Dear diary,
A lot has happened over the past few months. I’m sorry I couldn’t write, my room has been completely messed up and I couldn’t find you, nor had I the time to write. I think I should start the story at the night my Dad sat down in the TV room and we had a chat.
“Jake I need to talk to you”, my Dad said walking into the TV room and sitting down on the couch opposite me.
“About what?”, I enquired.
“You know Kate I’ve been dating for the past few months?”, he asked me.
“Of course”, I said. I’d never really seen her around much while I was here, she normally only came over to the house when I was in school.
“We decided last night that we are going to get married”, he told me.
I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t a big shock to me, he had been dating her for two years nearly.
“When are you getting married?”, I asked.
“Next weekend. It’s just going to be a small wedding”, he said.
“OK, so is she moving in or are we moving out?”, I asked.
“Well there is a problem there son. We both live in two bedroom apartments, and Kate has a daughter named Ally. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned her before, but she’s the same age as you and I she goes to your school. You probably know her. Anyway, with us both having two bedroom apartments, and with you and Ally, we don’t really know what to do”, he said. “Kate has suggested that we move to her apartment, and you and Ally can share a room so we might be doing that. They could come here, but Ally’s room is bigger than yours so you would have more space over there”.
I couldn’t believe my ears. My Dad had just said her name was Ally, the girl I’d had a crush on for the past few years. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t wait to move into their apartment.
“When are we moving in?”, I asked.
“We are due to pay rent on Monday, so we will be moving out this weekend so I don’t have to pay it”, he told me. “So you best go and start packing up everything. I’ve empty boxes in the closet in my room, go in and get a many as you need. Clothes in one, games in the other you get the idea. Just leave clothes for tomorrow out, we will move to Kate’s tomorrow evening”.
I got up and went into my room. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I instantly went on Facebook and went onto Ally’s page. There were no new status updates. I had guessed there would be a few about what was happening but I was wrong. I turned off my iPad and sat on my bed, looking around my room at all the stuff I had to pack. Clothes, video games, my guitar are just some of the things I had to pack. I luckily didn’t have much junk around my room, so I got completely packed up in the space of two hours. All that was left in my room was a set of clothes, a pair off shoes, my bed and my desk. I checked Facebook again, still no updates from Ally. I decided to go asleep, my last night in my own room.
I awoke next morning to my Dad banging on my door telling me to wake up. I picked up my phone to check the time since my clock was packed away. It was 1pm, I had slept in. I got up went into the TV room. Everything was moved out and the room just had a few boxes left in it.
“I’m surprised you slept through us trying to get the sofa out the door”, my Dad laughed coming in the door from the hall outside.
“I was tired I guess, I’m going to take a shower and I’ll get the boxes from my room down to the truck then”, I said.
“There’s no towels left, or soap so you’re just going to have to wait until we get to Kates”, he said.
I groaned and went back into my room to get dressed before I started to bring the boxes down to the truck. Half an hour later and I was in the truck with my Dad and a mover man on the way across town to my new home.
I didn’t think about knocking, seeing as it was my room, so I walked straight in. The room was dark because the curtains were pulled. I flicked the light switch right inside the door and looked around the room. The room was small, but bigger than my old room. A desk full with makeup, a laptop and other girl stuff was at one end of the room. A closet door was right inside the bedroom door. I opened it and looked inside. A lot of Ally’s clothes where in here, with a bit of space for mine.
“Turn off the light I’m sleeping”, I heard someone mubble. I walked out of the closet and looked. Two beds were at the top of the room, with just a gap in the middle of the them. One of the beds had someone sleeping in it, which I guessed was Ally. I quickly turned off the light and left the room, not wanting to annoy her already.
I went down to the truck, where Kate and my Dadwereunloading the boxes stuff we brought with us. I was just in time to help my Dad take the television out of the truck. We lifted it to the elevator and he went upstairs with it, leaving me to finish unloading the truck with Kate.
“So what you do you think about me becoming your new mom and Ally your new sister?”, Kate asked me while we worked.
“I haven’t really thought about it much yet”, I told her. “I never knew my mom so having one would be different, as well as a sister”.
“It may takeawhileto get used too, but I’m sure we will become one big happy family. Ally’s excited about having a brother, although not overly excited about giving up the extra space in her room”, she laughed.
“I’m sure we will get along fine”, I laughed.
“I know you will”, she said. “Ally’s father was never in thepicture, so both of you have got something in common”.
We went back to unloading the truck. Soon it was all unloaded and all the boxes had been moved upstairs to the apartment. Kate and my Dad started putting his stuff away in there room leaving me to do my stuff. I didn’t want to do any of it because Ally was asleep, so I just watched TV.
“Why aren’t you unpacking?”, Kate asked me coming out of her room.
“Ally is still asleep in there”, I told her.
“Go in and jump on her”, she told me, laughing.
“I have a feeling she’ll kill me if I do”, I laughed.
“She wont”, Kate said laughing. “Just do it”.
I got up and went to the door of my room. I opened it slowly and located Ally’s bed in the dark. I crept near it, and jumped on top of her shouting “wakey wakey”. Ally screamed with the fright and sat up punching me trying to get me off her, while I sat on her legs laughing like hell. The light in the room went on and I looked at Ally punching me. The cover had fallen off the top of her and her boobs where about five inches from my face, clearly visible.
“Ally cover up”, Kate said from the door. Ally instantly pulled the blanket back up over her boobs looking embarrassed. “It’s half two in the day, it’s time to get up. Jake come on and we’ll get the boxes for in here”.
I got up off Ally, and followed Kate into the hall. We started to bring the boxes back into my room. When we had all the boxes in the room, she left me to unpack. Ally was still in bed, watching me silently. I put all my clothes in the closet, my video games and my TV on the desk at the end of the room.
“I need that desk” Ally said.
“There’s still loads of space on it” I said.