As I was driving away, Phil called. I picked it up in an excellent mood.
“Hi, buddy. How are you doing?”
“What the fuck did you just do with Mr. McCoy?”
“Come over now! Don’t drive away.”
“Fuck! Damn! This is just great. Were we under camera?” I laughed in sheer amusement
“Clear as a day, dude! What were you thinking? You would be fired on the spot if I weren’t here!”
“Well, that’s not much of a problem now. Damn, this is hilarious. Can you make me copy?”
“You are crazy, man. Hurry till Don comes back from lunch break!”
“Seriously, man. Please make me a copy! I am on my way.”
I was grinning like crazy. This is the best way this could go down. And I will even have a memento! What a day! It definitely makes up for yesterday!
I parked the car nearby and went into the door with the sign Security Control Room. I knocked, and Phil opened it in like two seconds. I was still one huge smile, and he couldn’t help but grin also.
“You are really something, man!”
“Bet I am. Can I see it?”
“You better hope no one else will see it.”
“Have you made a copy?”
“Tell me you haven’t done it on purpose.”
“Well, I did, but I honestly wasn’t thinking about where cameras could be.”
“I could get fired for giving this to you, so don’t you dare to show it to anyone who can … You know I don’t even want to give it to you!”
“Come on, man. Don’t worry. I won’t use it in any other way than personal entertainment. I promise!” I raised my hand in a swearing gesture
“You better not!”
He handed me a flash drive, and I put it in my pocket.
“I will not play it now for you, man. Don will be here any minute.”
“Don is cool, man.”
“Maybe, but still, no.”
“But now. What were you thinking? You know that guy?”
“Met him yesterday,” I smirked
“Do you know who he is?”
“Other than Karl’s fiance?”
“They got engaged?”
“Yeah, I heard him boasting about that before I went into that elevator.”
“And you just like that made him suck your dick?”
“Well, I am a very charming person.”
“Fucking hell. I nearly cummed myself watching the two of you. I was just sorry I can’t lip-read. So what did you two do yesterday? Did you meet on Tinder or something?”
“No, I bumped into him with my car.”
“How the fuck you do that, man?”
“I can show you if you want, buddy.” I winked at him
“No thanks, man. I am a loyal boyfriend. Still, I have to say that was something!”
I smirked. I must say it was good.
“What would you do if Karl found out?”
“You joking? I would be the happiest man alive if he came down at the moment his man ate my load.”
“Because that fuck fired me yesterday.”
“How could he fire you?”
“He was using Miss D. as a personal slave, and no one said anything, so I calmly reminded him that she is not his PA. Then we had a little talk, and after a few minutes, I was so rampant I told him a couple of heartfelt opinions and maybe raised my voice and swore at him a couple of times.”
“Man… Why? I mean, I know Karl is a jerk, but he is not worth getting fired over.”
“Too late now. And I am glad I did it. The guys are furious, and he will have a hard time using any of them like that anymore. And he knows that.”
“Damn… Still. I must say I am sorry.”
I just shrugged my shoulders. What’s done is done.
“Who will be taking me now to the gym?”
“You can always ask Peter.”
“No thanks, I am scared of Ben.” He laughed
“Ben is a sweetheart, plus it is his gym. So why would he be mad?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even talk with Peter that much.”
“You know Phil; it’s just the two of us here. You can admit you like him.”
“Stop it. I find him attractive, but I don’t need any drama. No hookup is worth the years of life we have with Glen.”
“You practically trip over your feet when he is around, man.”
“Ok, save it. I will take the bus. I will save the environment.”
“Just between us, buddy, Ben and Peter are very open. I am telling you, try it.” I winked at him, and he blushed. Cute.
“Ok, I am sorry you are leaving, but I don’t want to keep you. Bye.”
“Ok, ok, got it. And Phil. Thanks again!”
“Don’t mention it. Seriously do not!”
I stopped with my hand on the door “Phil?”
“What is his name?”
“You don’t know the name of a guy that sucked your dick?”
“Wouldn’t be the first, but now I know the surname, I am kind of curious.”
“Damn, man… wait.”
He looked at the screen and, after a few seconds, said, “Kyle. Now bounce!”
I grinned and opened the door, just meeting Don returning from lunch.
“What you doing here, young man?”
“I came to say goodbye. I was fired yesterday and told Phil I won’t drive him to the gym anymore.”
“That sucks. I am sorry.”
We spent a few minutes talking about my unfortunate decision and then said goodbyes as I went to my car.
Kyle McCoy. Cute name for a presumable top. Shame I haven’t got a chance to tap that. But, who knows, maybe he’ll call.
It was a few days after I got fired. But, I must say, I enjoyed my free time, and with Karl’s fiance as a parting gift, I had a much better mood than most recently fired people.
I started going to the gym every morning, which set the tone nicely for my days. That Kyle guy never called, but honestly, it would be just a cherry on top, so I wasn’t particularly sad about him not contacting me.
I got into researching some gear and thinking about remodeling my basement. I saw an empty wall and felt like a boulder would fit nicely there. For some reason, the youtube algorithm sent me a few good bouldering videos, and I liked how it looked. I had good arm strength, but I had never bouldered before. Being a big guy, I just thought its not for me. But after seeing some of the climbers, I thought I was wrong the whole time, and I now have an excellent opportunity to try it. I looked online for bouldering gyms around and found one close enough. It was even on the way to Ben’s, so I can use both if I feel like it.
I signed up the next day and started. It was surprisingly hard at first, but in a few weeks, I already met a few guys who really helped me progress. My strength came in handy also. I just needed to learn to work with it differently than I used to. It was really fun and, I must admit, addictive.
But let’s be honest here for a second. You are not here to read about my boulder journey. You want to know what happened with the suit guy. And damn, was I lucky! Because he never called. But one day. I was just changing when the door opened, and a guy in a grey sweater and black pants stepped in. I wasn’t paying much attention to him until I realized he had stopped frozen in front of me. I looked up, and I couldn’t stop grinning.
“Hello, smudge on pants.”
“I see you copied my style, smudgy pants,” I said with the broadest grin and went with my fingers through my beard. His dark hair was again combed back into a sleek hairstyle as if he had just gone to the barber this morning, but he had started growing a beard. Of course, perfectly trimmed and styled, it gave his face an excellent strong vibe. I loved it! I think I will now tell all my soft-cheek fuckboys to try and grow some.
“It suits you. You look hot as fuck with it. I definitely approve, smudgy pants.”
“What are you doing here?” He stammered. I couldn’t tell if he was confused, shocked, or scared, but he definitely wasn’t thrilled to see me. I, on the other hand, was just overjoyed.
How fun, round two!
“What do you think I am doing in a boulder gym? I come here for ballet lessons, of course.” He looked back at the door as if he was considering leaving this second. We cannot have that, can we… Ok, the big boy is shy. Let’s give him some breathing room. I smirked and took my things.
“Well, this has been fun, but guys are waiting for me, so if you don’t want to give quick head now, I will go.” I winked at him and walked towards the door.
When I was right next to him, I couldn’t help myself, and towering over him, I bent a little to his ear and whispered, “Try not to stare at me the whole time, or I might get the idea you want a rematch. And I am dying to sink into a hot muscle pussy.”
I bit his earlobe lightly and flicked my tongue on it. He turned to me with an angry and defiant look. I wasn’t buying that, as I could see him twitching when I was saying that. I returned the stare for a little bit, just a few inches from his face. Then I smiled, showing my white teeth before leaving him standing there.
I met with my new morning crew, and we got into a little room designed for working out and warm-ups. They were great guys, all straight but fun to joke with, and they have been coming here thrice a week in the mornings for a quick workout and some climbing, as they all work in a company just next street. So I joined them naturally, and soon they grew to love me. We had a blast when I noticed Kyle coming in.
“Hey, Kyle! Over here!”
They all turned to him and looked at me quizzically with smiles. I waved at Kyle like we had been buddies for the past few years.
He looked at me, confused, and when he saw the guys smiling, he just walked over.
I took him by the shoulders and introduced him to my new friends.
“Guys, this is Kyle. We met in the locker room, and we couldn’t believe we were going to the same gym. Kyle, this is Chad, Stan, and Zack. I pointed to each one. Kyle, here is the fiance of my ex-boss. We met when I hit him with my car.”
“Damn, you ok?” Stan asked Kyle
“Yeah, it wasn’t nothing major.” Kyle tried to act cool, but he was obviously not expecting all this.
“I ruined his expensive pants,” I said mockingly, grinning, and then turned to guys and, with a smirk, said: “he had to wash them.”
They started laughing, and Kyle joined them. He looked handsome, laughing. I liked that. I still had a firm grip on him and playfully squeezed him a little.
“You are new here, Kyle?”
“Yeah, I just moved to the area, and this is the closest boulder gym.”
“How sweet. Then you can join us regularly,” I said enthusiastically.
“I don’t want to impose.”
“Don’t stress it. Ross here needs all help he can get!” Zack chipped in with a mocking grin.
“Shut up, Zack. I’m getting better!”
“That’s true.” he smiled at me and then turned to Kyle, still calmly staying under my arm, “Kyle, you bouldered before?”
“Yeah, since my twenties, I love it.”
“Sweet, you can give me some private lessons when these guys go to work.” I turned to him with a smile.
“I need to work as well,” he replied, looking into my eyes. I just realized his eyes were not brown as I thought but had this hint of green.
“I am sure you can find the time for me.” I winked at Kyle.
“Right. Do you want to warm up and join us out?” Stan asked.
“Yeah, sure, thanks,” Kyle replied with a smile.
I let go of him and smirked. “See you out there, big guy.”
I was just on the wall when I heard guys welcoming him behind me. I looked around and lost a grip on one grabbing spot resulting in my fall. Damn, I wanted to make a good impression.
“You ok, Ross?”
“Sure, big guy here distracted me.”
“Oh, look at the sore loser. I am going up, or do you want to try it, Kyle?”
“You go ahead. I will check out the routes first.”
I couldn’t help but soak his muscled body in. He had nicely defined shoulders and biceps, a perfect V shape, and a bubble butt with lean, strong legs. Damn, he looked yummy!
He noticed me looking at him. I winked at him before I told the guys I needed to ask Fred something and went to the counter.
“Fred, since when that guy in the green shirt comes here?”
“He just signed up today, but he’s probably been climbing for some time. Why?”
“Just asking. Did he already pay the whole month ahead?”
“He paid three. Do you know him?”
“We’ve met.” I smiled and turned to Fred with a smile.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
“Sure, you take care.”
I turned and caught Kyle looking at me with dreamy eyes. Cute.
Fucking check!
How nice, and just in time when I started to think I should find myself some tight pussy.
We had a great session. Kyle moved so fluently that soon we changed the spot to a different part of the hall, where the difficulty was much higher. This angle was considerably harder to hold on to, but there was no way I would admit that. So I just tried my best. Kyle gave me some valuable pointers, and in the end, I even managed one part I had deemed impossible before. I was so excited that I grabbed him in a bear hug and messed up his hair playfully.
He grinned slightly and pushed me away with a laugh.
Zack and Stan needed to bounce after a while, and soon Chad as well. Kyle grew nervous seeing them leave, and after a few minutes of awkward stares, he told me he also needed to go to work.
“Sure, let’s go, big guy.”
“You can stay if you want.”
“And who would you be then checking out in the shower?” I winked at him and, not waiting for a response, I led the way.
We came to a locker room and realized all four showers were taken, so we just put out our towels, undressed, and sat on the bench, waiting.
“Why did you move?”
“I moved in with Karl.”
“Right. How long are you two together?”
“About four years.”
“And you moving together only now?”
“I gave him quite hard times before. He was the first guy I was with, and it took me a long time to admit to myself that I swung that way.”
“So you’ve been straight before?”
“I suppose I was bi, but you know how it is with jocks.”
“Sure, I turned quite a few of them into hungry bitches.”
He shook his head and grinned.
“Riiiight, so how did that cunt get you to like him anyway?”
“He was sweet and patient, and don’t talk about him like that.”
“Oh, we are the strong protective type? I dig that, but Karl is a cunt, no pun intended.”
“I mean it, Ross, don’t take him in your mouth like that.”
“Look, you obviously never worked under him. He is a self-loathing little man who boosts his ego by ordering people around.”
“And I just started to like you…” he shook his head in disappointment.
I leaned closer to his ear and whispered hoarsely, “I started to like you when you nearly cummed, licking my pit.”
He looked at me, definitely turned on a little yet still defiant.
“That is never happening again,” he said slowly.
I just smirked, “If you say so, boy…”
One shower became available, and we both stared at each other who would go in. Kyle didn’t have the guts, so I snickered and stood up.
“Don’t stare too much, pretty boy.” I pulled the towel away, turned, and walked to the shower butt-naked.
I already had a semi but managed to walk under the showerhead without others staring, as most guys mind their own business there. Soon I heard Chad calling on Kyle that he could use the shower. He then explained that he needed to go, and it was great meeting him. They agreed on the day after tomorrow and said their goodbyes.
I took my time on purpose, knowing very well that about this time, showers and lockers get pretty much deserted as most people go to work, and only a few people stay. Those are now out on the wall or in the gym.
And as I thought, I soon heard the rest of the showers stop, and only one remained running. So I turned, and right on cue, Kyle was checking me out, and his dick was definitely not flat.
I smirked at him and looked openly at his naked figure.
Yeah, this guy definitely prides himself on being an alpha. He had a typical jock body, and on his left pec was this tribal tattoo that should feel cheesy but somehow matched his appearance in a way that gave him the vibe of a rough warrior. It looked smoking hot.
“Love that ink. What’s that?”
“My mom is Polynesian, and when I was there a few years back, I got it done.”
“I wouldn’t guess. I’d have you for stuck-up, posh, white boy with lots of tan.”
Kyle chuckled. “I take after father quite a lot.”
I didn’t care to be honest. I would much rather hear about something other than his family as I saw that his dick was calming down.
“Cute.” I turned off the water and walked to Kyle. I stopped, towering over him under the stream.
“What you think, you doing?”
“I didn’t shower my pits yet. So, I thought, I will give you a chance to clean them like the last time. You’ve seemed to enjoy that back then.”
His dick again grew to attention as he was looking at me.
“I don’t do this.”
“Right, I must have confused you with another horny slut that worshipped my pit,” I said slowly with a coarse whisper staring into his big eyes.
He stood there frozen quiet.
“Then I suppose I should clean myself.”
I reached behind him for the shower gel dispenser. I was leaning over him and not even looking at him this time.
I felt his hand on mine. I smirked inwardly.
I looked down at my muscled bitch. His eyes were hazy. Dark hair, wet and falling on the sides of his face flat.
He looked unsure and scared, cute and hot as fuck.
“How can you be sure no one would come?” he whispered.
“I can’t,” I growled hungrily above him.
His lips parted as he breathed out. I dove into that mouth, pulling him up to me roughly. His tongue invited me as if he needed that the whole time.
I pressed him onto the shower wall and raised his leg while supporting his other side with my left hand. He threw his arms around my neck, and we made out like this, my dick humping the bottom of his firm butt.
Then we heard the door open, and both froze, looking at each other. Kyle tapped on my hand that held up his leg. I let go of it, and he ran to the next shower fast, facing the wall.
We heard a closing locker and the door again as that cockblock left. We smirked at each other, but the moment was gone.
Kyle took his towel, wrapping it around his waist. His dick softened a bit again, but he was still hard.
Damn it. I turned off the water and went after him.
I caught him dressing in his jockstrap with lightning speed.
“Shit. That was close.” he grinned at me.
“Yeah,” I said with a serious face.
“So you will be here Wednesday?”
I came behind him, pressing my cock covered only with a damp towel on his lower back, as I put my arms on the lockers, caging him there. He stopped. I leaned closer and whispered into his ear, “You can just ditch your work and come to mine if your pussy is twitching, big guy.”
“My pussy is exit only, asshole,” he turned to me serious
“Yet you call it pussy.” I leered at him.
“You did,” he was trying to stay his ground, but his will was shaking. He was definitely hungry for me.
“And you didn’t mind.”
“I like to call it pussy as well,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“How cute, even yours.”
“No. I don’t bottom.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I don’t,” He looked severe now and slightly offended.
“So, you a virgin?”
“No. I am top.”
“Damn… you are my muscled virgin, how beautiful…”
I lowered to his neck and licked it after saying that.
I felt him tremble slightly.
“How many guys fucked your pussy, asshole?”
“A selected few, I like to know all kinds of pleasure, but most of all, popping some cute muscled top cherry. I like overpowering other tops to show them who is the alpha.” I kept licking his neck and bit his ear.
“And what gives you the impression you are the alpha of the two of us?” He broadened his shoulders and brought his chest up.
“It’s cute how you are pushing those pecs out for me to enjoy. I like nice muscled tits,” I flicked the nipple on his tattooed chest with my fingers appreciatively. “I could just lick them.” I caressed his tight pec and looked mockingly into his eyes. He looked as if I just took away his candy but was too shocked to react. How cute he was right then.
“What? Have I messed up your dynamic, big guy?”
I leaned to his side again and whispered into his ear.
“That’s how.” I bit the earlobe, “And this.” brushing the tent in his jock.
“Fuck you.” I heard his husky voice.
“You need to grow a bit for that, pretty boy.”
He pushed me and looked at me defiantly.
I looked at him, smirked, and stepped back.
“Come with me, Kyle. We both know you want that.”
“I need to go to work.”
“Don’t play hard to get. It doesn’t suit you, big guy.”
“I am not playing. I am hard to get. And right now, also late.”
He got dressed and then just stood there looking at me.
“You need a goodbye kiss?” I snickered.
He shook his head with a grin
“You really are something. See you, Ross.”
And he left… Damn. I need to go fuck something now.