“How has it been going, son?” his father said.
‘Rather well, dad. You and mom were right. Getting away from home has helped. I’m more relaxed and I’ve made some new friends, real friends. Not those who like me for who or what I am,” he replied.
“Being the son of a college professor and detective isn’t so bad, is it,” his mother chimed in.
He laughed. “Calling yourself a college professor and dad a detective is stretching the truth. Here, I’m viewed as the son of some wealthy Italian parents.”
“You told them what we do?” his father asked.
“No, dad, but my tuition was paid in full. I have a platinum food card and I drive an imported Fiat convertible. To them, I’m a rich Italian playboy. The women are more attuned to that than the guys,” he replied.
“That’s true; your mother was a gold digger for sure.”
He saw his mom punch his dad in the arm as she asked him, “Are the girls only after your money, dear?”
“A few, those looking for a Mrs. degree but not most. They’re impressed by it and like to be seen on my arm, a status thing, and doing it with a foreign guy. I’m Italian, there’s a reputation the myth, associated with that. The guys like it but it’s different. They wish they were me more than anything,” as he tried to explain it.
“As for the dating scene, I’m popular and enjoying life and the ladies I date. Nothing special but I see why dad was attracted to a human women, like you, mom. Most of ‘our women’ are like ‘stuffed shirts’, and in my humble opinion, on the materialistic side. As for what you really mean mom, yes, I’m over Antonella. I’ll never forget her but I’ve accepted her death and moved on. Before you ask, I’ve never lied about you two. I tell people that my mom’s a professor in Venice and my dad runs a detective-research company.
“Great and we’re both proud of that and your grades, Max. Keep the good work up, we’ll be in touch. Ciao.” his mother finished.
“Ciao mom and dad,” he replied.
Max turned off his secured communication line and then his computer and called his best friend, Kevin, to go play some racquetball.
Aribella heard the crying, mixed with curses and shouting when she reached the door.
“Shelia, open up, what’s wrong,” she cried out.
The door opened. Sheila, with tears rolling down her cheeks, was holding a pair of scissors. Her room littered with torn teddy bear parts, cut pictures, and a ripped school jacket.
“I love what you’ve done with your room sis, modern tantrum. You should see about minoring in Interior Decorating. What the hell happened?” Aribella exclaimed.
“That mother fucker, Darrel, that’s what, Ari,” was Shelia’s explanation.
Ari sat on the bed. “Please continue.”
“Darrel was arrested for attempting to buy ten pounds of weed and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell.” Shelia stated bluntly.
“Oh, I see.”
“That’s not all. He called me to see if I would bail him out. He told me to say I was his half-sister. I got the money he’d stashed and went down. When I got there, they asked me if I wanted to bail out his girlfriend too. I said they could both rot in jail. What the hell am I going to do, Ari?” Shelia said between sobs.
“First, turn everything he gave you, money and ‘stuff’ over to the police. Tell them you don’t know what it is. Tell them who you are and what you were. Then you work on getting over it. Being single again will make your weekends rather interesting,” Ari advised.
“Yeah, well maybe but our dance is in two weeks, who can I ask now?” Shelia moaned.
“Would you trust your sorority big sis?,” Ari softly asked.
“You’ll find me a date?,” Shelia asked.
“Sort of, I’ll give you a chance to do it on your own.”
“Maybe, tell me what you’re thinking,” Shelia replied. Her interest piqued.
Ari explained her plan. “If I get a better grade on Tuesday’s test, I’ll give you a choice of two guys to pick for a blind double date with Kevin and me. If you get a better grade, you get to know everything about those two choices.”
“What if he’s ugly,” Shelia said.
“Shelia, remember, this is your big sis talking, you might not like him, but he won’t be ugly.”
“Yeah, okay,” Shelia conceded.
The Wednesday after the test, they were in Ari’s room, drinking Zima’s and discussing guys and stuff. “I hear that word of you being available is spreading. Any promising hunks attracted to the sexy new single girl,” Ari prods her sister, with an elbow poke.
“Stop, and only those I didn’t want from before, though it is nice to be the center of attention.” Shelia admitted.
“Since I did get the higher score on the test,” as Ari taunted her sister.
“By one point, that’s almost a tie. Let me see one envelope and then decide.” She countered back at Ari.
“So? Here are the two choices I promised. Saturday is my birthday and Kevin is taking me out for dinner. You and whoever you chose will double with us.”
“Okay, but at least let me see their pictures. Give me something about them,” Shelia pleaded.
“No way, you’d be able to do that if you won, you didn’t. You get to pick one envelope. Their name, picture, dorm room, phone number, and other information are in the envelopes. You get to pick one for Saturday night. Oh, Kevin knows and has agreed to it.” Ari’s rules being laid out again.
“Do they know,” Shelia asks with a hint of curiosity.
“Only that they might be selected for a blind date, they don’t know it’s you,” Ari replies.
“Okay, what will you tell me? Please give me something,” Shelia begs.
“They’re both nice-looking sophomores, clean history, in a fraternity and they’re available and looking, maybe for someone like you. One is a foreign student. Showing him around could be interesting.” Ari said a bit more than intended but enjoyed watching Shelia squirm.
“Looking for someone like me means what?” Shelia folded her arms as she replied.
“That’s simple. You’re available, single, and looking, right?” as Ari extended two envelopes toward Shelia.
Shelia makes her decision. “Okay, let’s see what you think I’d like. Envelope two, please.”
She opened the envelope and dumped the contents on the bed. “Uh, Ari, he’s white.” she said in a soft voice.
“You’ve never dated a white guy,” Ari asks in surprise.
“I remember when you pledged, one of the questions was; what you wanted in a husband and black wasn’t on your list. If you don’t like him after Saturday’s date, you don’t have to ask him to the dance, but I hope his being white won’t be the reason. Oh, he’s Kevin’s little brother in KET and I know you think that Kevin’s is nice looking and a good guy.” Ari said in a straight forwardly.
“So, you already know him.” Shelia needed to know more.
“A little, he’s polite, friendly, and smart. Not shy but maybe a bit reserved, not adjusted to America yet,” Ari tells her truthfully.
“He’s the foreign student you mentioned?” Ari nodded. “I’ll give this Max Ivano a chance and you’re right, he isn’t ugly,” as she gazed at his picture. I’ve heard that Italian men really like black women.
The four got together at the student union the next night for some beers and an opportunity for Sheila and Max to meet.
Max is cute and then some. I’m about five and a half feet tall so Max at about five foot ten. He’s got brown hair, red-tinted beard. He’s Italian, an education major, History and Italian. Aribella was right; we’ll probably have a good time at dinner and if that goes well, our dance in two weeks.
“Max, I hear that you’re a transfer student,” Sheila said in opening.
“Yes, from Venice. I’m half Italian, half American,” Max replied.
“How did you end up here and why?” Sheila asked.
“My dad said I’d been wasting my time at home. I showed no purpose. He told me to pick a college in America and go. Meet new people and you’ll be away from your element. So, as long as I get a 3.6, he’s happy. If I may, what are you here for, Shelia,” Max inquired.
“I’m on the gymnastics team, a cheerleader and an art major,” Shelia explained.
“Well, my mom would like you being an art major and the rest sounds like you’d be busy.”
“She’s into art,” Shelia’s curiosity now engaged.
“She’s an art teacher in Venice and she’s responsible for my American half. My parents met while she was in college.” Max continued.
Shelia asked, “If you’re Italian, why are you majoring in Italian and how old are you?”
“Two reasons, it’s a great way to help my GPA and I’ll earn an American Translators Association Certification. I’ll be twenty-three in two months.”
Shelia asks some good, thoughtful questions about me, and that makes her more attractive.
They spent about ninety minutes, talking, laughing and having a good time. Shelia’s jovial personality, bright smile, and sense of humor were out on display. All things that Max appreciated. His je ne sais quoi attracted Shelia to him in such a way that they were holding hands as they walked back to the girl’s sorority house.
“I’ve got a History test in the morning, and some studying to do. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Shelia. I hope you’re able to go out to dinner Saturday night,” as he leaned over and kissed her. “May I call you?”
That was nice.
“Yes, my number is DB4315.” Max gave her his number as they smiled at each other.
Kevin and Aribella kissed, and the girls went to Ari’s room.
“So, what do you think of Max?” Ari asked. Not waiting for the door to close.
“Okay, you were right. Max is nice-looking, dresses well, and he’s polite. It was our first meeting, so being nice, well dressed, and polite, though good, were expected. His kiss was unexpected but acceptable and good. I thought he knew I was going to be with you guys on Saturday,” Shelia admitted.
“I asked Kevin to let him know you might not be available; are you?” Ari asked.
“Yeah, I’m available. The kiss showed me Max is interested and so am I, more than I thought I would be.” Shelia confessed.
“Good, I’ll tell Kevin and you can tell Max, you have his number,” Ari responded.
“I’ll call him tomorrow.” Shelia said with determination.
“So, what did you think of Shelia? I think you liked her.” as they walked back to the fraternity house.
“I do. Shelia was different. She talked to me. Good looking, sense of humor and we had a conversation. She asked about school and me, not me and back home. Thanks for not telling her about my past and my parents.” Max said with warmth.
“That’s your option Max, not mine. Your dad being rich, is out there. The other is only known by a few of us brothers. I don’t think Sheila knows anything more than rumors. Ari gave me a few signals that Shelia liked you and it was obvious we all had a good time. Now, I’ve got a question to ask you? Would you do me a favor,” Kevin asked.
“Sure, what do you need, you are my big,” Max replied.
“I haven’t asked Ari yet but, would you be my best man?” Kevin surprised him with his response.
“No shit! Of course, I will. You’re crazy, but I love ya and I’ll be glad to. Now, let’s go have something to drink, I have a few bottles and this is an excellent reason for one of them.” Max said, congratulating him.
Shelia called Max’s number; he answered “Pronto.”
“Max?” she said hesitantly.
“Oh, Sheila, I’m sorry, that’s how we answer the phone in Italy. What’s up,” Max chuckled in reply.
“Max I’m letting you know that I’m looking forward to being your date on Saturday,” Shelia said.
“That’s great, so am I. How about tomorrow we catch a movie and then order pizza at my place,” Max suggested.
Why not, take some of the mystery away from Saturday. “Sounds good, when?”
“I’ll get you at your room about six-thirty,” Max said courteously.
“I’ll be ready,” Shelia promised.
Shelia was ready about a half-hour early. She’d chosen jeans and a light blue shirt, her lace push up bra, was doing its job. I haven’t been nervous before a date in a while and well, it’s refreshing. There was a knock at the door, “Coming,” as she moved to open it. Max was there. He had on a linen jacket, light blue polo shirt, sunglasses, blue jeans and leather shoes.
“Max, you look great.” No mystery here looks like envelope 2 is a winner for me.
Shelia made a move to kiss. Her tongue just brushing his lips, which opened to the invitation, their tongues, sought their counterparts. Their arms; enveloped each other. Max broke the kiss, saying. “We do have a movie to go to, don’t we?”
“Of course,” as she grabbed her purse she said, “You don’t have an Italian accent, why?”
“My mom’s American and she made sure I learned it growing up. It’s natural for me to speak American English as it is to speak Italian.” Max explained.
At the movie, she leaned her head on his shoulder. She was surprised when Max moved a hand to her leg and lightly caressed it. Well, that sure feels good. Shelia decided there was no reason she couldn’t return the gesture. She moved a hand to lightly caress his leg. Max turned his head to her and kissed her forehead. She looked up and they kissed.
“Max lets watch the movie.” as she pulled away a little. Max nodded in agreement and she returned her head to his shoulder.
After the movie, they held hands on their way to Max’s room.
Not bad at all, a rug, couch, TV, fridge, and a stereo with records. He has his bed on a carpeted platform and some interesting paintings on the wall. I wonder if his mom made them.
“Shelia, what do you like on your pizza?” Max asked.
Shelia replied, “I like black olives and I’m not fond of sausage.”
“Got it” Then he got his phone and pressed the number for the pizza parlor and ordered. “Yes, I’d like to order a medium pie with extra cheese, pepperoni, and black olives. I have an account, Max Ivano. Okay, forty minutes, thanks.”
The pizza arrived, and Max brought out some beer and they sat on the couch. They ate and watched TV. When they were done, Max turned the TV off and the stereo on. He adjusted to leaning against the pillow, at the end of the couch, Shelia leaned with her back against his chest. Max’s hands softly caressed her arms and shoulders and asked her, “Do you have a specialty in art?”
“Drawing and bust statues,” Shelia responded.
“Sei davvero bellissima,” Max whispered in her ear. Then he gave it a light nibble. She rolled over and looked at him. “I know what bellissima means, thank you and for the pizza and movie as well.” She kissed his neck then moved to his face. Her hand caressed his growing penis.
“Shelia,” Max said as he placed a hand on hers. “As much as I find you very personable and attractive, I’ve no protection with me. Would not having intercourse tonight be okay with you,” he said softly while staring in her eyes. His hand was caressing her cheek.
“Max, that’s a very gentlemanly thing to say and to be honest, I’ve only recently come out of a bad relationship myself. I’m very much okay with that.” She said with a smile. “Will you have protection for tomorrow night,” she said with a lick of her lips.
“Absolutely, for tonight, I’d love to see your beautiful naked body and go down on you.”
“I’d like that as well and to see your runway-ready body. I hope you don’t find this unusual but I’ve never done it with a white guy before, what about you,” she said with inquisitive eyes.
Max kissed her a few times, “That makes two of us, I’ve never done it with a white guy either.”
Shelia laughed, and playfully punched him in the arm. “That’s not what I meant, and you damn well know it.”
“Ow,” Max said, as he rubbed his arm. “True, before I met you, I’d never had the opportunity to date a black girl. Stand up.” Max said with a little emphasis.
Once standing, Max teasingly kissed and blew on her neck. Shelia’s humming encouraged Max. They struggled to maintain their balance. Sheila almost slipped but Max pulled her to him. His tongue caressed her earlobes then drifted to her lower lip, playfully tugging on it. Shelia was in ecstasy. He lifted her blue shirt over her head, tossing it on the ground. She looks fantastic!
“That’s a very sexy bra and a beautiful pair of tits.” Max said with admiration.
Shelia draped her arms onto his shoulders, encompassing his neck. His tongue traced her lips as his hands undid the hooks, allowing the bra to fall to the floor. His hands were tracing random patterns on her back. When they reached her butt, he squeezed both cheeks.
“That feels good, Max.”
So do my hard nipples against your chest!
They romantically kissed, his hands softly teasing her breasts. He lightly squeezed one his fingers traced the areola and nipple of the other.
This is different, so tantalizingly enjoyable. Most guys would be at the main event now.
Goosebumps ran down her arms when Max kissed, nipped and blew on her neck and shoulder. His face transitioned to her breasts. He sat down holding her above his lap until she straddled him, resting on her knees.
He took a nipple into his mouth so the tip of his tongue could trace around and over it. His other hand moved between Shelia’s legs and caressed her thighs for a little then moved to her pussy. She moaned in pleasure, her hips moving against his hand. Shelia felt the snap release of her jeans and the zipper being pulled down. Her body was enjoying all that Max was doing.
“Oh, Max, that’s so good!”
“You’re welcome; now, I need to get you out of those pants. Switch with me.”
Shelia leaned against the pillow; Max kneeled between her legs. He lowered his head and kissed her stomach and then around her belly button. His hands grabbed the waist of her pants; she raised her hips as he pulled her pants down and off. He inhaled the aroma of her panties.
“They smell as beautiful as you look, Shelia.”
Max used his teeth to pull the panties off, then his hands and mouth began their trek back up her body. His hands gripped each side of her face, his tongue leaped into her waiting and inviting mouth.
“I’ve been thinking of going down on you since you said yes to this date.”
“Really, you’re one very beautiful lady, you feel and smell great. I’d like you to tell me what you do, don’t or would like me to do, while I’m down there.”
They were looking at each other, her eyes drawn to his. Shelia felt his contentment and sincerity.
He makes me feel so sexy and desirable, not a possession. Part of me thought he was just doing this for Kevin, but he enjoys being with me.
Max took one of her legs and started kissing the ankle. He worked his way up with soft slow kisses and light nips. Upon reaching her thigh, he stopped and lightly caressed it on the inside and moving across the edge of her pussy and over to the other thigh and back, making a detour to her pussy. His finger moved into it at the top and moved clockwise, touching the outside of her vagina, before finishing his around the clock. Shelia’s hips quivered with delight. She enjoyed the smell of her musky aroma and the feel of the wetness between her thighs.
“That feels very nice.”
“I plan on making you feel even better.”
Max lightly rubbed her clit between his finger and thumb, adding in quick soft pinches. Shelia arched her back and spread her legs, putting one on the floor as Max settled in between them.
This is so pleasurable, not many guys here would be this caring or patient.
Max blew on her wet garden as he enveloped her clit with his lips and mouth. He gently and slowly licked it, an almost guttural growl escaping from his throat. Shelia moved her hips against his face.
“Oh, Max, faster,” Shelia said with urgency.
Max obliged, his tongue going faster but softly. He used the tip to rub around her clit before he sucked on it. Shelia’s hips bucked. She felt her passion approaching its boiling point.
“Oh god, Max I’m close.”
He started a side to side motion on her clit and lifted one hand and began to tease a nipple while the other was caressing a thigh. He felt her wetness increase, and he resumed sucking on her clit.
“Oh that’s it Max oh yes, yes, yess!”
As her orgasm burst, her hips arched, and she ejaculated. Max kept sucking and kissing a breast and tenderly caressing her thigh until her body calmed down.
“That was awesome. Now kiss me.” Her hands had grabbed his face pulling it to hers. Her tongue licked his lips before seeking out his tongue.
It’s been a while since I tasted myself.
They began a session of romantic kissing and caressing.
“Max, that was so different.” No guy has ever gone down on me like that!
“Glad you enjoyed it; I know I did.”
“Now it’s my turn. Stand up.”
Her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips brushing his, her tongue lightly dragging across his lips.
She broke the kiss; her hands pulled his shirt up and over his head.
His body isn’t bad at all, some hair, very good shape.
“You’re better looking without that shirt. Sweet enough to be enjoyable,” Shelia’s mouth went to Max’s nipple; she blew on it then kissed and licked it. Her hands began exploring his stomach and sides, while she kissed his shoulders and ran her leg up against his cock. Her mouth reached his ear nibbling on his ear lobe while blowing in his ear. She felt his body shiver in anticipation.
“That feels good,” he said.
Max’s moans of pleasure were seductive to hear. Shelia rubbed the growing bulge in his pants. Her other hand pulled his head to hers, her tongue probing into his inviting mouth. She kept this up for a few minutes. Max began caressing her back and ass. She pulled her head slightly away, undoing his belt and the button of his pants. She reached in and squeezed that hard cock.
Oh yes, hard and large.
She kneeled and pulled his pants off, then his briefs.
“You have a very nice-looking hard-on, Max. We’ll both enjoy this.” She quickly ran her tongue over her lips.
Her hand resumed squeezing and rubbing his pleasantly larger than expected penis.
“Oh, it’s leaking already, we can’t let you have an accident now can we?”
“This so enjoyable, Sheila.” Max’s words softly rolling off his tongue.
“Sit at the end of the couch and spread your legs.”
Max did. Sheila reached to the other end, taking the pillow and placing it under her knees. She started kissing at his belly button, her hands roaming his sides, thighs, and balls. She reached his hard dick. She blew on the tip of his penis as her fingers were running up and down its underside. Her mouth opened and enveloped only the head. One hand played with his ball sack, while the other began tracing the full length of his cock. Max moved his hips and gasped. One of her hands made the ‘okay sign’ around the base of his cock and started going up and down slowly over the slippery shaft. She looked up at Max’s face to see him looking at her. They locked eyes as she licked and sucked the tip.
“That feels very good,” Max said.
She stopped sucking while one hand continued going up and down his hard-on, the other hand traced around the tip, sticking her fingertip into the slit, evoking cum, which she spread around the tip and underside.
“Oh god, Shelia, that’s great.” Max’s hips gyrating to her ministrations. She looked at him returning her gaze. Both were content, relaxed and turned on.
He’s so different than Darrel and almost every other guy. Is that why I like him?
“Shelia, don’t stop. What you were doing is fantastic.”
A seductive and devilish smile grew on her face. She lowered her head and started blowing, her lips like she was whistling. She saw his dick begin to get softer. His breathing slowed to match. One had cupped and played with his balls, the other began caressing his thighs, her lips placing light kisses on his abdomen and growing glistening penis. Her tongue licked up its length, when it reached the glans, her lips enveloped the tip, her tongue flicking around it and exploring the slit.
“Mm, Max, your dick is so enjoyable.”
“I love that, and it feels so sexy,” Max whispered.
Her mouth returned to his cock, moving slowly down the length of his hard shaft.
Seven inches, maybe a little more. Max’s cum is a little sweet and salty, he’s so turned on.
She pulled her mouth off his cock and used her hands, one drawing circles around the tip, and the other going up the underside of his dick, from the tip to his balls. His gasps and soft moans resumed. Her mouth lowered back onto the tip, licking off the cum that was oozing out. His beautiful shaft, twitched when that happened.
“I’m going to come.”
“You think so?”
Her mouth and hands started working together, squeezing his sack of marbles, looking for that pressure point, while her other hand, again made the okay sign, tightly wrapped around his cock and was moving in symmetry with her mouth, for several minutes. Max’s pleasurable moans were turning her on; she started going faster; multiple trips on his cock before she felt his body take control.
“Oh yes I’m coming, I’m coming.”
A short time later, he exploded in her mouth, six nice eruptions and Shelia kept sucking, even after Max had stopped emptying himself into her hungry and expecting mouth. She used a finger to get some that had leaked out of her mouth before slinking up his body to kiss him. Their arms enveloped each other for several minutes before they broke their lip lock.
“That was very enjoyable, Shelia. If you want to spend the night, you can.”
“I would but I’ve cheerleader practice in the morning, then a sorority meeting. Then lunch with Ari. Oh, did you know that we have a hotel room for tomorrow night?”
Yes, but…
“No,” Max said cautiously.
“Yes, the restaurant is about 40 minutes away, and since we’d be drinking, Kevin got two rooms. The place has a pool, so bring a bathing suit.” Shelia told him.
“Of course,” Max said with a smile
They got dressed and lay on the couch talking about school, what Venice was like and how he was adjusting to life in America, intermingled with some kissing and touching.
“What are some of the differences between here and home, Max?”
“The food at college isn’t bad due to our culinary program. Some of the restaurants here don’t have as good food as they think. The pace is another. Here it’s so fast. Slow down; enjoy life and the experiences it delivers. My mom explained a lot of it to me but yeah, it’s a bit of a shock.”
“How would you like me to show you around this area,” Shelia offered.
His eyes lit up at the offer.
“I’d be honored and I couldn’t have a more lovely escort either,” Max replied.
They passionately kissed.
Should I change my mind and stay?
“As nice as you and this is I do have to get back to my room,” Shelia said with a hint of sadness.
“Would you mind if I escorted you,” Max asked
“Max, that’s very sweet of you. I’d like that and thanks,” Shelia said.
They reached her dorm and briefly kissed.
“Max, would you be my date for my sorority’s end of year dance,” she asked, her nerves had her a little on edge.
“I’d love to and I’m honored that you asked. When and where is it,” he asked
“In two weeks. There’s a big hotel with an indoor water park next to the airport,” Shelia told him.
“I know that one,” Max said.
They kissed for several minutes then Max left, giving her a lingering look over his shoulder.
I should’ve stayed at his room. Oh well.