Flirting With Fullness

"Talking On Dates Are All Hot Air. Balloon Fetish Optional."

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“… So you’re a screenwriter?”

“That’s right. I’m working on an ABDL Heist film right now.”

“I love heist films, and as you saw on my profile I am a 24/7 ABDL. So that movie sounds right up my alley, heh.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to invite you to the premiere when the film gets green-lit.”

She smiled fondly at her date even though she knew he couldn’t see her actual face. They were both in fur suits sitting in a low lit lounge with down tempo ambient music playing in the background.

He was a reindeer or an antelope, something with antlers. And she was a mushroom-cat hybrid of sorts.

“So what other things are you into beyond screenwriting?”

“I’m a Looner.”


“I’m really into balloons and inflatables.”

“Really? What about them … makes you into them?”

“I like the squeak and the texture. I like the shapes that you can make with certain types of them and … I don’t know. I just feel happy when I am around them.”

“Do you like when they pop?”

He sucked in a breath and nodded slowly. “When they pop, it’s like they are cumming. And it can make me cum sometimes.”

“Oh wow.”


“So, if I had a balloon right now?”

“Do you?”

“Just imagine with me for a moment.”


“If I had a balloon right now. Deflated and … empty. Running it through my fingers. Stretching it. Twisting it.”

His breath hitched. “Y-Yeah … with you…”

“And I slowly brought it to my lips, to blow it… up up up … full, so full with all my air. My life just pushed into the formerly empty thing, til it got full. And firm with … me… and then tied it shut. Trapping my air, trapping myself inside it. That stretchy … texture… And then I run my hands over it again … squishing the air around inside it.”

The eyes of the antelope’s head looked … out of focus. She felt he was looking at her, but also lost in what she was saying. She didn’t need his real eyes, she could see it in the eyes of his fur suit. Probably from years of going on dates with fellow furries and knowing how to read a fur suit face easier than a human face.

“Go on… then what would you do?”

His voice was rough and had a deeper timbre. Almost growly, which contradicted the prey species he was dressed as just then.

“Mm, I’d play with it in my hands, moving the air around, adding pressure in different places on it, to see how long it would take it to … pop.”

“And if it didn’t? I mean, if it didn’t with just the force of your hands, then what would you do?”

“Well, I suppose I could take something sharp, like a needle, and pop it?”

“Ah, would you? Do you like needles?”

“I might.”

“Just might?”

“I have a lot of tattoos.”

“Of what?”

Tilting her mushroom kitty head at him and leaning forward. “Balloons,” she said with a smile in her voice.


“No. I just said that to see what you’d do. I mean, what would you do if I had tattoos of balloons all over my body?”

“Uh, I don’t know. But now I’m wondering what kind of balloons you would get if you meant it?”

“I like the gathered kind. The big bundles of all the different colors. I could get one right over my cunt, the strings lost in my pubic hair, and then just have random ones, floating up along my upper body like they are floating away, lost from the flock as it were.”

“Oh shit, that is so fucking hot.”

“Are you getting hard?”

He laughed, “I’ve been hard. I’m, uhm, still feeling your air swimming around in that balloon you described. That … was the hottest balloon story I have ever heard told by someone not into balloons. Or didn’t know that they were.”

“I’m not a Looner, but I’m not squeaked by balloons. They are kind of a neutral thing. But I enjoy having such a simple, innocent thing to talk about, to rile you up in public with.”

“Yeah? You like knowing how hard and dripping I am, and all you did was t-talk about blowing up a balloon for me?”

“Uh huh, exactly.”

“Christ… I’m glad I agreed to go on this date with you. This is turning out better than I thought it would.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“So, are you gonna just let the balloon slowly … deflate over time, or are you going to pop it before the date is over?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t we go to the next part of the date and see how it goes?”

“So I had it in mind that we could go to the Night Aquarium. They have all sorts of Bioluminescent Fish and aquatic plants and—”

Her paws slid across the table to him, to hold his hoof-like hand that was on the table.

“Let’s go, I bet all the water in that Aquarium won’t compare to how wet I am right now.”

His breath went sharp. And he gave a sort of chuckle. “Yeah?”

“Oh yes. I may even wet my diaper, ‘cos I’ve been holding it since we started this date, and, uhm, wetting to me is like popping balloons to you.”

“It feels like cumming?”


“So we’re both … full in our way right now?”

“You, full of my air, and I am full of my own water. Whatever will we do? How long before one of us … pops?”

“I guess we will have the long walk to the Aquarium to find out, won’t we?”

“Yes. Yes, we will.”

Published 9 months ago

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