Freya and the Micro Part 6

"Freya's hidden sex play unexpectedly becomes a replay."

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Freya’s clothes lay strewn across the front room marking a trail leading to the master bedroom. Freya beckoned with an almost musical tone, “I feel much better. Could you help me with something?”

“What’s the problem? It’s kind of late, can’t it wait till morning?” Ben played stupid.

“I think you need to take a closer look,” Freya anxiously raised her voice.

“Be there in a minute,” Ben borrowed the verbiage Freya had used many times to stall or dissuade him. The tactic usually caused him to give up knowing she was locked into a Television program or reading a book. This evening there was no book and the program was not on television, although it would have made a great closed circuit viewing.

Ben programmed only two of the virtual app’s marbles to be on the loose after they left the country club bar. The variable stimulation gradually elevated above the implant’s original setting. The clandestine app worked very well and caused Freya to melt like the season’s first and last snowflakes.

For Ben the years of minimal sex and denial would now start the process of reconciliation.

Ben turned on the stereo and cued Freya’s favorite erotic music. The album was part of her gift package from Deege supposedly contained embedded subliminal sexual messages. Freya played it when she seduced Ben and it wasn’t long before he finally got the message; Freya liked sex with rhythm.

Ben poured a glass of Freya’s favorite wine for her, a shot of whiskey for himself, and sat quietly in the dimly lit living room. He waited for Freya to make the next move and it wasn’t long before she made her appearance in a sheer nightgown sans bra and panties. Freya’s mound was trimmed to a mere pencil line and her erect nipples pushed against the revealing fabric.

“I don’t remember that outfit,” Ben rubbed his chin, “Have we been shopping?”

“Do you like it?” Freya acted coy.

Ben turned her around to examine her backside before cupping her breasts from behind. Freya reached back to stroke Ben’s growing erection when he ran his large hands over her breasts and down to her nearly bald pussy.

Freya spread her legs in response to Ben’s thick forefinger stroking her clit. She inhaled noisily when he squeezed it between two fingers. She silently wondered what caused him to use that maneuver. It was eerily similar to the way her trainer prepared her for their basement sex session.

Harlan had tied her to an exercise machine and Freya thought it must be a coincidence. Then she noticed the heavy barstool Ben had brought from the kitchen. Something was not adding up as Ben bent Freya forward and directed her to put her hands through the seat posts on the stool. Ben produced handcuffs and locked her in place surprising her, “This isn’t what I had in mind,” Freya started to object.

“I know, but you should be exercising, we are going to do a combination workout. This workout will be very thorough and stretch your physique in ways you never thought possible,” Ben’s words took on an evil tone and Freya began to think he knew something he couldn’t. Worse they seemed very similar to Harlan’s preview of basement sex.

As the music faded, Freya felt her legs being pushed apart and a spreader bar being attached to her ankles and Ben verbally directed her, “Let me see that tight little pussy. If you want to cum you must work for orgasms and they won’t come easy,” Ben’s words caused Freya to tremble.

They were the same words Harlan used during the long sex session in the gym basement. How could Ben accidentally use the same sentence? Freya found herself caught somewhere between arousal and fear. Could Ben have somehow been watching the exercise fuck session with Harlan?

Before she could mentally answer that question Ben forced a thick finger into Freya’s vagina; she quivered and pulled back on the stool.

“Now use your cunt to squeeze my finger. Pretend you are trying to pull cum out of it. I want to know what it feels like when you milk a cock.” Ben growled.

This scared Freya out of her wits. These really were Harlan’s words and Ben used them with the same emphasis.

“What are you doing? You’re scaring me,” Freya found herself reciting the question she previously directed at Harlan. The scene had rapidly turned surreal as it strangely paralleled the sexually charged afternoon in the dim lit gym basement. In the low light of her own living room Freya could barely see Ben’s outline. It appeared very much like Harlan’s.

“Not knowing makes it exciting, don’t you think? Suspense sharpens the senses. You are my whore for now and I’m going to use you like a filthy slut. Try to enjoy this; I know I will and it would be a shame if only one of us came,” Ben recited the very words Harlan had used.

Freya was locked in place with every muscle tensed and her mind racing with questions. Was this some kind of dream or nightmare? Ben could not possibly know precisely what Harlan said. She felt a liquid running down her spine and again could not believe how accurately her previous experience was being replayed.

As the lube reached the divide of her buttocks Ben’s large finger slid up and across her vaginal opening to intercept it and lubricate her anus. Freya braced for what she knew was coming next and Ben’s hefty index finger violated her anus; she groaned and grunted.

“You need to learn to relax or this will cause discomfort,” Ben’s admonishment again was exactly the same as Harlan’s.

Freya was trapped and knew it.

She could only play the part and pretend this was the first time. Unfortunately, unlike the last time, she wondered if it really was going to be their last time. Was Ben going to use her and then kick her out?

Ben fingered her bottom, pulling up down and rotating sideways, before inserting two fingers.

Well aware of what was coming next, Freya pushed back against Ben’s fingers and spread her legs fitfully, trying to relax.

Ben slapped her ass, causing her anus to contract around his fingers and as soon as she would relax he would repeat the slap.

Harlan had done precisely the same thing and Ben’s timing seemed uncanny.

When Ben moved around to face her with his swollen cock Freya nearly recited the words before Ben actually said them, “Suck it good. Remember the more time it spends in your mouth, the less time it will be in your ass. Unless you want your butt to be real sore you’ll suck it real good,” Ben’s words copied Harlan’s.

Freya took Ben’s cock in her mouth and worked it with even more effort than she had with Harlan. Perhaps she could break the parallel if she changed a couple things, but before she could really effect a change, Ben pulled out of her mouth and took up the position behind her. In the same stance as Harlan she felt Ben’s dick pressing against her tight opening. She spread as wide as she could in a desperate attempt to engulf his manhood. Ben pushed hard and forcefully and nearly caused Freya to tip over on the stool. After much grunting, gasping and semi-controlled breathing, Ben’s cock was buried to the hilt and Freya was being lifted by his powerful strokes. On her tiptoes Freya strained to contain his engorged organ. Her vagina responded to the stimulation emanated through her, while Ben’s fingers tormented her clit, driving her to several shattering orgasms. After more deep strokes Ben delivered a substantial volume of semen into Freya’s ass and exactly like Harlan, Ben held his cock inside until it shrank and slipped out. Ben rubbed her ass, spread her cheeks and watched his cum dribble out.

“Your ass is rather tight for a married woman,” Ben released the cuffs and Freya turned, but didn’t look up. She pulled her hands in front as if attempting to cover herself. It was obvious she knew she had been caught, “How?”

Before she could complete the question Ben put a finger to her lips and scooped her up in one swift motion. Carrying her to their bed like a new bride, he placed her down gently.

“The real question is how much?” Ben whispered, “I love you,” He stroked her cheek. “We can work on details later”.


Ben slept better than he had in months and woke to the warm feeling of lips wrapped around his cock.

Freya looked up at him and garbled, “Morning, I’m horny, wanna fuck?”

Ben suddenly remembered he had left the app in the elevated stimulation mode. This was, however, a great way to start the day, “Well since you put it that way,” Ben smiled.

The Saturday Tee time wasn’t until eleven so warm up sex would be great.

Freya mounted Ben cowgirl style and breakfast was postponed.


Out on the links Ben and Doc’s foursome teed off after a short wait.

As soon as they were in the cart Doc began to question Ben about the previous evening.

Ben knew it wasn’t Doc’s curiosity that precipitated the conversation. As Ben had expected, Deege had directed Doc to find out just how hard he was going to push Freya’s button. Ben gave Doc a brief overview of the previous evening and the wake-up he had received from Freya. Ben also mentioned he had forgotten to return the app to low-active status but had done so as soon as Freya relented from her morning pursuit.

Doc made the determination Deege’s main concern; it was unwarranted and everything was going quite well. The previous evening’s issues notwithstanding.

Freya was relaxing on the lounger by the pool, nearly asleep, when her phone rang. Deege was the caller.

“Hi, Deege,” Freya voiced a happy tone.

“How’s your morning going?” Deege was surprised by the cheerful hello.

“It could not be better, sorry about last night,” Freya apologized, “When we got home we had the best sex.”

“Really?” Deege was astounded. “I thought you were feeling terrible. You sure didn’t look too good.”

“Well without going into detail, after we left I got so hot all I could think about was getting Ben to bed. I ditched my clothes before I got halfway through the living room,” Freya giggled, “And Ben took over from there. He’s so easy.”

Deege contemplated for a few seconds and finally decided her worries were not as substantial as they first appeared. She continued with small talk before bidding Freya a wonderful afternoon. Deege thought perhaps she should reward Doc with a session of her own. If golf was not getting his heart rate up she knew a couple of exercises that surely would.


Back at the clubhouse Doc and Ben were checking their scores against those posted when Arlen Akers walked past.

Doc didn’t look up but commented, “There goes a real asshole.”

Ben smiled, “I know you’ve heard the old adage, ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’ Betcha didn’t know some bad deeds actually get rewarded.”

“What does that mean?” Doc wondered.

“Things are not always clearly defined and often we need to work with what we have been given,” Ben left it at that.

Continued in Freya and the Micro 7

Published 10 years ago

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