Alice was clad in a tight pair of black lace silken panties that felt so smooth upon her caged genitals. This pair of panties, more so than any other pair Alice owned sent aroused shivers up and down her whole body whenever she was made to wear them by her Mistress.
Mistress Sarafina had left Alice a detailed text message earlier in the day explaining what Mistress Sarafina expected from Alice when Mistress Sarafina returned home later in the day at 4pm. It was now 3:55pm and Alice was making sure she had satisfied all that was expected of her before her Mistress arrived.
Alice was wearing everything that her Mistress had commanded her to in the text message. After applying makeup and spraying her body with a brown sugar-scented body spray, Alice began to dress. She first put on the tight black lace satin panties that, from the way they fit her, accented her ass in a way that Mistress always appreciated. Next, Alice had slid her smoothly shaven legs into black thigh-high fishnets – these stockings had an inch-width band of delicate black lace at the top and they felt exquisite whenever Alice wore them. After this, Alice had pulled on a black see-through mesh top that was ultratight, hugging her slender torso, and that came down just a few centimeters past where the slight bulge in her panties was, revealing a small portion of exposed skin from the top of her thigh-high stockings to the bottom of the mesh top.
Alice was so aroused and the top was so tight that Alice’s small and tender nipples were pushing out upon the mesh material, and this only served to inflame Alice’s lustful passions even more. Alice looked at herself, scanning visually up and down over her feminized lingerie-clad body in the full-length mirror. She was satisfied with how things looked and now only had to put on her glossy patent black leather stiletto-heeled shoes and then the black leather collar that Mistress made her buy in person from a sleazy sex shoppe shortly after they had first met. The collar sported a silver charm dangling from it that read “Sissy Slut”. Every time Alice cinched it around her feminine neck, it put Alice into a very submissive state of mind, especially when she recalled all of the sordid kinky things she had done or that had been done to her while she wore this collar in the past.
Alice had already prepared a tall glass with cubed ice filled to the top with sweet Thai tea. She placed this glass on top of a coaster on the coffee table next to the cushioned chair where her Mistress preferred to relax. Alice had also placed, at the foot of the chair, a pair of soft luxurious slippers. A long luxurious faux fur-lined soft black velour dressing gown had been folded and placed on top of the cushioned footrest near where her Mistress would be enthroned after Her arrival. One of Alice’s countless household duties, but perhaps her most important one, was ensuring the comfort of her Mistress after Mistress Sarafina arrived home from work after a day at the office.
With only a few minutes before 4pm, Alice secured the last commended item from the clothes hamper. Alice retrieved the pair of satin panties that Mistress had just worn around the house only yesterday. Alice took the leopard-spotted G-string panties and scrunched them up with her fist into a ball, and then opening her mouth she inserted the panties into the orifice of her open mouth and then she closed her jaws together. Mistress called this a panty gag and it indeed served the same effective purpose of muting a submissive the same way a traditional ball gag did; however, the thing that made this type of gag most heavenly for Alice was that it carried Mistress Sarafina’s scent and was infused with Her pussy secretions. In fact, it was not uncommon for Mistress to bring Herself to a long drawn-out juicy wet orgasm by masturbating through the fabric of Her panties on the night before She planned to panty gag Alice. Many times in the past, Mistress Sarafina’s panties were still wet with Her cum the next day when it was time for Alice to gag herself with them.
Mistress preferred Alice to be panty gagged oftentimes because She had plans to discipline Alice with a spanking upon her bottom and while Alice still made wincing and squealing noises when panty gagged, she made far less of a commotion than if she were not made to have a panty gag. Knowing beforehand in the minutes before Mistress crossed the threshold that Alice was most likely soon going to have a pink and stinging ass after having her panties peeled down and pulled off her ass for a spanking made Alice swoon with excitement and exhilaration.
Alice being spanked with either the bare but firm hand of her Mistress or sometimes with a hairbrush or wooden spoon from the kitchen sure did hurt, but in between spanks Mistress would caress and rub Alice’s bare bottom and intermittently fondle and fiddle with Alice’s exposed genitals and the quivering opening of her anal cavity, and this sort of thing offset the spanking pain with pure pleasure to the point that it was often quite arousing to Alice. It was so sensually tantalizing to Alice to be put over the knees of her Mistress and spanked this way that Mistress could often feel Alice’s lil’ cockette excited and engorged and pressing its firmness into Mistress Sarafina’s lap.
Alice, looking at the clock noted that it was one minute before 4pm and at this point, there was only one thing left for her to do. Alice moved toward the front door and dropped to her knees, leaned backward and with her hands, she grasped the back of her legs just above the ankles. This was the “submission position” as Mistress Sarafina termed it. It was Mistress Sarafina’s preference and She commanded Alice to take this posture whenever Mistress Sarafina returned home after a day of work at the office.
It was in this position that Alice once again found herself in, and shortly after taking it Alice could hear the jingling of keys and then the door locks turning as the door began to creak open.