“It’s just a kiss. You’re an actor. Actors kiss while in character all the time,” Morgan reassured.
This was the next big step for Samantha’s Sissification Project. After our viewer and donation numbers started dwindling a bit, we decided to start taking Samantha outside the home–of course, always encouraged by our viewers, who seemed to be on a mission to turn Samantha into a boy-crazed sissy.
We’d been out in public a few times over the last couple of shows, Morgan live-streaming my tasks with her phone. The tasks were little things, like going out to order food and bumping into a guy, or pretending to drop my purse and bending over to pick it up in front of a group of men. Morgan and I even went to a jazz club one night where I was supposed to flirt with a waiter, which ended up with a slow dance and a man’s hands on my ass. Chat would always blow up afterwards, with people saying things like:
That guy is eyeball fucking our little sissy
He’ll be thinking about that ass later
I think I saw him get hard a little lolol
But tonight was different. Tonight, I was supposed to get “picked up” at a bar, flirt, and let a guy kiss me. Apparently, our viewers thought it was essential for my sissy journey that I feel seduced like a woman would. Morgan and I were getting ready to go out when I got nervous and expressed my reservations.
“I don’t know, Morgan. This is getting crazy. Two nights ago a guy grabbed my ass. That was crazy! Don’t you feel like this is getting out of hand a bit?”
“Babe, I’m not going to force you to do anything. But can you honestly say you aren’t enjoying growing into your character? You’ve got her down cold, and we’re raking in the cash. Didn’t a little part of you like getting that kind of attention?”
She wasn’t wrong. I couldn’t explain it. I wasn’t a method actor, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that Sam and Samantha were becoming more fused by the day. And although I hadn’t had a same-sex impulse in my life before taking on this character, when we were out and about and Samantha’s “character” was supposed to talk about the cute guys she was seeing, I was actually finding the guys I was talking about attractive.
I didn’t know what any of this was meaning, for me or for my relationship with Morgan. But she certainly seemed to enjoy everything that was happening and encouraged me every step of the way. Maybe this was always a fantasy for her, maybe she just really liked the stupid amount of money we were taking in from donations. It was hard to say.
“Okay, maybe I liked it a little. I don’t know. I’ll go through with it tonight if you still want me to,” I said.
Morgan smiled and pinched my cheek.
“That’s my girl,” she said.
I was already smooth and smelling fantastic. Morgan helped me put adhesive on the breast forms she bought me to make them more passable for our public outings. Then I slipped on a gaff to help hold all my bits in place, along with bikini-cut lacy black panties with some piping along the edge. Morgan said that, although they would give me a little panty line, that’s exactly what we wanted to attract a suitable guy.
She had picked out a gorgeous little black dress for me, which hung off my shoulders to show my black bra straps. Morgan styled my blonde wig while I applied a smoky eye, blush, and cherry-red lipstick. That’s right, Morgan had taught me how to apply my own makeup, which she said was essential for public outings so I could touch it up myself in the ladies’ bathroom (a favorite of hers and our viewers).
Morgan was wearing a floral print tie front plunging neck dress, which accentuated all her curves in just the right way. We both put on some strappy black pumps and stood admiring ourselves in the mirror. We looked like two single girls out on the town for a bit of fun. I suppose the trap was laid.
We figured our chances would be best at a popular Top 40 dance club downtown. It wasn’t the classiest place, but we had done some research online and learned it was a great hookup spot. It was crowded when we arrived, but amazingly the hostess found us a high top away from the DJ booth, which was quieter and would be better for the stream. When Morgan started setting up her phone for live streaming, the hostess asked us if we were influencers. We had a good laugh and said no, we just were going to facetime some friends.
To stay in character and also calm my nerves, I ordered an apple cosmo, downed it the second it hit the table, and then ordered another. Morgan laughed hysterically and told the waiter to keep them coming. It didn’t take long before a pair of guys walked over to our table.
They introduced themselves and seemed nice enough, but I gave Morgan a look that let her know these weren’t the ones. She was graceful in letting them down easy and they took off. Another half hour and another drink went by, and I was starting to feel a little tipsy. Two more men approached from behind me. I saw Morgan’s eyes light up before I looked over my shoulder and saw why.
These guys could have been underwear models. They were both fit and well-dressed with great hair and they smelled like Tom Ford cologne. I recognized the scent because I had some at home, although tonight I was wearing the YSL that Morgan had bought for us with our donation money. One guy put his hand on the back of the chair, and I felt his skin gently brush against the skin of my exposed back. I didn’t pull away.
I smiled at Morgan, letting her know that this pair would do, but I don’t think it mattered. She had already made up her mind and answered “Yes!” in a flat second after they asked if they could buy us some drinks. They smiled a knowing smile and walked off to the bar with our order.
“Oh my god, these guys are fucking hot,” Morgan gushed.
“I know!” I beamed before realizing it might be awkward to so enthusiastically endorse another man’s looks in front of my girlfriend.
My giddiness didn’t seem to phase Morgan at all. Before long, they were back and asking us about our phone tripod setup. Morgan thought fast and told them that we were travel bloggers shooting some B-roll of New York nightlife for a video we were making. Little did they know, minimized on Morgan’s phone were hundreds of comments urging us on and donations pouring in, our fans eagerly anticipating the moment Samantha would have her first sissy kiss.
The guys told us where they were and clearly had chosen which girl they each liked because one of them, Michael, cozied up next to Morgan while the taller one, Adam, sat next to me with his arm around my chair. Even through my three cosmos, my heart was beating fast and my stomach was filling with butterflies. It seemed there was no turning back now. We had clearly intimated to these gentlemen that we were single ladies looking for a good time tonight.
As the night rolled on and the conversation and drinks continued to flow, both guys began to get a little more touchy-feely with the objects of their affection. When Michael put his arm around Morgan, I started to feel jealous, jealous enough that I wanted to slap him and take Morgan out of there right away, but I couldn’t possibly do that now. It was too late. We were in too deep.
Maybe to try and make Morgan jealous back, I don’t really have a clear explanation for what I was feeling, I leaned into Adam and didn’t object when his other hand found its way to my thigh. Morgan saw and didn’t say a word. She didn’t seem jealous at all; she seemed happy.
“Do you ladies want to dance, or what?” Michael asked.
“What do you think, Samantha?” Morgan asked me.
“Sure, why not,” I answered.
The guys got up and led us to the dance floor when I started realizing I had no idea how to dance like a girl! I quickly leaned into Morgan and whispered as much in her ear.
She giggled and replied, “It’s not hard at all, babe. Just put your arms on his shoulders and wiggle your hips, and every once in a while turn around and grind your booty into him a bit.”
My heart was pounding and the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I couldn’t believe the situation we were in. Morgan had her phone in her hand, telling the guys she wanted to take some pics on the dance floor.
“And if the moment is right for a kiss, I’ll get the footage,” she giggled.
Get Low was blaring on the dance floor, which was either fortunate or unfortunate depending on your perspective, because I knew that girls liked to dance really slutty to the song. Michael and Adam seemed to know it too, because they had wide grins as we made our way. When we got to the dance floor, Morgan immediately started shaking her hips and grinding on Michael.
Nervously, I leaned into Adam’s ear and said, “I’m not a very good dancer.”
“Just let your body do the talking; it’ll come naturally,” he said with his hands on my hips.
I put my arms on his shoulders like Morgan advised and started swaying my hips. Adam put one hand on my hip and another in the air. It took less than a second before his hand reached around and grabbed my ass cheek, pulling my body close to his. I could smell his masculine scent and feel the muscles under his silk shirt. My head was spinning from the booze and I was struggling to keep up. But then Adam whispered something in my ear that somehow unlocked a hidden sensuality.
“You’re so fucking hot, Samantha. I wanted you the moment I saw you and Morgan walk in.”
My body immediately got loose and matched Adam’s rhythm. I spun around and ground my ass into his crotch. When I saw Morgan bend over in front of Michael and wiggle her ass for him, I did the same for Adam. I felt his cock start to get swollen through his pants. Strangely, that filled me with a sense of pride.
How I had gone from a completely straight guy in a committed relationship with my loving girlfriend to a girl in a little black dress getting turned on by a man’s hard-on pressing against me was a mystery. But I was done fighting it. I grabbed Adam’s free hand and pulled it around me. He started rubbing my thighs and kissing my neck. The moment was getting closer.
I winked at Morgan. She immediately pointed the phone in my direction. I turned around to face Adam and put my arms back on his strong, muscular shoulders. I looked deep into his eyes, smiled, and bit my lower lip. Every guy knows what that means. He leaned in and put his lips on mine.
But Adam wasn’t settling for some peck. My grinding had woken up his primal sexuality. I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer and kissed me again and more aggressively. Eventually, I gave in and opened my mouth. His tongue found its way in and danced with mine. Our bodies were grinding against each other and so were our tongues. It was electric. It was a totally different sensation than any kiss I had before. I felt sexy and vulnerable and powerful and lustful all at once.
Morgan cheered us on, or perhaps was cheering the donations flooding in. But the world around me was lost. In that moment, all I knew was Adam’s lust, his tongue on mine, his hands all over me. My stomach tingled. When he broke off the kiss for air, I felt like I was floating. I wanted more. God, help me, I wanted more!
But when I looked over at Morgan, my ecstasy gave way to raving jealousy, because she was just as passionately making out with Michael and his hand was on her breast. We had never discussed her getting to do this! But for as mad as I wanted to be, I was sympathetic. I now knew what it was like to be a girl seduced and how hard it would be to turn him down. I turned back to Adam and kissed him again.
I can’t believe we said “yes.” After a few more songs, Michael and Adam asked if we wanted to go back to Michael’s house for a nightcap. We said we would get separate cabs, so they left before us. When we got in our cab, Morgan immediately pulled out her phone and started the live stream. I can only imagine what was going through the cabi’s mind as Morgan chatted away.
“What do you think guys, was Samantha’s first kiss sexy or what?! I think Adam is like really, really into her. What do you think?”
I couldn’t see the reply chats. But whatever they were, Morgan couldn’t stop smiling and texting some replies back.
“Morgan, what are we doing? We can’t go to their house,” I pleaded.
By this point, the facade of making sure everything was okay with me was waning.
“Sure we can, baby.”
“But, like, what are we going to do there?”
“We’ll just see where the night takes us. Don’t worry, I’m there. We’ll be safe together.”
Slightly reassured, my inebriated brain thought back with excitement on my first kiss as Samantha. That thought calmed me at the same time it excited me. And we drove on.
When we knocked on the door, Michael opened it and immediately went in for another kiss on my girlfriend. Morgan’s leg bent at the knee as his tongue touched hers. My face flushed with jealousy. When they broke, Michael opened the door wide. As Morgan floated through the doorway, he grabbed her thick ass and gave it a little shake. She giggled. I winced.
Michael and Morgan sat on a loveseat built for two in the living room. I turned and saw Adam, with a big smile on his face, sitting on a reclining chair across from them.
“I’m sorry, babe,” he winked, “the seating in here is really limited. Looks like my lap is open though.”
Morgan giggled, looked at me, then back at him.
“I’m sure she’s fine with that!” Morgan laughed.
My face flushed again, but I proceeded to sit on Adam’s lap anyway. He put his hand around my stomach, and I shifted so my legs went sideways across his lap, draping one arm around his shoulders to steady myself.
We all chatted for a bit about the movies and music we like. At some point, Morgan and Michael started their own two-way conversation, so Adam turned to me.
“That was a pretty hot kiss back there in the club,” he said.
Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I’d really like to do that again.”
I looked over at Morgan, who seemed to have forgotten I was even there. She was intensely flirting with Michael, whose hand was resting on the exposed skin of her thigh. Jealousy pinged, and I grabbed Adam’s head, pulling to my mine as I opened my lips and let his tongue back into my mouth.
That’ll teach her, my inebriated mind thought to itself. My head was spinning from lust, jealousy, cosmos, and who knows what else. I kept waiting for Morgan to say something, to notice. But after a few minutes of waiting, I opened my eyes and looked in her direction.
Michael and Morgan were making out just as passionately as Adam and I were, except Michael’s hand was under Morgan’s skirt! I could see her eyes glazed over. I knew that look. I knew Michael’s fingers were inside my sweet, loving, caring girlfriend’s wet pussy. And I knew she was loving it.
Adam must have seen them too and gotten a clever idea of his own. His hand passed the hemline of my dress and sent shivers through my body as his fingers pushed against my panties. I panicked. I couldn’t let him find out what was behind that thin lace veil.
“Stop!” I said a little too loudly.
That seemed to spook him, and he withdrew his hand immediately.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Morgan finally seemed to remember I was there, being manhandled by a man in front of her. Her writer mind reacted quickly.
“Oh, Adam. I’m sorry, didn’t my girl Samantha tell you? She’s on her period, dude.”
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry,” Adam said with an extremely disappointed look on his face.
Morgan sat up and grabbed the phone out of her purse, giving me a little imperceptible glance that only couples who know each other through and through would notice. She pressed a few times on the screen and then angled the phone in our direction.
“Well, Adam,” she said, “maybe if you sweet talk her she’ll figure out some other way to relieve your urges.”
My face flushed red. I knew what Morgan was intimating. I’d used a similar line on her before when she was on the rag.
“Is that so?” Adam grinned.
I don’t know why. But for some reason, Adam’s disappointment transformed into my disappointment for him. I felt horrible for leading this guy on. I knew what he was feeling. And I knew I could do something about it.
“Just relax,” I told him.
He leaned back. I leaned in. I started kissing him passionately. I let my hand walk down to the front of his trousers and start to gently rub his ever-stiffening erection. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. How did I get here? And why was this turning me on so much?
I unbuckled his pants and, for the first time, my hand felt the soft skin encasing a man’s stiff erection. With a firm but gentle grip, I began stroking Adam’s cock. He moaned into my mouth as our tongues continued to dance.
After a few minutes of this, he broke away from his lips and put his to my ear.
“I want you to suck it, Samantha. God, that would be so fucking hot.”
At this point, my mind was overwhelmed with lust. Without so much as thinking, I dropped to my knees, putting my face in line with his seven-inch, swollen member. Flashing through my mind were images of all the hypno videos I had been watching, images of sissy girls sucking cocks with lustful expressions on their faces. Now, this would be me.
I opened my mouth and wrapped my lipstick-stained lips around Adam’s manhood. My mouth watered as I swirled my tongue around his head, tasing his masculine musk and the salty precum that dripped from his tip. I felt powerful and sexy, more so than I ever had before. This was a much different feeling than going down on Morgan. I felt feminine and in control. I felt sexy and desired.
Adam moaned. The sounds of my sucking filled the room. I could only imagine what kinds of messages were flooding the chat on Morgan’s phone.
Oh my God, Morgan! I thought to myself.
I pulled my mouth off Adam’s cock, continuing to stroke him with my hand as I turned around to look back at my girlfriend and her new-found man toy. They weren’t there! I got a little worried and knew I had to finish off Adam quickly to find out where they had gone.
I returned my mouth to his cock and sucked harder and faster. I fondled his balls with my free hand.
“I want you to come in my mouth, baby,” I said to him, knowing that those words quicken the urge for a man to cum.
As if on queue, I could feel his cock start to pulse. He grabbed the sides of my head. I formed my tongue into a “U” shape and firmed up my lips, giving Adam a soft, wet tunnel to fuck. He thrust into my mouth and I started to gag a little as his cock pushed against the back of my throat. But just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, his cock exploded, and ropes of sticky, salty come filled my mouth.
I swallowed as much as I could as it was spurting, but it was too much and some leaked out the sides of my mouth. After a few seconds, he stopped spurting and his grip on my head loosened. He relaxed and let his softening prick retreat from my now freshly face-fucked mouth. I turned around to look around the room again as I used a finger to scoop up what of Adam’s cum was now dripping down my chin and into my mouth.
I couldn’t even process what had just happened, because I was worried about where Morgan was. I stood up and walked around the small apartment, following strange and familiar sounds. When I approached what was obviously a bedroom, I could hear clearly the sound of cock rushing into a sopping-wet pussy. I heard Morgan’s familiar moans.
My heart raced and my stomach fell. I quietly opened the door and saw Michael’s naked body between Morgan’s spread legs, dangling on either side of him while he thrust into my girlfriend.
“Oh fuck it feels so good to be fucked like a slut,” she moaned.
I stood there stunned, watching a man give something to Morgan that I hadn’t given her in God knows how long. As jealous as I was, I couldn’t help but notice other feelings. Was I feeling a slight bit of happiness? Relief? What was this?
Michael’s pace quickened. I could tell he was getting ready to cum. His masculine grunting grew louder. And, before I knew it, he was shooting his cum into my girlfriend’s wanting cunt. Her fingers dug into his back and her toes curled. She was having an orgasm while getting fucked–something I’d never been able to do for her.
Michael rolled off her and I quietly shut the door, hoping they wouldn’t notice.
“Sounds like your friend had a bit of her own fun,” Adam chuckled from the living room, “Maybe next time we hang out I can do the same to you.”
My emotions were so overwhelming in that moment. I had just sucked a guy’s cock, a guy who I had only met a few hours earlier. Was I becoming the slut these thousands of online encouragers had been pushing me to become? Why had sucking Adam’s cock felt so good, so natural, and so sexy? What were these feelings I had watching the love of my life getting fucked?
I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water to get the taste of cock and cum out of my mouth. Morgan and Michael walked out of the bedroom.
“Well, guys, this was really fun,” she said with flushed cheeks, “but I think Samantha and I need to head home.”
The guys protested for a bit, but she persisted. We walked out of their apartment and down to the street to call a cab.
“We have a lot to talk about,” Morgan smiled.
to be continued….