It was the night of our second cam show, and Morgan seemed especially excited. She had seemed a bit different over the last two days, in fact, ever since she first saw me in my Samantha character and had her way with me. Even though my body hair hadn’t grown back that much, Morgan had me shower and shave again. This time, she told me that I should also apply her floral scented body lotion all over afterward. I didn’t see the point since none of our fans could smell through a computer screen. But I figured if it led to another amazing blowjob, I would do it.
After getting my skin soft and smooth, I walked into the bedroom to see what Morgan had laid out for me this time. She liked to keep the outfits a secret from me. She ordered a bunch of stuff for our shows online but wouldn’t tell me what she had purchased; she wanted me to be surprised. On the bed lay a dark blue soft denim dress with quarter sleeves and a waist belt. Next to it was a set of peach-colored cheeky panties with a pink bow on the front and a matching push-up bra. There were also a pair of sheer black pantyhose, 4″ patent pumps, and a few bracelets and accessories.
I tucked myself again, this time without prompting, figuring that’s what Morgan wanted. I put on the rest of the outfit and stood for a minute admiring myself in the mirror. I could sort of see why the guys in our chat made such lewd comments. I was definitely attractive as a girl. I hadn’t ever realized that I had naturally wide hips and small shoulders with a little indent at the waist. I guess my figure was naturally feminine. It had to be to pull off this dress.
Morgan bit her lip as she watched me walk into the laptop. Tonight, she applied my makeup before the stream. She gave me a girlish pink blush on my cheeks, a smokier eye than last time, and completed the look with pink lipstick and gloss before donning my shoulder-length blonde wig, which she had affixed a black bow to this time.
“Samantha, you are fucking adorable,” she said as she traced her finger across my hose-covered thigh, invoking tingles in all the right places.
“Are you ready for things to get a little more . . . sexual . . . this evening?” she asked.
“I mean, I guess so. Given what we talked about, I think I’ll have to do a lot of acting tonight.”
She smirked, leaned in, and pecked me on the cheek.
“Okay, let’s start,” she said.
Morgan went live, and this time, there were about 750 people in the chat within minutes. I couldn’t believe it; a full 250 more people this time means the word must have spread over the past two days. Morgan addressed the crowd.
“Hello, Sissy Samantha nation. Mistress Morgan here again as your guide on this collective journey to turn my boyfriend Sam here into my girlfriend Samantha. Last time, you got to see us apply her first face of makeup and got to see a little bit of the canvas we’re working with. Tonight, we’re opening up some new tasks. Make sure to read the descriptions, and happy spending! Who’s going to be our first task-giver?”
The chat was reeling:
She’s even hotter tonight…
Look at that body in that dress!
Alright, guys, let’s get this little bitch going!
Within the minute, our first task was purchased. Morgan had set up this feature where guys could pay $10 to send in a pic for me to look at. Whatever they sent would pop up on the screen for both me and the viewers to see, and then they would get to see my reaction. Not surprisingly, in hindsight, the first picture was a dick pic. Oh my, here it goes, I thought to myself.
On the screen flashed an erect penis, a rather large, veiny cock with a little bit of precum leaking out. Morgan turned to me.
“Mmmmm. Look at that, Samantha, what do you think of that meaty cock?” she asked.
We had sort of anticipated this and talked ahead of time about what I should say. I should be demure and submissive while seeming interested and turned on. I channeled my acting skills and responded.
“Thanks, hardguy96 (his username). You have a nice cock. It’s a lot bigger than mine.”
I forced myself to blush. The chat went wild.
She would have to have a small cock to fit into that dress hahaha!
Look at her eyes, she wants that thing in her mouth.
She’ll be dreaming about that later lol.
The flood gates were open. Within the hour, we had made $200 from me looking at and commenting on twenty dick pics. I was actually really surprised at the variety coming in. But what I was more surprised about was the sizes of them all. I thought that guys in porn were all just bigger than me because they were porn stars, but I was starting to realize that maybe I was on the really small side because every pic sent in made me feel inadequate somehow. As I was thinking this, Morgan, somehow telepathically knowing what I was thinking, chimed in.
“After seeing all these cocks, baby girl, have you learned anything?” she said while squeezing my thigh.
This time, I blushed without being forced.
“I guess I’ve always had an extra small one. I never knew.”
Morgan let go of my thigh and chuckled.
“Well, unfortunately, I knew, babe. I never wanted to say anything because that would have made me a bad girlfriend. But now that you’re my sissy girlfriend, I can say it. Your little cock is much better meant to be inside a pair of pretty panties than inside a woman.”
The chat went wild:
You tell her, Morgan! You need a real cock, not her itty bitty clitty.
Look at Samantha’s face, she’s realizing she was meant for this.
Don’t worry, Samantha, soon enough you won’t have need for that thing anyway!
A buzzer went off. Someone had bought a $200 task: watching a sissy hypno video. Clearly, someone picked a video just for this moment. I saw the title and my head started to spin. The lines between acting, fantasy, and reality were all starting to blur for me. I was losing track of the separation.
The video was called Accepting Your Clit. Morgan must have seen the look on my face, so she put her hand on my leg and looked me deep in the eye–that soul-to-soul communication only we had, reassuring me that this would be okay and that I had a job to do.
“Okay, guys, to fulfill this task, Samantha is going to put on her headphones and watch the video, and you guys get to watch along. I’ll take control of chat here while she watches so she can focus.”
I put on the headphones and Morgan pressed ‘play’. It started as a montage of what looked like trans girls who were far along in their transitions, each one of them showing off a tiny, shriveled cock. My heart sank. I realized that of all the cocks I had looked at tonight, my natural one looked a lot closer to these girls than any of the ones men had sent me.
Soon, the screen split in two, continuing to show the trans women on the left but showing athletic naked men with big cocks on the right while an overdubbed feminine voice started speaking.
Hello, Sissy. Welcome back. Today we’re going to talk about your tiny little clitty. That’s right. By now you should know you have a clitty, not a cock. Look at the large, meaty, girthy cocks on the right. That’s not what you have. You have a cute little clitty, perfect for a sissy. Don’t be ashamed. Your clitty is cute and adorable. You aren’t meant to fuck girls with it anyway, remember? No. Your cute little clitty will look sexy as at dangles and flops when a real cock is fucking you. Your feminine little clitty is perfect because it matches your feminine little body, sissy.
The video went on like that for a full ten minutes. When it was over, I took the headphones off.
“Wow, so instructional and positive, what a great first video,” Morgan cooed seductively.
I glanced at our chat:
Let us see how small it is, Samantha!
Show us that clitty!!!
“Now, boys,” Morgan chimed in, “everything in due time. For now, let’s see what other tasks come in.”
In the next two hours, I looked at a dozen more dick pics and watched two more hypno videos–both of which were about sucking cock and getting fucked and accepting one’s sissiness. I’m not sure what was happening inside my mind. I didn’t believe hypnos could work. Maybe it was the fact that every now and again I’d see all these chats saying how sexy I was and how I was so fuckable. Maybe it was just the fact that I was watching very sexy cis girls and trans girls getting fucked. But at some point, I started getting turned on by it all.
Morgan must have noticed me flushing and squirming in my seat. After the last hypno ended, she spoke to chat.
“Boys, looks like you’ve got Samantha all hot and bothered here. I’ll tell you what, I’m thinking of giving some surprise content. If we can raise $100 in the next five minutes, I’m going to get her off for you!”
My eyes shot open wide. I knew better than to break character, so I just sat there dumbfounded and shocked and wide-eyed. In a matter of seconds, the money was raised. Finally, I had to speak.
“Mistress Morgan, are you really going to stroke me right now in front of all these people?”
A sly smile formed on her lips.
“Stroke you? No, no, Samantha. Didn’t you learn anything from these videos? You’re a sissy now, and sissies can only cum like girls. Go lay back in the bed. I’ll show you how girls cum.”
Confused, I lay in the bed. Morgan repositioned the camera so that my body was in full view. Chats were pouring in talking about how sexy I was, and that made me feel better. Then I saw Morgan reach into our dresser and pull out her magic wand. Was she going to use a vibrator on me? I was shocked. Would that even work; would I have to fake an orgasm?
Morgan started kissing me and hiking up my dress, exposing my peach panties through the black stockings. I heard a click and the sound of vibration. I felt a sensation I’d never felt when she pressed it against my panties, a tingling, pulsating electricity and an instant pleasure circulating through my body. I was getting so much immense and intense pleasure, I was surprised my cock wasn’t getting hard. I guessed it was because it was tucked back so tightly.
I was squirming with ecstasy and my hips were twisting. Morgan’s tongue was on mine. My mind started racing. Scenes from the hypnos flooded my internal vision. What is this? I thought to myself. Maybe it was the recency. I don’t know. I’d never had sexual visions like this before. As Morgan drove the wand harder into my crotch, my mind suddenly transplanted my face onto the girls from the videos. I was watching myself get fucked in whatever twisted sexual fantasy was playing out in my mind.
The pulsating was getting out of control. I felt a total loss of self-control and let out a loud moan as I felt cum flooding my panties. Morgan turned off the wand while I lay there panting with my eyes closed. She got up and went to the laptop.
“How was that for a surprise, guys? Oh my, I can tell by the chat that you really, really liked that. Well, make sure to tell your friends about this stream and we’ll see you again in a couple of days.”
Morgan finally ended the stream. I sat there dumbfounded and silent and satisfied. She sensed my mood, my confusion perhaps.
“Babe, it’s okay, it’s just a role, remember? This is just something we’re doing for money.”
“I guess. I guess I just never realized I had a small cock. And I never imagined myself getting off to a vibrator . . . and liking it so much. I dunno, just feel weird.”
“I mean, truthfully, babe, yeah, you’re on the smaller side. But that doesn’t matter. I like you just how you are. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking a vibrator. After all, I use one, remember?”
She leaned and kissed me. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Over the next two weeks, the stream kept growing. We were up to 2,500 viewers one evening. The tasks remained similar. A lot, and I mean A LOT, of dick pics were sent my way. I saw so many that I sort of started appreciating the differences in them. Some were funny and laughable, while others, well, weren’t. Sometimes I’d catch myself admiring one here or there. I think Morgan admired me admiring them.
Other tasks involved me doing household chores while our viewers glared on from whatever reaches of the internet they were tuning in from. Morgan also posted pictures of various outfits she bought, and viewers could purchase the one I was to wear for the next stream. Morgan was having a blast, dressing me up like a childhood doll, changing my makeup and wigs to match the outfit, making me her plaything.
I was also getting my fill of hypno videos. I had watched so many that one of them even featured in my dreams one night. I was one of the sexy trans women getting fucked raw by a thick cock. I could feel every inch of it, and in the dream, I loved it and begged for more. The next morning, Morgan told me I was moaning in my sleep. When I told her about my dream, she asked if that was something I wanted, to be penetrated. “No,” I said. “I don’t know why I would dream that.”
“Whatever you say, babe,” she said with a kiss, “it’s probably just your character dreaming anyway. Isn’t that a thing that happens with actors?”
I didn’t know the answer. “Yeah, it’s pretty common,” I demurred.
Morgan seemed to be liking her new role quite a bit. Mistress Morgan. She was becoming more dominant in all aspects of our life. I was becoming more submissive. Our sex life was evolving too. We started incorporating her magic wand into our lovemaking. We kissed more and grinded more, and we usually fooled around after every stream. It was almost like we started to make love like lesbians. She seemed to like it better that way somehow.
But by the third week, our stream numbers started to dip. We were running out of simple household tasks for people to watch me do. I had shown my naked body. They’d watched me get spanked. Having Morgan use the vibrator on me still got good numbers, but our fans were ready to move on to the next step. The question was: were we?
One night while we were eating dinner, Morgan finally broke the silence on the topic.
“Our fans are fading. The ones that are sticking around are demanding the next step. How would you feel about taking it?”
I knew the question would be posed eventually. I already knew the answer.
“I think Samantha’s ready for the next step too.”
“Great,” Morgan said with a smile, “It’s time Samantha ventures out.”
Stay tuned for Part 3.