From Eighteen Years Old Boy to Lesbian Secretary Part 3

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I was locked in the same corset for six hours, and the corset was really beginning to be unbearable. I was going to be in it for the foreseeable future and I was unable to do anything about it. I also realized that my stepmother had put a good pair of gaff panties on my body. I looked like a woman down there now. I slowly realized that I was no longer tied to the bed. I slowly got up as the corset was really hard to get into a sitting position in.

My stepmother had to help me get dressed for the day. She chose a black lace bra that matched the gaff panties I was wearing. She proceeded to slip a camisole on over the whole set of my lingerie. Next, she had me sit on the edge of our bed, slowly slide the black silk stockings up the length of my legs, and made sure the seams were straight up the back of my legs. Next, she grabbed my hands and told me, “ Close your eyes and let me show you the rest of your surprise Mi Amore.”

“OK, but I don’t think I am going to be able to move for very long because I feel like I am going to pass out due to the corset.”

“Just do what I tell you because it is not very far to the surprise I have for you, Bianca. I decided to call you by that name because it is the same as the woman in the picture I showed you. She was the only person that I didn’t get jealous of when she had to be around your father. She was an outspoken lesbian, and in fact, she had tried to seduce me.”

“I get that, mother, but I won’t be able to call you mother at the funeral. So I guess I will have to call you by your first name. Is that alright, Carmen?”

“Yes, but I need you to do what I told you to do.”

So I reluctantly closed my eyes and felt her start to lead me down the hallway of the house. We arrived at a set of stairs that went up instead of down. I had no idea that it was even there. She explained that she was taking her daughter to the playroom of hers. Not that I was complaining about it, but it was definitely not something that I had known about.

She led me up the stairs and directly to the middle of the room. “Open your eyes and let yourself get used to your new classroom.” When I opened my eyes, I saw that the room was completely pink and totally a girly girl’s room. It was the ultimate feminine bedroom complete with a satin covered queen size canopy bed. While I had been looking around, I didn’t realize that I was in the room all by myself until I heard a distinct click of the door.

“You are going to have to stay there for a while as the family is coming over. I promise you, I will let you out of there as soon as I can. Please feel free to lie on the bed or explore the whole room. I had it soundproofed and it is not easy to get in here unless you know how to.”

Published 2 years ago

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