The next morning I was woken up by my grandmother telling me that we had to get ready for the funeral. She patiently waited for me to get done in the bathroom. When I emerged from the bathroom, she had a pair of extremely padded panties. She then followed the panties with a black lace-trimmed silk slip. When she was satisfied with the way the undergarments were on my figure, she then handed me a three-quarter long-sleeved black silk dress that was knee length.
“Bianca, I know that you are wondering how come I am the one who dressed you this morning. My future daughter-in-law must be the picture of a grieving former employee of the deceased. Therefore, you have been dressed as we would be in Columbia. The only thing that is missing is the hair comb and black mesh veil we wear.”
“Grandmother, I was just wondering how come I had to wear the padded panties that made me look like a Mack truck was stuck on my hips and backside. Is it really necessary to have such a wide and feminine shape? I mean the corset was already making me look like that.”
“Carmen asked me to ensure that you are the picture of a typical Colombian woman. She said that she was hoping that it would look like the real Bianca in case someone decided to try to get a picture of you. That way if someone was questioning who you are, the real Bianca and you were identical in every single aspect.”
I was then led to the living room and told to wait until Carmen was ready. My stepmother emerged from the master bedroom in an almost identical dress that I was wearing. She had me sit on the coffee table and proceeded to attach a high black hair comb and black mesh veil. She then explained that the outfit was completely done. We all walked out of the house to the waiting black limousine.
Once the funeral and graveside service were over, we were escorted to the house. My stepmother and grandmother both told me that I had been convincing to everyone at the funeral. In fact, one of my father’s friends had asked for my phone number from my stepmother. He was turned down by her explaining that I was a loud and proud lesbian. He was heard saying that it was a horrible thing that I was lesbian.
I was allowed to go get changed into a fairly loose-fitting jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was a dark, wine silk with a very deep v-neck that stopped just above my belly button and had mesh sleeves that ended with the same silk as the rest of the jumpsuit. I slipped in some huge gold hoop earrings and a long delicate gold necklace. I also put on my stepmother’s favorite perfume and a pair of sensible black ballet flats.
My stepmother had been busy packing up the clothes that we were going to have to have in Columbia. She explained that the closet worth’s of my new clothes and her closet was going to be in Columbia in two weeks. I took a last walk through the house that I had been raised in, and then we each pulled a large suitcase to the waiting airport shuttle. We were going to be selling the house and never coming back to the area again. I would never be a boy again. We were setting the future in stone, and I was nervously excited about my future.