I stop, turn to my left and look at myself in the hallway mirror. My hair is gelled and messily slicked back. I run my fingers through it and then smell my hand. Strawberry, my hair smells like strawberry. I laugh to myself and try not to think about the rest of my body smelling like blueberries.
My lovely Amanda appears from our living room and walks to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. She leans back, keeping her hands locked around my neck and smiles. We have been living together for eight years. I turned fifty last week. Amanda is twelve years younger than me.
“So, tell me all about your naughty adventure,” Amanda says, with a mischievous smirk on her lips.
I exhale deeply and sigh. Amanda leans in and sniffs my neck.
She chuckles to herself and says, “You smell like strawberries and blueberries.”
I playfully smack her ass and reply, “I was forced to take a bubble bath with all three of them. It was horrible. They did something to my hair that I never want to think about again.”
Amanda laughs out loud, pouts and asks, “Big, bad, mean Sir, didn’t like his birthday present?”
I grab both her ass cheeks and pull her tight to me and kiss her. Months before turning fifty, I found myself beginning to feel anxious about turning the big, Five O. The anxiety had gotten worse as my birthday neared. I couldn’t explain or understand why I was feeling this way. I talked with Amanda about the way I was feeling. She has always been very understanding and supportive. She is my beacon, my rock.
A few weeks back, Amanda came home and asked if I would introduce three of her students to the submissive lifestyle. All three had confided in her, that they were invited to a BDSM themed party, on their university campus, where Amanda is a professor. All three were curious and had decided that they would attend. Amanda tried to discourage them from attending, pointing out that they could get seriously hurt or abused. She explained that any alternative lifestyle should be practiced with great care and that they should educate themselves, prior to trying anything that is new to them.
When she felt that her message wasn’t getting through to them, she confided in them that she has been my sub for eight years. And that she would ask me if I would take them through a session. This would satisfy their curiosity and sense of adventure, in a safe environment, with an experienced Dom. And that they would be my birthday present, from her. Amanda showed the girls pictures of me from our summer vacation. They all agreed to the session. I had not seen pictures of the young ladies, but agreed to the session also.
“Thank you for the present, pet. But, I think I might be getting a bit too old for this,” I grin.
Amanda quickly dismisses my remark and replies, “Nonsense, fifty isn’t old. You are healthy, very active and in incredible shape. I notice how other women look at you. Stop your brooding and sit with me on the couch and tell me all about your present.”
As we walk hand in hand to our couch, I laugh and reply, “I wasn’t brooding, and for the record, I have never brooded.”
“You have been brooding, frowning and pouting for the last few months, Gil,” she replies back quickly. Then adds, “I hope your birthday present has cured you of this silly fear of turning fifty years old.”
I sit as she pours me a scotch and herself another glass of wine.
“Better make it a double, pet. This is going to take a while,” I say to her.
Amanda hands me the drink, I say thank you. She leans towards me, smiles and loosens my tie.
“Shall I disrobe for you, Sir?” she purrs, as she gently kisses my lips.
“Mmmmmmm, yes please,” I half growl and half whisper, in reply to her sexy offer.
I hold her drink and watch her slide the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders. Amanda turns around slowly. She wiggles out of her garment, her back to me and looking at me over her shoulder. I love her body. I never tire of looking at her, or touching her. She looks nowhere near her thirty seven years. Her large breasts are full and firm. Her waist is slim and tight, her belly is flat and toned. Her hips and ass, which Amanda thinks are both too big, are the perfect shape and size for her body. Her hips flare with perfect curved lines and her ass is firm, round and plump. Her legs are lean and toned and no other woman looks sexier in heels. She steps out of dress and sits next to me on the couch. I hold her hand as she tucks both her legs underneath her and leans on my chest. She shifts back and forth till she finds her spot.
“Now, start from the beginning and don’t leave anything out,” she grins.
I take a long sip of the scotch and begin narrating the events of the birthday present that she had arranged for me.
I start my tale, “I knew I was in trouble just after I knocked on the door. I heard shrieks and giggles and the obvious struggle on the other side of the door, of three young ladies fighting over who got to open the door.”
I take another sip of scotch and wait for Amanda to stop giggling, before I continue, “When the door finally flew open, I was greeted by your three lovely and overly excited students. All three had already stripped down to their thongs and bras. The three of them stood huddled together, just inside the doorway, looking me up and down. Cindy, the petite, cute redhead, leans over to Nadia, the busty brunette, and states that my goatee makes me look like a serial killer, in a sexy kind of way. To which Nadia replies, Cool.”
I wait for Amanda to stop laughing before I continue.
“Tara, the athletic blonde, blurts out that she is a little scared, but, she was hoping I looked so scary that she would pee herself.”
Amanda places her hand on my thigh and shakes it, motioning me to continue. She can’t talk because she’s holding back her laughter.
“It gets better, Amanda. Be patient,” I chuckle and continue, “I say hello and step into the room. In unison, all three take a step backwards. I had to smile at the sight of three scantily clad young ladies, huddled together moving backwards. Six jiggling, perky breasts, made the sight that much more enjoyable to watch. I proceed to take two steps forward, and six legs work in unison to take two steps backwards. I close the door behind me and ask them to introduce themselves. I extend my hand to Cindy, who is on my left. She takes a step forward and places her hand in mine. I lift her hand to my lips and gently kiss it.”
“Hi, I’m Cindy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master,” she excitedly rushes through her introduction.
“Hello Cindy, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gil. Please address me as, Sir,” I reply to her, in an even and friendly tone. “As I let go of her hand, she giggles and jumps back into the huddle and wraps her arm around Nadia, who is nestled in the middle.”
“Are any of you able to tell me why I asked to be addressed as, Sir and not Master? I ask them in a charming and secretly hopeful tone. The way Cindy jumps up and down and squeals, bursting to answer, made me hopeful that the session wouldn’t be as painful as I thought. That feeling didn’t last very long, Amanda,” I chuckle, as I squeeze Amanda’s arm.
“Oh Gil, be nice,” Amanda chuckles back to me, as she playfully slaps my thigh. “They are young and are curious and eager to experiment with different things. Imagine if they hadn’t had come to me and told me about the BDSM party, those campus jerks invited them to. They might have gotten hurt and emotionally scarred. They are all very bright young ladies. When I asked them if they would be interested in a Domsub session with you, they all swooned, you should be flattered.” She pauses to sip her wine and continues, “I did tell them that you would be gentle with them,” Amanda pauses again for few seconds, and then laughs out loud, “It’s not their fault you look like a sexy serial killer.”
I laugh at Amanda’s last comment and continue, “Believe me, Amanda. I am flattered and grateful and humble. I nod to Cindy, motioning her to answer my question. She clears her throat with an incredibly cute eh-em and answers, we are to address you as, Sir and not Master, with a serious look on her face, she pauses to look at her friends and continues, because you are old and it is polite to address our elders as, Sir.”
Amanda laughs so hard, I have to grab on to her to keep her from falling off the couch. After a few minutes Amanda manages to stop laughing, wipes the water from her eyes and steadies her breathing by taking deep breaths and long exhales.
In a cracking voice, she manages to get her words out, “Oh my poor, big, bad, Sir.” Then asks me, “How did you react to Cindy’s answer, Gil?”
“The only way I could react, I rubbed my temples and wondered if room service would deliver extra strength Tylenol to the room,” I grin.
“You are horrible!” Amanda laughs out.
I continue, “I reacted by giving them an assignment. I told them I wanted them to write a five thousand word essay, on the differences between a Domsub relationship and a Masterslave relationship. And that you would be more than happy to assist them with it.”
Shocked, Amanda cries out, “You did not! You evil man…I love it. I am more than happy to assist them. I am sure it will be hot study session.”
“Oh, I am sure it will be hot. They were excited about the assignment and the opportunity to ask you questions.” I take a sip of my scotch and continue. “I do the same with Nadia and Tara. I kiss their hand, as we introduce ourselves to each other. Then, all three turn around and run to get their cell phones. They run back and huddle around me, squealing and hopping in place. When I ask what they are doing, they answer that they want to take a group selfie, so they could post the photos on line. I sternly inform them that I will not allow that. My order is met with awwwws and whys and c’mons, pleases, and Tara calling me a meanie. I ask them to turn off their phones and hand them to me and that I will give them back, at the end of the session. Amanda, that was horrible mistake on my part.”
Amanda chuckles and asks me why.
“I now possess a firsthand experience that wolverines are not the only predator whose eyes glow red when they are threatened. In fact, I made a mental note to contact National Geographic and ask them to film a documentary, on the similarities in behavior,between wolverines and scantily clad young ladies with cell phones,” I reply, jokingly.
Amanda chuckles as she replies, “Gil, you are horrible. My girls are not like wolverines. Hmmmph! You are a meanie.”
Laughing to myself, I tease Amanda, “You were not there, all I could to do was repeat, don’t let them smell your fear, don’t let them smell your fear, in my mind.”
Amanda raises her head off my chest and looks at me, “I don’t believe you for a second, Gil,” she chuckles. “You are exaggerating and being silly. Now, get on with the story,” she adds, as she nestles herself back on my chest.
“I might have exaggerated a bit,” I grin. “Reluctantly, they hand me their phones. I place them in my jacket pocket. I remove my tie and jacket and drape them over the end of the couch. I look at the three girls and ask if they are ready to begin our session.”
I pause, take a mall sip of scotch and sigh out loud. Amanda laughs at my sigh.
“They start jumping up and down, squealing and clapping their hands. I ask them to settle down and ask if they have any questions. They all rush towards me and shout out their questions at the same time. Can we spank you? Can we see your abs? Can we tie a ribbon around your cock and pet it like a puppy? Can we tie you up and tickle you? Can we have a pillow fight? I ask them to calm down and that I will answer all their questions. They scramble back into their huddle formation and anxiously await my answers. I let them know that the answers to all their questions, is no, with the exception of seeing my abs. They will see them, once I am ready to get naked.”
“Mmmmmm,” Amanda purrs.
“I explain that the session is an introduction. I will gauge their reactions and try to make it as pleasurable for them as possible. Then I ask if they have any ideas as to what they would like to experience. Chaos is the only word that can describe what happened next, Amanda,” I chuckle. “Tara drops to her hands and knees in front of me, wiggles her ass, grabs her long blonde hair and offers it to me, shouting, pull my hair, spank my ass and call me a dirty little whore! Nadia bolts towards the bed and dives towards it. In midair she turns her body one and eighty degrees and lands on her back on the bed. She spreads her legs and lifts her knees, shouting at me to watch her masturbate and that she wants to cum for me. Cindy bolts for the bathroom, shouting that she has to pee and that she wants me to watch her pee. Keep in mind, Amanda, this all happens at the same time,” I say, trying to hold back my laughter.
Amanda laughs and replies, “I take it they were more than ready to start the session.”
I continue, “Unfortunately, that’s when I hit rock bottom with this turning fifty silliness. I raise my voice and yell at them to stop,” I pause and take a long sip of my scotch.
Amanda sits up and looks at me with deep concern on her beautiful face. She remains silent, anxiously waiting for me to continue.
I smile at her, to ease her worry and calmly continue, “The look of shock and disappointment on their pretty faces, snapped me out of my brooding. I recognized that I was at a defining moment. The moment was going to define me, or, I was going to define the moment. I chose to define the moment. I felt the fire come back to me, I felt it burn in my eyes. I could feel my posture and facial expression change. Your three young ladies noticed the change also. The expression on their faces changed from wide eyed, excited smiles, to a lustful, please fuck the shit out of me, Sir. I calmly ask them to come and sit on the couch. They make their way to the couch silently and obediently. I apologize to them, for raising my voice and assure them that I would understand if they wanted to leave.
I look at Amanda and ask her, “Your thoughts, luv?”
“You have never raised your voice to me, Gil,” she states, and asks in a worried voice, “Are you okay?”
I reply with a smile, “I am okay. I think the scream was directed more towards me, than to your beautiful students. Now, lay your pretty head on my chest and let me continue. The sexy fun is about to start.”
Amanda gives me a quick kiss on the lips and lies back down on my chest.
I continue, “I ask them all to stand up and turn around. They jump to their feet and turn around. I tell them that they all look stunning in their undergarments. But now, I want them naked. I proceed to undo their bras and remove their thongs. I take a step back and ask them to turn around and face me. My eyes roam over every inch of their bodies. Their faces flush bright red under my stare.
Amanda moans and asks, “Mmmmmm, the same stare that makes my knees weak and puts butterflies in my stomach?”
I grin and answer, “Yes, that stare, my pet.”
“I am so jealous now,” Amanda moans and unconvincingly pouts.
“Next, I extend my hand to Cindy and inform her that she will be first. Since she wanted me to watch her pee, she could pee in front of all of us. I lead her by the hand to the sunken bathtub in the master suite, with Nadia and Tara following us. I guide her to the middle of the sunken tub and grab the shower nozzle. I stand at the edge of the sunken tub and order Nadia and Tara to kneel at my sides and place their hands on their laps. Now, spread your pussy and pee for us, Cindy, I order. Cindy blushes, spreads her legs and parts her pussy for us. Her face gets redder as she tries to pee. I let her know that she has the option to refuse my order. She shakes her head and tells me that it might take a while for her to pee because we are all looking at her. She is slightly embarrassed and incredibly cute. I ask if she would like my assistance, she nods yes, as she bites her lower lip. I set the water temperature to cold, from the nozzle, and aim it directly at Cindy’s spread pussy. I turn the nozzle on and the cold water sprays onto Cindy. She squeals and jumps, her hands flailing, trying to stop the cold water from assaulting her. I chuckle as I move the nozzle and watch the water hit her breasts. The goose bumps on her skin are immediately visible. Her nipples double in size. She’s adorable when she’s squealing and jumping.”
Amanda gasps and purrs, “You deliciously, evil, sexy man.”
“Thank you, my pet,” I reply, with a smile and continue my tale. “I turn the nozzle off and ask Cindy if the water helped. She squeals out that it didn’t and that she is freezing now. I turn the temperature of the water to warm and spray Cindy’s breasts again. She welcomes the warmth of the water running down her body, with a satisfying moan. I order her to look at me and to spread her pussy for her audience. She settles down and does as she is ordered. It takes a while, but she finally starts to pee. That’s when I turn the water temperature to cold, again. She squeals and stops peeing. I chuckle and order her to keep her pussy spread and finish peeing. She gasps and squeals and manages to spread her pussy. I keep the water cold for a bit, and then change the temperature to warm. Cindy gives out a sigh of relief and starts peeing again. I keep the water aimed at her breasts till she finishes peeing. I ask her if she is done. She replies yes. I order her to masturbate for her audience. My words shock her. The sudden rush of mixed emotions, arousal, lust, and a bit of fear, is evident across her face. The moment I was waiting for, my cock starts throbbing.”
Amanda is rubbing her pussy now, she is hot. “Mmmmmmm…I wish I could have been there to watch Cindy masturbate,” she purrs.
I smile and continue. “Now Cindy, I growl, masturbate for us. Her hands quickly move to her mound and she starts rubbing her wet pussy. She moans loudly, as the warm water cascades down her body and over her clit. I turn the nozzle setting from spray, to pulsate, and slowly lower the nozzle, till the water is hitting just below her bellybutton. Cindy moans louder and rubs her clit faster. I order her to slow down her rubbing. She moans and bites her lip as she slows her hand down. I lower the nozzle till the water is pulsating directly on her clit. Cindy screams and throws her head back. I increase the temperature of the water. Cindy immediately responds to the hot pulsating stream, with a long scream and a long quiver, as she cums.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh, Gil! That was so hot! Lucky Cindy,” Amanda purrs.
“I turn the water off and grab a towel. I hold it spread out against my chest and Cindy rushes to the towel and into my arms. I wrap the towel around her and ask her if she liked what I did to her. She unconvincingly pounds on my chest with her fists and pouts, saying that she hated the cold water. She unclenches her fists and runs her hands over my chest. I smile down at her and ask if she would like to unbutton my shirt. Cindy nods and begins to unbutton my shirt. I ask her to take it off for me. She quickly pulls it off me and drops it to the floor. I drop the towel and pull her naked body to me. She moans as our skin comes in contact. She presses her breasts hard against my chest. I hold her for a bit, before announcing that it’s now Nadia’s turn.”
Amanda purrs, “Mmmmmm…lucky Nadia.”
“I take Nadia’s hand and walk her to the bedroom. I order her to lie down on the bed and order Cindy and Tara to kneel on the bed, on either side of Nadia. When they are in their positions, I remove my shoes and socks, undo my belt, unzip my pants and step out of my boxers and pants. I allow the three lovely young ladies a moment to look at me. Their stares and facial expressions bring my cock to full erection. I smile at Nadia and order her to scoot her ass closer to me, till her hips are half off the mattress. She moves quickly. I grab her ankles and place her sexy feet against my chest. I take her right foot in my left hand, pull it away from my chest and gently nibble on her heel. Nadia moans and smiles at me. I nibble harder and Nadia moans louder. Then I begin to spank the top of her perfect foot and order her to masturbate for us. She purrs, yes Sir, and slides her hand slowly over her pussy. I bite her heel again and begin to spank the bottom of her foot. She gasps softly, with each slap.”
Amanda moans, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I love it.”
“I look at Cindy and Tara and order them to hold Nadia’s legs open wide. They eagerly grab a leg each and spread Nadia wide. Their eyes glued to Nadia’s drenched, exposed pussy and her fingers caressing her slit. I grab my cock. Cindy and Tara both turn their attention to my cock. I rub the head of my cock over Nadia’s wet slit. She gasps and jerks her hips at the touch of my cock. Then, I ever so slowly slide my cock inside Nadia. I feel her pussy clamp down on every inch, as I enter her. When I’m completely inside Nadia, she begins to grind her hips. I slap her left breast and growl, do not fuck my cock. You wanted me to watch you masturbate, so masturbate for me. All three jumped with a start, from the sound of the slap on Nadia’s breast. Nadia looks at me and mouths, Yes Sir. Good girl, I say to her and smile.”
“Fuck, Gil. You are going to make cum,” Amanda groans.
I reply to Amanda, in an authoritative tone, “Rub your pussy and clit, but do not cum. Not just yet.”
Amanda moans in protest and purrs, “Yes, Sir.”
Amanda loves orgasm denial, she loves being teased and stimulated for hours and not being allowed to cum. I love her in that state. She looks so sexy, aroused, moaning and trembling.
“I allow Nadia to masturbate for a minute or two, and then order her to squeeze my cock with her pussy. She is all too happy to obey. I watch her stomach muscles ripple and tense up. She holds her breath and keeps a constant, tight grip on my cock, from deep inside her. Cindy and Tara lick their lips and moan. I slowly begin to pull my cock out of Nadia. She loosens her grip on my cock and moans out loud. When I have half the length of my cock withdrawn, I slap Nadia’s breast again and remind her to keep masturbating. She yelps and starts rubbing herself again. I can feel her pussy getting tighter and hotter. She is close to cumming. I reach for her large breasts and knead them roughly, sinking my fingers deep into her soft flesh. She responds with loud gasps and moans. I watch Nadia bring herself closer to orgasm. She bites her lip and throws her head back. I feel her pussy get ready to explode in orgasm, I pull my cock completely out of her and thrust back inside her, hard and fast. Her hands fly to her sides, her fingers dig into the mattress. Her face freezes in a silent scream. She shakes violently for a moment and finally exhales in a long, low moan.”
I pause and take a sip of scotch. Amanda is wincing in pain to cum.
“Pleeeeease?” Amanda achingly moans, enjoying every second of being denied her orgasm.
“No,” I grin and continue, “I wait for Nadia to stop shaking and pull my cock out of her. I grab both her ankles, and order Cindy and Tara to keep Nadia’s knees parted. I press the bottom of her feet together. Then slowly slide my hard cock between her feet. It doesn’t take long for me to cum. My cock spurts out cum, in thick, long, liquid strands. It drips into a big puddle on Nadia’s belly. When my orgasm subsides, I release Nadia’s ankles and grab Cindy by her long blonde hair. I look at her and order her to eat my cum off Nadia’s belly. Wide eyed, she nods yes, I push her mouth onto Nadia’s belly and watch her hungrily lick and slurp up my cum. Still holding Cindy’s face pinned to Nadia’s belly, I order Tara to lick the cum off Nadia’s feet. I watch as Tara licks and slurps. Her tongue slides between Nadia’s toes, and laps up my cum. When Tara is satisfied that she has gotten all the cum off Nadia’s feet, she looks at me and smiles. I pull Cindy up to a kneeling position, by her hair. I look at Nadia and order her on her hands knees. She quickly rolls over and props herself up on all fours. Now, clean your sweet cum of my cock and balls, I smile to Nadia. He eyes light up and she licks and sucks all her cum off my cock and balls.”
“Ohhhhhhhhhh, Gil, pleeeeeeease?” Amanda begs.
“No,” I grin and continue, “I pull Cindy off the bed by the hair and lead her to the coffee table. I order her to get on her hands and knees, up on the coffee table. I order Nadia and Tara to kneel on either side of the coffee table, facing each other. I push Cindy’s face to the surface of the coffee table and tell her to keep her ass, high in the air for me. I growl at her in a low voice. You are not a dirty little whore, Cindy. You are a beautiful, intelligent, young lady. But, for the next little while, you will be my dirty little whore. To do as I please with.”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhfffuuuuuuuccckkkk, Gil, pleeeeeeease?”Amanda begs me again.
I grin and reply, “You will not be allowed to cum tonight, Amanda. Enjoy the rest of the story and do not interrupt me again.”
Amanda squirms a bit and calms down, happy in the thought that I will keep her in her aroused state, till the morning.
“Cindy nods her head and tells me that she would love to be my dirty little whore. I run my hand over her firm ass cheeks and squeeze them tight. I tell Cindy that I am going to enjoy spanking her whore ass, till it glows red and hot. Cindy moans at my words and wiggles her ass. I lay a hard slap on her left ass cheek. She screams at the shock of the blow and tries to lift her head. I hold her head pinned to the coffee table. Don’t move, I growl at her. Another slap from my hand lands on her right ass cheek. I pick up the pace and alternate slapping each ass cheek. Both cheeks glow pink, quickly. Cindy begins to silently sob after twelve smacks on each of her cheeks. I stop the spanking and rub her pussy, it’s drenched. She is dripping wet. My hand on her pussy causes her to moan louder. I rub her pussy harder, and Cindy pump her hips to my rhythm. I force my hand between her legs and part them. I rub her pussy hard and fast for a few seconds, I stop rubbing and slap it. Cindy moans and growls at me to spank her pussy harder. I grin and slap her pussy hard. Her body jerks, she brings her legs together, squeezing them tight. She lets out a short scream and shakes violently in orgasm. It’s an intense and long orgasm. I look over at Nadia and Tara, they are staring at Cindy, wide eyed with mouths agape. I wait for Cindy to settle down. I lean and kiss her cheek, as I let go of her hair. I help her off the coffee table and ask all three lovely young ladies, to take a seat on the couch.”
Amanda moans in approval.
“When they’re seated and waiting anxiously for me to speak, I announce that they all made me very happy and I am very proud of them. I tell them that I wish we could spend the entire night together. They almost jump off the couch. I give them a stern look and remind them to stay seated and that the session is not over yet. I walk to my jacket and fetch their cell phones. They each take their phones and patiently wait to see if I say anything else. I sit on the couch between Nadia and Tara and wrap my arms around them. I ask Cindy to sit on my lap, she quickly and silently obeys and plops herself on my lap, wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. Ladies, the session is over. You may take a group selfie. And please don’t forget to send copies to Amanda and I.”
Amanda sighs out loud, “Oh Gil. That was incredibly sweet of you.”
I laugh and reply, “It was also sweet that I agreed to a blueberry bubble bath and to whatever they did to my hair. Oh, by the way, we are formally invited to join them for spring break this year. They want us to party our faces off, with them.”
“I would love that,” Amanda purrs.
“I promised your girls, that I would discuss it with you and let them know our answer. If you want to join them for spring break, I will make the arrangements for all five of us. It’s less than a month away. I am sure it will be a lot of fun,” I respond to Amanda’s purr.
“Thank you, Gil. Thank you for looking after my girls for me,” Amanda sincerely says to me.
“Thank you, for a much needed birthday present, my pet. It was my pleasure looking after your girls. They are sweet young ladies. They think the world of you. You are by far their favorite professor. And, thank you, for putting up with my brooding, pouts and frowns, over the last few months,” I warmly reply.
Amanda chuckles and asks, “How do you like feeling fifty, now?”
I laugh and reply, “I don’t feel fifty, or forty, or thirty. I feel like, me. And it’s a great feeling. Now, let’s go to bed. You’re in for a long day tomorrow, Amanda.”