I survive in noise
And knowledge
That you live in the ether
Beside me,
That I do not
Suffer alone.
But her voice,
Fragile as eggshells,
Gifts devotion,
Through the fraying seams
Holding our world in place.
Her scent
Peels back the twine
Clasping my skin
And seals,
Like a thousand spores,
Covering my flesh with scales.
The air is thick
With your unintelligible
And my mind buzzes
If her skin is flushed rose
From your lens
If, love led,
Does she know
She will forever
Live in a doorway
Looking at cookie cutters
Of Disney
Or that to love you
She must crouch
In those fractured corners,
Weather the hailstorm
For eternity,
And survive
My exhales echo
Then slow
I’ll not know
Her matter
For I exist
Frozen in this splintered,
Wooden frame,
Breathing the vapor trails of promises
And serenaded only
By static