Friday Night’s for Watching

"My best friend has the Friday Night of his life, and I watch"

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So here I am trying to catch the eye of the girl behind the bar, but she seems intent on serving everyone around me. The fiery red hair flowing across her shoulders has a hypnotic effect as she swings round to the cooler cabinet behind her. 



As she bends at the knees her short denim skirt rides up a little, stretching across a perfect ass. I look to my left, then my right, to see if anyone else has their mind in the gutter; absolutely they do!


As far as I can tell, everyone at the bar is mesmerized, and to prove she knows what she’s doing she straightens up with a wiggle, looks over her shoulder, and pouts at her audience.


Okay, at 5 foot 6, I’m easily missed, and the floor behind the bar is a good foot higher than the surface I’m standing on, so she does tower somewhat over me. It does grate though, when she looks straight over me as she reaches past to place two beers in front of the guy to my right.


I stretch out onto my toes, to increase my chances of being spotted, so now my eyes become level with her ample breasts. I’m looking at the contours created across her t -shirt; she’s obviously bra-less, and so near to me, virtually touching my face.


I’m completely lost now as I visualize her leaning forward so two cushions envelop my face. Lifting her ‘T’ and discarding it on the bar, the club becomes a distant fog, and now it’s just her and me.


She takes her left breast in her palm and lifts it so her nipple is touching my cheek. She sways side to side brushing it against my lips inviting me to open my mouth and flick my tongue against her.


She rocks her head back as I replace her hand, cupping her breast, sucking on the hardening bud. I draw my teeth over her left nipple as my thumb and forefinger rotate around her right. Her hand slips under her skirt and begins to move slowly. I continue to feast on her, as she pushes her fingers against herself with greater urgency.


Cat like she climbs onto the bar, her eyes fixed on me, threatening me not to stop the attention her breasts are enjoying. Swinging her legs over the beer pumps, her skirt now hitched up at the waist, she sits on the bar and parts her legs. I look down to see her hand furiously massaging, covered by the white lace of her panties.


Her free hand hauls my head down, hard, into her sheltered crotch, and I oblige by pushing my mouth over her as she releases her hand from her pussy. I let go of her breasts and move my hands down, pulling her panties to one side, and lap at her moist labia.


With her hand free she leans back onto the bar as I flick my tongue between her lips, trying not to be too obvious in searching out her clit. It isn’t long before she gasps, holding the back of my head, and pushing me in as far as I can go. Opening her up, I run my teeth over the exposed clit. I pass my tongue up and down her, teasing as much as I dare, and tasting the flow of her arousal.


At first I didn’t notice she was pulling my trousers down to my thighs with her feet, but as I slipped a couple of fingers into her hot, wet, pussy she manoeuvres her feet around my now exposed cock, and begins to delicately rub up and down my hardening shaft with her bare feet.


She is manipulating my cock perfectly, skilfully exposing the glans, and performing the most erotic massage I can imagine.


My fingers and tongue are proving to be enough, as she tries to maintain contact with her feet, and then without warning she tosses her head back and lets out a cry of triumph as her orgasm takes hold. Her thighs draw in and clamp me in position, so like any other guy would I hold on as her pussy fastens onto my fingers and floods my tongue. She thrusts her groin at me over and over, until she gives out a purr of total contentment.


In a matter of moments she’s on the other side of the bar, and the daydream is over, as a barman recognizes the Twenty I have been waving around and comes up to me. I laugh to myself, even in my fantasies I can’t get off!


“Yes mate?” He shouts across the heavy beat of the music filling the club.


I’m about to ask for the two obligatory beers when I spot Lenny sitting with a woman, to his right, having what looks to all the world like a conversation. Unlikely I think, but changing my mind on the choice of drink reply, “Three Bacardi Breezers, two orange and one strawberry, thanks.”


Lenny and I met in school, age five, and grew up together. Living a matter of minutes away we continued to keep in touch even when we attended different secondary schools and colleges.


Lennie isn’t the brightest, and could have been easily been the subject of bullying but for his size; he is simply enormous; in every way. At 6 foot 10, 210 pounds, and most of that’s muscle, he cuts a fine figure.


Laboring on a couple of farms helps to keep him trim that’s for sure, he’ll put in a ten hour day, and can out-pull a tractor. The guy must have his own gravity field the way the girls, and some of guys, flock to him. It’s just his awkwardness, shyness, call it what you like, that prevents him having more excitement; he’s simply not that good with people.


That’s where I come in. Lennie is my best friend and I look out for him, and more often than not I have to talk for him too. Oh, he can be annoying, but I guess I can be too. I’m short, that’s fair to say, but at 130 pounds I compare favorably next to most other guys in our early 30s ; but when Lennie is next to me I look pretty pathetic. Don’t get me wrong, most men do, it’s just that being best mates were always out together and being compared.


Holding a bottle in my left hand and the other two in my right the slalom begins, weaving in and out of the crowd. It’s a busy Friday night and it feels like the whole city is in this one place. I’m not complaining, as I brush past a girl wearing little more than a bikini. My mind begins to wander, but for once I keep it at bay as I reach the table.


It’s obvious now, that despite the couple being on the same cushioned bench seating, Lennie and the girl have not been talking. No surprise there, I think to myself. Although there’s two hard chairs around the table there doesn’t seem to be another empty chair in the whole club.


Her hair is shoulder length, brown, maybe highlighted, but I can’t make out her dress very well because of the light. I can tell it’s a shade of electric blue, tight, with a round neck plunged tightly across her breasts, only just covering both her areola. My mind starts making the calculations that all men do; late 20s , 36 C ?


I pass a bottle of orange to Lenny and wave the strawberry to the girl. She shakes her head so I offer her the other orange with a wink. She accepts, smiling, as I sit on the hard chair next to her. Instinctively she shuffles away from me, thereby pinning herself in-between Lennie and I. Lennie moves to the side to give her room.


“You’ve met Lennie I see?” Maybe it’s not the best opening move but it attracts an answer.


“Well, not really, I asked if the seat was taken but he just shook his head then looked away.”


“He’s a bit shy but he’s a really nice guy.”


“Lennie, you say?” She looks at my friend and for the first time, notices how his chest and arms are stretching the material of his shirt. She obviously likes what she sees.


Her eyes move down to his lap, noting his bulge, and letting out a sigh cooes, “Hey Lennie, come and sit here with us.”


Lennie finally breaks his silence. “I did want to talk to her George, but I was just too shy. I am a nice guy ain’t I George?”


“You’re okay Len, don’t worry, just come and sit closer to the lady like … I’m sorry, what’s your name?”




“Len, do like Tia asked.”


“George?” She coughed out.


Tia had picked up on my name. “Everyone calls me Gee.”


“Except Lennie it seems.”


“He likes to be polite with new friends.”


I feel there is already a little friction between Tia and I as she turns to face my friend. Lennie sits closer to her and she holds out her left hand then places it on his right thigh.


In an accent best described as Marilyn Munro plays Little Red Riding Hood, she purrs, “My Lennie, what big thighs you have.”


Lennie sniggers as she puts her free hand across his chest, onto his upper arm. “And what big biceps you have.” Again, Lennie sat looking coy.


“Dance Lennie?”


“George, can I?” I can only nod my approval as Tia takes his hand and pretends to hoist him from the bench seat. Lennie lifts himself to his full height as Tia grips his trouser waistband and drags him away into the wall of sound.


I’m watching them dance and grind. Lennie’s no mover, but in such a tightly packed space it doesn’t matter. I figure Tia is about my height in her stocking feet, but her black patents, with at least 4 inch spike heels, put her eyes in line with Len’s awesome chest.


Her dress is virtually backless, it’s balanced slightly on each shoulder with the blue material clung tightly diving in a ‘ V ’ almost to her coccyx, and showing off her ass perfectly. As she dances around Lennie she makes sure she’s facing me and for the first time I see the full effect of the front of her dress. How her breasts remain covered as she moves around is surprising, and I make sure to keep my eyes on her hoping to get a good look if they tumble out.


She continues to look past Lennie straight at me, making sure we have eye contact, and slowly pulls her hem up until I can see the tiniest triangle covering any modesty she may have. Lennie, too close to notice, is looking straight down into her cleavage; I kid to myself that I’m getting the best deal here.


A guy behind has a great view of her ass making his eyes physically bulge out. I understand why as she performs a full, slow, spin on the spot so I too can make out the thin white string of her thong disappearing between two beautiful cheeks. She completes her move by showing off to Mr Bulging-Eyes once again. This could be a good night!


Continuing to look at me she places her hands on Lennie’s hips and sinks her head down. I lose sight of her as Lennie turns to look for me; his eyes are either pleading for me to do something to stop her, or asking me to approve of her actions. I simply wink at him; this was one choice I couldn’t make for him.


I need to move to get a better view; if my best mate is going to get this kind of treatment on the dance floor I’m not going to miss it! I get up from my chair and walk a few feet to find the perfect vantage point.


Tia is standing, bent over, facing Lennie’s groin and has no intention of stopping there. She looks around the space around her, not nervously, but expectantly; secretly hoping that every girl in the club is watching with envy.


She wants to put on show. She looks up and around and finds me through the crowd. With our eyes focused on each other’s, and without returning her eyes to Lennie, she pulls his zipper down and puts her hand into the newly created space in his trousers.


She looks at Lennie who seems to be oblivious to this beautiful girl with her hand on his cock, until she begins fishing it out into the open.


No matter how many times, on a DVD or computer screen, you see the surprised look on a girl’s face when she comes face to face with a monster, you know it’s all been rehearsed over and over until it means nothing to her. But in real life, here, she is totally shocked by what she faces; she is spell-bound.


She begins stroking over 10 inches of flaccid cock, and as she moves her hands from the base to the tip, and back again, it grows as you would expect.


Lennie grins.


Tia, now with two hands in position as if to take a golf swing, is staring with her eyes on stalks. Again, she looks towards me licking her lips, I return a withered look of resignation; my evening was going to be a lot less eventful than Tia and Lennie’s.


The tempo of the Calvin Harris track is now increasing, as is the movement of Tia’s hands. She now has in her possession the largest, rock hard, cock she had ever imagined. She’s guessing 14 inches, maybe more, and possibly 5 around. The fact that it’s standing fully parallel with his body is making her dewy-eyed. She’s seen some monsters before but they tended to be more horizontal than the smaller, average, stiff ones. Those ‘semi monsters’ needed more technique to get the right effect, but this one was going to be a real challenge! What a night she has planned.


She licks his cock from the base up to the tip, letting the moist pre-cum dampen her hand, as she rotates and slides up and down the shaft.


The revelers on the dance floor start to become an audience as Tia opens her mouth as wide as she can and drops it over Lennie’s cock-head. Lennie is now in absolute bliss, but just a little embarrassed.


Tia sucks Lennie’s head over and over until saliva drips from her mouth onto the dance floor. Damn he is big, but she won’t let his size beat her. Glancing again at me I can see her determination as this time she takes half his cock down her throat. The captivated audience can’t believe it, but the look on Lennie’s face shows his feelings. No-one has ever swallowed him that far before, and he is loving it.


His head arcs back as his eyes glaze over. Tia still has both hands round his cock as she slurps and dribbles round his meat. Twisting and kneading despite the awkward size, Tia is really enjoying herself. Still bent over, her legs are wide apart, the growing damp spot on what’s visible of her thong is obvious to all.


Lennie starts to moan, his balls firming, as he thrusts his hips in abandoned bliss. Tia tries not to gag, but is determined to keep as much cock down her throat as possible; with a loud roar, Lennie cums. He shoots jet after jet of hot salty cum down Tia’s throat, she gulps trying to swallow it all. Lennie slows his thrusts, and thinking he has finished Tia slowly pulls him out of her mouth, just as a last shot of cum arches from the tip and splashes down her chest. She smiles to herself.


‘Good Shot,’ I think to myself with envy.


I reach the table at the same time as the happy couple. “I guess you’ll want me out of the way?”


Tia, still wiping cum off, replies, “Oh, Didn’t you enjoy the floorshow? I think you did.”


Lennie is simply grinning.


“You couldn’t keep your eyes off me could you? Or was it your friend’s cock you were watching? Did you like what I was doing to his cock? Or would you rather it was you stroking it? Licking it? Sucking it?”


I try desperately to come up with a witty response to counter the onslaught. “Not me, I’m one for the ladies!” That was it. All I can come up with. So lame.


She puts her hand on my arm. “Would the little man like to see the big strong man do me? Put his big strong hands all over me. Crush me with his massive chest and legs? Fuck me with his huge cock? Would you, little man?”


Completely bewildered, I finally blurt out, “Yes!”


Triumphantly Tia put her arms around Lennie’s chest, and nuzzled in.


The drinks finished, she decided now was the time for us to go. Her place was a couple of miles away so not too bad for a taxi ride. However, Lenny explained that my place was nearby; maybe we could go back there? What could I say but, “Yeah, sure, great,” what I really thought was, ‘great, my booze will get finished off, and, I’m not going to get any action.’


I know she doesn’t like me, all those digs she scowled at me in the club made that perfectly clear, and now my dumb mate is about to get his way with a hot woman while I do what? Watch TV? Then I’ll end up on the couch while they keep the only bed in the flat. A great evening this is turning out to be.


We leave the club and, with the music still thumping away in the background, make our way down the street. As the music finally disappearing into the city night we arrive at the lobby of my tenancy.


Tia is a little impressed. “You live here? But this is a nice block. You got a bit of money Gee?”


‘So now it’s Gee?’ I think. Strange how a little affluence can gain some respect. It didn’t last.


As we step into the elevator, she has her hands down Lennie’s trousers, massaging his cock, while giving me the smallest of winks. Lennie is playing his part by caressing her left breast through the partial covering of her dress.


As I’m the one with a free hand, I’ve become the bell-boy; this is getting a little tiresome. At the sixth floor I step out, they stumble out, and we crossed the hallway to my apartment, me with the key already in my hand.


As I open the door I announce, “If you’d rather I stayed away I can get the concierge to open up the guest room for me?”


“Fuck the concierge,” Tia says, grabbing my wrist and dragging us both across the dark hallway. Lennie winced as he is led by the cock.


A light bulb flickered into life and we stumble into my lounge area; their hands are all over each other. I’m still wandering what I’m doing here? Oh that’s right, Tia is going to show me how she handles a real cock and I’m to be grateful for letting me watch.


She pulls Lenny’s shirt off exposing his well-defined arms and sculpted torso. I have to admit he’s a fine specimen of a man; the one that gets the admiring glances when we work out together at the gym.


Tia moves her hands up and down Lenny’s chest, paying serious attention to his nipples, occasionally touching him with her covered breast. She slides he hands down his body, stopping only when she has her knees on the floor, and facing his groin for the second time tonight. This time, rather than pulling his enormous cock out in front of a couple of hundred spectators, and sucking it, I’m the only audience and I’m thinking, ‘what the fuck am I doing here?’



Published 12 years ago

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