Fiona was absolutely delighted that she had found so many ways to be punished. At home she would ask her mum to thrash her, very often going for below C grade punishment so a bare bottom spanking with her mum’s hand, followed by a leather belt. Before bedtime, she would get another bare bottom spanking and twenty-four, sometimes thirty or thirty-six strokes of the cane.
Fiona had deliberately increased the original punishments under the punishment sheet but knew that meant being reduced to uncontrolled crying, squirming around either on her mum’s lap or the raised pillows, kicking her legs, shrieking, howling, and bawling her eyes out, every time. However, she knew all of that was just what she wanted and, more importantly for her, needed as she knew that her punishments helped her to focus on her school work.
Miss Falcon, her school teacher, also helped because, as promised, she smacked Fiona’s legs the next day at school and arranged for the school assistant to spank her knicker-covered bottom in front of the whole class three days later. She arranged for the headmistress, Miss Brown, to give Fiona six strokes of the cane at the end of the week as well.
After that, Miss Falcon smacked Fiona’s legs very regularly, and the class assistants spanked her just as regularly, and she was the only girl spanked on her bare bottom. She got caned several times as well.
Miss Falcon understood immediately that whilst Fiona was already in the top sets and one of the best girls in the class, every time she was punished her marks got even better. She wasn’t surprised, because whilst punishments like that were supposed to incentivise the girls not to misbehave, she knew that in Fiona’s case it got her into the mindset of working even harder.
After all, Miss Falcon knew that Fiona’s focus had reduced recently because she had been thinking so much about being punished in front of the whole class. So, whenever she was punished, she knew that Fiona didn’t have to think about that anymore, but knew that her stinging bottom after her punishment helped her focus on her school work so much better.
Fiona asked her mum to thrash her two or three times a month but sometimes two or three times a week, particularly when she knew she had a difficult project to do. It just gave her that focus and her mum saw it as helping her daughter rather than actually punishing her.
However, what soon became clear was that Fiona’s marks got so good that her mum and Miss Falcon realised that the school wasn’t able to give her enough academic guidance to help her achieve the exceptional results that she was capable of. The reason was that the classes were too large and the teachers simply didn’t have the time to focus on her.
So, Fiona’s mum and Miss Falcon discussed this exact subject and decided that she should move schools and there was one in particular Aweside, a private girls’ school, which Miss Falcon recommended because of its achievement record. It was a boarding school, and its academic record made it clearly in the top echelon of schools. She also knew the headmistress, Miss Brown, who helped all the girls achieve very good exam results.
The arrangements were made, and two weeks later Fiona arrived at the school. She was in her new school uniform of a light blue short-sleeved blouse, a dark blue skirt, and white ankle socks. She was immediately seen into Miss Brown’s study because the headmistress wanted to get to know each of the girls. After all, it was a very small school with just seventy-five girls, and as the classes were small the teachers could focus much more easily and intensely on each girl.
Miss Brown also knew that the girls that went there all had quirks that made them academically special, and this first interview was intended to establish what that was for Fiona, and how best to help her achieve.
First, Miss Brown went over the subjects that Fiona would study, her timetable for her academic studies, as well as details of her athletics timetable as the school did have a county-level athletics team.
Fiona listened intently because she was certainly up for making sure that she met all of the academic standards required at the school. She knew that if she did well, she would get to a really top university, which was her aim. She could even see how the athletics side of things was also better than at her previous school and it all made her feel really at home.
In fact, Fiona’s only concern was whether the discipline regime would suit her. Fortunately, she was able to stay calm during the explanation by Miss Brown, helped by the three hook-ended canes that were on the wall of the study. She kept glancing toward them, even as Miss Brown was talking.
Miss Brown had of course spotted that and had put the canes there intentionally because she had already had a discussion with both Dyane and Miss Falcon and so had a good understanding of what Fiona was about. However, she always liked to hear it first-hand from the girl, and so after outlining what school life on the academic side was like, she asked Fiona, “How do you find it best to get you into the mindset to work hard?”
By the time the question was asked Fiona felt more confident, and explained, “I have found that I need a really strict discipline regime and that being soundly thrashed well beyond what I can cope with so that I am bawling my head off, is what helps me achieve my best results. After a thrashing at my previous school, I didn’t just get the top mark, but well above the next girl.”
Miss Brown liked how Fiona explained the discipline she needed. She replied, “That is okay as we can give the girls individual attention, and, while I knew from your mum the kind of thrashing that you relished, it is best for me to hear it from you.”
Fiona was blushing, but immediately took out from her bag the punishment sheet, and handed it to Miss Brown who quickly read the list. She immediately looked at Fiona and said, “I can’t see that anything easier than a punishment for a lower than C grade does any good at all. Do you agree?”
Fiona was ecstatic with that comment and said excitedly, “Yes, miss, definitely. I reckon even the below C-grade punishment can be increased much further. I do know that I work so much better and everything is so much clearer in my mind after one of those thrashings.”
Miss Brown knew exactly what Fiona meant. A few of the other girls also found being disciplined beneficial, though for them it was simply to stop them misbehaving, and for most a bare bottom spanking or just a few strokes of the cane were good enough. She was sure that Fiona needed much more than that, though.
Miss Brown asked, “I have had a discussion with your mum, and she tells me that you find having your legs smacked in class beneficial. Is that correct?”
Fiona was still excited as she explained, “Yes, miss. It quickly gets me into the right mindset. To be fair, the other girls got six smacks on each leg, but I always got a minimum of twenty.”
Miss Brown nodded her head and said, “We can do that, as a minimum. I know you got spanked in class as well. Tell me about that.”
After just a few moments Fiona replied, “Yes, miss. I also got spanked by the class assistant. All the other girls got spanked on their knickers, but I got spanked on my bare bottom, and that was because they knew that I found the added humiliation an important part of my punishment. I also got spanked for double the time of the others because they knew that if I had a test to sit in class afterward then it helped me focus.”
Miss Brown asked, “No knickers helped?”
Fiona replied, “Oh, yes, miss. I had to take my knickers off at my desk and leave them there and keep my dress held up above my waist as I walked past my classmates to the class assistant. They all saw my private parts and bare bottom really close-up and the humiliation added to my punishment.”
Miss Brown said, “No problem with that either. We have two class assistants in every class and they all know how to give a seriously hard spanking.” She added with a smile, “Watching other girls spanked in class encourages the rest of the class to focus as well.” Adding, “Before you ask, every punishment has the girls bawling their eyes out.”
Miss Brown asked, “Were you caned as well?”
Fiona replied, “Yes, miss, several times on the day of big tests and it helped me get a better mark.”
Miss Brown smiled as she replied, “I have a good selection of canes here as well.
Fiona smiled as she replied, “Some of my friends were jealous that I had found a way to get far better marks. None dared follow me, though.”
Miss Brown smiled and said, “Well done you, Fiona.”
Miss Brown added, “Quite a few of the girls need to be punished, but only a few want to be. However, at this school we can adapt things to help girls individually, so don’t get worried that you are putting us out. In fact, we will see it as a challenge to thrash you so hard and much harder than you ever have been thrashed before. Of course, that should mean you get even better marks in your tests and other schoolwork.”
Fiona was still ecstatic with the explanation, and couldn’t wait for her first punishment. So, she was wide-eyed when Miss Brown made the next comment.
Miss Brown could see the excitement on Fiona’s face, and so suggested, “In fact, why don’t I show you the kind of thrashing that you will be getting?”
Fiona replied immediately, “Yes please, miss.”
Miss Brown replied sternly, “No, girl, it wasn’t a question but a statement. I am going to thrash you. To make sure you understand your position you will take all of your clothes off right now.”
Miss Brown saw the look of surprise on Fiona’s face but also her immediate obedience in starting to get undressed. She knew that by having Fiona fully naked she would be able to look for the signs of sexual arousal much more easily. She also knew from her discussion with Dyane that Fiona fingered herself to huge orgasms after every thrashing, but, like Dyane, never saw that as a reason not to thrash her, but, in fact, was the reason to thrash her even harder. Dyane also knew that the harder she thrashed Fiona, the better her marks would be and were.
Once fully naked, Fiona bit her lip as she waited for Miss Brown to give her further instructions. They quickly came.
Miss Brown said, “I will first be giving you a thrashing with a leather tawse. As this is your first leathering, and I have several tawses, I will let you choose which one I use on you.”
Miss Brown opened a small cupboard in the corner of the room and Fiona saw hanging on the door five leather tawses. All of them were about twenty-two inches long and certainly looked as though they would be very painful. Two were not as thick as the others whilst one of them was split into two tails about ten inches long. The fourth was a bit wider and had three tails which were a good bit thicker, whilst the fifth had four tails all of which were even thicker and wider.
Fiona wasn’t sure which one to pick, and, in any case, really wanted Miss Brown to make the choice. She knew that she didn’t want the lightest as she wanted a proper thrashing. She certainly felt pretty tense as she fingered the four-tail leather tawse and, as she did, she looked pleadingly at Miss Brown and asked, “I want it to be a really hard thrashing, so please can you choose the right one, miss.”
Miss Brown was pleased that Fiona left the choice to her because it showed she had the right respect for her. She replied, “I think we should leave the four-tail leather for now, but believe me when I do use it on you, you will remember the thrashing forever. Today, you still need to be properly thrashed, long and hard, and so I will use the three-tailed tawse. Trust me, though, I will be making your bottom as sore and probably sorer than you will be able to cope with.”
Fiona swallowed hard and was worried about just how difficult it would be to cope, but obediently picked out from the cupboard the three-tail tawse and handed it to Miss Brown. As she did, her hand flew to cover her bare bottom, subconsciously, knowing immediately as much as it would hurt that she so wanted this punishment.
Miss Brown then instructed Fiona, “First, I will put you across my lap and spank your bare bottom with my leather-soled slipper.”
With that, Miss Brown sat down on a high-backed chair which Fiona supposed was the one that she used when spanking any of the girls. When she had sat down, Fiona, saw her tap her lap and she immediately bent across her lap. She had been spanked so many times by her mum that the upside-down view she now had she just automatically accepted as telling her this was the position she was in when being punished.
For several minutes Miss Brown thrashed the leather-soled slipper down on Fiona’s bare bottom, and was so used to doing this she didn’t think twice even when Fiona was screeching and her bottom was not just red but starting to be bruised. Miss Brown didn’t have to do this to many of the girls, but nevertheless was well experienced in this type of punishment. She also didn’t have the problem of a stinging hand because she used the leather-soled slipper immediately, so the only stinging that ever took place was on the bottom being thoroughly spanked by her.
Fiona could tell the difference between a spanking with the leather-soled slipper and a hand. There was no slow start, but straight away the spanks were really hard. It didn’t take her long to struggle, squirm around on Miss Brown’s lap, tense her arms, and gasp loudly. Nor did it take long for her vision to be blurred telling her tears were welling up in her eyes. Even so, she knew this was the type of punishment that would do her so much good, even though it gave her so much pain.
After what seemed like forever to Fiona, she heard Miss Brown instruct, “Get up and face me, girl, and put your hands on your head.”
As soon as she had pushed herself off Miss Brown’s lap and was standing, obediently placing her hands on her head, Fiona looked at the very blurred image of Miss Brown and waited for her further instructions.
Miss Brown could see the tears pouring down Fiona’s face, but she was used to seeing that sight, and what it did was give her the satisfaction of knowing that she had given Fiona a thoroughly sound thrashing. However, it wasn’t over yet, and she said in a very stern tone of voice, “Right girl, it is now time for the much more painful lesson. I am going to smack your bare bottom hard, actually, no, I am going to smack your bottom very hard, with the tawse, twenty-four times. Then, when I have done so, you will stand up and thank me and ask me to smack you again. When you do, you will choose the number of smacks that you want. It can be zero, but I recommend that you make sure it is a high number because I will be using it as the bar for your future punishments. If being thoroughly thrashed is what makes you work better, then you will want that number to be much higher than you can cope with rather than something that you can easily cope with. So, the two numbers together will now become your responsibility.”
Fiona gasped at that. However, she could see the real problem. If she asked for another six smacks, then thirty smacks might become the norm for the future. She knew that was not enough to give her the focus she needed to do her tests. She told herself she would have to be brave and ask for a much higher number and thought a total of thirty-six would be right. However, she also knew she had to get through the first twenty-four smacks first.
Miss Brown didn’t give Fiona much time to think about what she had said, and ordered, “Now bend over the desk and clasp hold of the far side”
Fiona did as she was told and moments later had bent over the desk so that her bottom was so nicely presented and unprotected, of course.
Miss Brown positioned herself, as she knew exactly where to stand, and without any ceremony pulled her arm back and landed the first really hard smack with the leather tawse. The loud yelp that Fiona gave didn’t surprise her, given she was leathering her bottom having already thrashed her with the leather-soled slipper. As she proceeded to land smack after smack, knowing that the thwacking sound echoed around the room together with Fiona’s louder and louder yelps, she was testing Fiona’s resolve for her future punishments. She knew she had to thrash Fiona to beyond what she could easily cope with each and every time she punished her as that was the only way that the punishment would be meaningful.
Fiona found the smacks harder and harder to deal with. Initially, she thought it wouldn’t be that bad as she had been thrashed so many times by her mum. However, she realised that this thrashing was totally different from what her mum gave her, and even though she struggled to cope, she was getting to know what a real thrashing was like.
As she continued to yelp after every smack, Fiona realised that the constant smacks made her bottom sting more and more, and by the time twelve smacks had landed she knew that she was crying again. She did manage to keep a hold of the far end of the table, because, as always, she wanted to show her obedience to whoever was punishing her. She always wanted to leave them in charge, unquestionably so and was going to do her best to do that again today for Miss Brown.
Miss Brown continued to ignore the louder and louder yelps that Fiona made because she saw that she was staying in position as each smack landed. By the time she had got to eighteen smacks, it reinforced her understanding that Fiona did have a high pain threshold, and so she would have to push her harder than any of the other girls. However, part of her job was to help the girls meet their full potential, and if that meant pushing them beyond their limits when punishing them, then so be it.
Once she got to the twenty-four smacks with the leather tawse, she still wasn’t sympathetic towards Fiona but was still trying to find out her limits. She ordered, “Right, Fiona, stand up and put your hands on your head again and look at me.”
Fiona again forced herself to stand, turned towards Miss Brown, and put her hands on her head, not caring at all that her very private parts and her breasts were on the show because, after all, she was being punished and had no right to any respect from Miss Brown.
Miss Brown then demanded, “How many extra smacks shall I give you, Fiona?”
Even though she was crying so hard and could hardly speak, nor could she barely see Miss Brown through her tear-filled eyes, she did remember the instruction and first of all said, “Thank you for leathering me, Miss Brown. Please may I have a further twelve really hard smacks, Headmistress.”
Miss Brown had to admit to being impressed that Fiona had remembered to say thank you, and asked for the additional strokes which would make thirty-six the absolute minimum number of smacks with the tawse in the future whenever, or rather when, she was punished. Clearly, Fiona was a young lady who had a very high pain threshold, but she was up for dealing with that.
As she glared at Fiona, she looked at her breasts and was sure that her nipples were taut, which told her she was aroused by the thrashing. She looked down at her pussy hair mound and did think it was glistening with the girl’s sex juice, which was another confirmation of her understanding Fiona was turned on by being thrashed. Making her undress did pay off, she told herself.
Miss Brown Ordered, “Okay, Fiona, bend back across the desk and I will give you the extra smacks that you have asked me to give you.”
Fiona didn’t really find it so strange that she was the one held out to be asking for the additional punishment, because that was how it all started for her when she asked her mum to thrash her. So, she obediently bent over again, clasped hold of the far end of the desk, and yelped once again as each really hard smack landed across her bottom. She thought that the snacks were even harder than those first twenty-four and she was soon crying uncontrollably but told herself she had to get through this and that her future success may well depend on it.
When those smacks were over, the sound that still filled the room was Fiona’s crying, which she just couldn’t stop. This had been the hardest punishment she had ever had, although, of course, she didn’t even know if that was the end of it. Slowly, though, she recovered, but kept a hold of the far end of the desk, knowing that she had to wait to be told to get up before she did so.
Fiona heard movement behind her and realised that Miss Brown had once again sat down. This time she was sitting on the chair behind her desk and so looking straight at her, although, of course, Fiona couldn’t see that because her vision was far too blurred. She did gasp, though, when she heard the instruction, “Get up, Fiona, and come and stand by me. Hands upon your head again, of course.”
As Fiona pushed herself up, she started to cry again, thinking that her punishment wasn’t over and that she would be told to once again get across Miss Brown’s lap. However, as soon as she went and stood next to Miss Brown and put her hands on her head, she automatically said, “Thank you for leathering me again, Miss Brown.”
Miss Brown smiled, although, of course, Fiona couldn’t see that. However, she could tell from the gentle tone of voice that her punishment was over.
Miss Brown said, “You took the punishment well, Fiona. Like I have said, that sets the bar for your future punishments when you are sent to see me. We now both know what that will mean.
I know you can’t see all that well yet, but I can tell you that your bottom is bright red, and bruised blue in places, and is certainly covered with livid raised welts. It is something you will need to get used to, but I think we both know that is what you want and need and so will happen.”
Fiona was just relieved that the punishment was over, although in a way it wasn’t because she was still standing with her hands on her head, naked except for her ankle socks, knowing that her hair mound was so easily seen by the seated Miss Brown. She wondered whether her pussy lips were damp, but knew that they would be soon enough. What would Miss Brown think if she realised that was the case, she pondered, increasingly concerned at the thought.
Miss Brown knew the benefit of leaving Fiona standing naked with her hands on her head, so she could see whether she was still turned on. Looking her up and down, she knew that she was.
Even though Fiona calmed down and felt more humiliated the more she stood there, she kept telling herself Miss Brown was the one in charge here. That’s the way it had to be and that’s the way she wanted it to be, and this experience told her this was really the right school for her to be at.
Miss Brown then said, “Girls in your year and above don’t sleep in a dormitory, but have one other girl only sharing the bedroom. I have chosen the girl for you, who is in the year above you, and can certainly guide you and get the best out of you.” After a few moments, she added, “In your case, she will have the authority to spank and thrash you and you will have to accept all of her decisions. Prepare yourself for that.”
With that, Miss Brown picked up the phone and Fiona heard her say, “Please will you excuse Shiho from her lessons and send her straight away to my Study.”
Fiona certainly wasn’t expecting a fellow student to be able to thrash her, but that would be yet another new experience for her. She realised that she was getting excited at the prospect and quivers were flying around her vulva.
Miss Brown watched Fiona’s reaction to the telephone discussion carefully and could tell from her face the likely thoughts going through her mind, and from her now clearly glistening hair mound exactly what they were.
To be continued …