A crazy feeling,
I can’t suppress.
But this one feeling,
I can’t address.
My heart the egg,
My brain the pan,
Crack the egg,
Turn on the fan.
Try to be cool,
Reverse the time,
Don’t act like a fool,
I’ve drank too much wine.
“What I’m trying to-“
I’m talking too much.
“I just want to-
Please keep in touch!”
Hand to the head,
How could this be,
Face down on my bed,
My brain deceived me.
“What I’m trying to tell-
Well really my brain,
Is trying to yell-“
It’s driving me insane.
I can’t stop the clutter,
Coming out of my mouth,
My thoughts are like butter,
The yolk slides south.
If I think anymore,
My brain will fry.
If you walk out the door,
My heart will die.
Even miles apart,
I know I’m nuts,
I feel in my heart,
No if’s and’s or but’s.
Enough talking I’m finished,
I want to say “I love-“
The sentence diminished,
I need a shove,
To shout,
No doubt.
I just know it’s true.