Friendship Lost

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The why seems so ephemeral to me

It is the feelings that solidly punch 

Loves labour’s been lost

Because unfriended was clicked


We could fly you and I

In oddly interesting ways

I’ve crashed out of your journey

Because unfriended was clicked 


You liked me to go, powerfully

At times I followed, admiringly

Others come and go, it’s not the same

Because unfriended was clicked 


I still see you around 

In rooms I won’t join

I can’t chat and laugh  

Because unfriended was clicked


You protect your privacy 

So only one other knows

That I can’t stop crying

Because unfriended was clicked


Your most precious gift

Is knowing I can fly with her 

So I’m not deprived of that love 

Because unfriended was clicked


Thank you for love, unusually strong

I wanted that heart to beat way more

But I won’t let your good memory fade 

Because unfriended was clicked


Published 6 years ago

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