Footsie – Part 2

"Playboy tries to bed co-worker, but she gets upper hand... or foot"

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She sat in her chair, as usual, dressed in one of her many dominatrix outfits while he sat cross legged on the floor in front of her. Her ultra-short, leather skirt rode high on her hips, almost revealing her pussy. Her leather corset revealed almost all of her breasts, hiding little more than the nipples. And of course, she had on long, spiked stiletto heels.

They had been seeing each other for three weeks. It was the longest, by far, that Paul had ever seen one girl without having sex. He daydreamed of her fabulous body constantly. When they didn’t see each other, he masturbated to the mental image of her legs and feet. This outfit revealed more of her breasts than he had seen before. Slowly, as his behavior changed to suit her, he felt he was getting rewarded a little more each week.

“Soon,” he thought, “this bitch will be mine.”

The quest to bed this vixen had become an obsession with him. He would have her, and he savored in his imagination the day when he would dump her. She would have to wonder who in the office he would tell about their fling. Any humiliation she caused him in the meantime would be vindicated.

She offered him her foot, and he took it, caressing it with his hands and his mouth, kissing it all over. He took off the shoe and began massaging it. Settling back in her chair, she sighed deeply, closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage. She loved having her beautiful feet played with more than anything.

As he continued massaging her feet and calves, she began inserting a dildo shaped vibrator into her pussy. She wore no panties under her short skirt. Paul could clearly see her cunt, the first time she had exposed it to him. When the vibrator was fully inserted, she turned it on. It hummed inside her cunt as Paul worked on her feet.

Paul was desperately horny, watching this beautiful woman writhe on the chair, her hand buried in her crotch. She slowly rubbed her clit with one hand as she held the vibrator in place with the other. His dick was as hard as it could be, the head dark red. He longed to cram it in her as hard as he could, until he filled her with his juice.

She climaxed noisily, her pussy contracting over and over on the large dildo. Finally, her body relaxed, and she turned off the vibrator.

“Ummm, that felt good,” she said.

Lifting her feet out of Paul’s hands, she slipped into her shoes and pushed a spiked heel into Paul’s chest. He lay flat on his back, and she began fondling his sac with her heel. She pressed it into his sac, between his balls. It was an unpleasant and unique sensation. Then she moved it under his sac and lifted it, raising his balls.

Finally she put her sole flat on his dick, mashing it against his body, and began to put more and more weight on it, grinding her foot from side to side. Putting most of her weight onto one foot, she mashed his dick against his body. Despite the awkward and unusual feeling, he felt his balls tingle as they prepared his load. Sharon saw the thin stream of pre-cum leak from his dick and put all of her weight on the base of his cock to abort his orgasm and deny him the release he so desperately craved.

“Awwwggghh,” he groaned.

There was neither sexual release or pleasure in the orgasm he had; only humiliation. His dick softened and shriveled as he panted on the floor. Sharon lifted his flaccid dick with the point of her shoe and moved it aside. Very little cum had dribbled out of him during his awkward orgasm, as she had constricted his passageway with the toe of her shoe at the critical moment.

“You may go now,” she announced.

When Paul had pressed her for sex early in their relationship, she had told him, “One day, perhaps, but not yet, not until you’ve shown that you can be a man, and not a boy. You’ve been like a spoiled kid with a credit card in a candy story all your adult life, taking one girl after another and dumping them. Your attitude about women isn’t going to change in a week, or maybe even a month. I’ll know when you’re ready. In the meantime, you can start with my feet, and as you progress, I’ll let you work your way up from there. If that’s not okay, we’ll have to stop seeing each other.”

She provided just enough encouragement to entice Paul to continue trying to please her. In the meantime, she forbade him from going out to bars or hooking up with other girls. She had an app that told her where his phone was, and to make sure he didn’t leave his phone at home while he went out, she texted him occasionally to make sure he answered promptly.

One day, she said, “You know, Paul, I was thinking I could teach you to give me a pedicure. There’s no reason to pay someone else to do it when you enjoy my feet so much anyway.”

They both knew she was the one with the foot fetish, but he said nothing. Sharon was going to take Paul’s humiliation to a new level, making him give her a pedicure. The next few times he came over, she allowed him to work on one toe, stripping the finish off and re-coating it. She was very particular about her pedicures, and wouldn’t allow him to do all her toes until he had mastered the technique to her satisfaction.

She sat in her kitchen in a dining chair while he knelt in front of her, nude. Today, she would allow him to give her a full pedicure. He knew that it would have to be perfect to please her, or he would have to start all over.

First he used nail polish remover to get all the old polish off, then he put her feet in a pail full of warm, soapy water. After her skin softened from soaking in the water, he took out one foot at a time and exfoliated using a foot file. Because of the attention she continually received on her feet from Paul, there were no calluses, so this didn’t take long. Spreading exfoliant cream on her feet, he placed them back into the tub for five minutes, then dried them off and put cuticle remover on all ten toes.

He used a nail file to shape all ten nails, then used a metal stick to make sure the nail bed was clean. The look on his face was one of total concentration as he worked on her feet. Sharon smirked inwardly, knowing that she could command anything, and he would comply. He was hers, and she planned on humiliating him totally before she dumped him.

Now that Sharon’s feet were clean and ready for the new polish, Paul massaged her calves and feet. He pressed his thumbs into the soles of her feet and rubbed circles, removing the stress from her feet muscles. She closed her eyes and enjoyed one of her favorite little pleasures. It was especially sweet getting it from Paul, one of the most arrogant men she had ever known.

Now that she was ready for the polish, Paul buffed her nails, then separated her toes using toe separators to keep from getting polish on her toes.

He applied a base coat, then two coats of color. He carefully slipped her feet into open toed slippers to keep the polish from getting on the carpet.

Sharon scowled as she inspected his work. He waited anxiously.

“I guess it will do for your first attempt,” she finally said.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It had taken him over an hour to complete.

“I do hope that, as you improve, you’ll be able to complete the job a little quicker,” she added. “After you clean up, you may leave.”

As time went on, Paul’s techniques improved to the point that he was as good, or better than the expensive salon that Sharon used to frequent. And since it was free, she allowed Paul to provide pedicures on a more frequent basis, sometimes three times per week. He also was allowed to give her manicures, and was becoming very proficient.

Sharon never allowed him to wear clothing; it was part of the process to humiliate and demasculate him. She also required him to shave all of his body hair, and she herself saw to the areas he couldn’t reach. She was especially intolerant of any pubic hair. She told him that as long as he had the maturity level of a child, he was going to look like one. Paul shaved his pubic hair every single day in the shower.

Sometimes she required him to wear women’s lingerie. She made him shop for the lingerie himself. He had quite a collection of women’s underthings. His humiliation was almost complete; any day now, she would be ready to dump him. This was a lesson in humility he wouldn’t soon forget.

One Sunday afternoon, Sharon buzzed him into her building and met him at her door.

“Remove your clothes here, then come into the kitchen,” she said in a low voice.

When he entered the kitchen, he was shocked to see three strange women sitting with Sharon at the dining table. It was apparent that they were just as surprised as he was. Sharon had invited them over for a mani-pedi, but hadn’t told them anything about Paul.

“Girls, this is my foot bitch. He’s really quite good. He’s been doing my nails for over a month now, and he’s glad to do yours at no charge. He gets his jollies doing girl’s nails. Weird, huh?” she said, giggling.

Paul had never been so humiliated and embarrassed in his life. These friends of Sharon’s were all really cute, and they were all clothed, while he stood before them completely nude. He didn’t know what to do or say, or what to do with his hands. It was almost a relief when Sharon ordered him to begin giving the girls pedicures, as it at least gave him something to do other than stand nude in front of them.

The girls were clearly uncomfortable, but Sharon spoke as if nothing was unusual. She treated Paul as if he wasn’t even there. She didn’t bother to introduce her friends to him, and she spoke about him in the third person, as though he wasn’t there.

“You girls are going to enjoy this,” she said, as he prepared four tubs of warm water.

While he prepared for the pedicures, the girls stole glances. He was very attractive, and though the situation was awkward, they couldn’t help but think about that fabulous body taking care of more than their feet.

Tina was first up. She was a cute blond, and looked to be in her mid-twenties. She was petite, with nicely tanned skin. Ironically, she was exactly the type of young girl that Paul, before becoming Sharon’s slave, would have picked up and bedded.

As he massaged Tina’s calves, he began to become aroused, and his dick sprang to attention, fully erect. Sharon pointed it out, and the girls giggled, causing Paul’s face to flush with rage and embarrassment.

He moved on to Magda, a beautiful Latino girl, then Marcia, another cute blond. Even in his embarrassment, he couldn’t help but fantasize about taking these beautiful girls, singly or all at once. Massaging their legs made him so horny, he was desperate for relief.

After he finally finished the pedicures, he slipped the girls’ feet into open toes slippers while they dried and began giving them all manicures. Magda began to get very “handsy”, groping him as he walked by her. As the girls became accustomed to the situation, they followed Sharon’s lead in talking lewdly about him and touching him.

By the time the manicures were done, the girls’ toenails were dry. Sharon made him lay down on his back. Taking off her slippers, she rubbed her bare feet across his mouth, allowing him to suck and kiss her feet. .

“Come on, girls, you can play with him if you want,” she said.

The other girls kicked off their slippers and began rubbing his smoothly shaved body with their feet. Marcia ran a foot across his chest, rubbing his nipples with her toe until they stiffened. Magda rubbed her foot across his abdomens, enjoying the ripples of his six pack. Sharon allowed him to hold her foot to his mouth, sucking and kissing it, as she instructed Tina to grind his dick and balls with her feet.

As Paul stared at the beautiful legs of these girls in their short skirts and shorts, he quickly forgot his embarrassment. He enjoyed looking up the leg opening of Tina’s shorts as she played with his penis. Spreading the toes on her small, elegant feet, she clamped his dick between her big toe and her second toe. Pumping her foot up and down, she jerked off his dick with her toes.

Sharon told Tina to stop, that he was going to cum. She didn’t want him to experience pleasure, but it was too late. Tina spread her toes, releasing his cock, but it twitched twice, then dribbled pre-cum onto his stomach and spewed a wad of cum onto Magda’s calf. Another wad shot onto his stomach, and another landed on the top of Marcia’s foot. A thick stream oozed out of his dick.

Paul closed his eyes and enjoyed the most pleasurable orgasm he had ever been allowed to have in Sharon’s condo. His softening cock lay against his groin in a pool of cum. The head was dark and covered in cum.

“Ewww,” Marcia said. “He got it on my foot.”

She wiped the top of her foot on his side, trying to clean it off.

“Yuck, he got it all over my leg,” Magda said.

Sperm slowly ran down the side of her leg.

“Clean up your mess,” Sharon barked.

She was clearly angry that he had been allowed to have a pleasurable orgasm, and was having difficulty controlling her anger. Paul used towels to clean his sperm off the girls, then wiped up the cum that covered his stomach and groin. After making him wash his hands and prepare drinks for the girls, she ordered him to dress and leave without another word.

Published 11 years ago

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