Like a fair number of the guys I’d had sex with, Ryan’s head dove straight for my cunt. We’d barely taken our clothes off and he began to lick my clit. I think they saw this on TV, Cinemax I guessed, softcore porn where the man almost always pleasured the woman before himself. Although, come to think of it, on Cinemax movies he always quit doing his work down there before she came and proceeded to fuck her in various positions for ten or fifteen minutes before he came. Although generally his orgasms looked to be as faked as hers were. And I never saw his cock.
Ryan, on the other hand, like most of the men who did this to me, would lick me until I came. It was always difficult at first, a long half minute where I wasn’t really juicy enough for his tongue, however wet, to lick me. But my cunt lubricated itself like it always did and I relaxed, enjoying the ride.
We’d talked over dinner, about COVID (we were both fully vaccinated) and our kids (he had a young daughter and I had Toby) and movies (Black Widow was pretty good) and the weather (it seemed to be a little warmer than usual). By the time we got to my bedroom, the second time for Ryan, our talking had quieted to quick observations (wow, nice shoulders, your nipples are hard), and at this point we weren’t really speaking at all, just smelling and touching and, in Ryan’s case, tasting. And for now, at least, I was thinking.
As was so often the case, I was, to start, thinking about me. What did Ryan see from between my legs? My cunt, of course, which I thought looked pretty good being waxed and all, although it might taste funny? I never really knew, but I didn’t think it tasted as sweet as it did when I was sixteen. But I’ve got belly fat, not a ton, but more than I need, and my thighs are fatter than they used to be for sure, and my boobs are a little too small. On the other hand, Ryan’s tongue was doing a decent job now that he’d been at it for a couple minutes and maybe he wasn’t really looking at me, just gazing at the tiny area between where my legs met my body.
I’d had a smoothie at lunchtime, knowing from our one previous encounter that Ryan liked to dive for my cunt. Blueberries and pineapple, excellent foods for improving my cunt’s flavor, I’d read, although I didn’t know if it really changed at all. Maybe I thought about this a little too much.
In any case, he moved on to both licking me and finger-fucking me with three fingers. This was pretty good and I knew that if he kept at it, I’d cum eventually. I enjoyed the little shocks from his tongue and the finger-fullness his hand provided.
My mind wandered a little. I admired Ryan’s brown hair, which was longer than what a lot of men wore. I saw his hand on my raised thigh, fine fingers that appeared suited to piano playing and that took me back to being finger-fucked, where the ends of the fingers of his other hand curved upward to massage my g-spot, if there is such a thing.
His tongue, meanwhile, was doing all kinds of crazy shit to my clit. Back and forth, of course, but also patterns I couldn’t quite make out. He’d lap my clit for fifteen seconds, then resume a sideways back and forth motion. Ryan had been doing this for a while and I felt a little warmer, a little more tingly.
Ryan’s fingers moved faster, almost vibrating inside me. His tongue pushed harder against my clit. I could hear how wet I was, the sloppy sounds coming from my cunt. I really wanted his cock inside me and I knew it wouldn’t happen for a while. But Ryan had a nice, circumcised dick, pretty much average-sized, but a little bit thicker, that filled me up nicely.
His tongue was frantic now, his fingers weren’t moving in and out, but were vibrating inside me, and I felt my orgasm building. I felt like my hips and tummy were fucking him back, but I looked and they barely moved. Still, I was rafting down a river and the current was taking me faster and faster. My legs were starting to shake and my shoulders came up from the bed, then fell back.
“Oh, god, I’m going to cum,” I said.
His fingers began pushing in and out of my cunt at a furious pace. His head shook back and forth even as his tongue barely moved against my clit. My tummy clenched and I rafted over the edge of a waterfall.
I was free-falling, weightless. Both my legs were a little in the air and quivering. My back arched. I felt an explosion of warmth from my toes to the top of my head. It must have been a tall waterfall because I was weightless, mindless for close to half a minute, I think. Then I crashed into the water below and just floated for a little while.
“That was nice,” I said. “Really nice.”
He grunted and pulled himself up like he was going to fuck me, then he kept on moving until his knees were at my armpits. His body was almost upright, he was holding on to the top of the headboard. Ryan angled his cock down slightly toward my mouth, which I opened to accept it. My knees were up, my feet flat on the bed. My head tilted back some and I had to put my hands on his hips to keep him from jamming his dick down my throat.
I thought, my god, he’s going to choke me to death. I thought about biting him a little bit, but I didn’t do it. His cock moved back and forth in my mouth, slightly sweaty, funky, smelling sort of like cheese, which got me thinking about a grilled cheese sandwich.
I spent some time imagining a cheese sandwich, two pieces of sourdough bread with grated cheddar between them and butter on both sides, sizzling in a pan on the stove. The bread was turning dark brown and the cheese was melting. I was just about to spatula the sandwich off the pan when I heard Ryan roar and his cock jammed down my throat and he came.
I pushed his hips back and his cock followed. I didn’t push so hard that he fell out of my mouth, but I only had half his cock, which continued to spurt and I swallowed. While gulping frantically, I thought about what a dick Ryan was, cumming like that, almost choking me, although I swallowed everything he could ejaculate. He finished cumming and fell back on the bed. I lay on my back, he was on his side facing me.
We sort of talked about nothing for maybe ten minutes. Chatting further about our kids, our work, movies, but not about sex, not about my breasts or his dick or my cunt.
I thought about how he’d rammed his cock down my throat and concluded that I couldn’t totally fault him. I was usually more prepared for that, it was some sort of internal fucking mechanism that guys had to push themselves in deeper when they came. I must be out of practice. Stupid COVID. He sure came a lot.
At first, I figured he ejaculated so much because he hadn’t been laid for a while, maybe not for the whole two weeks since we first fucked. But that couldn’t be right, could it? Almost everyone masturbated and I estimated that about 100% of guys masturbated and guys around Ryan’s age, thirty-two he’d said, probably often did it more than once a day.
I masturbated, of course, everyone knows that, at least all my Lush readers. But I don’t ejaculate, not really, and Ryan, I was guessing, came once or twice or three times a day. That’s a lot of cum squirting into the shower or maybe onto his chest or…
“What?” I asked. “I’m sorry, my mind wandered.”
Ryan had just said he was going to the bathroom, he’d be right back, and he got up and left, his soft cock swinging slightly.
What is it like to pee with one of those, I wondered? I figured it must be a good thing, peeing from the end of a short hose with a bigger opening must be easier, and he just shakes it when he’s done. Of course, his cock must get in the way, too, just hanging out in front of those ultra-sensitive balls…
Ryan walked back to bed. His swinging dick was bigger than when he’d left, not hard, but it was definitely longer. I asked myself whether that came from stroking it for effect or just from peeing and concluded I didn’t know.
When he lay next to me, I reached down and rubbed his cock. I was surprised that it immediately twitched and grew like an uncoiling slinky. Do slinkies still exist? This always interested me, how a man’s dick that had been soft became so hard, and I stroked it some more. My hand wrapped around it and pumped, quickly bringing it to full size.
He’d started kissing me while I jerked his cock. Ryan kissed well, I thought, a fair amount of tongue without sticking it down my throat, like he did his dick. My breasts pushed against his chest and I felt the strength in his arms. He wasn’t particularly built, but he was far stronger than I was, like most men were. He lowered his head and sucked a nipple.
I lay back to enjoy it. Men loved to suck my nipples and I loved it right back. Well, I enjoyed sucking a woman’s nipples, too, so I guessed it was maybe a universal thing. My nipple hardened right up and Ryan licked it as well as sucked it. My hand sort of forgot about his cock and he must have taken that as a sign, because he moved his body between my legs and eased his stiff cock into my cunt.
My legs were spread wide. Ryan filled me up nicely, his cock sliding back and forth. I was nice and slippery for him, but my heart wasn’t really in it. I thought about asking him to change positions, like me on top from where I could do a good job of spinning from regular to reverse cowgirl and show him my ass, but it was only our second time having sex and I didn’t want to scare him.
Or maybe I did, once I thought about it. Ryan was an OK guy, but he wasn’t really prime material. He was good looking without being handsome, he had a decent income without being even vaguely close to rich, and he was OK in bed, he got me off, for instance, but here I was in the missionary position again with a dick sliding in and out of me. I just wanted someone to love and Ryan wasn’t him. Or her.
I looked down and saw that my boobs were flopping about. Well, they were too small to actually flop, but they were moving around. I saw Ryan look at them and I wondered if he found them too small, if they turned him off, although obviously he wasn’t too turned off to fuck me. If only they were a little bigger.
Ryan moved higher on me, his chest near my shoulders, and he gazed at the headboard, I guess, or the wall. When he fucked me, I could sometimes feel his pelvic bone rub my clit, giving me occasional buzzes of pleasure, but those didn’t happen all that often.
I got a cramp in my foot. I’m not sure why, I hadn’t been clenching it or anything. It hurt, though, and I had to concentrate on it to get it to relax. Ryan fucked me a little faster. I squeezed my cunt muscles a few times.
The dinner we’d eaten earlier had been excellent. I’d had a filet mignon at the chophouse and it had been perfect. The wine had been good, too, a red, a cabernet sauvignon, I forgot what the name was, though. No dessert for me, but Ryan gushed over his piece of cake. I might have been getting hungry.
Ryan was fucking me with enthusiasm. He’d brought his body back down and it partly rested on me, breasts to chest, and his cock glided back and forth. His eyes were closed, he was thinking about something, someone, somewhere.
I closed my eyes and thought about his dick inside me for a split second, then wandered off to the guy I was really seeing these days. We weren’t exclusive, obviously, but we’d been out seven times already and had sex on the last four. The sex had been great, too, and I wondered why I was messing around with Ryan.
My not-quite-steady guy and I fucked just about every which way, often me on top. I’ll admit I like this best, drilling a man’s dick deep into me, looking him in the eye, his hands on my boobs, me controlling the pace. I’d usually masturbate when I was on top, so I usually came. I wondered if I could masturbate with Ryan inside me. Probably not.
And one time, my almost-steady man fucked me in the ass. It wasn’t the first time for either of us, just the first time together and he did it gently and well at the start, as he should, and he got rougher as he went along, as he should. I was anxious as I waited for his cock to enter my ass and this made me clench my asshole somewhat, which probably made it a little more stressful than it needed to be.
But he eased his way in and I felt every fraction of an inch that he entered my ass, every nerve that his cock passed as it made its way deeper into my asshole. I was gripping the bedspread tightly and I bit my lip to keep from shouting. Anal sex is the one really submissive thing I do, unless you count the missionary position like I was currently in with Ryan.
My sort-of-steady guy fucked my ass thoroughly. His cock felt like it was moving back and forth and maybe it was. The pressure was intense, although I felt somewhat limp and, truth be told, somewhat used. Anal sex is for him much more than it’s for me. I love hearing how he growls when he’s deep in my asshole though, totally different from the far more polite moans when he’s in my cunt.
I hadn’t cum, but he did, and I could feel his dick expand as he spurted cum into my asshole. He held my neck, maybe to keep me from moving around, and he squeezed it a little as he came. I didn’t feel his cum, but maybe that was because I focused on not blacking out.
Ryan was fucking me very quickly and I knew he’d cum soon. It couldn’t be fast enough for me. I started to think about how I’d ask him to leave afterwards, in case he was thinking of spending the night. While I was thinking about that, Ryan came.
I know he did, because he yelled, “Oh!”, although he oddly continued to fuck me, his cock going back and forth, instead of ramming it into me like most guys did and like he did to my throat with the blow job. I didn’t feel his cum, probably because his cock was moving so much inside my cunt. When he was finished, he fell on top of me, leaving his cock inside. I could feel it shriveling up mainly from how it didn’t fill me anymore. Ryan rolled off.
What the fuck, I wondered, was that it? I mean, we both came, fair enough, but I’d given Ryan a nice long fuck and gotten little, to say the least. I was polite for another half an hour, then gently urged him out of the house. I nakedly saw him to the door, kissed him goodbye, and went back to my room. I didn’t see my son, Toby, at all. He was doing whatever he did in his bedroom.
I sat naked at my laptop and started to look at email, but quickly decided I’d look for videos of a woman lying on her back giving a guy a blowjob while his ass was above her boobs, like Ryan and I had done. It had been uncomfortable and I thought maybe I’d get a little smarter about it. And see a little porn.
It turns out, this is incredibly uncommon, at least for sex videos. I looked for maybe ten minutes and found a total of two videos and both times the guy jacked off on her face, he didn’t cum in her mouth (or throat). I did find about a million videos of the guy getting blown while standing over her head, which was thrown back, an upside-down position. This looked kinda showy to me, more for porn videos than real life.
I thought about watching more porn, but I closed my eyes instead. I enjoy watching guys masturbate and that’s what I thought about. Mostly.
I also enjoy having my asshole licked. I could think of two, no three, women who used their tongue on my asshole. Guys just about never do this, women almost always do. I imagined her tongue in my asshole, licking me thoroughly, while around me guys masturbated.
It was just a fantasy and the first naked guy with his dick in someone else’s hand came quickly. A big, hard dick, at least eight inches long and thick as a beer can, being stroked by another guy, came in a torrent.
My fingers were rubbing my clit. Nothing strange, just moving back and forth, mostly my middle finger, but I had three fingers between my labia and rubbing. I was quickly approaching an orgasm. Another man came in my mind, spurts two feet long of white cum, and a tongue probed my asshole.
I watched the second man cum, stroking and ejaculating, cumming onto a lawn somewhere. A third hard cock joined in, streaming cum, and my hand was moving ever more quickly. A tongue thrust deep into my asshole. I watched two long, stiff cocks cumming, one black and one white, cumming on each other and I came myself.
It wasn’t a shattering orgasm, the kind where I black out for a few seconds, but it rattled my body. For ten seconds, my hips jerked, they bucked forward then fell back on the chair, then snapped forward again and back, a half a dozen times. My thighs quivered, too, just a little. I stopped rubbing myself and noticed that my shoulders slumped down. I suddenly felt sleepy and got up to go to bed when I heard Toby walking down the hallway toward my bedroom. He knocked at the door. Shit, I thought, and looked around for my robe.