I really did it this time. Normally, she’d come up with some little way to punish me when I screwed up, and then get angry when I don’t notice my punishment. Confrontation wasn’t our thing, but she was waiting for me when I got home.
“What have you got to say for yourself?” she had demanded.
“About what?” I dodged.
“Stop it! I’m not an idiot. Stop treating me like I’m an idiot!” She slung her purse over her shoulder. Her keys were already in her hand.
“Fine. Then stop acting like an idiot. Since you say you know everything, I don’t need to say anything. I’m not going to defend myself.”
She practically stomped up to me. Fists at her sides, she visibly shook as she looked up at my face. She was almost inaudible when she cursed at me: “Fuck you.” She turned toward the door, huffed, and marched out.
That was new. I sighed and yelled after her. “Wait-wait-wait, let’s work this out!” I didn’t hear anything that suggested she was returning. I called again from the threshold as she got in her car. “C’mon!” I tried, “Just tell me what you want.” Nothing. She drove off.
I left the door open and sat facing the TV. I turned it on and back off again. I couldn’t figure out what to do. I never thought she’d walk out on me. I wanted a drink and decided against it. I stared at the open door too many times, so I closed it.
It’s still hard to admit that I was scared that she wasn’t coming back. I checked my phone every now and then, wondering when I should call to be sure she’s okay.
I stood up when I heard her footsteps outside. She came in and brushed past me. “Don’t get excited. I don’t have anywhere else to stay tonight.”
I snagged her arm before she got far. “Give us a hug. See, there’s really nothing to be upset about.” She wrested her arm from my grasp and pummeled my chest with her little fists, annoyed at the futility. I shouldn’t have laughed. “Baby, give it up.” I turned myself around, smiling. “Maybe you’d like to spank me.”
“Fucking bastard,” she said through her teeth. “If your mama had spanked you, maybe you wouldn’t have grown up to be such a fucking asshole!” She marched into our bedroom and emerged a few seconds later. She was holding my pillow up with two fingers, and her other hand was resting on her hip. She held the pose until she was sure I was looking, ceremoniously released the pillow to the floor and slammed the door behind her.
I tried to reason with her. I told her to at least give me a blanket. Anyway, I had all night to think about things as I slept in my chair, covered with my coat. I didn’t think I was all that bad. I certainly wasn’t there to live up to her expectations, but there had to be a way we could meet in the middle. I hoped there was a middle. Maybe there was, and maybe she was already there.
I woke up to the sounds of her moving around. I went to take a piss and saw that she was packing some suitcases. I had to do something. Anything. She pushed past me when I entered our room, getting something else to put into a bag. “Look, look, look,” I started as I grabbed a wrist. She swung her arm in the air to make me release her. She refused to look at me. “Look!” I demanded, blocking her. She dared me with a glare.
“You’re right. I’m an asshole. I can be a real prick sometimes. Mom should have spanked me.” I don’t know where my next thought came from. “Hey, maybe it’s not too late.”
“You’ll always be a prick.”
“No, I mean, I mean, maybe I deserve that spanking.” She looked confused, but she was listening. “I mean, you should spank me. Now.” I shrugged. “You know, instead of leaving.”
She huffed as she walked around me. I tried again. “Look, look!” I got down on all fours. “I mean it. Do it and stay. Or leave anyway.” I looked up and saw she was watching. “Or stay.”
She slowly shook her head at me, turned away, and then looked back at me again. “You’re serious?”
“Sure. Yes! I meant yes.”
I couldn’t read her. She sure as hell didn’t smile but she didn’t scowl either. “Get out, I’m busy,” she finally said.
I closed the door behind me and paced in front of it. I raised my fist to punch the wall but I didn’t. I paced some more and silently threatened the innocent wall again. I know I can be a prick – okay, I am a prick – but why did I have to be a prick to her? Of all the people in the world, why did I have to be a prick to her? I deserved all those little punishments she’d handed out. That’s probably the only way she could justify staying with a prick like me.
I was going to call into work, but she exited the bedroom, walked past me like I wasn’t there, and left. She didn’t bring her bags with her, though. I hoped that was a good sign and went to work after all.
When I got home that evening, she was already in the closed-off bedroom. I gently knocked and called, “Hey.”
The door opened, and I watched her stride away from it, past the bed. I took a single step inside. She swung back around and said, “Okay, soldier, it’s time for your spanking. Drop your trousers.” I was surprised that she called my bluff on the whole spanking thing.
“Underwear too,” she added. I did as I was instructed. “Assume the position.”
I got down on my hands and knees. I suppose my face was red, because that was damned embarrassing, with my ass presented like that, and my dick just hanging there. I was pissed at myself for getting myself into this situation and pissed at her just because.
I could see her between my legs as she approached. I stifled a laugh after her first tentative spank. She must not have been satisfied with that one, as the next came quickly and was noticeably harder. The third was even harder, but still nothing. This wasn’t going to be so bad, I imagined. Then she ripped my belt away from my pants. I heard its whistle before I felt its impact. “Ow! Hey!” I stood up.
“ASSUME THE POSITION, BITCH!” There was a little quiver in her voice, some hesitation, but she actually confronted me.
I took a step forward and she raised the belt. “Do your worst,” I said, “bitch.” I got back down on the ground.
I won’t lie; it stung. Slap! She alternated sides. Slap! Slap!
My dick twitched. What the fuck?
I heard her sniffle. She was crying a little. “Hey, we can stop this if you want.” Slap-slap! My dick reacted like there were two chicks fighting over it. I heard her sobbing and my dick continued to stiffen anyway. I prayed that she wouldn’t notice. Slap! I felt my balls and dick fill up. I tightened my groin. Slap! I couldn’t believe the speed and intensity of the build-up. Slap! I simultaneously wanted to cum and not to cum. I could not work out why this worked me up.
She stopped, and I twisted around to see her doubled over, crying. I was crying too; not crying-crying but there was a lump in my throat. She lifted her head and stared wide-eyed at my hard-on. Our eyes met and she rasped, “My God!” I wanted to explain, but she shouted, “Don’t look at me!” I turned away and she took another swing at me. That one barely made contact, so she spanked me twice more, rapid-fire: Slap-slap! She stopped after that. “Stay there!” She left my line of sight but stayed in the room. I could feel how red my ass was, and was thankful for the break. I really didn’t know how to explain my dick’s reaction anyway.
My heart was pounding as I waited. My hard-on wasn’t going away. She returned in less than a minute and surprised me by sitting bare-assed on my back. I heard a buzzing noise, like an electric toothbrush. Her hips rocked and I eventually figured out that she was using a vibrator. I never knew she owned a vibrator. If my dick wasn’t hard before, it was now. I was hard as a rock and impotent to do anything about it.
She kept up that rocking action, and every now and then she’d scratch or scrape my ass, and sometimes she’d swat it. She moaned a little and suddenly cried out, “How do you like this, pervert,” as she stabbed her dildo up my butt. I jerked at the unexpected sharp pain, which mostly went away as soon as she withdrew it and flung it across the room.
She climbed off, put her foot on my hip, and pushed me onto my back. Once there, she impaled herself on me, and I was finally allowed to cum, more relieved than pleasured.
I had only spurt once, though, before she slid off and slid away. I crawled over to hold her, my oblivious dick still emptying itself. She pushed me away. I tried again and she let me, and we cried on each other’s shoulders. “I was wrong, I was so wrong,” I repeated. I lifted her and placed her on our bed. We kissed and she bit down on my tongue. I recoiled and she laid there with her eyes shut and mouth open. I placed my mouth over hers, and her tongue searched for mine. When I wouldn’t let her retrieve it, she stuck a finger in my mouth. I bit gently down it on before accepting the risk of a full kiss. That kiss didn’t last long though, and she shoved me away as if she was disgusted. I lifted her shirt but she pushed my head further down. I forced my tongue between her pussy lips before I remembered I had just shot my load in there. It was too late to back down so I went with it.
However, my licking and sucking didn’t have its usual effects. She squirmed like she couldn’t get comfortable. She poked me and said to just put it in her.
My dick had stayed pretty hard and I easily slid it in, but she didn’t allow a back-stroke. She dug her nails into my raw ass and locked her legs over her hands. I was balls-deep with nowhere to go. The harder I tried to withdraw, the harder she held. So instead of lifting my pelvis, I placed my arms on either side and did a push-up, lifting our torsos. I slowly lowered us. She held fast, so I lifted us again, only that time I let our bodies drop, and then again, over and over.
I finally broke her hold and fucked her hard as she just lay there, spread eagle. The only clue I had that this was doing anything for her was her increased panting.
Out of nowhere, she slapped my wretched ass, one hand following the other in a rapid, rhythmic drumming, whipping me to go faster. I quickened my pace and before long, she stiffened and shuddered. She had never climaxed like that before, so I was a little worried. After she relaxed, apparently okay, I restarted my strokes. She told me to stop and shoved me off her. She rolled away from me and covered herself with the sheets and blankets. I touched her shoulder and she silently shrugged me off.
My erection took the hint as I rolled over the other way, hoping she wouldn’t kick me out of bed. I covered myself the best I could without disturbing her and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up with sunshine on my face. She wasn’t there, and neither were her suitcases. I sat up, alone. It appeared as if she had decided to leave me after all. I should have been the one to go. I should have kicked myself out. I swung my legs over the bed and found a cup of steaming coffee on the nightstand. I heard the shower start. And I saw the belt, its end looped through the buckle, hanging on the bedpost.