It may seem strange that at 50 you realize that you are bi.
Perhaps an explanation is required. At 50 years old, with kids all grown and after 30 years of marriage, my wife asked for a divorce, saying she wanted to be free to do some of the things she wanted to do when she was younger but couldn’t because of marriage and kids. After my surprise passed, we divorced on friendly terms, and she moved out of the house.
Since I had the house to myself for the first time in an exceedingly long time, now I could be nude inside and in the back yard, something my ex-wife did not approve of. There is an eight-foot brick wall around the back yard, allowing a totally private yard and pool area.
A few months passed and a good friend who was employed at the same trucking company as I had his marriage end after many years. John needed a place to stay, so I offered. He moved in and we shared the expenses. I worked days, and he worked nights, six twelve hour shifts each week. During the week, we would pass each other in the dispatch office, at home we had the house to ourselves.
Each year, the smelter we haul copper concentrates to shuts down to do smelter-wide maintenance. This allows the drivers to have a three day weekend in July.
To beat the heat, I got up early to catch up on some overdue yard work. I finished my chores around noon, then went swimming. About an hour later, John came out with his morning coffee and took a seat on the pool steps.
“What are you going to do for three days?” John asked me.
“Didn’t really plan on doing anything. I thought you were going over to your girl-friend’s place.”
“I would have, but Sue had to go back to Iowa to help her mom, who has to have some surgery done.”
We talked awhile about our jobs, and then decided that we would go to the store pick up some steaks to grill outside, have a good dinner and maybe rent a movie or two.
After buying the food, we headed to a small movie rental store. After looking and not finding something we cared to watch, we wandered into their adult section and picked up two movies.
We fixed dinner and ate, then swam until it was dark. We headed inside to watch the movies. We were joking around, watching the first one, making remarks about the size of the girls’ breasts and the size of the guys’ cocks, laughing, and enjoying the movie.
“Put the next movie in while I fix us some drinks,” John said.
“Go ahead and start the movie. I will be right back,” he said as he walked down the hall. When he returned he had removed his shorts and was naked.
John said, “If am going to watch a fuck movie, I am going to be naked, so I can play with my dick.”
I was a bit surprised, but not shocked. I had seen men and boys nude in showers in high school and in the barracks while in the service. The surprise was that I found myself aroused seeing him nude and stroking his cock laying on the couch ten feet away from me. I said what the hell went into the bedroom stripped, and came back out to watch the movie.
At one point, John went into the kitchen to fix a drink, and as he came back, his cock was hard. Seeing it gave me an instant hard cock. As we watched the movie, John told me that he and his girl friend had gone to an adult theater where couples could watch a movie and swap or play around with each other.
“Watching my girl friend suck this other guy’s dick made me want to do it, but I knew she wouldn’t go for that. Have you ever thought about it?” John asks me.
“I guess a lot of guys have wondered what it was like to do it.” I said.
“Seeing you nude and stroking your cock, watching the movie has made my cock hard and all tingly.”
“I know.” he said. “Same for me seeing you hard.”
“Before you moved, in after the wife moved out, I was being a home nudist, but started wearing shorts because I did not want to embarrass you, John.”
“Hell, it would have been ok with me, so how’s about from now on, naked at home is the rule?”
“Works for me.” I said.
We watched the movie, making a few comments, and watching each other stroking our cocks.
After a bit of time, John said, “I really would like to suck your cock, would that really freak you out?”
“No, I am horny as hell.”
I slid down the couch, and he got between my legs.
Then he put the head of my cock into his mouth, and took all of my cock in sliding all the way down to my balls. My cock was on fire and it felt so good. John did slow, up -and -down strokes with his mouth.
John stopped for a second and said, “You feel good, and the taste isn’t at all what I expected.”
Our cocks are about the same size, I am a bit over six inches hard, and he is perhaps a little bigger, but not much. I knew I had to touch his cock and suck it, so I suggested we take the movie and move to my bedroom.
We lay head to toe on our sides. John cupped my balls in his hands, and started stroking my cock again with his mouth as he played with my balls and the feeling of this and my own butterflies in my stomach made it feel the way it did the first time I had sex.
John’s cock jumped, and he made a small moan as I licked the pre-cum from the head of his cock. I was surprised it did not have any taste, but was very slick-feeling. Running my hand down his hard cock felt good and touching his balsl felt much different than touching my own. The response to my touch was his cock jerking in my mouth and him pushing it into my mouth a little deeper.
I started to stroke his cock with my mouth, enjoying the feel. Now another surprise: I had only felt my cock hard, and that always seemed very hard to me. John’s cock was hard but there was softness to the skin I not not expected.
After fifteen or twenty minutes, I knew I was very close to cumming. I knew John was also, from how his cock felt and the moans he was making. So I started to pull out of his mouth.
“Just leave it, I want to feel you come and taste it.” John said.
I said, ” I’m very close.”
John really started sucking my cock faster, and I just could not hold it any longer. My climax started some where down deep inside of me, and I started to cum. He sucked harder until I could not take it any longer, as my cock just was to sensitive to touch.
A few more strokes, and John’s cock swelled up some, flexed a few times, and he started to cum. I was ready, but was surprised at the same time at the first spurt. I swallowed it, and the others, I had time to taste. Not knowing how it should taste, I did not find his cum unpleasant.
“Oh man that was fucking great! My cock is semi hard and still has a tingle happening!” John said.
After catching my breath, I said, “That felt very good.”
“We are going to have to do that again. Sue is very interested in the swapping scene. I will talk to her and see if she is interested in the three of us doing something. Maybe she would be more open to the BI thing since she likes, and knows you. She was raised in a nudist family and likes being nude Since we have decided to be nude here perhaps that is the opening.
Just sucked a cock, and now my best friend is suggesting perhaps a three some with his girl friend.
“We need to get dispatch to put us on the same shift so we can have some fun.” I said.