Seb, or Sebastien, which was his full name, locked his Cannondale mountain bike and stood up. It was the first day of school after the summer break. His fellow students were dropped off by parents around him, and some who had gotten their driving licenses drove themselves. Only a few used a bike. One was Seb’s best friend, who came rolling along the sidewalk on a ten-speed racing bike.
“I thought you said you were getting a new bike over the summer, Dave?”
Dave locked it and turned to his friend. “Dude, I haven’t seen you since June and the first thing you ask me is why I don’t have a new bike. My dad wouldn’t buy me one. Tell me about France.”
Seb had spent the entire summer in southern France where his father’s family owned a vineyard. The slow life in the rolling hills was wonderful and Seb spent hours riding along the country roads or sitting on one of the castles many terraces reading a book.
“It was good, got a lot of reading done.”
“Fuck that, any pussy?”
Seb laughed as they walked towards the main entrance of the school. “No such luck, most of the workers were men and the few women were either too old or too ugly or both.”
“What about in the town, there must be some hot French chicks?”
“I guess, but I didn’t meet any. There was one who worked in the cafe my mom and I visited while shopping but she ignored me when I tried to talk to her.”
“That sucks. Seems like French girls are as stuck up as the ones we have here. Look, there is Laura and her posse.”
Laura was a strikingly beautiful seventeen-year-old that was one year older than Dave and Seb. She ran the school even though there were older and equally pretty girls. Her three friends, Kelly, Hanna, and Sofie were at her beck and call. Behind their backs, they were called the bitch squad.
Seb followed Laura’s boobs as they bounced lightly while she walked past him. She didn’t even recognize him as being two feet from her. When she and her friends were inside Seb turned to Dave. “One day, I will fuck a woman like her.”
Dave laughed and patted his friend’s shoulder. “Good luck with that, you nerd.”
The first class that day was computer science which was one of Seb’s favourites. Dave was alright with computers but Seb loved them. Before the school year had finished there was a rumor that old Mr. Owens, the computer science teacher would retire but nothing was confirmed.
Seb and Dave sat down at their usual seats at the front center of the room. The students behind them were laughing and joking while they waited for the teacher to arrive.
After a few minutes, the door opened and in walked a young woman. The room turned so silent you could hear the lonely fly buzzing against the window.
“Morning, students. I’m Salma Watkins, your new computer science teacher. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you and I’m sure we are going to have an amazing semester together.”
No one spoke up. The guys stared at her and the girls wished they were her. Salma was blonde with her hair in a tight bun high and at the back of her head. It was held together by two Bic pens, one blue and one red. They looked like two antennas. She was dressed in black tight pants, almost like a cyclist’s but they were long. On top, she had a white blouse not tucked in. Her boobs pressed against the fabric and Seb could see the swelling of them where she had left one button too many open. He put his hand up.
“Yes?” asked Salma.
“My name is Seb, do we call you Ms. Watkins or Salma?”
“Salma is fine, I’m not that formal even though I do sign my research ‘Dr. Watkins’.”
“Yes, I have two PhDs, one in computer science and another in applied mathematics.”
“But, but, you can’t be more than twenty-five,” stammered Seb.
“Twenty-four, actually. I guess I’m of above average intelligence,” she giggled and then turned to the board behind her.
The class went by too fast, thought Seb as he took notes and watched Salma’s ass. It was perfectly round and looked hard as a walnut. When class was over, he and Dave went outside for a bit of air before the next one.
“Holy shit, she is hot,” said Dave.
“Yeah, I think I’m in love. I liked professor Owens but, Salma, she is from another planet. Did you hear how she explained those programming commands?”
“Seb, didn’t you see how she looked like?”
“Sure, she is pretty.”
“Yeah, forget her knowledge, imagine being with her. I bet she fucks like there is no tomorrow.”
The bell rang and the two friends returned inside and their next class. Seb’s head was full of what Salma had spoken about while Dave thought about masturbating when he got home. Salma was on top of his spank bank.
Salma poured a cup of coffee which was weak and a bit cold from the coffee machine in the teacher’s break room. Being new, she didn’t know anyone but that wasn’t a problem. She was not afraid to start a conversation with strangers. A man came towards her and she stepped aside to let him get to the coffee machine. Putting out her hand she said, “Hi, I’m Salma Watkins, the new computer science teacher.”
“Oh, yeah, I heard there would be someone new this year. My name is Patrick, I’m the English teacher. How was your first class?”
“Oh, they behaved like little angels.”
“Really? You just wait until they have overcome how you look. Then their real selves will show.”
“I guess I should take that as a compliment but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Right,” said Patrick and went out with his coffee.
Salma sipped from hers thinking back to the previous class. There had been a boy in the first row. Unruly brown hair, round glasses and a strong nose. His friend next to him was almost drooling over her and she smiled at the memory. Teenagers were so single-minded, except maybe the one with the glasses. What was his name? Seb, that’s it. She liked Seb, a lot.
Salma wasn’t sure when her sexual interest had turned to teenagers but it was some time around when she herself was in her late teens. She had dated older boys and those her age but there was something scary about it. She didn’t feel in charge. Her insecurity stemmed from her dominating father. A military man who expected Salma to be at the top of everything she did, and if she wasn’t then he would lay it on her. Telling her she was useless, stupid, and lazy. She was none of those things, of course.
It all changed the summer she turned eighteen. A new family had moved in across the street from them. Their son went to Salma’s school but was two years younger. Matt and Salma often walked to and from school together and enjoyed each other’s company. Matt was a bit of a nerd even though he was a good tennis player, she learned.
One day when she was sun tanning in the backyard, she heard a knock on the front door. Opening it she found Matt in shorts and a T-shirt. She wore a skimpy bikini in white.
“Hey, I thought you’d be thirsty so I brought some lemonade,” he said.
“Thanks that’s so sweet of you. Come in.”
She grabbed a pair of glasses on her way back out and then Matt served. While he drank his eyes were all over her. She liked it, she liked the attention and the way his shorts formed a bulge at the front.
“Would you help me with the sun lotion?” she asked.
With trembling hands, Matt squirted some in his hand and Salma turned her back to him while undoing the bikini top at the back. His hands were warm and strong. She sighed as his fingers just happened to slide around her front a bit too much and touched the swell of her breasts. She grabbed his hand and placed it on them.
“Don’t talk.”
His hand began to massage them and Salma sighed of pleasure. Her nipples grew hard under his touch. She reached back and let her hand softly touch the bulge on his shorts. Matt breathed in sharply.
“Do you want to fuck me, Matt?”
“Are you sure, I mean I don’t want you to do anything you are not sure of.”
“I’m sure.”
He was kissing her neck now and she slowly turned around so she faced him. Placing her hands on his cheeks she drew him close and kissed him. Their tongues met and played for a moment.
“Take off your shorts.”
He did and stood naked in front of her. Matt didn’t have the biggest cock she had seen but it was big enough. Cupping his balls in her left hand she slowly began to stroke him with her right while looking into his eyes.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Oh, so I’m your first, you are a virgin?”
Matt was now breathing faster and tensing his stomach muscles. Pre-cum was pouring out from his cock. Salma leaned in and tasted some by licking it off his cockhead. Matt moaned and shot his load.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry,” he winced looking down at the mess he had made.
Salma wiped the cum off her cheeks and lips. A few drops had landed on her boobs and slowly ran down her warm skin.
“Well, now that you came, there is no point in fucking, is there?”
She didn’t know why she had said it but the look on Matt’s face was worth it. The disappointment, the shame, and the frustrations were written there. She giggled. “Off you go, back home. I need a real man, not a boy.”
When she was gone, she rubbed her pussy harder and then finger fucked herself deeper than usual. It had been such a turn on being in control and playing with Matt. She had to do it again, and soon.
She continued to play around with the younger boy’s emotions during the summer. By the time she left for university, Matt was like a puppy doing everything she asked him. All he wanted was the opportunity to touch her, kiss her breasts or fuck her sexy body. She let him, but not often.
During her time at university, she only had a few lovers. There was not enough time but they all were several years younger than her, just on the line of being legal. She never thought about being with a man her age or older; they weren’t interesting.
Seb lay on his bed trying to sleep but couldn’t. He was so excited because the following day his first class was with Salma. It had been two months now since school had started. He and Salma had gotten talking one day after class and she offered to help him with some more advanced programming after class. He had taken her up on it and for those two hours, he was the luckiest guy in the world, he thought. Salma would often stand or sit very close to him, and sometimes when she leaned in, he would steal a glance at her cleavage which was deep. Sometimes she didn’t wear a bra and her nipples turned hard.
While he was thinking, Seb’s cock became hard and he did what he usually did. Grabbed one of his socks and put it over his cock like a condom. That way, he didn’t get stains on the sheet which his mom might see. He began stroking himself and came quickly as usual. When he did, he closed his eyes and fantasized that instead of his dirty sock around his cock, it was Salma’s perfect lips and she was sucking him.
After rolling up the sock in a ball and throwing it into the laundry basket, Seb closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep where he dreamt about fucking his beautiful teacher over her desk. When he woke up in the morning, there was a wet stain on his underwear.
“Hey, Seb, how are you?”
Salma had the sun behind her but Seb would recognize that soft voice anywhere. He pulled at the lock on his bike to make sure it was locked before he stood up.
Salma was dressed in a short-flared skirt that showed her long legs. On top, a blouse with the usual button undone.
“I’m fine. Ready for the weekend?”
“Yeah, actually there is something I was wondering if you would be interested in doing with me?”
“Sure, anything.”
“I have bought a bike and I was thinking that maybe we could ride together tomorrow?”
“Really, you and me?”
Salma laughed putting her hand to her mouth. “Sorry, you sound so surprised.”
“I am, I thought you’d have a date or something.”
She looked around before gently putting her hand on his arm. “No, there is no one, and haven’t been for some time.”
“Oh, okay. Sure, we can meet here, let’s say at ten tomorrow.”
“Great, see you then.”
Seb watched her walk down the sidewalk, hips swinging, and he wondered why she wasn’t dating.
Seb had never realized how hard it was to ride a bike with a hard-on. He had never had that experience before. His erection had started when he arrived and found Salma waiting for him. Her white Lycra pants showed a perfect camel toe where her pussy was. For a second he thought she might have fake boobs because the tight top she was wearing didn’t plaster them against her chest. They rode way up into the hills with Salma leading the way, letting Seb watch her ass as she peddled.
Two hours later and his hard-on had not given up. It was painful and he needed to stop. “Hey, let’s take a break,” he called to her.
Salma braked hard and the bike slid across the gravel onto the grass lining the dirt road they were on. Her face was shiny with sweat when she turned to him. “What is it, wee-wee break?”
“Nah, I just need to rest a bit.”
She frowned. “I thought you were in better shape than that.”
When he got off the bike and walked to sit down on a fallen tree trunk, she saw what the problem was.
“Oh, oh, I see. Sure, take your time.”
Seb blushed. “I’m sorry.”
“What for? It’s a normal reaction. Guys get hard-ons all the time.”
She busied herself with tying her shoelaces and then drank some water from the bottle that was strapped to the bike.
Mike stood up and walked around a little, trying not to look at Salma. Slowly but surely his hard-on became soft and he stuck his hand inside his pants to adjust his cock.
“Need some help with that?”
Seb stopped what he was doing and stood still.
“I asked if you needed help, with adjusting your dick, I mean.”
“I…I… No thanks, I can manage.”
“Alright, I just thought you might enjoy it. I bet there haven’t been many girls sticking their hands inside your underwear.”
Seb was very uncomfortable. The first reason was that the erection was back, the second was what his teacher had said. He wasn’t sure how he should react: ignore her, be upset, or maybe…just maybe…go along with it. Would that be okay? No, it wouldn’t; he had seen news reports of teachers having sex with students but he had never thought it would happen to him. At the time he wondered what the biggy was. Shit, if the teacher was hot, why not fuck her? Now, it wasn’t as clear cut.
Suddenly Salma was standing behind him. So close he could feel her breath on his neck. Her hand slid around and inside his shorts.
“Oh, wow, that’s quite the package you have there, Seb.”
He looked down and as he did Salma pulled out his cock, stroking it slowly.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she whispered in his ear.
Around them, birds sang and above in the blue sky a plane passed, leaving white streaks. It was a surreal situation, thought Seb. In the silence, he heard the sound of Salma jerking him off and his own moaning and sighing. His knees buckled as the orgasm rose from his balls.
“Yes, Seb, come for me,” she said.
“Uhuh,” was all he managed before his balls emptied their cum. She kept stroking him until nothing more came out and then shook her hand so the cum fell off. Then she wiped it clean on her Lycra shorts.
“That was fun, but it’s time to get going,” she said and went back to her bike.
Seb stared at her, not really understanding what had just happened. One thing was for sure, his cock was limp now.
Salma smiled and brought her hand to her nose. She breathed in the smell of cum and remembered how Seb’s cock had jerked while he pumped out his seed. She loved it, the hot lava flowing over her knuckles. She took a quick glance behind her and saw Seb pedaling right behind her. Poor thing must be confused right now, which was fine. She would let what happened sink in and then move on from there.
When they reached the summit, they stopped and drank water in silence, enjoying the amazing view.
“What was that?”
“What? Oh, you mean the hand job. I felt sorry for you and thought I’d give you a hand.” She laughed at her own joke.
“I’m serious, you are my teacher….