that?”
I shook my head and mumbled yes. The anticipation was so exciting I’m surprised I didn’t bust my nut right then and there.
“Jeff, you need to relax your ass. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this. This is called a prostate massage,” she told me. Teresa started slowly and I soon had her finger deep in my ass and her left hand on my cock, gently stroking my manhood.
I half moaned and half spoke, “Oh. Fuck. Yes.” During this entire time, ten to fifteen minutes I estimate, she kept constant eye contact with me. It was so fucking hot. I know I had never been this aroused in my life. The pleasure I was feeling as she gently rubbed my prostate with her finger as she went in and out was like nothing I had ever experienced.
Knowing my body, I could tell I was really close to summiting the mountain. I looked at Teresa and begged her, “I’m close. Talk dirty to me!”
“Oh, you’re a nasty one,” she said winking.
As she continued to slowly stroke my cock and finger my ass, Teresa did as I asked. “Oh, yes, cum for me Jeff! Cum for me! You love my finger in your ass, don’t you?”
With my head rolling back I told her, “Yes, I do. Fuck my ass, Teresa!”
“Gimmie that big load! Shoot your load!” she exclaimed.
“I’m cumming!” I yelled. I opened my eyes and focused on my cock. BOOM! I climaxed shooting a thick white stream of jizz up in the air and it landed on my chest.
Teresa continued, “YES! Cum for me! Shoot that load!” as she worked both my ass and cock.
I grunted and a second big spurt of cum landed on my stomach. My hot sticky man milk was flowing out of my cock like never before, covering her hand with my creamy white goodness. “Oh my God!” I panted as I was breathing heavily. My whole body shook with my first full-body orgasm. It was amazing!
“Wow, that’s a lot of cum, Jeff,” Teresa said.
I hadn’t noticed, but she was still holding my cock, but not stroking me. She was still slowly massaging my prostate. “Oh fuck. You’re amazing” I tell her.
“Stop talking. Enjoy the feeling. Focus on your pleasure,” she quickly said.
I focused on what had just happened. I had a full body-shaking orgasm, cummed the biggest load of my life, my entire body was tingling, and I was still enjoying her finger in my ass. As I lay there enjoying the endorphin high, I felt something I knew well. Crap, I was going to blow again. I think.
“Oh. Oh. Oh.” I moaned.
Teresa commanded me, “Cum again. Gimmie more of your jizz. Empty your balls!”
This sent me over the cliff and I shot a small ball of cum on my waist area. “What the fuck,” I stammered.
Teresa had stopped rubbing my prostate but still had her finger in my ass. “Damn, that is a lot of spunk. You must have enjoyed that,” she said.
Still coming down from my second orgasm and breathing deeply I tried to catch my breath. “That was incredible,” I told her.
Slowly she removed her finger. She raised her left hand to her mouth and licked her hand. “Mmmm, cum, and coconut taste so good. Want a taste?”
“I’ll pass,” I laughed.
“You don’t know what you’re missing,” she said smiling at me.
“I don’t like coconut, and I’ve never tasted my cum,” I confided.
“Ok, fair enough. Would you like to taste your cum?” she asked.
“Really?” I said.
“Live a little. You seem like a nasty type of guy. Give it a try,” she said. She turned around and grabbed a small shoehorn off the dresser and scooped up a quarter size amount of my cum. “Taste it, you stud.”
I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and she wiped the shoehorn clean on my tongue. I didn’t really taste anything but noticed the warm slick thickness. I swallowed the little amount. “Meh. Not so bad.”
Teresa laughed as she licked more jizz off her hand and surveyed my body. “I’d usually offer you a washcloth, but you need a full shower. I like you, so I’m going to shower with you and wash your body. Wait here for me.”
She went across the hall and turned on the shower. When she returned Teresa explained I’m only the third client she’s taken a shower with. She took off her shoes, fishnets, and finally her red lace G-string. I quickly glanced down at her shaved pussy. I looked her in the face, and I knew she saw me gawking at her pussy. I tried to save myself, “What a nice, shaved kitty.”
“Thank you. Now let’s get in,” she said. It was a large shower with three showerheads, two were on side-by-side walls, and one was from above. There was a bench at one end with a basket of bottles.
Not knowing what to do I just stood there. Teresa got a puff and lathered it up with body gel and proceeded to wash my chest, torso, cock, and balls. It felt so good. I moaned a bit. “Stop teasing me,” I grinned at her.
“Damn, you’re hard again. You have the cock of a teenager,” she laughed.
I threw her a compliment, “It’s because you’re so hot and so skilled.”
She stopped briefly, “Remember, Rule Number One: don’t fall in love with your provider. But thank you for the compliments.” Teresa continued, “I must say it was a turn on watching you shake and climax. It is so powerful knowing I can have that effect on a man.”
Hoping to seize an opportunity I asked, “Would you like me to get you off?”
She smiled, “That is tempting, but not today. Just so you know, the more often you see me the more you can touch and kiss me. But I am not full service, so don’t even think about asking to fuck me.”
“Are you reading my mind?” I joked.
“No, I’m reading your cock,” she laughed.
“What do you expect?” I asked. “You are a woman every man would notice in public. You must get hit on all the time. I’d approach you at the grocery store or at a restaurant.”
Teresa admitted that she does get approached a lot by men when in public. “It is almost a curse being so attractive. Every horny guy tries to hit on me. Just once I’d like to go out with my girlfriends and not have to fend off the vultures,” she confided.
I took the soapy puff from her hand and asked, “Would you like me to wash you?”
“You are such a nice guy. Sure, you can quickly wash me, but only above the waist,” she said.
As I gently washed her body I tried to focus on her blue eyes, and not on her big beautiful boobs. I rotated her around and washed her shoulders and back. When near her waist I asked, “What about this amazing ass? Would you like it washed?
Teresa laughed, “Sure.”
I let my hands glide over her butt and hips. When I rotated her back around Teresa had a nice smile on her face. I mentioned something about us rinsing off and soon she turns off the water.
We stepped out and dried each other off, almost like a couple would. I returned to the massage room and get dressed while Teresa had put on a red silk kimono. As we got back to the front door she thanked me for selecting her for my first FBSM, “I have a feeling I’ll see you again,” she told me.
“Absolutely. Thank you for showing me the sensual part of FBSM. This was a fantastic experience,” I said.
We gave each other a long hug. Teresa whispered in my ear, “Kiss me.” She pulled her head off my shoulder and our lips met. Surprisingly, I felt her tongue part my lips and I happily accepted her in my mouth. We swirled our tongues a bit and we separated.
“And you are a great kisser too!” I told Teresa.
“Thank you, Jeff. I hope to see you again soon.”
She opened the door and I floated across the street to my car and drove home.