I don’t know why I did it. It just sort of happened. I just went to the party to get rid off some stress. Between a week of tests, multiple research papers and a messy breakup the week before Valentine’s Day, I need to blow off some steam.
Before we went out that night, my roommate told me. “You need to get laid.”
I don’t think what happened is what she had in mind.
As we walked out of our dorm room that night, never in a million years did I think something would happen like something happened that night…
The night started like just about any other Friday night in just about any college town. We stopped at the neighboring dorm to meet two of our friends, then headed off campus.
Now my college doesn’t have a mansion filled Greek lane. It looked like any other house built in the past twenty years, complete with the vinyl siding. The only difference, the lack of any sort of decorations on the outside. They had covered all of the windows, but light still crept out from around the edges. The unmistakable sound of a full house of college-aged party goers greeted us.
For a Friday night when most of the country was out having a romantic dinner, the house was full. Judging by the way most of the men in the house looked at it, most of them single and looking to mingle.
I’m not the kind of girl that goes out looking for attention, especially not at frat parties, but I’ll admit that I liked the looks I got that night. It took my mind off of my ex-boyfriend and my grueling course load. It had one other effect on me. One that left my body feeling warm.
Now for the record, I don’t have anything against frat guys. I have lots of guy friends that are in frats. However, their parties put a new meaning to meat market and their target audience is the lowest common denominator. I knew I wouldn’t meet any guys there interested in my G.P.A. The only number any guy there cared about there was my bra size.
However, compared to what some of my fellow coeds wore, I dressed like a nun. The blonde girl to the left of me at the keg wore a tank top with a neckline down to her belly. I saw less cleavage when I looked at myself naked in the mirror. It was quite obvious to everyone that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Did I mention it was February 14th, the middle of winter and I attended school in the middle of nowhere Illinois? The temperature outside hovered around a chilly 32 degrees that night. Even if she had worn a jacket to the party that night she had to be cold inside of that house. It may have been packed, but a cold, drafty wind blew in every time someone opened the door. I didn’t want to take my heavy, winter coat off.
I spotted Evan, reason number three why I went to that party that night. He was a member of the frat hosting the party and I hoped he noticed me next to half the half naked chick. I wore a sweater that just didn’t have the same effect.
He smiled when he saw me, but smiled harder at blondie. Okay, he may have technically invited me, but when he told me about the party as we left our English Lit 101 class, he wasn’t inviting me as a love interest. However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t have fantasies.
Evan is tall, dark and handsome. Just about everything a girl wants from his styled brown hair to his muscular arms. He likes to be the life of the party, but I’d seen him in classes two. He wasn’t just some class clown. He did the reading and always joined in on the class dialogs.
“Want me to take your coat?” Evan asked me while eyeing blondie.
“Um, no I can hold on to it.” I took it off, but held it underneath my arm. I wore a sweater. It showed off my curves, but unlike blondie I had everything covered up.
Evan gave me a look, up and down my body. However, he didn’t look at me the same as the way he stared at the girl next to me. He may have just been looking at the awkward way I held my coat. He put his arm out. “I’ll put it upstairs in my room. No one will touch it there.”
“Sure.” I handed him the coat, agreeing and kind of wondering if it was an excuse to get me up to his room later. Then I saw him say something to my new blonde friend as he walked by her. Her coat was probably up in his room too.
I lost my friends in the crowd and made my way around the house looking for them. It wasn’t that big of the house, but people filled every room on the first flower and overflowed into the basement. It made it hard to find my friends that I came with, but I did run into people I knew from classes and ended up in a conversation about the an exam with a guy and a girl from my Chem class. Not exactly the conversation I wanted to have after a long week of classes, but it was good to hear other people thought the exam was the worse thing since Trigonometry.
I could feel my stress levels starting to come down. As my shoulders started to relax I saw the one person I really didn’t want to see. On the other end of the room, I saw an all too familiar face. My most recent ex-boyfriend. To make matters worse, he had his arm wrapped around another girl. She wore a skin-tight yellow shirt, so tight that it practically became see through. Even from across the room I could see the outline of her black and white leopard print bra. I’m not kidding, she looked like a whore.
He may have broken up with me, but I hadn’t expected to see him with another girl already. We broke up after an argument, not because he had a new love interest or because I thought he was cheating on me. However, they were wrapped up together it was pretty obvious that this wasn’t their first date.
I didn’t recognize her, but if I was her I would be pissed that he brought me to a frat party on Valentine’s Day.
Before they recognized me, I cut out of the conversation and made my way through the masses out of the living room. When I didn’t get too far, I followed the path of least resistance downstairs.
In the middle of the room, two groups of college students were in a heated game of flippy cup. If you’ve never played it, it’s a drinking game where everyone tries to flip an upside down cup, right side. There’s some drinking involved, but you’re really not missing much. It reminds me far too much of high school.
When the drinking games come out, it’s usually my sign that it’s time to go someplace else. Whether that’s out to the bars or back to my dorm, that depends on my mood. However, tonight I had just gotten to the party. I didn’t want to leave, especially when I saw reason number four at the table.
I had a crush on Chris, another member of the Frat hosting the party. We sat next to each other in the Physics of Sound & Music class. Sounds like a great class, but it’s not. The teacher is well past retirement age and could turn even the most interesting material into something that will put you to sleep. Luckily, I had Chris next to me. We sat in the back and he spent most of the class doing a running commentary on our professor just loud enough for the people around him to hear. On more than one occasion, I’ve laughed so hard that I had to cover my face when the professor looked at me. Did I also mention he was drop dead gorgeous, with All-American good looks and the toned body to go with it?
He smiled when he saw me and when the game was over, he came around the table to talk to me.
“Nice to see you outside of class.” He grinned as he looked me up and down.
“Nice to see you too.”
“Are you having fun yet?”
I never know whether or not I should give what I’m thinking as the answer. Far too often I do and it ends up with the person I’m talking to cutting the conversation short. For once, I went with what I thought Chris might want to hear. “It’s good now that I’ve found you.”
He also invited me to the party. His invitation a little more direct, but still maybe nothing more than a frat member doing his job to get the word out about the party and make sure that it wasn’t a sausage fest.
After refilling our beers, we made small talk. We complained about our professor, complaining about the weather, talking about plans for spring break. We both agreed that he needed to retire. We both agreed it was far too cold and we couldn’t wait for it to warm up. Unfortunately for me, it was going to warm up much sooner for him. In a month, he would be on the beaches of the Florida panhandle for spring break. I would be heading home to Chicago to spend the week working, hanging out with my old friends from high school and trying not to get frostbite.
Tina spotted me when she came down the stairs. I’m not really sure how I know Tina. I think she’s my roommate’s friend of a friend from high school. Do the math on that one. If it wasn’t for passing her once on campus, I would think that she didn’t even attend the same college. The only place I ever see her is at parties and out at the bars.
Not surprising, Chris knew her too. The small-talk continued as we drank another round of cheap light beer.
Our conversation was ended by some frat boy was walking around with whip cream and a bunch of bananas. I had no clue what he was doing until he walked up to Tina.
“Blowjob banana?” The guy asked.
My mouth dropped and my face turned red. Tina’s face lit up with a smile. “Sure.” She said with a soft, sultry voice.
He spread whip cream along the top of the banana and she proceeded to clean it off like she was giving a blowjob. I didn’t get the point of the game, but she had the full of Chris, his frat brother with the bananas and every other guy near us. They all wanted her at that moment. Even I imagined how wild she would be in bed. For the record not for myself, but with a guy.
When she finished, she got to keep the banana like it was some sort of a prize and every guy turned towards me.
I didn’t want to do it, but I couldn’t come up with an excuse quick enough. My brain just shut off. Tina didn’t give me much of a choice either. “Your turn Kelly.”
It seemed like slow motion as he sprayed the white cream along the ridge of the banana. He held it in front of my face and I had just enough alcohol in my system to dampen my inhibitions. Or maybe it was because I wanted every guy to want me too.
She sucked on the banana like a pro, practically deep throating it. I awkwardly wrapped my lips around it and ran them up and down it a few times. My heart pounded, full of nerves. However, I also felt the heat between my legs come alive as I licked off the rest. Not as sexy as Tina, but I still got a round of applause as the frat brother handed me the banana.
I wish I could say that was the end of my indiscretions for the night. However, I felt giddy after my public performance. Tina found a bottle of tequila, a shot glass, and a salt shaker. “Shots?”
“Why not?” I didn’t know what she was getting me into.
I expected her to pour the liquor into the glass and hand it to me. Instead, she sprinkled the salt onto her collar bone. Then she poured the liquor. Instead of handing the tiny glass to me, she pulled down the neckline of her red top to expose her creamy, white cleavage. She tucked the glass into her cleavage.
I couldn’t stop giggling. Did she really want me to do that? She didn’t take it out. She leaned back, sticking her chest out and attracting attention from the males around us again.
Blame it on the alcohol. Blame it on me wanting the attention too. I did it. I leaned in and sucked the salt off her neck, then using my mouth only I took the glass out of her soft cleavage and drained into my mouth. From my chest, a warm heat filled my body.
“I want to do a shot off of you. Tina took the glass from me and held it out for Chris to fill it up.
Normally, I would’ve found a way to exit stage right. Things were getting a little out of hand. However, this time I didn’t leave. I wanted more. I wanted to forget about my ex and I wanted to have some fun.
I pulled off my tank top and I think every guy there thought I was taking off my top completely. I had on a black tank top underneath, yet I really felt like a piece of meat now. Every guy near me focused on my bra size, not my G.P.A. and I’ll admit that I liked it.
Tina grinned her approval, then handed me the full shot glass. I slid it carefully between my cleavage and held out my chest for her.
She dashed the salt on my collar bone, then used both hands to grope. I’ve been groped by female friends before, but this was nothing like that. This was full of explicit intentions, done to turn on every guy in viewing range. She licked the salt off of my collar bone, then ran her tongue across my cleavage. I felt my knees go weak as excitement filled my body. She turned me on too.
She took the glass out of my cleavage with her lips then downed it too.
That got the attention I wanted. Every guy in that room would be thinking of us A giddy, guilty smile formed on my face. However, it quickly crashed when seconds later I saw my ex come down the stairs, followed closely by his new flame in the yellow shirt.
I felt an arm wrapped around me and saw Chris pulling me closer to Tina. “Do you two want to go some place more private to continue drinking?”
I looked at my ex. Through the crowd, I could see the back of my ex’s head. I knew what went along with someplace more private. My brain screamed no. My body said yes. Tina nodded her head yes and so did I.
To the disappointment of every other guy there, we followed Chris. We followed him through the drunk crowd and to the stairs, right past my ex. I don’t know if he saw me, but at one point we were within two feet of each other. I hoped he saw me and I hoped he saw who I was with.
Chris ran into Evan in the hallway on the first floor. With the loud music and the crowd noise, I couldn’t hear what they said. However, I had a feeling it was about Tina and me. Evan looked back at Tina, than me. He looked pleasantly surprised to see me. I didn’t know where this was going, but with two of the hottest guys on campus, it could only turn out right.
Chris and now Evan lead us to the back door. Chris opened it and a wave of cold air hit me, freezing any exposed and any not so exposed skin.
Tina followed them like she knew exactly where we were going. I followed them hoping that I wouldn’t get hypothermia.
We didn’t go far, only to the house next door. On the outside, it looked exactly the same, another cookie cutter house. The inside looked like a frat house, complete with fraternity pictures and logos on the wall, except this house was much cleaner. We were also the only ones there.
I started to get nervous. Tina and I definitely weren’t there to just drink. I told myself to act cool and I did as they led us into the living room.
I followed Tina as she sat on the couch. I sat next to her. She seemed a lot calmer than me. She smiled like she was enjoying herself.
“What do you want to drink?” Evan asked. “We have liquor, beer. Rum and Coke?”
I nodded my head yes. Barely believing I was here and what was going on.
Chris stayed behind and saw his eyes undressing me. “Do you two want to continue what you started back in the basement?”
“Why what do you mean?” Tina said with a playful tone.
Before I had a chance to freak out, she turned towards me and kissed me. Again, I’ve kissed girls before. However, that was just playing around. This was very different. She wrapped her arms around me and held me as her soft lips met my mouth. It wasn’t just a peck on the lips. No, she pushed it further. Her tongue darted into my mouth and I started to melt. I had never been so turned on in my life.
Evan returning with drinks stopped us for a moment. “You started without me?” He said to both of us.
He handed everyone their drink, then sat down next to me. Chris sat down next to Tina. This broke all of my rules. I wasn’t the kind of girl who did this sort of thing, but I liked where this was going. A lot.
I took a long sip of my drink before I set it down on the floor. Before I had time to think about what would happen next Tina kissed me again, this time with more power. She practically pushed me back into Evan.
I felt a pair of hands on my breasts, but this time it wasn’t Tina groping me. Evan’s hands were stronger and not as gentle. One hand slid down between the bottom of my tank top and my jeans. His fingers slid across my tight skin and into my jeans. He didn’t go far, but I wanted more.
I broke the kiss with Tina to turn towards him. We kissed. His lips stronger and tasted like rum. Tina groped me one more time before she turned towards Chris.
For her this might’ve been an every weekend sort of thing. For me, it was definitely a first. My heart pounded, my body felt like it might melt. I wanted to tell him that I couldn’t do this. However, I didn’t want this to ever end. I couldn’t imagine going back to my dorm room now and trying to go to sleep. I was too worked up.
My phone beeped from my pocket, letting me know I had a text message. I didn’t want to stop things, but I didn’t want my roommate to worry. Without looking, I knew it was her. When I pulled out my phone, I confirmed my intuition. “Where are you? We’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Hanging out with a friend.” I replied in text form.
“We’re going into town. Do yo want to come?”
“I’ll catch up.”
The phone beeped again as I put it into my pocket, but I didn’t check for her response. She brought me back to reality for a moment, but I wasn’t ready for this fantasy to end. My lips returned to Evan’s mouth. I could’ve kissed him all night. He was the perfect kisser. Just aggressive enough, not over the top like too many guys. However, it was obvious by the growing bulge in his jeans that Evan wanted to more than just kiss.
He pulled off my tank top. I took off my white lace bra. If I had known someone was going to see me in my underwear I would’ve worn something sexier that night. However, Evan didn’t seem to mind. His hands were rough on my now exposed breasts before he leaned in and nibbled on my nipple.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tina on her knees between Chris’ legs. His cock in her mouth. My face felt bright red. I knew Evan wanted the same. I wanted to do the same as Tina, but I wasn’t that kind of girl. I swear.
My inhibitions slowed me down, but they didn’t stop me. I undid his belt and opened up his jeans. His cock fought to get out of his boxers. I pulled it out and felt his hardness in my hands. He was rock solid, long and made me want to do so much more.
I stroked him as we made out, but eventually he made his move for more. He pushed my head down, a move that usually turned me completely off. However, this time I let him take the lead. I wanted to do whatever he wanted. I had a feeling it would lead to an adventure I would never forget.
I lowered my mouth and kissed the tip of his cock. He wanted more of course. I opened my mouth and took him into it. I stroked his cock with one hand while I slid my lips as far down him as I could, then pulled my mouth back up.
Tina was giving a performance worthy of a pornstar. She made me feel like an amateur. My blowjob felt awkward even to me. I was too busy making sure I didn’t accidentally hit him with my teeth. I’ve given blowjobs before, but it was obvious who was the most experienced one of the two of us.
Evan kept pushing me. His hand cupped the back of my head and guided me further down on his cock. He pushed me to the point that I started to gag before letting me go. Again, I hated when guys touched the back of my head, but I didn’t make any move to stop him.
He pushed me further down on his cock each time. He made me go faster than I was comfortable. It made me feel like his. It made me feel like a pornstar.
I wanted to make him orgasm, but just as he got close he pulled my mouth away.
“I want to fuck you.”
I wanted him to fuck me too. I wanted to feel him deep inside of me. My body was filled with desire. However, I didn’t have any condoms, I didn’t take the pill, and I had no idea how many girls had been on this couch before me. “I want you inside of me.” I said, barely recognizing my own voice. I sounded sultry. I sounded slutty. “But you can’t cum inside of me. I’m not on the pill.”
Before I had a chance to change my mind, he undid the belt on my jeans. Against what my brain was telling me, I stood up so that he could unbutton my jeans, then unzip them. I kicked off my shoes, then I pulled my jeans off and stood in front of him in just my gray cotton panties. Again, I would’ve worn something sexier if I had known.
He pulled my panties down my thighs by the waistband. I pulled them off the rest of the way. Evan and Chris both took in my body, examining my curves. They both inspected me like a piece of meat. I felt attractive. I felt wanted.
I sat on Evan’s lap and we kissed again. This time our kiss sloppy as our hormones took over. I guided myself on to his cock and slowly lowered myself onto him.
This was a lot of firsts. My first-time having unprotected sex. I had dated one guy for two years and we never had unprotected sex. Now, I was having it with a guy I had never even dated. It felt so good. So natural. Nothing between us, no latex barrier multiplied the pleasure times one hundred.
Not to mention that I was naked and having sex in front of two other people. I’ll admit that I had sex in the same hotel room as my high school best and her boyfriend on prom night. However, that was underneath the sheets after they went to sleep. This was completely different. The lights weren’t turned on in this room, but the light from the kitchen provided enough brightness for everyone to see what I was doing.
I felt like a slut for the first time in my life and I enjoyed. I loved it. I felt alive as I slowly moved my hips up and down, taking in all of Evan. We kissed, he groped my ass, caressed my breasts, and made me feel like the sexiest woman in the world.
Tina copied me and after taking off her clothes, climbed on top of Chris in a similar fashion. However, there was nothing slow and romantic about the way she was with Chris. She rode him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Again, she looked like a pornstar.
I didn’t need Evan to guide me this time. I moved faster and faster on him. My whole body started to bounce up and down him.
He gripped my hips and leaned back in the couch cushion, enjoying my body. I worried that he might cum without warning. However, I didn’t stop.
I went faster and my breathing became heavy. I didn’t know I could move like this. It felt so good.
Evan put his thumb on my clit, massaging it and within an instant the pleasure inside of me overflowed. I had been mostly quiet until then. With his touch, I started to loudly moan. I didn’t care if anyone else was in the house. I didn’t care who heard me. I had never felt pleasure like this before.
My orgasm overtook and my body went tight on him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of bliss. I had orgasmed before, but only by my own hand. This was a huge first.
Evan didn’t give me much time to enjoy it. My orgasm barely started to fade, when he flipped me over and onto my back. He pushed my legs apart and slammed his cock wildly into me. I could do nothing, but hold onto the couch cushion.
Right when I thought he might cum inside of me, he pulled out and thrust his cock between my tits. He held them together and almost violently fucked my breasts. I’d had guys tell me that I had great tits, made for fucking. But I had never actually had it happen.
A minute later his cock exploded. It took me by surprise. Cumshot on to my face, a large glob of thick, hot cum impacting with my forehead and across my eye.
The next shot on my chin and neck. The rest he left on my cleavage.
I closed my eye as it started to burn. I’d heard of facials and cumshots, but never thought I would be experiencing them for myself. The cum was hot, sticky, and besides the burning sensation on my eye, I liked it. It made me feel so dirty. I mean what kind of girl lets a guy cum on her.
Apparently me. I grinned as Evan helped me a handful of tissues. I couldn’t believe this had just happened and I think neither could he.
My ex called me boring in bed. He even called me a prude when I wouldn’t have sex with him because I wasn’t feeling well. No one could ever call me boring again.
I walked into town with Tina. My body sore and tired. I could still feel traces of Evan on me. No one besides the other three people in the room would believe what I had done.
I saw my ex at the bar and it didn’t bother me. I didn’t chase guys around like my single friends. No, I just hung out with my friends and had fun. I was able to relax and wonder if there would ever be any other nights like this.
It turned out to be the first of many adventures that I had before I graduated.