Foundation of a Legend

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Gregorio stood on the hill watching the British civilians walking towards the great stone circle. The druids chanting as they moved clearly in the middle of religious fervour while their chanting built in crescendo. Gregorio gripped the hilt of his Gladius as he watched the people bringing forward a youngish woman. He tightened his Lorica Segmentata as he prepared to rescue the woman. The old druid at his side gripped his staff as he knew what was coming. The rear of the procession was brought up by two drummers beating a steady rhythm. As Gregorio watched the youngish woman being tied to the stake, the people dancing around as the drummers started to beat a faster rhythm while the druids chanted louder.

“The Wyvern will be here soon, My Lord Arthur.” The old druid whispered to Gregorio as the civilians started to leave, the lead druid anointed the captive woman with an oil line on her forehead. Gregorio drew his Gladius as he picked up his oval shield; he turned and looked at his mare.

“Merlin, what is a Wyvern, and what is this place?” Gregorio asked softly, nerves flooding him every time he glanced back at the big stone circle, noting a score of naked fanatic warriors stood amongst the stone arches facing in.

“This is Stonehenge, an ancient king’s centre of government. Wyverns are ancient winged beasts that can breathe fire; they are incredibly hard to kill, with a ravenous appetite.” Merlin spoke softly clenching his hands tightly around his staff. Merlin’s eyes were drawn to the centre of Stonehenge where an object glinted from the stone altar. Gregorio shut his eyes as he calmed his breathing waiting for the foul abomination to arrive to devour the sacrifice. His Gladius felt heavy in his hand as the skies darkened, clouds moving swiftly to cover the sun, leaving a narrow beam falling upon the sacrifice.

Opening his eyes Gregorio looked at the sacrifice, noting her shapely form in the thin sheer red dress. Her bosom moving rapidly as her breathing quickened while she looked around desperately for help. Gregorio felt a stirring in his loins and his heart as he continued looking at the woman chained, bound, and helpless. As Gregorio watched, he heard a vast roar rumbling from the ground. The ridge opposite him opened as a vast horned serpentine head, the size of a horse appeared through the falling mud and debris. Gregorio gulped hard as the beast appeared fully, unfurling its vast wings as it stood on its hind legs, its tail swishing around behind it. The Fanatics held their swords aloft roaring defiance as they walked to the woman, drawing the beast’s attention to her. Each fanatic cut their wrists shallowly letting the blood drip onto the ground in a circle around the woman.

The Wyvern watched as the Fanatics started to leave, its tongue swishing out tasting the scents on the air. Gregorio ran down the hill running as fast as he could to get between the Wyvern and the woman. Gregorio screamed a war cry as he lifted his shield as the Wyvern turned to face him. The Wyvern bellowed in anger as it spat an angry flame of fire at Gregorio. Gregorio ducked behind his shield as the flames lapped around it. As the Wyvern ceased the flames lumbering towards Gregorio, he stood fully his shield burning, the heat starting to scorch his arm.

Gregorio shifted his grip on his shield before throwing it at the Wyverns head as it lunged to swallow him. The shield hit the Wyverns left eye shattering apart as it hit, burning its eye and partially blinding it. It shook its head pulling back as Gregorio leapt forward slashing at its neck with his Gladius, the blade clattering off the Wyverns scales. Seeing the scales were as tough as any armour he knew he lunged forward stabbing the point of his Gladius aiming for a point between two scales. The point stuck in, trapping the blade. Gregorio smiled in victory, his smile turning to abject horror as he was unable to move the blade. The Wyverns tail swung around falling heavily on the blade of the Gladius, snapping it in two. Gregorio only just managed to jump back as the Wyverns jaws snapped around where he had been standing.

Gregorio watched the Wyvern open its great cavernous maw with fire rolling forwards from the back of its throat. He waited, transfixed by the fire, lost in the moment. The beast was indestructible in Gregorio’s eyes. He couldn’t harm it; his shield was useless against the beast’s attacks and his armour would fare little better. Shutting his eyes Gregorio let his instincts take over. His mind was drawn to the stone altar. The crackle of fire increased as it started to roll out of the Wyverns mouth. Gregorio dropped to his knees and rolled feeling the fire above him. He opened his eyes and ran towards the stone altar, the Wyvern lumbering slowly behind him. As he reached the alter he noticed that there was a sword of unique design stuck in the middle of it. Reaching out he grasped the hilt feeling the power of the blade flow through his body.

You are the Ruler of Albion, this sword Excalibur is your symbol of leadership and prowess. With it you can vanquish any foe, Merlin’s voice rang out in Gregorio’s head. Gregorio pulled the sword gently, noting how it moved with ease as if it were in butter. Gregorio looked at the sword far longer than he was used to, with a hand and a half hilt, placing both his hands on the hilt, gripping tightly. The roar of the Wyvern brought him back to the present. Gregorio sun around to face the Wyvern, his eyes glancing at the woman, who was more beautiful the closer he was to her. The Wyvern broke into a run towards him, as he ran towards it. He swung the sword in a great arc as the Wyvern tried to wrap its jaws around him. The sword sliced clean through the Wyverns cheek and teeth. Gregorio moved the sword in a graceful arc back into a defensive stance.

Foul black blood dripped onto the ground as the Wyvern moved away looking at Gregorio with a renewed expression of respect. Gregorio moved backwards. Both combatants knew this fight was to the death. Breathing heavily Gregorio allowed himself to glance at the beautiful woman tied helpless as the sacrifice. Her eyes were filled with pleading hope that he would win and save her. Gregorio blew her a kiss before turning to face the Wyvern. Both combatants charged with a battle cry. Claws met the metal as they clash together, Gregorio being sent flying as the claws of the Wyverns left paw were carved off. Gregorio was quick to stand running straight at the reeling Wyvern, swinging his blade in a series of figures of eight, each swing carving straight through scales and biting into the Wyverns muscle. The Wyvern collapsed lashing ineffectively at Gregorio as he stood above it, reversing his sword in his hands he plunged it deep into the creature’s heart ending it quickly.

Pulling the blade from the Wyvern Gregorio moved slowly towards the woman, his body responding to the sight of her, his heartbeat faster as his cock twitched in anticipation. Her dress framed her perfect body in such a way that the world shrank for him till only she was in it. He raised the sword as he leant in kissing her softly, cutting her bindings. As she found herself free she wrapped her arms around her saviour, pushing her tongue into his mouth as she deepened the kiss. The sword clattered to the ground as Gregorio dropped it to pick her up, both of them smiling.

“Thank you, thank you, you are my hero.” She spoke with a soft accent, punctuating each word by planting a kiss on his face her hands untying his helmet chin strap and tugging the helmet off. His hands moved to her ass as he spun her around, giving each cheek a gentle squeeze. He set her down and kissed her neck before picking up the sword again. Holding her hand Gregorio led her to the altar, he noticed an ancient leather scabbard with gold filigree details of a rider slaying a Wyvern on it. Carefully he slid the sword deep into the scabbard picking up the woman and resting her on the alter.

“I am Gregorio, but call me Greg.” He grinned as he started to untie his armour, the woman’s eyes filled with lust as she watched his fingers move. She moved and helped him remove his armour slowly. Her fingertips grazed along his sides as they kissed deeply, their tongues dancing as they wrapped their arms around each other. Merlin walked towards them using his staff to support his frail frame. Merlin smiled as he saw the woman and the man locked in a passionate embrace. Merlin sat close enough to observe the couple.

“I am Becca, princess of my tribe.” She blushed as Gregorio’s hands caressed her sides. He smiled as he listened to her talk. “I’m sorry I’m not pure,” she whispered, her cheeks flushing red. Gregorio smiled at her before kissing her neck, his hands gripping her dress.

He winked as he pulled, tearing her dress off of her. She shivered as the air caressed her newly uncovered breasts, her nipples hardening. Gregorio stood back to look at her body, his desire for her roaring in his chest like a lion on the savannahs of Africa. Pulling off his uniform he stood naked in front of Becca, letting her eyes travel over his body. His cock stood out proudly from his body.

“Come here and take me, I need you now Greg,” she whispered lustily crooking her finger at him as she spread her legs, her pussy glistening with arousal.

He moved slowly to her, his cockhead rubbing along her slit as they kissed again, his hands roamed across her body gently caressing her breasts, and rolling her nipples in his forefingers and thumb. She moaned as he played with her, rocking her hips causing her slit to rub his shaft as his cock head caressed her clit. They both moaned as their hands explored each other’s bodies. Becca angled her hips as Gregorio pulled back and pushed slowly into her.

As his rigid cock sank slowly into her tight pussy a sense of electricity passed between them, a connection that neither had known with other lovers. Gregorio moved tantalisingly slowly, wanting to enjoy every millimetre of sensation they could get from each other. Becca shut her eyes in pleasure as his thick cock spread her to accommodate him, her moans getting louder and echoing around Stonehenge. Gregorio kissed her neck, sucking softly and leaving a mark. His cock slid deep into her hitting many sensitive spots, working her closer to orgasm. His thrusts got quicker and harder as he started to lose control, his pleasure rapidly taking over him as her pussy clamped tightly around him. She rolled her hips as her pussy clamped around him tightly in orgasm, her walls fluttering rhythmically around him. Gregorio pushed deep into her as his cock throbbed, his balls tightened as he started to cum, his seed filling her divine pussy. They breathed deeply as they grinned, their orgasms residing, his cock still hard deep in her.

“I am going to stay with you now, and I want you to be mine as I will be yours,” Gregorio whispered to her holding her close to him.

“Good, I’m not going to let you go, or let you have anyone but me.” She grinned in response as she wrapped her legs around him pulling him to kiss her, Merlin walked to them and smiled.

“You are the king of Albion, you will unify this land, and this woman will be by your side as we do it,” Merlin spoke softly but full of power. “Your Heirs will be people of great power, compassion and wisdom.”

“Heirs? I like the sound of that; I think we should work on making sure that happens.” Becca giggled as she unwrapped her legs allowing him his freedom to move. Gregorio pulled out of her slowly and rolled her over so she was bent over the alter. He gripped her ass and spanked each cheek softly, spreading them as he teased her slit with his cock head. She wriggled her hips enticingly desperately needing Gregorio to plunge into her and take her for his again.

Gregorio spanked her harder, eliciting a moan to escape her lips before he plunged his rock-hard cock deep into her tight but so inviting pussy. He moaned loudly as she clamped tightly around him. He held still deep in her enjoying being in her for now. Slowly he pulled out of her enjoying how her pussy clamped around him trying to keep him in her. He paused with just his cock head in her for a few seconds. He slammed hard and deep into her, his cock cleaving deep rapidly as he started to set a punishing rhythm as his hips slammed against her and his balls bounced off of her with each thrust.

They both moaned loudly as the force of his thrusts rocked her body against the stone altar, her hard nipples rubbing against the coarse stone. His hands moved along her sides, one moving to her hair and gripping it firmly as his other hand moved to rub her clit. His fingers moved in small circles around her clit rapidly in time with his thrusts as he pulled her hair gently, her head lifting as she started to scream like a banshee in pleasure, her pussy fluttering and clamping erratically as an orgasm washed over her without warning. Her pussy clamped as tight as a vice setting of his own orgasm, his cum flooding her pussy with his warm seed. He held still in her pussy as he leant down and kissed her passionately their tongues dancing as they lost themselves in pleasure.


Published 4 years ago

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