Fresh Air

"A family visit to our relatives turns into much more."

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This was written a while ago. I hope you enjoy it. Please keep in mind it was probably the third story I had ever written so it may not be as good as some of my newer stories.

Rose, my cousin, was my best friend growing up. She was always a tom boy, exploring the woods around our small town, and getting into all sorts of adventures. She was about my height, with shoulder length blond hair and an androgynous body. When I was about 10 my immediate family decided to move to New Jersey, leaving our old house in the care of my Aunt and Uncle.

Originally we lived on the coast of Maine in a little town hidden by a beautiful forest of tall evergreens. The air was fresh, the water was clear, and the company was enjoyable. Then we moved to New Jersey and all that changed. The tall trees turned into tall buildings. The air was a thick smog of car exhaust, the water was slimy and polluted, and the company was scary. No longer could I enjoy exploring with my best friend.

One day my uncle called the house and invited us all back up to that little small town to celebrate Rose’s 17th birthday. My father decided that it would be a fun idea, so we packed up what we needed and got in the car. As we floated in and out of the eternal ocean of traffic, my mind drifted to Rose. It had been seven years since I last saw her. What was she like now? Was she still that fun tom boy I knew growing up? Did she turn into one of those preppy bitches? I could only wonder, as we drew ever closer to my childhood home.

I opened my eyes to the sight of a blazing sun, and the sounds of welcoming cries. We were finally here. I hopped out of the car and looked around for the birthday girl, wading my way through the crowd of welcoming relatives until I finally gave up and asked, “Where’s Rose?”

“Right behind you, silly,” I heard her familiar voice call. I turned around and my jaw nearly dropped. She was no longer the tom boy I had once known. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. She stood at about 5’7”, her hair still at about her shoulders, but now a darker brown color. Her penetrating blue eyes were covered with thick framed nerd glasses, which just made her cuter. She had on a tight pair of pants, flowing down to her little black converse. She had on a white shirt underneath her gray and black striped hoodie.

“HEY!” she screamed as she jumped up, wrapping her legs tightly around my waist in the tightest hug I’ve ever received. “It’s been forever since I last saw you! You’ve barely changed at all. This. Is. So. AMAZING!” she blurted out. She was obviously excited to see me.

“You’ve changed a lot. Look at you, you’re a little hipster now aren’t you?”

We laughed and talked for an hour before our parents finally calmed us down for supper. As we ate supper she kept her eyes locked onto me with the ferocity of a predatory bird. After supper I took a shower and headed to bed in our old house. Rose decided to stay the night with us. We stayed up till 1:30 playing every video game she owned. Finally my eyelids started to feel like lead. I went to my room, leaving her to sleep on the couch.

At 3 in the morning I awoke to the sound of thud, ‘oh crap’ and quick scuffling feet. I was slow to react, turning the light on as whoever it was sped down the hall. I scanned the room to find nothing out of place. Someone must have been going to the bathroom and thought this was their room.

The next morning, Rose and I talked. She started going on about how much she missed me and how amazing it was that I was back. I felt a connection between us. She looked deeply into my eyes the entire time. We decided to go for a walk after a while, heading towards the direction of our old fort.

“Wow, it’s in amazing condition,” I remarked.

“I’ve been working on it for the past couple of weeks since I heard that you guys would be coming to visit,” said Rose. “I visited this place everyday for a year after you moved away. I was so sad that you left, but now that you’re back I’m on cloud nine.” She ducked her head to get into the little shack, giving me a perfect view of her ass.

“Be careful, I dug out the ground so that it’s bigger inside that it was before.”

It was too late though, as she said it I tripped and came down on top of her. After a quick apology she rolled over on top of me and started tickling me all over. We giggled, enjoying the child-like innocence of the moment. After she stopped we froze in the position we were in, her on top of me, panting for breath. Her eyes locked onto mine like they did last night, looking deep into my soul. She leaned in and kissed me square on the mouth. After about 20 seconds she let go and backed off a little.

“Ha-ha, that was weird,” she said, with a nervous look in her eyes. “I can’t believe I just did that. I’m so, so sorry. I should probably go.” Her face was flushed red with embarrassment.

She started to get up to leave, but I rolled her over. Now that I was on top I could lean in and kiss her back. Her tongue parted my lips, and met with mine. She tickled the roof of my mouth, and sent electric sensations all over my body. “Wow,” she said, not sure where to go from there.

“Listen, you’re my best friend in the whole world, I thought about you everyday since I left. And now, just look at you! You look amazing. You have a perfect body, and deep eyes that look into the soul. I know we’re cousins and all, but I want you!”

“Oh thank God! I wanted to hear that from the moment I first saw you get out of the car!” She looked to the side and blushed a little as she said, “I was kind of spying on you last night. You looked so cute, laying there.

I stubbed my toe though and you woke up.” We both laughed at her clumsiness.

As the laughter subsided she pulled me tightly onto her, pressing her lips to mine tightly. We rolled around on the floor kissing for a while before we decided to go back to the house so no one would get suspicious.

After that she acted differently around me. Whenever anyone was around she would act normal, but if she was sure no one could see or hear us, she would tease me. She would come up behind me and give me a tight hug, kissing the back of my neck, quickly pulling away before someone could see us.

After a few days of this I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked her if she would like to go back to the fort and she agreed. We walked there in silence, both knowing what we were really going there for. We walked inside the fort and sat down on the makeshift bed she had set up. I put my hand on top of hers and looked into her eyes. Leaning slowly towards her soft lips, she paused. “If we do this, I don’t think we can go back to being ‘best friends’ like before.”

“I know that. We can be better than friends,” I said as I leaned in the rest of the way, meeting her lips in a soft embrace.

We kissed gently at first, but soon she turned into a wild one, sticking her tongue as far into my mouth as it could go. She pushed me back onto the make-shift bed, and began kissing my neck. I let out a little moan of pleasure as she sucked my neck, leaving a little hickey behind. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it above her head to reveal her soft pale skin. I reached behind and undid the hooks on her bra, dropping it to the floor.

She crossed her arms in front of her to cover herself and said, “Not fair, if my clothes are coming off so are yours. Shirt first,” she said as she sat back, cross legged. I peeled my shirt off slowly to tease her, throwing it on the pile with the rest of the clothes. “Okay, now we’re equal. Let’s take the shoes and socks off next,” she said in a cooing voice.

There we sat, nothing but our jeans and underwear stopping us from being fully nude. “My turn,” I said, unbuttoning her pants. I took the zipper in my teeth and slowly slid it down. I could smell her wet little pussy, inches from my nose. She arched her back to make it easier for me to take her pants all the way off. I leaned in and stole another kiss, enjoying her taste.

The feel of her soft skin against mine was incredible. Every place our bodies touched felt like lightning. She pulled my pants off quickly and added them to the mixed pile of clothing. “This is it,” she said, putting her thumbs in her underwear, “Okay, on three. One. Two. Three.” We both pulled our underwear off at the same time.

She stared, transfixed, at my raging hard on. She looked up at me with a look of fire and passion in her eyes. We both leaned in and kissed each other once again, pulling our bodies together. I slid my hand down her body and she shivered. I placed my finger over her slit, rubbing it softly as she moaned. She grabbed my cock and began stroking it slowly. We enjoyed the feeling of another person touching our most private parts for a moment until she stopped, and guided me towards her hole.

“Be careful, its my first time and uh, I heard it kind of hurts,” she said, blushing at her own inexperience.

“It’s okay, you’re my first too. I promise I won’t hurt you,” I said, sealing the promise with a kiss as I began sliding into her.

It was the tightest feeling I have ever had. The warmth formed a seal around the tip of my cock. Tingling sensations shot throughout my body as I got deeper and deeper into her. After a few inches I felt some resistance, and Rose started wincing. I kissed her as I pushed a little harder on her flower. She bit my lower lip as her hymen broke, sharing the pain. I pushed as deeply as I could into her, enjoying every second of her. This was incredible. We were now fucking, and I loved it!

She lifted up, pulling me out of her slightly, and came back down hard. She did this a few more times until we worked up a smooth rhythm. “Oh god, I’m going to come sooooon,” she whispered into my ear after a few minutes of this. I threw her onto her back and pounded her as quickly as I could. She panted, gasping for breath until she reached her climax. Her body shook as her pussy convulsed around my cock. She looked at me with blank eyes and held me in a vice like grip.

I was getting close to coming too, and as she came down from her orgasm, she pulled me out of her and kissed me. Backing me into a wall she began kissing my neck, then my chest, working her way past my naval and to the tip of my cock. Kissing it gently with her lips and pumping it slowly with her hand I received my first blow job. She pushed more and more of me into her mouth until finally I was throat fucking her. She pulled me out and jerked me off quickly as the cum started pouring into her mouth. She swallowed all of the salty cum and licked my cock clean.

We laid there together, listening to the sound of our hearts beating. I wanted this to last forever, but eventually I would have to go back home. Her party was tomorrow, and the day after that was time to leave. I held her, brushing her hair with my hand, wondering if there was any way that we would be able to stay together. Eventually we both got dressed and headed back to the house, holding hands and blushing at each other the whole way there.

“Good news!” said my father as we walked into the house. “We’re moving back to Maine!!”

My spirit soared, and I looked over at Rose. She smiled back at me knowingly. We were going to be spending a lot of time in that old cabin.

Published 15 years ago

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