First Experience With a Guy

"Nothing too serious but enough to make me want more"

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A little about me: I’m a 22 year old bi guy. I came across this site several months ago and love reading some of the stories and experiences posted on here, so I thought it was time I shared some of my own. This story isn’t the dirtiest or most intense out there, however it always makes me horny thinking about the day I started to realise my sexual desires and what put me on the path to who I am now.

This story goes back several years to when I was 16; I had spent the day with friends on a hot sunny day drinking beers round the BBQ pit. I enjoyed my friends’ company but I always felt overshadowed by the fact I was the only virgin in the group; it wasn’t a big deal to anyone but it drove me mad, so I was always horny as ever.

Later on in the night we left the house. Some of us stayed out and went to a smoke spot further down where we were met by several older friends. Among them was Aaron, the older brother of one of my friends. Aaron was in his twenties, tall, seemed in quite good shape and always seemed to be the voice of reason in his group; I had spoken to him several times before so it wasn’t long before we were the only two left sitting on the mound while he finished off a smoke.

He was fully aware of my “situation” and didn’t make a big deal of it either. He had given me advice on it and said not to worry.

He then surprised me and said, “It doesn’t always have to be about girls you know?

Puzzled, I questioned what he meant and he said, “You can still have fun without girls.”

I asked, “You mean with guys?”

“Listen,” Aaron said, “Have you ever thought about what it would be like with a guy?”

I shook my head.

“Then how do you know what you would like?”

“I guess,” was my reply. I was now starting to question whether or not he lived by that advice.

We left shortly after for home at about one a.m., and chatted about things before curiosity got the better of me. I asked him what he meant earlier and if he was gay or had been with a guy.

He didn’t seem shocked and told me he had done stuff before, not far off full sex but he felt comfortable telling me and I’m sure this wasn’t something he told everyone about.

“What about me?” The words just came out my mouth without thinking.

Aaron stopped.

I thought about what I had just said and nervously repeated my question, “If I have you the option, what would you do with me?” My heart was pulsating and I had butterflies in my stomach.

I had no idea what made me say that but it just came out. Years of sexual frustration and probably an evening of alcohol had just pushed it out of me.

“Take ’em off.” He smiled.

“What?” I said with nervousness in my voice.

“Your clothes, I’d have you take ’em all off for me. Right now and see how you like it.”

I gave it little thought but the answer quickly came out, “Okay, okay I’ll do it. I wanna do it.”

Aaron grinned. I followed him for a few minutes round the corner to a construction site. Walking down the side road we went through a gap in the fence to the back of a very long garden backing on the one of the houses that was being built. It was quite dark but you could see from the street lights in the distance.

I stood with him behind an old tool shed to minimise the risk of being caught.

“Here,” he said.

Now my heart was racing. What the hell was I doing? I kept asking myself, but I didn’t want to stop.

I didn’t think a second more and removed my shoes, then off came my shirt. I felt really nervous about the next bit but I turned around.

“You’re doing great,” Aaron said. “I don’t now how you don’t get more attention with a body like yours.”

I gripped my shorts and pulled them down. Just my boxers were left and I had an instant hard on. I was stripping for a GUY and I’d never felt so horny. A light came on, I panicked and turned around but it was only Aaron’s phone.

“I want to remember this,” he said.

I turned back round and slowly slid down my last piece of clothing covering my heterosexuality.

Off they came. I was completely naked and loving it. I could feel the wind on my naked body as I turned around to face him. Aaron smiled and just said, “Wow amazing.”

I never thought I’d get excited hearing a guy compliment my naked body.

He pointed at my hard cock still holding his phone. “Why don’t you take care of that?”

I didn’t wait a second as I had been thinking the same. It didn’t take long at all after grabbing my cock. I came in my hand and some cum ran down my leg.

Aaron seemed just as horny but insisted on waiting before “taking care of himself”. By that I was guessing he took a few pictures while his phone was on me but I didn’t mind.

I pulled my clothes back on. We walked towards home, no words were said until he asked, “So, see me again?”

And that’s where things got more interesting.

Published 12 years ago

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