It took me a few weeks after losing Heather, but finally I went out bar hopping. I am in a straight and gay/lesbian club, dressed for seduction, and feeling almost foolishly brazen, sitting at the bar, sensuously smoking a cigarette, lightly sipping a scotch, it takes only a few minutes for a woman to approach me. Sitting next to me, she boldly says, “There is something about you that tells me you swing both ways, interested in a mixed party?”
Smiling almost wickedly, I reply, “What gives you that idea?”
“You’re definitely on the make, and as I said, I know you go both ways….I’m Uvonda.”
“Fawn, and you are correct.”
“I’m looking for a man now, you and I will fuck him into the mattress, if you are interested.”
“Sounds delicious…as you look, I know, I can taste your cunt already.”
“As I can yours, as well as smell your juices, you adorably irresistible little doll, let’s get a table, turn on the heat, light the fire, and see what kind of moth we attract.”
“With a body like yours it will not take long.”
“And what do you call that man trap you’re wearing, as tiny as you are these simple minded assholes will think you are a timid, push over of an easy lay.”
“How do you know I’m not?”
“So much the better that makes two of us.”
Again not minutes after we’re sitting at the table, not one but two men walk over and ask, “I’ve got a hunch you two are a couple who enjoy men also, and like it rough, are we correct?”
Uvonda replies in a seductive, coy sort of way, “How very astute of you, but actually I am Fawn’s dominant, she’s the one who likes it really rough. Please sit. May we know who we are talking to?”
“I’m Roger, this is Stan.”
So I move closer to Stan as I tell him, “You look just my size.”
Stan is over 6 feet, probably 250, so he asks, “You like it filling right.”
“Overly so, the larger, more the pain, more orgasmic I become, I know you enjoy hurting little girls do you not Stanley.”
“I enjoy hearing them cry for mercy if that’s what you mean.”
“Must I, or may I only cry, as I urge you on.”
He shakes his head, looks at Roger, and tells him, “We’re in the wrong place buddy, this one is so motherfucking hot she’s going cum all over the place if we don’t get her out of here.”
So with the promise they’ll bring us back for our cars, the four of us get in Roger’s car. As soon as we are Stan is all over me, kissing me madly, pressing so hard I feel as if he’s cutting my lips, his hands everywhere at once; this is not romantic it’s sexual combat, but strangely that seems to be what I need tonight. With one hand squeezing my nipple, the other practically fist fucking my pussy, there is no stopping the tightening of my insides, as I feel my orgasm building to a frightening peek, then escaping as my whole body shakes, trembles and twitches. Weakening me terribly, but since he hasn’t stopped molesting me, I have no chance of recovering, and continue with this terribly pleasant climax crashing through my very being.
Finally Roger stops the car, saying, “Hey you two break it up, we’re here.”
As I start getting out of the car my knees buckle under me, Stan catching me, teases me saying, “What’s the matter sweetie? Am I too much for you already?”
Well I’ll be fucked, just because this giant is over a foot taller and 150 lbs heavier, I’m not going to let him get the best of me this quickly, although I sensibly, keep my mouth shut, and say nothing.
In Roger’s apartment, after we’re served scotch, which I had to ask for, Stan lights my cigarette, mustering up all the brass I can, on my first drag. As I exhale, I kiss him, smoke still coming out of my lips. I pull away just enough so our lips are still touching.
I say, “Cigarette smoke coming from my cunt is even sweeter, or am I sweet enough for you now?”
He swallows hard, stands up, as he tells Roger, “This one can’t wait, nor can I see you later.”
He half drags me into the bedroom, where it’s a mad race to see who can be undressed enough to fuck. I win, because all I do is unzip my dress, with nothing under it. As it drops, so does he, pushing me back on the bed, and digging into my really sloppy, slippery, dripping, wet cunt with his tongue and fingers. These are the times I’m glad I’m a submissive little cunt, and love to be dominated, because he is vicious, attacking my pussy like it’s…what… it’s a piece of raw meat. He chews on it, as I scream, and cry, bursting out sobbing.
“Oh…fuck…my…god… please…don’t stop…”
Obviously loving every motherfucking bite.
“So are you cunt, son of a bitch, what great tits for such a little lady.”
Both of us moving in unison to his thrusts, I squeak out, “I’m not a fucking lady, I’m a mother fucking slut, so fuck me like one.”
“Take it in the ass.”
“Are you man enough to fuck my ass?”
“You god damn little cunt, you’re fucking A I am.”
Lifting it up he rams his monster cock in it even more forceful, which triggers another so violent physical orgasm it literally knocks him out of the saddle. Falling back, gasping loudly, he weakly says, “No fucking tiny little bitch like you can do this to me.”
“Too late, I already did.” I manage to say before he flips me over on my belly.
He rams it in my ass again. Now helpless, I suffer through about the finest ass fucking I’ll ever have. As he nears coming he grabs my hair, suddenly having a complete turn around, gently slips it between my lips as he asks, “You will please swallow my cum.”
Shaking my head yes, he ejaculates; it comes out in pulsating spurts, and it keeps coming out, all of which I do not manage to swallow, but most. After I do, I tell him, “Your balls either work overtime producing that or it’s been a while for you.”
Kissing me gently, he then tells me, “My divorce was final today, honest, you’re the first real piece of ass I’ve had in months, and honey, mother fuck, if I’m not glad it is you, cause you are fantastic.”
“Thank you Stan, I honestly enjoyed you very much, may I have more?”
“Suck this dead fucker up and I’ll give you as much as I’ve got.”
As much as I love sucking cocks and having men ejaculate between my lips, damn if as soon as he’s hard, he doesn’t pull away, slide down my body, and continuing his now gentleness, tenderly slips it in my pussy. A whole new group of sensations begin flooding my body as his slow plunges and even slower withdrawals send shockwaves through me, as I feel every ripple of his ever so gorgeously, long, thick, seemingly steel hard cock effortlessly slipping back and forth deep within my now very sloppy, wet pussy. Stan finally gets his wish, because I actually start whimpering…soon turning into soft sobbing, this feeling is so rapturously overwhelming. Stan being so large, totally so, and me so little I cannot even wrap my legs around him, although I do my arms, hanging on for dear life, for fear my giant might slip from my grasp. Then in a surprise move he rolls us over, so I’m on top, our bodies pressed against the others. I continue the same teasing, slow, torturously tormenting movement of him deep inside me. Simply moving back and forth, kind of sliding on our perspiration, he stops me, and asks, “Do you believe there is any possible thing on earth that can be any more pleasurable than this?”
Poor me, I’m so lost in him I try to offer an intelligent reply, which comes out, in an almost crying tone, “Nope.”
Oh, that was brilliant…god I hope he doesn’t want to carry on a conversation now, my brains are scrambled, but he surprises me again as he rolls us on our sides, and begins actively moving his pelvis, plunging his delightful feeling prick in and out of my pussy, which by now has smeared cunt juice all of my thighs, the bed, and him, plus the rumbling deep inside my body, that is trying to tell me an orgasm to rival Mt. St. Helens is trying to escape and once it does, it’s good night Fawn, because this one is going to turn out my lights.
Stan then says, “I cannot hold this.”
Back on top, he brutally smashes his dick so fucking deep in me, I cry, “OHH…MOTHERFUCK…that hurts.”
But he continues, so rapidly crashing into me, even faster pulling it out, until he explodes, a pulsating gushing river of cum, overfilling my poor over worked little twat, and spilling out on the bed, triggering that monstrous orgasm that does rattle my bones, my head explodes, and I scream so loud, before I collapse, both Uvonda the Roger burst through the door, asking, “Damn Stan are you killing the poor girl?”
Hesitantly and weakly, I reply, “No…just concluding the fuck of the century.”