From Alan

"A poem for a Lost Friend"

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“Write what you know you think you feel, write just for yourself.

 Write the way you learned from me, and write for everyone else.

 Sometimes they will love it, most often they will not…

 Worry about that later, but for now just give it your best shot.


 Poetry’s a puzzle and we find our only way

 To try to say the things we often fail to really say…

 If I have taught you anything, keep this small thought within your sight,

 Imagine it like you mean it, and it will be alright.


 An accidental teacher,

 Occasionally a friend,

 Once or twice quite proud of you

 As you got there in the end…


 My passion was just poetry,

 It was my pleasure to encourage

 Those who ventured down that path

 With pleasure and indeed with courage.


 No tears please that I’m no longer here…

 Instead, remember me for what I was.

 A poet, certainly, but also this…

 A man who is remembered, just because.”



 xx SF


















Published 8 years ago

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