Fulfilling Fantasies: Bad Girl

"“I’m a bad girl and I need to be treated really bad.”"

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“Discipline is what you need, girl!” As Lady Hilda spoke, she let the tails of the hand-crafted leather flogger stroke the girl’s spine.

The girl stiffened. She was bent over the mistreatment table, dressed only in pink hipster panties and a white t-shirt. The t-shirt had been pulled up over her back, so that she would feel the instrument of chastisement on her skin. “Lady Hilda, ma’am. What have I done?”

“What you’ve done?” Lady Hilda exclaimed, bringing the tails down lightly, before swirling them over the small of the girl’s back. Today she was wrapped in a black latex dress which was cut to leave a copious amount of cleavage exposed, and at the opposite end to just about conceal the essentials. Black latex gloves ran right the way up her arms to her shoulders, while stiletto heels belonging to thigh high leather boots rounded off the outfit. “You’re a slut, girl! Do I need any other reason to discipline you?”

“I’m not a slut!” the girl protested, causing Lady Hilda to give her another light thong kiss; a warning, a promise, a preliminary.

“You don’t fool me!” Lady Hilda barked. “I see little sluts like you every day! Always provocatively dressed! Always flaunting themselves!”

Lady Hilda did. She was a head teacher by day, in her upper forties, well-respected by colleagues and parents alike, all efficient hair and confidence inspiring trousers. When she was not acting in her professional capacity, she liked to get her kink on – and Lady Hilda was extremely kinky. Her black hair was pulled tight, giving her a severe aspect which she augmented by allowing copious amounts of cosmetics to render her normally unadorned face a picture of sadistic asperity.

“I don’t flaunt myself,” the girl protested. “I just like to look good, ma’am.”

“Rubbish!” Lady Hilda snorted, this time making sure the flogger had a bite to it. “You’re a provocatively dressed little tart who goes around flaunting herself, flirting with all the boys even though she has a boyfriend.”

“No, ma’am! I don’t! I swear!”

The tails danced menacingly on the girl’s naked skin. “Silence, girl! I’ve seen enough little sluts like you to imagine you get up to the most disgusting things! I’m sure you’d willingly get down on your knees and fellate any man who asked you to, and not give a second thought to your boyfriend!”

“No, ma’am! I wouldn’t! I don’t! Really I don’t!”

“Well, we’ll see about that,” Lady Hilda declared, wielding the flogger with real intent. This time the girl gave a little squeak as the leather tails scourged her skin, her body shifting slightly. “Stay as you are, slut!” Lady Hilda demanded, placing the instrument on the girl’s back before making her way across the room, her sharp heels striking out a rhythm on the concrete floor. It would be hard to imagine the instrument of sexual pleasure or pain the large room did not contain. When the woman returned to the girl, who had indeed remained as she was, she was holding a big, black dildo.

Lady Hilda took up a position right up close to the girl’s head, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head up, brandishing the dildo in front of the girl’s face. “Remember, you don’t fool me, slut!” She struck the dildo against the girl’s cheek; not hard, but enough to make the girl gasp. “Boy!”

I flicked the switch on the microphone. Sitting next to me was the boy in question, the girl’s boyfriend. We were seated in the control room overlooking what I’m proud to call my dungeon, the basement of my house, equipped to accommodate every kind of sexual desire, especially the deviant kind.

The boy stuttered.

“Come now, boy!” Lady Hilda barked downstairs, tapping the dildo against the girl’s face again. “Tell me, is not everything I’ve said about your girlfriend true?”

The boy gave another stutter, then finally found his tongue. “She can be a bit friendly sometimes,” he admitted.

“She flirts with your friends,” Lady Hilda decided, in her most strident voice.

“Well, not exactly,” the boy said. “But…”

“Stop trying to defend your girlfriend!” Lady Hilda barked. “I’ve seen enough little sluts to know how they behave! I bet your girlfriend knows exactly how to make your friends want her!”

“I… I-I don’t… I mean…”

Lady Hilda pulled the girl’s hair hard, making her wince, then slapped the dildo against her cheek again. “Open your mouth!”

“Ma’am!” the girl breathed. “I swear! I may be friendly, but I’m not a slut!”

This time Lady Hilda struck the dildo hard against the girl’s face. “I told you to open your mouth, slut!”

“Yes, ma’am!” the girl breathed, before holding her mouth open for the older woman to slide the thick, phallic rubber between her lips.

“You see this, boy!” Lady Hilda cried. “This is what your girlfriend’s friendliness makes your friends imagine! And trust me, the little slut wouldn’t mind if it did happen!”

The girl was making noises of protest.

“Silence!” Lady Hilda cried, tugging on her hair. “Look at her, boy! Look at your girlfriend! No slut can take something that big in her mouth so easily unless she’s had plenty of practice!”

I glanced at the boy next to me. He swallowed hard. He wasn’t looking too comfortable, but if he didn’t want to experience this, then why was he here?

“Your girlfriend needs to be taken in hand!” Lady Hilda exclaimed. “She needs discipline! If you don’t put her in her place, the slut will be doing this to all of your friends before you know it!”

The boy just stuttered. Exactly what was going through his mind, I did not know. Nor did I care.

“Discipline! Restraint!” Lady Hilda exclaimed. “There’s a reason why the two go together!” She removed the dildo from the girl’s mouth before moving across the room again, the menacing sound of heels on concrete the only sound.

She returned to the girl with four cuffs equipped with sturdy hooks; two for the girl’s ankles, two for her wrists. She applied them with deft, practised fingers. Then she was moving back across the room, returning with a spreader bar. The girl looked nervously at the items.

“On the floor! On your knees!” Lady Hilda barked.

The girl didn’t move, looking anxiously at the older woman.

“What is it, girl?” Lady Hilda snapped. “Do as you’re told!”

The girl was still looking anxious. Her mouth opened, her lips moved. “Lady Hilda, ma’am. Please may I go to the loo first?”

“The lavatory?” Lady Hilda exclaimed. “You need to visit the lavatory?”

“Yes, ma’am. May I?”

“No you may not!”

“But ma’am. I’ve been down here a long time. I really need to go!”

“Well, you should have thought of that earlier, shouldn’t you? This is what I mean about discipline. You can’t control your urges, and apparently you can’t control the most elementary of bodily functions.”

“Please, ma’am!”

“I will not be moved! Anything you have to do, you will do right here, right now!”

“But ma’am…”

“Silence, girl! Get on with it!”

The dungeon is equipped with a multitude of cameras, which transmit to screens in the control room. I drew my finger across two of the screens, zooming in from different angles. The one screen now showed the girl’s face, her shame magnified in exquisite detail. The other showed her from behind, her arse and her thighs.

Lady Hilda was silent, the girl was silent, everything was silence. Then a stain appeared on the girl’s crotch, darkening the pink panties. The damp patch quickly grew and spread, soaking the fabric from within. Then the liquid was trickling down the girl’s thighs. Moisture could be heard dribbling onto the floor. Lady Hilda watched, just as the boy and I watched on the screen, watched the girl’s shame burn in her eyes in high definition.

Lady Hilda waited patiently for the girl to pee her last, then she gave her verdict. “You disgusting little tart! You do realise that this calls for serious discipline?”

The girl’s cheeks reddened as her eyes closed. “I’m sorry, ma’am…”

“Silence, girl! You will take off your soiled panties and kneel in that puddle you’ve just made on the floor!”

“But ma’am… I’m ever so sorry… I…”

As the girl stuttered, Lady Hilda grabbed the flogger from her back and lashed her with it. “Do as I say, you disgusting little slut!”

The girl caved. She pushed herself up from the mistreatment table and wrestled her knickers down to her ankles, bending to pull them off. While she did so, Lady Hilda deactivated the locking mechanism on the table and sent it rolling away. “On your knees!” she repeated.

The girl said nothing, but the shame was still singing her skin as she dropped to her knees in the sizeable puddle she’d made.

“Legs further apart!” Lady Hilda demanded, getting down on her haunches behind the girl, who complied. It wasn’t difficult for Lady Hilda to apply the spreader bar to the hooks in the cuffs. “Hands behind your back!”

Again the girl complied, allowing Lady Hilda to hook the wrist cuffs together before grabbing hold of the girl’s hair. “Bend over, slut! Lean forwards!”

The girl gave a gasp. “But ma’am…”

What she was thinking was obvious. “Afraid of your own mess, are you, girl? Well, it’s your mess. By rights I should rub your nose in it, as one would train a dog, a dirty little bitch!”

She gave the girl a shove. The girl’s upper body lurched forwards, Lady Hilda pushing between her shoulder blades and holding her by the hair, making sure she didn’t smash her face on the concrete. I scanned the screens, trying to find one that showed if there really was urine where the girl’s cheek ended up resting on the floor, but none did. I would have to see to that.

“Lady Hilda, ma’am…” the girl began.

“Boy!” Lady Hilda shouted, ignoring the girl. Next to me the boy started. “I want you down here! Now! Stark naked!”

“Best do as she says,” I advised him. “Lady Hilda’s not someone you want to cross.”

The boy nodded. He looked shell shocked, as well he might. I was still at a loss as to what exactly he got out of this. On the agreement he’d simply written, “I want what Alice wants.” The girl had written, “I’m a bad girl and I need to be treated really bad.”

But then I’m not much interested in what moves people to seek me out. This is what I do. I’d like to say I do it for a living, but I don’t have to – that’s one of the benefits of being independently wealthy, of money being no object. I have clients without having a business. I don’t have to bother with the Inland Revenue or charging for my services, or with the legality or otherwise of the provision of sexual services. No-one can object to what a man does in his own spare time, can they? And I have all the time in the world.

Oh, I have rules. No involvement with anyone below the age of eighteen. No animals. Standard stuff. And there are always consent forms drawn up, individualized. This is especially necessary on a day like today, when you never quite know where things will lead, and when two of the participants are as young as I will allow. In a sense I do run a business, it’s just not actually a business. My business is the business of fulfilling people’s sexual fantasies. Well, you know how it is; people have all kinds of fantasies. My job – or it would be if I made a living from it – is to make those fantasies come true. It amuses me, and more often than not provides all kinds of satisfaction. Why people want what they want, well, why should I care?

While the boy undressed, down in the room Lady Hilda fetched a chair, which she placed about three feet from the girl, facing her sideways on. Then she went over to the wall directly below the control room, where myriad implements are kept. She chose a paddle, a cane and a riding crop, before making her way over to the door, her sharp heels striking out a rhythm with military precision.

The boy had already left the control room and was making his way downstairs. There was a sonorous sound – the bell – and Lady Hilda pressed the keypad to admit the boy to the room.

His eyes widened when he saw the implements she was holding. Lady Hilda merely grabbed his arm and pulled him roughly across the floor to the chair. “Sit!” she barked.

The boy sat, looking very uncomfortable, hardly able to look at his girlfriend, who looked back at him wide-eyed.

“Now, boy!” Lady Hilda said, standing with legs apart in a very provocative and threatening pose. “Be very careful how you respond to my interrogation, because your answers will determine what happens to your girlfriend.”

The boy shifted in his seat, looking nervously at his girlfriend where she was bent over in her awkward pose, her knees resting in her own puddle.

“However,” Lady Hilda continued, “I will give you the privilege of choosing which implement I use. Cane, crop, paddle or flogger, which is it to be?”

“I-I don’t know,” the boy stuttered, his voice no more than a mumble.

“The crop it is then!” Lady Hilda exclaimed, letting the other implements fall to the floor. She turned, and in a flash the leather end was administered to the girl’s highly visible pudenda. The girl shrieked, though it had been no more than a tap.

“That’s for not addressing me properly, boy!” Lady Hilda barked.

The boy, who looked terrified, said, “I’m s-s-sorry ma’am. Lady Hilda. Ma’am.”

Without bothering to look at him, Lady Hilda said. “Now, tell me, boy. Is your girlfriend a slut?”

“No, Lady Hilda, ma’am.”

In an instant, the crop had cracked against one of the girl’s buttocks. She cried out.

“Wrong answer!”

“I’m sorry, Lady Hilda, ma’am.”

“Don’t apologise to me, boy, apologise to your girlfriend. She’s the one who will pay for your lies. Because it was a lie, wasn’t it? Anyone can see that your girlfriend is a slut, can’t they?”

“I don’t know, Lady Hilda! I don’t…”

The leather struck the girl’s buttock again, her response slicing through the air like a shard of glass.

“Tell me, boy! How many males has your girlfriend fellated in her life besides yourself?”

“I don’t know, Lady Hilda. Ma’am.” It was clear that the boy was so nervous that this was more or less his stock answer.

“You don’t know!” Lady Hilda exclaimed, bringing the whip down on the girl yet again, and talking over the girl’s screech. “Well you should know! Hazard a guess!”

The boy drew in breath. “Two?” he suggested meekly.

The sound of the implement scything through air was clearly audible before the loud crack as it struck the girl firmly on the behind. “Ooooooooowwwwww!” she cried.

“Two?” Lady Hilda said scornfully. “More like a hundred and two I would think. Anyone can see what a nasty little slut your girlfriend is. I bet she actively goes around searching for males to fellate!”

In a sudden twist, she tapped the girl’s labia with the leather end. The girl cried out, even though the tap wasn’t hard. “Tell your boyfriend how many different cocks you’ve sucked in your short life, you dirty slut!”

The girl breathed heavily. “I don’t know how many, ma’am.”

The implement came down heavily on the girl’s buttock. Up in the control room, I zoomed in. Lady Hilda was very good with a crop, and the sight of the girl’s blemished bottom in high definition was a sight to behold. I wouldn’t have minded getting to grips with her myself, but today was all about Lady Hilda and the two youngsters.

“So you’ve sucked more cocks than you can count, Lady Hilda decided. What does that make you, girl?”

The girl delayed her answer, but Lady Hilda was patient. Finally, without looking at her boyfriend, the girl said meekly, “It makes me a slut, Lady Hilda, ma’am.”

Lady Hilda allowed herself a rare smile. She got down next to the girl, her free hand suddenly stroking the girl’s buttocks, a gloved finger moving along the crack, over the girl’s anus, finally reaching her soft, young labia. “You see, boy,” Lady Hilda said. “I can be nice to your girlfriend when I’m given the right answers.” She paused, turning her head. “What is your girlfriend, boy?”

The boy and the girl locked eyes for the first time since he’d entered the dungeon. “She’s a slut, ma’am,” the boy murmured.”

The gloved finger disappeared into the girl’s slit. Then it disappeared further still, Lady Hilda easing her finger into the girl’s vagina – right the way in. From the look on the girl’s face, it was clear this agreed with her. The boy’s anxiety lessened too, his hitherto unimpressive equipment showing signs of coming to life.

Lady Hilda was still looking at the boy. “You do realise that your little slut can never be satisfied with just you?” she taunted. “You do realise that she wants all of your friends to fuck her? At once!”

This was more than the boy could take. His face took on an anguished aspect. “I can’t believe that!” he burst out.

Instantly Lady Hilda was on her feet. The crop savaged a buttock, the girl crying out and glaring accusatively at her boyfriend. “Address me properly, boy!” Lady Hilda roared. Then the whip landed on the other buttock. “And you’d better believe it!”

The girl was crying out. “Lady Hilda, ma’am! I’m not like that!”

 “Silence, slut!” Lady Hilda barked. She bent down, laying the whip on the floor and picking up the paddle, a nice red item with shiny metal studs. She moved behind the girl, putting the paddle up against the inside of a thigh and stroking. The girl seemed to tremble, tensing as Lady Hilda gave a little slap. The boy looked on, also apprehensive as Lady Hilda repeated the process on the other thigh. Then, without warning, she slapped the paddle against the girl’s labia.

The girl cried out. “Ooooowwww! Lady Hilda, ma’am! What have I done?”

“That’s for being a lying tart!” Lady Hilda said, once again slapping the paddle against the girl’s vulva, eliciting the predictable response. “I want you to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, and I will keep on chastising you until you do!”

The girl cried out again as the paddle connected with her labia. Having seen Lady Hilda in action many times, I was quite sure that she was being fairly lenient. The girl was a novice, after all.

Maybe she could have taken more punishment, but her boyfriend cracked. “Tell her, Alice!” he exclaimed, voice trembling. “Tell her what she wants to hear!”

To her credit the girl seemed to think about it, as if she might be prepared to hold out a while longer, but then she deferred to her boyfriend. “Ma’am,” she breathed. “I admit I’m a bad girl.”

Lady Hilda rose, taking a step round the girl. “Go on!”

“You’re right, ma’am. I am a slut. I wear short skirts and revealing tops because I want guys to want me.”

Lady Hilda dragged the paddle across the girl’s sore buttocks, making her flinch. “Tell it straight,” she ordered. “Tell it like it is in no uncertain terms!”

From the look of her, the girl was unsure of what to say, but she improvised well enough. “I’m a bad girl, ma’m. My pussy’s always wet. That’s why I want guys to… I want to be fucked all the time. I want guys to want to fuck me. I want to suck their hard cocks. I’ll fuck and suck anyone. I want to be used. By several guys at once. I want my pussy pounded and my mouth fucked. I’m a very bad girl, ma’m. I deserve to be punished!”

“From where I’m standing it sounds as if you have as little self-respect as you have bladder control,” Lady Hilda decided, still dragging the paddle across the girl’s buttocks.

“I’m sorry I wet myself, Lady Hilda, ma’am,” the girl gasped. “I really am. I’m just such a bad girl!”

“Yes, you are!” Lady Hilda said. “You’re a very bad, naughty girl.” This time she raised her arm and brought the paddle down on the girl’s buttocks. The girl whimpered. “By rights I should make you clean up your own mess. With your tongue!”

Now it was the boy’s turn to gasp. Lady Hilda turned sharply. The boy was looking shell shocked, in fact more than shell shocked. He was looking as if he might burst into tears at the suggestion that his girlfriend be made to lick up her own urine.

Lady Hilda was not one to pass up on an opportunity like that. “I hope you’re not going to start crying, like a big baby!” she said.

The boy shook his head, but his lip was trembling.

“You are a big baby!” Lady Hilda exclaimed. “But fortunately I have just what big babies need!” She dropped the paddle onto the floor, before grabbing the straps of her glossy dress, and snapping the latex down beneath her full globes. Nimble fingers manipulated hard, swollen nipples. I understood very well what was coming, having seen Lady Hilda in action before. I hadn’t necessarily expected it this time, but I was delighted.

Lady Hilda is quite possibly the kinkiest head teacher in all the UK. She has many skills, but perhaps the most specialized of them is that she can produce milk like turning on a tap. I’ve often asked what her secret is, but like all good magicians she refuses to tell.

I watched as beads of white formed on her engorged nipples. The boy watched too, seemingly hypnotised. “Does the big baby need comfort food?” Lady Hilda taunted. She moved in, squeezing her nipples as she shoved her breasts up close to the boy’s face. A little squirt of white struck him on the bridge of his nose.

“Don’t be shy, little suckling!” Lady Hilda urged. A little of the stridency had disappeared from her voice. This was something she really got off on.

Disbelief had replaced terror in the boy’s eyes. Lady Hilda shoved a breast up against his mouth, and he clamped his lips round her teat.

This was almost certainly not what the boy had imagined when he signed up for this, but he seemed happy enough to accept suck from Lady Hilda as she held her breast to his mouth. Happy wasn’t the word for the impression the lady herself was giving. She was purring ecstatically as the boy’s lips clung to her. She’d told me once that giving suck like this made her as high as a kite, and I could believe it.

Thanks to the cameras, I could zoom in on the expression on the boy’s face, part disbelief, part growing excitement at Lady Hilda’s attention and generosity. The girl couldn’t see that, because Lady Hilda was blocking her view. She could, however, see how the woman used her free hand to grab the boy’s cock, which had grown hard as he fed at the older woman’s breast.

“Mmmmm!” Lady Hilda purred. “Such a big cock for such a cry baby.” Her free breast was dribbling milk onto the boy as she worked his cock with her hand and held the other breast steady for him to suck and suck.

Then she switched breasts, purring all the time as she continued stimulating his cock. I checked the girl’s face. She was staring wide-eyed as her boyfriend had his hard cock wanked by the older woman he was busy feeding from.

“Mmmmm!” Lady Hilda purred. “Mmmmmm! Are we feeling better now?”

The boy couldn’t exactly answer that, but he gave a little slurp before a trickle of white ran down his chin. This was followed by a sound that appeared to be in the affirmative.

“Good!” Lady Hilda purred. Her hand began working the boy harder. “Now I want you to be a good boy. I’ve given you a lot of milk. Now I want you to give me your creamy stuff.” She moved the hand that was cradling her breast, but the boy kept his lips clamped round her engorged nipple.

“Mmmm!” Lady Hilda purred. The angle looked awkward, but she was an expert at this kind of thing. She worked the boy with one hand, holding the other beneath him until his white seed was spewing out into the palm of her black glove. He sounded like he was sobbing at the back of his throat, but his lips kept moving on Lady Hilda’s swollen teat, feasting on her as he came in her hand.

Now Lady Hilda pulled away, but only to scoop the boy’s sperm from the palm of her hand and smear it over milky moist areolae. The boy was licking his lips. “Now, boy! I want you to help your slutty little girlfriend onto her knees.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The boy rose, moving the short distance to his girlfriend. Neither of the young lovers spoke, but their faces told that they were equally ashamed and aroused. There was a little bit of awkwardness as the boy helped his girlfriend up to kneeling, but this time Lady Hilda was prepared to be patient. She stood, looking on, teasing nipples that still leaked nutrition.

When the girl was finally in position Lady Hilda barked. “Sit back down, boy!”

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy complied.

“Now, slut,” Lady Hilda said, moving right up to the girl, who stared at her with huge, unblinking eyes. “Since you are, by your own admission, someone who has performed fellatio on numerous occasions, I’m sure you’re very fond of the taste of male ejaculate.”

The girl swallowed. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, my nipples are coated in your boyfriend’s ejaculate, so start sucking!”

She thrust a glistening mammary at the girl, who let her lips part. “Mmmmmmm!” Lady Hilda purred, and I knew that once again milk was being sucked from of her voluminous breast. “That’s right! Cleanse me of your boyfriend’s ejaculate. The extra nutrition won’t hurt. Like all sluts your age, you look as if you don’t eat enough!”

How could anyone not love the very kinky and very depraved Lady Hilda? The boy was actually looking quite impressed now, as he watched his girlfriend suckled by the most depraved head teacher in the UK. Lady Hilda purred and purred, offering the girl first one teat, then the other, then changing over again. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she managed to say. “Breastmilk laced with your boyfriend’s seed!”

“M-hm,” the girl managed, her lips clinging to the older woman’s swollen teat.

Then Lady Hilda backed up, just a little. Bringing her fingers up to squeeze her nipples, I watched in delight as two spurts of milk, one from each teat, struck the girl in the face. She shrieked in surprise.

“What’s your problem?” Lady Hilda admonished. “You look like someone’s ejaculated on your face, that’s all. You’re used to that, aren’t you, slut?”

“Yes, ma’am,” the girl breathed. Then, almost as an afterthought, “I love it when guys cum on my face, ma’am.”

Lady Hilda cackled a laugh.

“Good girl,” she said. “You’re getting the hang of this now, aren’t you? I’m almost minded to reward you.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

There was a pause. Then Lady Hilda grabbed the hem of her latex dress where it just about concealed her essentials, rolling the thing up to her waist. The two youngsters stared at her unclad, smoothly shaven sex as she planted her feet a little further apart. Then she grabbed the girl’s head with both hands, pulling her into her massive, leaky mammaries. “Let me think about it while you have some more milk,” she said. “And while your boyfriend fingers my vagina.”

The boy looked astonished, but as Lady Hilda adjusted her bosom so that his girlfriend could once again clamp her lips round a huge, lactating nipple, he stepped forward. Lady Hilda was already purring when his hand moved up between her thighs. “Don’t tickle me, I won’t laugh,” she told him. “Finger me the way you do your slutty little girlfriend. She looks the type who needs to feel it.”

I adjusted the screens so that one showed the girl’s lip movements, the other the best available view of the boy’s hand between Lady Hilda’s thighs. “Aaaaaah!” the woman cried suddenly as the boy thrust his fingers upwards, digging into her. His eyes were aimed squarely at his girlfriend, at her greedy lips.

“Tell me, boy! Is it true that your slutty girlfriend enjoys having her face glazed with spunk?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I bet she does!” Lady Hilda said. Then she gasped out loud. I could see the boy’s hand moving, and imagined his fingers wriggling inside the woman. “Does she want it often?”

“Yes, ma’am. All the time, ma’am.” There was a pause during which I turned the sound system’s volume up to catch the delicious squelch of moisture. The sound of Lady Hilda’s wet pussy mingled with that of the girl slurping on her tits. Then the boy added, “She’s a regular cumslut, ma’am.”

Only Lady Hilda could laugh and purr like that at the same time. “Very good! You’re getting the hang of this, boy. Say something else I want to hear and your little slut will get a massive reward.”

The boy glanced at his girlfriend. There was a sparkle in his eye now, whether from fingering Lady Hilda or seeing the girl at Lady Hilda’s breast, or both. He was getting into this. “The slut never stops begging for me to cum on her face,” he said, his hand moving in a way that suggesting wild fingers scraping Lady Hilda’s insides. “She talks about doing a bukkake. She’s nothing but a dirty little cumbucket really.”

Lady Hilda laughed out loud at this. “That really does deserve a reward!” she exclaimed. She pulled her boobs away from the girl’s face, but made sure to squirt milk on the girl’s chin. “You can take your fingers out now.” The boy evidently having got a feel for this now, he looked a little reluctant to obey, but did so, giving his fingers a lick behind Lady Hilda’s back.

“Wait here!” Lady Hilda barked.

As stiletto heels clacked loudly across the floor, the pair looked at each other. The girl even gave a little smile, mouthing ‘thank you’, at which the boy looked a little surprised. It was still hard to work out the dynamic between them, though I can’t pretend I tried too hard. I was much more interested in what Lady Hilda was doing.

The lady went across to a narrow, leather upholstered bench jutting out from the far wall. The wall itself is covered with a metal grid, with hooks and chains hanging from it. Lady Hilda adjusted two of the hooks in the grid, then two of the chains. Then she turned. “Boy! Bring your dirty little cumbucket to me!”

The boy helped his girlfriend to her feet, a little more solicitously than Lady Hilda probably liked, but she said nothing. The girl had a hard time walking with the spreader bar still attached to her ankles and her hands fastened behind her back, but aided by the boy she made it over to the bench.

“Sit!” Lady Hilda ordered.

The girl complied. There was still a dribble of milk on her chin. She looked nervous, but also eager to find out the next stage of her experience. The same went for the boy. Lady Hilda unhooked the girl’s wrists, leaving the cuffs in place, then sank to her haunches to detach the spreader bar. “Lay back on the bench!”

Once again the girl did as she was told. Knowing Lady Hilda, I didn’t imagine the girl’s limbs would stay untied for long, and I was right. Lady Hilda worked swiftly, grabbing the girl’s arms one by one and hooking the wrist cuffs to the metal grid so that those arms were stretched high and wide.

“Boy!” Lady Hilda said.


“The slut’s leg. Grab her ankle and pull her leg out and back, as far as you can.”

The boy looked as if he didn’t quite understand, but he did as he was told. Lady Hilda grabbed one of the chains hooked to the grid and pulled, attaching the other end to the ankle cuff. The procedure was repeated with the girl’s other leg. The result was absolutely delicious. The girl laid there, her arms outstretched and fastened to the wall grid, her legs spread wide and pulled back, feet up high. There was a little give, but not much. I swiped my finger across a screen, gaining a frontal view of the fully exposed girl, whose young pussy lips seemed to quiver, as if they were trying to speak. She did speak, but with the lips you normally use to say things. “Lady Hilda, what’s going to happen to me?”

There was no reply. Instead Lady Hilda addressed the boy. “Check to see if your slut’s penetrable,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am!”

The boy was definitely warming to all of this. The sight of his girlfriend laying spread out and tightly held on the bench had made his cock grow, and when he went down in front of her to touch her pussy, he grew to full strength.

“So,” Lady Hilda said impatiently, “Is the slut penetrable?”

“Yes,” the boy said. “I’d say so. She’s certainly wet.”

“That means nothing,” Lady Hilda said. “All these little sluts are permanently wet! Walking around with their tight little pussies reeking of sex and greedy for cock!” She paused. “Are you greedy for cock, slut?”

“Yes, ma’am!” the girl breathed. Her voice spoke volumes of her need.

“Boy!” Lady Hilda barked. “Keep your little slut warmed up! Finger her the way you fingered me earlier.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy said.

They were so sweet, this young couple, smiling at each other as the boy dug his fingers into his girlfriend. She gave a little moan of pleasure, then another. Meanwhile, Lady Hilda was stalking across the room, collecting the paddle from earlier, then taking down an implement from the opposite wall.

The implement was a steel rod, the same shape and length as a broomstick, but instead of bristles at the one end, it was equipped with a dildo. There are a number of these in the dungeon, all different sizes. The largest of them I affectionately call The Cuntbuster. Perhaps in deference to the girl’s novice status, Lady Hilda chose the second largest. Then she stalked back across the room, stopping a short way in front of the girl.

“Open your slut up for me, boy!” she commanded.

The girl was still laying with her head on the bench, staring up at the ceiling. The boy used his fingers to hold the girl open, staring at her rather than at Lady Hilda. This meant that neither of them were prepared when Lady Hilda extended the pole dildo towards the girl, placing the tip at her entrance and pushing.

“Aaaaaah!” the girl exclaimed, her body stiffening as she tilted her head up to look down. “What the fuck is that thing?”

“Manners!” Lady Hilda barked, holding the dildo in place but not moving it.

“I’m sorry, ma’am!” the girl exclaimed, “but that thing’s so big.”

“Yes,” Lady Hilda said, seemingly unperturbed. “That’s your reward for being such a good slut. I know how much you little sluts love big cocks. The bigger the better as far as you’re concerned. Am I not right?”

The girl swallowed. “But Lady Hilda. It’s so big. I’m not sure I can take it!”

“Ungrateful little hussy!” Lady Hilda spat. “This always happens! Give a slut what she wants and…”

“I’m sorry, ma’am!” the girl cried. “I don’t mean to be ungrateful, really I don’t. It’s just…”

“Silence! You have a choice! Either you can let me be nice to you and fuck your dirty little cunt with this nice big fake cock, or you will be taught a lesson. I’m halfway inclined to spank your dirty little cunt with the paddle as it is. Well, slut, which is it to be?”

The girl made her choice with haste. “The dildo, ma’am! I didn’t mean to seem ungrateful. Please fuck me with the dildo, ma’am!”

“Do you think you deserve it, slut?” Lady Hilda gave a little shove as she spoke, forcing the dildo a couple of inches into the girl.

“Aaaaaaah!” the girl cried. “Please, ma’am! Please fuck me with that big cock!”

Lady Hilda continued manipulating the pole with the massive dildo. “Do you think she deserves it, boy?”

The boy grinned wickedly as the girl gasped loudly. “My girlfriend’s a dirty little slut,” he shrugged. “Of course she deserves to have her cunt stretched.”

I could tell that the response amused Lady Hilda, even though she did her best not to show it. She pushed on the pole, forcing the dildo an inch or two further inside, forcing the girl’s cunt open a little more.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” the girl gasped. “Oh fuck! Oh shit!”

She sounded like she was being tortured, but I knew that Lady Hilda knew what she was doing. She had a great deal of experience, and I could tell she was being lenient towards the novice, working the dildo slowly, getting the girl used to it in incremental steps. “What’s your problem?” she sneered. “I thought sluts like you adored big cocks. The bigger the better! Don’t you like having a big cock up you, slut?”

“Oh shit!” the girl gasped, as Lady Hilda pushed on the pole some more, forcing yet more of the fake cock inside. Her limbs moved as much as was possible, the chains clattering. “Oh fuck, it’s so fucking big!”

“I didn’t ask you to state the obvious,” Lady Hilda said sternly. “I asked you if you liked it.”

“Lady Hilda, ma’am!” The girl’s limbs moved again as she fought the chains, to no avail. “Oh shit! I love having a big cock inside me!”

“Big cocks, more like,” Lady Hilda said. She was becoming ever more authoritative with the dildo now. “All you little sluts want multiple big cocks, don’t you?”

“Oh shit! Oh shit!” the girl gasped. Ever more of the huge dildo was making its way inside her. I watched, entranced by the way her young cunt stretched and stretched, allowing ever more of the massive toy to enter her.

“I’m beginning to get very frustrated, slut! If you don’t start answering my questions properly, I’ll be using the paddle on your cunt instead of the dildo!”

“I’m sorry, Lady Hilda, ma’am,” the girl blurted. “Please keep fucking me, ma’am! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh shit!”

Then the girl cried out loud as Lady Hilda pushed hard on the pole. “Answer the question! You want more than one big cock at a time, don’t you slut?”

“Yes, ma’am! Whatever you say, ma’am! I’m just a big slut, ma’am! A bad, bad girl.”

Lady Hilda was silent for a moment, pushing on the dildo, the girl gasping loudly. “You heard your dirty little slut, boy. She wants more than one big cock at a time. Yours looks big enough. It will at least prevent her from uttering transparent lies!”

The boy glanced at Lady Hilda, almost as if he was trying to work out if he’d understood her correctly. Then he nodded, saying, “Yes, ma’am,” as his girlfriend gasped, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

He straddled the bench and his girlfriend, facing her. He moved up, holding his cock. Lady Hilda shoved the dildo harder into the girl, whose cries were growing in strength. “Suck my cock, slut!” the boy said. He was learning fast.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh fuck!” the girl shouted, but she lifted her head slightly. The boy put one hand under her head, bringing the girl’s face towards him. The other hand he used to guide his cock to her mouth. The girl had her mouth open, gasping loudly as Lady Hilda continued working the pole dildo, making it easy for the boy to insert his cock. As he did so the girl looked up at him, and there was something in her eyes, some kind of gratitude. But, like I say, I’m not interested in what motivates my clients, only in what they want.

The girl whined at the back of her throat. By now Lady Hilda had succeeded in more or less filling her right up with the huge fake cock. The boy hardly moved himself, instead working his girlfriend’s head back and forth. Her lips were clamped round his hard rod as she squealed at the back of her throat, Lady Hilda working the dildo hard inside her. It was hard to know where to look; at the girl’s dilated cunt, or at her delicious, cocksucking mouth. She was staring up at her boyfriend, yet her eyes were unseeing, as if she’d been transported to another place.

“Make sure you feed her properly, boy!” Lady Hilda demanded. “It’s the only thing these nasty little sluts are good for.” She rammed the dildo into the girl as she spoke, the girl squealing deep down in her throat, at least until the boy went deep enough to make her gag.

As he pulled out to let the girl catch her breath, Lady Hilda said, “A proper cocksucking slut should be able to take it!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the girl gasped. “Please keep… Aaaaaah! Please keep fucking me, ma’m. I’ll be a good girl, ma’m.”

“You’re a thoroughly nasty piece of work,” Lady Hilda reprimanded, the girl unable to respond because the boy had returned his cock to her mouth, this time doing more of the moving himself.

“Eeeeeeeeeeee!” the girl wheezed as the boy held her head tightly, driving his cock back and forth between shocking pink lips. Lady Hilda thrust the dildo with force, hardly breaking a sweat herself, but making the girl’s vagina give off sounds of exquisite lewdness, just as her throat sounded as if she revelled in the treatment meted out to her.

“You’re really loving this, dirty little slut!” Lady Hilda decided. “I bet you wish there were more cocks for you to take care of, don’t you, slut? More real cocks, I mean. There are enough toys in here for you to have the time of your life!”

“Eeeeeee!” the girl continued. Her boyfriend was definitely getting into his stride, fucking her face with great determination, adjusting to the rhythm Lady Hilda had worked up with the pole dildo.

“Lots of cocks!” Lady Hilda decided. “Lots of male organs spilling their seed all over you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? What was it your boyfriend called you? A dirty little cumbucket?”

I don’t know if it was her words that did it, or if the boy had just reached his natural limit, but suddenly he was pulling out of the girl’s mouth, his hand moving frantically against his cock. Then he cried out. Holding his girlfriend’s head up with one hand, he tugged wildly, semen shooting out, splattering his girlfriend’s face.

Instantly Lady Hilda withdrew the dildo from the girl, dropping the pole on the floor with a loud clanging. “Boy!” she bellowed sternly. “Did I say you could ejaculate?”

“No, ma’am,” the boy replied. “I’m sorry, ma’am.” He didn’t sound too sorry.

“Don’t worry,” Lady Hilda said. “It’s the slut’s fault. How dare you bring your boyfriend to the boil like that, slut? You’re a very wicked girl!”

“I’m sorry, Lady Hilda, ma’am!” the girl gasped, looking such a pretty sight with her boyfriend’s cum slithering across her skin. “I didn’t mean to. I’m a bad girl, ma’am!”

“Yes you are!” Lady Hilda said. “And for that you will be punished!” She bent down to retrieve the paddle she’d dropped on the floor earlier.

Though the girl couldn’t see what Lady Hilda was doing, since her boyfriend was still in the way, holding her head, she remembered well enough. “Please, Lady Hilda, ma’am! I’m so very sorry! I just couldn’t help myself!”

“That’s exactly your problem!” Lady Hilda remonstrated, moving towards the girl. “No self-control! No discipline! No restraint!” She dragged the paddle along the inside of first one thigh than the other, giving a little tap as she went.

“I’m sorry, ma’am!” the girl cried, a dribble of sperm running over her lip. “Please forgive me, ma’am!”

Lady Hilda’s response was to bring the paddle down on the girl’s labia. It was clear to me that she didn’t slap the girl hard, but the girl screamed like she’d been branded.

“Boy!” Lady Hilda barked. “Come here!”

The boy finally replaced his girlfriend’s head on the bench, turning slowly and moving over to Lady Hilda. The older woman whispered in his ear. I saw the shock on his face, and so did his girlfriend. “I can’t do that!” he gasped, shaking his head. “I just can’t…”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Lady Hilda brought the paddle down on the girl’s exposed cunt.

Again the girl screamed. “For fuck’s sake, Billy! Whatever it is she wants you to do, just do it!”

The boy suddenly appeared as mournful as he did shocked. “What’s it going to be, boy?” Lady Hilda asked.

He moved round to the side of his girlfriend, aiming his now softened cock at her bosom, still concealed beneath the white t-shirt.

“Well?” Lady Hilda prompted.

“It just… I just can’t,” the boy protested.

Lady Hilda brought the paddle down on the girl’s pussy yet again. I could see that she was holding back, but that didn’t stop the girl from screaming, “Fuck’sake, Billy! Get your knob in order! If the crazy bitch wants you to piss all over me, just do it!”

“Show some respect!” Lady Hilda barked, and this time she brought the paddle down harder.

“I’m sorry, Lady Hilda, ma’am!” the girl cried as her body shifted heavily and her limbs tugged fruitlessly, the chains giving off an ominous metallic rattle.

Then, by some miracle, the boy managed to do what had been asked of him. At first it was a slow dribble, but then an ark formed. “Her tits!” Lady Hilda demanded. “Shower her tits!”

The boy took aim. Now that he’d started, the flood gates seemed to really open. His bladder emptied, a strong jet of urine aimed at the raised area of the girl’s t-shirt, where the white fabric quickly became transparent, sodden material clinging to and exposing pliant, luscious young boobs.

“That’s more like it!” Lady Hilda exclaimed. “After all, it’s no more than you deserve for wetting yourself earlier, is it?”

“No, ma’am!” the girl gasped. “I’m a bad girl, ma’am! I deserve it, ma’am!”

The boy’s supply seemed to be finally coming to an end. Soon there was just a dribble trickling onto the girl’s sodden t-shirt. Then he was shaking his dick, looking very ashamed of himself.

“Well done, boy!” Lady Hilda said. “As a reward, you may use any implements you can find in here on your dirty slut.”

This obviously agreed with the boy, since he perked up immediately, setting off to investigate the selection available to him. In the meantime, Lady Hilda straddled the girl facing her, reaching out with gloved hands to grab at breasts still groped by sodden fabric. “You little sluts,” she said. From the way the girl gasped, I knew Lady Hilda was squeezing hard. “You’re even worse than sluts. You’re just whores, the lot of you. I don’t even know why we bother giving you an education. We might just as well wait until you’re of age and turn you out onto the streets to make a living by turning tricks!”

“Yes, ma’am!” the girl said.

Lady Hilda pulled the garment up, now fully exposing the girl’s breasts. Her fingers snatched at the girl’s nipples, pulling on them. The girl gasped. “You could make a good living from it,” Lady Hilda decided. “Selling your cunt and your dirty, greedy cocksucking mouth to random strangers.”

“Yes, ma’am. That’s what the Career Guidance Counsellor said, ma’am.”

Immediately Lady Hilda raised a hand and slapped it down on a damp tit. “Enough of your cheek, girl!”

“Yes, Lady Hilda, ma’am.”

Squeezing one of the girl’s breasts, Lady Hilda pulled the other hand back to her own body, sliding gloved fingers across her mound, then in one swift movement putting her hand between her thighs and pushing fingers up inside herself.

“Maybe you could sell your services to women too,” she said. “What do you think? Have you ever gone down on a woman?”

“Yes, ma’am. Once, ma’am.”

“You really are a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” Lady Hilda said, wriggling her fingers inside herself.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m a bad girl, ma’am. A dirty slut, ma’am.”

Lady Hilda laughed, frigging herself while she pulled on the girl’s nipples in turn. They snapped back into place, adorning the girl’s smooth mounds like tiny nuts.

“Aaaaaaah!” Lady Hilda breathed, her fingers coming out of her pussy, which leaked a few drops onto the girl’s stomach. “Bad girls need to be treated like little whores! Bad girls… Aaaaaah!” Her hands were cradling and squeezing her breasts, then her nipples, squeezing twisting. She got into position, dripping breastmilk onto the girl’s piss-dampened breasts. “Aaaaaaaah!” Her hands went to the girl’s tits, massaging them, rubbing the accumulated liquid into the girl’s skin.

She stepped forward, manipulating her nipples again, spurts of milk striking the girl full in the face.

The girl gasped and voluntarily said, “I’m a bad girl, ma’am. Treat me like a bad girl, ma’am. I need it.”

Lady Hilda wiped a hand across the girl’s face, while continuing to dribble milk from one of her breasts. Then she leaned over offering the girl a teat. To my surprise the girl twisted her head shaking. “I’m full, thank you, ma’am!” she said.

She must know what was coming, so she must want it.

“You ungrateful little whore!” Lady Hilda roared. “You still haven’t learned, have you?” Nimble fingers brought more milk squirting onto the girl’s face before those same fingers were dragged through the white liquid. “Boy! Bring me the crop!”

The boy had been standing by for a while, holding the implements he’d chosen; a dildo which was barely smaller than the pole dildo Lady Hilda had used on the girl, and a wand. Now he walked across to pick up the implement Lady Hilda had deposited on the floor earlier. He carried all three items across, placing the dildo and the wand on the floor at the foot of the bench before handing Lady Hilda the crop.

Lady Hilda turned, straddling the girl so that her back was now to the wall and her pussy directly above the girl’s face. She teased the girl’s skin with the leather tip, the girl gasping, “Lady Hilda, ma’am, I’m sorry! I should have known better, ma’am!”

“It’s too late for sorry!” Lady Hilda snapped. As she spoke, she placed a hand between her thighs and dug two fingers into herself. The sound of her arousal was clearly audible, but the girl’s attention was divided, as her boyfriend was taking the wand’s power cord and connecting it to a power socket.

There was one way of returning her attention fully to Lady Hilda. The woman brought her fingers out, held her labia apart and dripped pussy juice onto the girl’s already milk-smeared face. “If you don’t want to drink milk,” Lady Hilda told her, “you’ll just have to feast on vaginal fluid instead!” Then she lowered herself, planting her quim on the girl’s mouth, using the crop to tap the girl between her breasts. “Get to work, slut!”

Any contact with the implement was destined to get the girl to tug violently, metal scraping loudly. The boy was back at the foot of the bench now, holding the dildo. He glanced up at Lady Hilda. “May I?” he said.

“By all means,” Lady Hilda replied. “You may do as you like to your dirty little slut!” She ground her pussy against the girl’s face. “Get your tongue in my vagina, girl!” she ordered.

“Mmmffffppphhhommmmm!” the girl uttered, instantly receiving a sharp tap to one breast.

There was a smothered shriek from the girl, before lady Hilda gave a long and lewd moan, indicating that the girl was doing as she was told. The boy took the opportunity to plunge the dildo into his girlfriend’s pussy, causing her to start and tug violently.

“That’s right!” Lady Hilda cried. “Fuck your slutty little girlfriend! Stretch her greedy, cock-craving cunt right out!” Then she let out another depraved moan. Presumably the girl was performing to her satisfaction.

The boy really let his girlfriend have it, ramming the fake cock into her as she continued to struggle. Lady Hilda swivelled her hips, really forcing herself down on the girl, who was making noises at the back of her throat. As if she didn’t know what to do with the crop she was still holding, Lady Hilda brought it down idly on a still piss-damp breast. The girl’s response merged with the sounds she was already making. “Yes!” Lady Hilda cried. “Yes! Fuck your little whore! Give it to her!”

The boy could hardly work the thing faster than he was. There was the most obscene, lascivious sound coming from the girl’s pussy. Lady Hilda lifted herself, slapping her own pussy as the girl gasped for air. Pussy juice splashed down onto the girl’s face before Lady Hilda sat back down on her, administering a sharp lash to her breast.

Whatever the girl was trying to say was instantly muffled by Lady Hilda’s sex crushing down on her mouth. “Lick me! Eat me!” she urged, now chastising one of the girl’s swollen nipples with the leather crop.

The girl’s limbs tugged violently, her whole body shifting, but that was as nothing to the movements she made, or tried to make, when the boy finally brought the wand into play, switching it on and pushing the head against his girlfriend’s clit as he continued to use the dildo to stretch her.

The whole situation was as perverse and depraved as I’d hoped it would be when I drafted Lady Hilda for the task. She was moaning long and hard, repeatedly striking the girl’s breasts, rib cage and stomach. She stared at the point where the boy was seeing to the girl’s cunt. Then she gave a demented growl and her body tensed.

Lady Hilda would never announce a climax out loud, but here it was as she ground her pussy against the girl’s face, her swollen nipples impossibly large. And knowing Lady Hilda, I knew it wouldn’t stop there. “Lick me! Eat me!” she cried excitedly, a new blow with the crop urging the girl on, like she was a racehorse.

It was a phenomenal, spellbinding sight; the girl trying but not able to thrash about, her arms and legs pulling frantically at the cuffs as the boy shoved the fat dildo into her, pressing the wand against her clit. Lady Hilda wasn’t saying a word now, just moaning loudly as she rained down lashes on the girl’s torso. I knew she was on a roll now, and sure enough, two more climaxes followed in quick succession before she dropped the crop on the floor.

Her gloved hands went to her pussy as she hoisted herself up, a gush of vaginal fluid spraying the girl’s face. The girl twisted her head, gulping and gasping, then screaming, “Oh fuck! Oh shit! I’m cumming! I’m fucking cumming! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

The falsetto might easily have shattered glass. Her limbs moved so hard, for a second I thought she might break the cuffs. Then suddenly she was still, breathing heavily as her boyfriend removed the implements.

Lady Hilda wasn’t one to rest, however. “Slut!” she chided, administering a short, sharp leather shock to one of the girl’s nipples. “Discipline! Self-control! Restraint! Have you learned nothing?

The girl lay there gasping. “I’m not even sorry,” she breathed at last. “I’ve never cum so hard in all my fucking life.”

“Did I say you could cum?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Clearly you need further lessons,” Lady Hilda decided. ”I think your boyfriend and I should leave you here to dwell on discipline, self-control and restraint a while. When we return, I might even let him fuck me while he whips your behind!”

“But Lady Hilda, ma’am,” the girl breathed. “What if I need to… you know… go again?”

“Oh,” Lady Hilda said with a wicked smile playing on her lips. “There are plenty of implements here you haven’t yet become acquainted with. If you give me just cause, you might be here for a very long time yet.”

Published 9 years ago

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