Finding My Christmas Spirit

"My Sister-In-Law helps me find the true meaning of Christmas"

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My wife, Clara, has a Christmas problem. She starts playing Christmas music before Halloween and she makes me put up our tree on the first day of November. By the time December rolls around, Clara exudes this weird cheerful demeanor that borders on neurotic. If you think I’m exaggerating, consider the fact that she owns fourteen different Christmas sweaters. 

Even worse, her entire family is just as obsessed with Santa, reindeer, and elves. Last Christmas, we traveled to her brother’s house in Tennesee to celebrate, which is where this story truly starts. 

First, a little background. Clara and I have been married for seven years. We used to have a healthy sexual relationship but things have cooled off over the last few years. I hate to admit this but the reason why our sex went south is because of Clara’s Christmas addiction. She even started wearing those damn Christmas sweaters to bed every night, and they are the opposite of sexy. 

Clara even wanted me to start role-playing as Santa. Her fantasy was to sneak into our living room while I was eating milk and cookies where she would seduce me and go for a ride on my candy cane. It probably would have been fine but when Clara walked out of the bedroom, she was dressed as an elf in full costume. She even wore pointy ears. I started laughing, which apparently ruined the mood. I guess Santa doesn’t joke around when it comes to fucking his elves.

Anyway, we arrived at Clara’s brother’s house a few days before Christmas. The entire scene was my worst nightmare. Kids were running around in every direction screaming at the top of their lungs. Clara’s brother, Al, was already drunk on malt liquor. I swear to Saint Nick, that every single person in Clara’s family was wearing one of those goddamned Christmas sweaters. 

All except for me and one other person. That other person is Al’s wife, Natalie. If it weren’t for Natalie, my wife’s family would be easy to mistake for a Norman Rockwell Christmas painting. When we walked in the front door, she stood like a sentinel of sanity amidst the psychotic sea of Santa disciples scurrying about the living room.  

Natalie is the only person in the entire family with black hair. She’s also 5’10” tall, which also makes her the tallest person in the family except for me. For a second, it almost seemed like Natalie and I were standing in Santa’s workshop, surrounded by elves. If Santa really does fuck his elves, my brother-in-law’s house would have been one massive Yuletide orgy fuck-fest.

I hugged my way through parents, grandparents, cousins, nephews, and nieces until I finally made my way to Natalie. I’m only a couple of inches taller than she is, but Natalie was wearing heels that made her taller than me. The heels were black, and so was Natalie’s dress, which clung to every curve on her luscious body. 

As we hugged she whispered in my ear, “Thank baby Jesus you’re here.”

At first glance, nobody understands why Al and Natalie are married. Al is your typical pickup-truck-driving overweight southern redneck and Natalie is a physically fit statuesque beauty that teaches yoga. The long and short of it is that they were high school sweethearts. Al knocked Natalie up in their senior year and the rest is history.

Now their kid is seventeen and Natalie and Al are both thirty-four, the same age as me. While most of my wife’s family think Natalie is the oddball, in truth their entire family is mentally deranged. 

Natalie and I have always gotten along during Christmas because she hates it as much as I do. In years past, we’ve snuck away to drink beers, smoke some weed, or just enjoy another normal human being who isn’t possessed by the Christmas demon.

This trip was no different. Not an hour had gone by when I saw Natalie motion for me to come to the kitchen. I excused myself and met her by the back door where we slipped out unnoticed. 

My brother-in-law’s backyard is essentially the woods, so Natalie and I took a short walk and smoked a joint. We were only gone about twenty minutes but it was enough time to catch up a bit. Right before we walked back into the house, Natalie said, “In one more year Ruby (her daughter) is going to be eighteen. I’m planning on filing for a divorce.”

It was quite a lot to lay on me right before rejoining the circus but I can’t say it came as a surprise. It was something I’d heard Clara and her mother speculate about on more than one occasion. 

Eight long hours later, everyone was finally in bed. Al and Natalie have a nice house but one of its best features is the basement, which is decked out with a huge couch, giant television, and a beer fridge. It’s also entirely sound-proof. 

I didn’t want to risk waking anyone up, so I crept down into the basement, cracked open a beer, and turned on the TV. A half-hour later, I was watching porno on my phone. I was doing searches for tall brunettes and started fantasizing about Natalie. It was a fantasy I’ve enjoyed more than once. Then I pulled out my cock and rubbed one out.

The following morning, I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when Natalie walked in. She was wearing a silk robe that covered everything but was somehow still sexy as hell. 

“Good morning, Nick,” Natalie said. “How was your evening?”

“Great!” I answered. “I watched a little TV down in the basement and enjoyed time away from all of this wonderful holiday cheer.”

Natalie smirked and said, “You know, I had the same idea last night but when I walked down the stairs, I noticed you were already there.”

Surprised, I said, “I didn’t even notice…”

Natalie interrupted, “You were busy.” 

I was at a loss for words and felt a wave of embarrassment that undoubtedly made me blush redder than Rudolph’s nose. Then Natalie added, “Don’t worry, Nick. I only watched until you came.”

Then Natalie turned and walked right out of the kitchen. 

My embarrassment almost immediately changed into desire but with Santa’s minions all over the house, it seemed highly unlikely anything was going to happen with Natalie. Plus, I’d never cheated on my wife. 

A few minutes later Clara walked into the kitchen wearing her ugliest Christmas sweater and those fucking elf ears and I started to wonder why I hadn’t ever cheated on her. A holly jolly romp under the mistletoe with Natalie was sounding like the Christmas cheer I needed but all I could do was shake my head and walk out of the kitchen. As I left, Clara said, “Nick, you are such a grouch. When are you going to find some Christmas cheer?”

It was the day before Christmas Eve. Natalie was at work all day, so I was stuck in the house with drunk Al and all the family rugrats. That night, I was laying in bed next to Clara, who was snoring louder than the Polar Express, when I got a text message from Natalie.

“I owe you one. Come to the basement and watch a show.”

Was Natalie inviting me to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas Special or was she inviting me to watch something a bit more personal? Fairly confident it was the latter, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the basement. Careful to close the door behind me, I walked down the stairs until I could see Natalie on the couch. 

She was laying back against the armrest of the couch, wearing only a button-down blouse. Natalie’s legs were spread and she was using both hands to get herself off. I remained motionless as she fucked herself with two fingers while furiously rubbing her clit. Her head was tilted backward, eyes closed, and she let out these soft moans that were making me go wild. 

When she lifted up her blouse and her perfect titties spilled out, it was all I could take. I pulled Santa’s little helper out of my pants and put him to work. Matching Natalie’s pace, I stroked my raging hard cock until it was obvious we were both about to cum. 

Right at that moment, Natalie opened her eyes and turned to head to face me. Our eyes met and we exploded simultaneously. I shot my load halfway across the room while Natalie’s legs vibrated and she growled one long, “Fuuuck!” Our eyes remained locked. 

Then she winked at me and smirked. I gave her a knowing look and made my way back up the stairs to the guest room. I was still so fucking horny that I jerked off in bed next to Clara, fantasizing about her sexy sister-in-law the entire time.

The next day was Christmas Eve. I never once saw Natalie until we almost ran into each other walking into the dining room for Christmas dinner. 

The entire family was already at the table adorned in their formal Christmas attire, which was nothing more than their most obnoxious Christmas sweaters. My wife and her brother were also wearing plush reindeer antlers. 

Unbeknownst to Natalie and me, there was mistletoe hanging over the dining room entryway. Ed, believing he was some kind of jokester instead of the biggest idiot on the planet, said, “Oh no! You guys just walked under the mistletoe! Now you have to kiss!”

Clara, also oblivious to the obvious said, “Ed’s right! You two have to kiss now!”

Everyone at the table started laughing as though this was funnier than when Ed made the Elf on a Shelf look like it was passed out drunk on Jack Daniels. Natalie and I smirked at one another. For a moment, I actually thought about burying my tongue in my sister-in-law’s mouth right in front of the entire family. I had a mental image of pressing my body into hers and dry humping her right in between the glazed ham and mashed potatoes. 

But instead, we gave each other a little peck on the lips to a round of applause from the table. Natalie smelled like desire and I had to immediately sit down the hide the erection quickly forming in my pants. 

Ed motioned for me to sit at the head of the table. Clara was seated to my right and Natalie sat down immediately to my left. Then, for some ungodly reason, Ed asked me to say grace, which was a total dick move because he knows I am not religious in any way.

Everyone bowed their head and closed their eyes. 

“Dear Jesus,” I started. “Thanks for the food and the opportunity to be with family this Christmas.”

Suddenly, there was a hand on my left leg. I opened one eye. Natalie was staring back at me with a devilish grin. 

“May your blessing be with those less fortunate…”

Natalie’s hand slid up my leg until her hand was resting on my hard cock.

“…and especially those that are homeless, and the orphans….”

Natalie gripped my cock, using her fingers to squeeze the head. 

I glanced back up and Natalie mouthed the words, “I want this inside of me.”

“…In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“Wow, that was really nice, Nick” said Ed. “I’ve never heard you give such a long prayer. See! It’s not so hard!”

Without missing a beat, Natalie said, “Oh yes it is.”

Somewhere between bread pudding and pumpkin pie, I excused myself for a bathroom break. As I was walking back to the dining room, I heard a voice by the basement staircase. It was Natalie motioning me to join her in the basement. 

I walked over to her, looking behind me to make sure nobody was watching. Natalie grabbed my hand, pulled me through the doorway, and led me down the stairs.

The second we reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned to me and said “mistletoe!” before wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kissing me full on the mouth. As we made out, I used my hands to explore Natalie’s body. When I squeezed her perfect c-cup breasts, she whispered in my ear, “Do you like my sugar plums?”

“I sure do. What did you think of my candy cane?”

“It made me want to sit on Santa’s lap.”

“Santa has a present for you.”

Natalie’s grabbed my cock and said with a purr, “Is this my present, Santa?”

“Yes, but I need to put it in a box…”

I ran my hands down Natalie’s body until I reached the hem of her dress and pulled it up above her hips. When I put my hand between her legs I discovered she wasn’t wearing panties. Natalie’s pussy was soaking wet. She let out a growl as I massaged her slit. 

The sound of footsteps upstairs brought us back into reality. As Natalie straightened her dress, I made sure she could see me suck her juices off of my fingers. 

“You go first,” she said. “I’ll follow in a couple of minutes. But this isn’t over. Meet me here at midnight.”

Almost everyone was asleep by 11:30. I wasn’t. I was laying in bed listening to Clara snore but I had visions of sugar plums dancing in my head…

Twas the night before Christmas

When all through the house

Not a creature was stirring 

Not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung

On Nat’s legs with care,

In hopes that St. Dick

Would soon be in there.

I’ve never been one for poetry. 

When the clock struck midnight, I was already walking down the basement stairs. Natalie was waiting for me on the couch. As it turned out, she wasn’t wearing stockings. She was wearing the most-god awful Christmas sweater I’d ever seen along with a sarcastic smirk and nothing else. I laughed out loud.

“Why are you such a Scrooge?” Natalie asked. “Maybe you’d have a little more Christmas spirit if you came down my chimney.”

Natalie hitched up her sweater and spread her legs, her luscious pussy on full display. 

Without hesitation, I walked over to Natalie, knelt down between her legs, and said, “You are definitely going to be on the naughty list.” Then I buried my face in her pussy and stuck my tongue inside of her. Natalie rested her bare feet on my shoulders while I gently sucked her labia into my mouth and massaged her clit with my lips. 

Natalie was moaning like an overworked reindeer. She reached a crescendo and her legs began to vibrate on either side of my head. Then she squirted ever so slightly. 

I looked up to see Natalie staring into my eyes, biting her lower lip. Then she said, “It’s time to stuff your sister-in-law’s stocking, Nick.”

I stood up and took off my pants. Natalie lifted her sweater, exposing her tits and ridiculously huge nipples. 

“I can’t wait to scratch this off my Christmas wish list,” I said, gently rubbing my cock head against Natalie’s clit. Sliding my shaft against her soaking slit, I sucked on each of her nipples. As I leaned forward and kissed Natalie on the mouth, my cock slipped inside of her.

Natalie’s pussy was even more succulent than I’d imagined. It seemed to pull the entire length of my 7-inch cock fully inside before Natalie squeezed her kegel muscles to massage my cock. I felt her legs wrap around my body, holding me still so she could savor the feeling.

“Holy hell,” Natalie purred. “I guess Santa isn’t the only one coming tonight. You are so much bigger than your brother-in-law.”

I slowly started working Natalie’s pussy, pulling my cock almost all the way out of her pussy before sliding it all the way back in. Then I said, “And you’re so much tighter than your sister-in-law, and your sweater is somehow even uglier.”

“I figured if it was ugly enough, you would want to take it off of me.”

I paused for a second to pull off Natalie’s sweater and said, “I guess Christmas wishes do come true.”

After a quick laugh, Natalie and I adjusted our bodies so that she was straddling my lap. I sat back and enjoyed the view of Natalie grinding her hips into mine, her titties bouncing with every thrust, and the glorious feeling of her perfect pussy expertly fucking my cock. 

Natalie was fully enraptured, moaning with feral lust as she shouted out with glee and brought herself to another orgasm. 

Natalie leaned in and pressed her warm body into mine. Then she whispered, “Look Santa, you have a lot of other stops tonight, so why don’t you turn me over and parumpum pump cum in your sister-in-law’s pussy before Mrs. Claus sobers up enough to wonder where you are.”

Mere seconds later, I was staring down at Natalie’s gorgeous green eyes, my hands gripping her thighs, pinning back her legs, while my cock enjoyed every velvety crease of her forbidden pussy. I orgasmed so hard that I could feel my cum squirting out of Natalie’s cunt, all around my cock. 

Natalie reached down and scooped up some of my cum with her fingers before rubbing it onto her hard nipples. Then she commanded me to “lick it,” to which I eagerly obliged. 

Natalie and I made out for a minute before getting dressed and heading back upstairs. 

The following morning, the entire family sat around the living room watching the kids open their breakfast. Clara’s grandmother walked up from the basement shaking her head and said, “Somebody must have spilled some whipped cream on the couch downstairs. The dog won’t stop lapping the cushion!”

Natalie chimed in, “Santa probably was enjoying his milk and cookies down there and had a little accident.”

Clara’s eight-year-old cousin, Billy heard Natalie. His eyes got as wide as saucers and he said, “Santa was eating cookies in our basement last night?”

“He sure was,” I said. “I heard they were the sweetest cookies he’s had in a long time.”

Clara flashed a big smile, wrapped her arms around me, and said, “Oh honey! That was very sweet! You’re feeling the Christmas spirit!”

Looking over Clara’s shoulder, I made eye contact with Natalie and said, “I sure am, babe. This was the best Christmas ever.”

Published 3 years ago

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