Freya opened the booklet marked, “Try These Exercises, First,” and read the suggested preparations: Soft music, low light, a cool drink, turn-off phone, towels, pillows and a warm bath was also suggested before continuing. Freya thought this might take more than two hours and decided to skip the bath.
Freya opened the first gift box and spread the contents out on the bed. The heaviest piece was the large, flexible, vibrating dildo. She had seen similar items in magazine advertisements but, had never actually felt any need. Freya picked it up bent it, toyed with its tip and gave it the sniff test; it smelled like plastic.
A small wireless vibrator was more interesting and less intimidating. Freya saw the charge me first tag and a note in Deege handwriting pinned to the tag, “I charged this up, enjoy!” Freya flicked the switch and it hummed a mild vibration. Freya placed it on her lip and discovered a pleasant buzz. When she touched it to her nipple and pushed a little harder it lit up and buzzed a coarser vibration. Freya’s nipple hardened and she verbalized about the stimulation, “Oh, that’s nice.”
Freya next spied the packet of three exotically colored lubricants, in fancy bottles. Each bottle was labeled a different flavor and she opened each one to sample fragrances. The one marked peach seemed best and after a cautious taste, she decided it would be the one she tried first.
Freya slipped her panties off and positioned her bottom on a towel. Pillows stacked, per instructions, allowed her to half sit with bent knees. Freya slid her hand down over her mound grazing her labia with the tips of her fingers. She dribbled a small amount of the peach lube on her mound and divided it with her fingers. She slowly spread it down the outer lips of her vagina and slightly curled her fingers as she brought them back up to find her clitoris. A sensation Freya had never experienced electrified her senses, radiated across her pelvis and made her shiver with delight, “Oh, this is so good, I don’t want to stop,” Freya breathed a whisper. More lube and more touching and soon Freya forgot about the vibrator. She was so wet she no longer needed the lube and Freya sank her fingers in deeper and deeper. She found stimulating her clitoris caused intense sensations and her first self inflicted orgasm was quickly followed by two more.
Freya spent the first few days trying toys and determining how to use them to her best advantage. Sometimes Freya thought these were better than actual sex and they were certainly far less messy. They offered the convenience of choosing the best time and they did not depend on the mood or availability of her partner. Freya did miss the touch and the cuddling Ben offered but, there was no conversation, no petting yet, with no unexpected moves, the toys were convenient. A quick clean-up and back to the routine. However toys and self stimulation soon were not enough. Freya needed more and her fantasies drifted to men she knew were giving her the eye. One was a new country club pro, young Danny, who gave lessons once a week. He was handsome, his touch was firm and he seemed to be all business.
Freya tried hard to get her swing right and do as he instructed. She found herself secretly reveling when he gave a smile of approval. At home she began to imagine how he would smile if, she pleased him sexually. After one of her pleasure sessions Freya decided to find out. She prepared for her next lesson wearing a brief top, sans bra and wearing shorts that would barely hide her cute butt and floss panties.
Danny didn’t miss the swing and questioned Freya’s attire, “Do you have another appointment this afternoon, or could the outfit possibly be for my benefit?”
“Well, you have done such a great job teaching me about my golf swing,” Freya paused, “I thought you might be able to teach me some other moves.”
“Old lady Smith cancelled her afternoon lesson. Would you care to join me for a cool drink in my apartment?”
Several months later, things had really changed.
Harlan, Freya’s personal trainer at the local gym, was self centered and somewhat vain. Harlan wanted to be noticed especially by clients, who gave him bonuses financial or otherwise. Harlan and Danny, the golf pro, were friends. The usual banter between buddies soon revealed Freya’s new found hobby. Harlan had always admired Freya’s lithe body and how she moved with such ease. He sometimes imagined how good it would feel to have slide down his erect cock. But, he knew she was married and heard the rumors about her hot temper. He thought it was safer to keep his distance than approach something so dangerous.
Conversation with Danny revealed the side of Freya that opened up all kinds of possibilities and Harlan decided he should sample Freya in a very different atmosphere.
Friday afternoon usually found Freya working out at the gym. This particular Friday she was, but, it was below the usual location. One floor below where Harlan, her trainer, had scheduled a special session especially for Freya, in the basement of the gym. Harlan was like many who spend time body building and developed a physique he proudly displayed at local beaches. His toothpaste smile and seemingly gentle demeanor didn’t betray his kinky sexual habits.
Once in Harlan’s lair Freya began to wonder about specially designed exercise equipment. It bore a vague resemblance to the equipment upstairs in the gym minus chrome plating but, with added straps and pads.
“This isn’t like any of the equipment I have used,” Freya’s heart rate quickened.
“Oh, it isn’t,” Harlan’s toothy grin appeared half sinister, “I engineered it myself for special workouts. It is designed to stretch one physically and mentally.”
“Mentally stretch, what does that mean?”
Harlan put an arm around Freya and pulled her up tight to his chest, “You will not believe how much you can enjoy this kind of workout.”
“Enjoyment is not the usual term used for effective workouts,” Freya was only an inch from Harlan’s lips, “The old cliché ‘No pain, no gain,’ comes to mind.”
Harlan gripped her even tighter, “This pain will be extremely sexual and when your body responds, your mind will follow.
Doc brought Deege to his office on Saturday to show her a computer printout. He wanted to discuss the chart generated from Freya’s micro implant when no one else was around. The no one else meant “especially Ben” who frequented Doc’s office to discuss promotions, get his opinion or discuss golf.
Freya’s implant recorded sexual responses and they were uploaded to the office computer as part of Freya’s six month check-up. Doc’s main job evolved into evaluating various patient responses and progress. He then made recommendations about re-setting implants or upgrading software apps.
“I’m really concerned because it appears we have created a serious problem,” Doc pointed to the dotted pattern, “Each dot represents an intense response or an orgasm. A circled dot is an orgasm with a vibrator.”
Deege liked the number of dots she saw, “Looks pretty good to me.”
“The problem,” Doc lowered his voice, “is the pattern.”
“The pattern, what pattern?”
Deege was not familiar with Doc’s charts and did not correlate the time line associated with the dots.
“A circled dot, a long space, several dots, a very long space and a couple dots,” Doc asked, “Don’t you see?”
“See what?” Deege was a little perturbed.
Doc’s familiarity with chart analysis and correlations of stimulus-to-response left her wondering.
“Well the first dot was early in the morning. Freya used a vibrator to pleasure herself. The first set of dots indicates a sex session before lunch. Unfortunately, Ben was in our luncheon meeting on this day. The second set of dots started at two-thirty in the afternoon and Ben didn’t leave until after six. This pattern is repeated on several occasions. All have similar correlations and occurred only on weekdays.”
“Are we crossing some kind of line; we’re doctors, not sex police,” Deege worried.
“This isn’t just any patient, it’s Ben’s wife. She is obviously having intercourse with at least one ‘someone else’ and we’ve caused the problem. This has the potential to get real ugly, really fast,” Doc’s concern continued, “We don’t need a scandal; especially one generated from within.”
“What can we do now?” Deege looked at the chart again, “The damage is already done. Besides, we could not have known Freya would start freelancing.”
“First we have to turn the device off. Then can we implement the new innovation our tech guys finished three months ago.”
“So you think Freya is just a guinea pig? Haven’t we done enough damage?” Deege began to feel guilty.
Doc ignored her, “It’s a remote that switches the implant on and off and sets the intensity. Besides, it wouldn’t be us controlling it; we would give the option to Ben.”
“You guys are sick!” Deege seemed disgusted, “You’ve turned into a bunch of sexual technocrats. Are you trying to remake women into a bunch of microwave pussies?”
“Now there’s a thought,” Doc grinned, “How could we market that? Let me see, ‘In a hurry? You can get hot pussy in two minutes or less, at your fingertips, on your tongue or over your prong.’ ”
“That’s not a damned bit funny.”
“Calm down, we are working with a very small number of dysfunctional women. We are not trying to change the world. A few mistakes will be made and Freya is an anomaly. What we learn from her can help avoid issues with future patients,” Doc was selling his idea.
“What excuse are you going to use for turning Freya’s device off?” Deege put heavy emphasis on the ‘you’ part of the question, “Don’t expect me to make something up. She’s going to know when there’s no stimulation something changed. I’m not going to confront her with the affair shit,” Deege was adamant.
“The technology has advanced in the last year. We can taper device down if she just stands close to one of our new units and we won’t do it all at once. Cutting the stimulus by a third, a week, at a time, should be less noticeable. It may increase her ranging at first, but when she loses stimulation it may slow or stop the extra curricular activities,” Doc was unsure.
“Ben is going to get cut off also. How do you think that will play out?” Deege thought ahead.
“Again, this is where the new remote triggering device will come in,” Doc brightened, “With this technology and a remote that looks like his phone only Ben will be “the wiser”.
“Oh great, dial ‘739’ for sex, beep-beep-beep, this is Ben, let’s fuck?” Deege scoffed.
“I’m afraid it’s not quite that simple. There is a learning curve and until all the small tics are worked out we have instituted automatic stops, in case of emergency,” Doc was cautious.
“Stops, do you mean automatic shutdowns?”
“Yes, until we feel comfortable putting this into the hands of lay persons.”
“Suppose, just suppose all this can work, you still haven’t given Ben a reason why he should learn to use this technology. How are you going to tell him his wife has been fucking around and keep him from doing something drastic?”
“That’s the biggest problem I was hoping you would help solve.”
“I’m beginning to wish I had never agreed to help with this project. Now I’m in so deep, I feel obligated to help resolve this before something really awful happens.
“Ben is generally a quiet guy and the old cliché ‘Still waters run deep’ might give us fair warning about consequences,” Deege frowned.
“You are right, I have only seen Ben really angry once and the recipients of that anger are probably still suffering. We do have one thing on our side I didn’t mention, which might make Ben less likely to do something rash.”
“What would that be?”
“Over the years when Freya was cold toward Ben, he found occasional comfort with Peg, one of the secretaries on the third floor. I walked into his office one day and caught them. She was giving him a blowjob. He forgot to lock the door and when I knocked he must’ve said, “Just a minute,” but I heard “Come in.”
“Dammit Doc, how many times have I told you to get your hearing checked?”
“Well it isn’t all bad,” Doc grinned like a schoolboy, “Anyway I think we can use his tryst with Peg to keep him quiet long enough to explain the situation and the possibilities.”
“We have some volunteers that have already experienced the new technology and we can have Ben trained to use the new remote in less than a day, with their help. It all sounds risky but, I don’t know that we have any other choice. So are you willing to help?” Doc was almost pleading with Deege.
“You are such a putz and if I didn’t love you, I would kick you where it hurts the most. We better set up a meeting with Ben as soon as possible.” Deege sighed.