Fern and Ryuko

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The rules were: don’t go near the shore because humans were inquisitive to a point that was almost barbaric. If they caught you, it wasn’t so much a catch and release program as it was a catch and “hold indefinitely until your eventual stress-death from all the testing they put you through” program. 

Fern, however, was inquisitive to a point that she could (and would) avoid capture by any and all means possible if it meant she could see them up close for a little while. Curiosity killed the cat? Well she was just going to have to eat the cat then. Or a few scientists, it didn’t matter much to her WHO had to die for her to satisfy that curiosity. 

She swished her long tail, breaking free of the kelp forest she had been hiding in since mid morning because a great white had been antagonizing her. Her tail was curvy and almost the same color as the kelp from which she had disentangled it, but it was also very powerful and good for knocking rude sailors off their boats. Her top half, not quite as curvy as her tail, was curvy in its own right… her hips were chubby where the flesh met scales. Her hair was long and straight, and in the sun was nearly the color of fresh blood. 

She wasn’t what humans would call young, but by mermaid standards she wasn’t much older than a teenager. Her youthful looks had almost gotten her in hot water several times but more often than not it provided her with entertainment watching foolish sailors fall to their deaths trying to capture her. 

It was late afternoon and the sun was getting low in the sky as she swam her way closer to shore. In the later hours the beaches were less likely to be as crowded which made it easier for her to watch the stragglers and decide who to examine that day. She would usually just spend a whole evening watching the women packing up after a day of sunning themselves. Their curvy legs and hypnotic moves made it hard to ignore them. 

Fern had always had a thing for women, she liked men just fine too but found they tended to be forceful and rude. All the women she had spent time with in her life suited her just fine, but the men seemed to fall short. 

The beach finally cleared as dusk started to settle in and Fern decided it would probably be best to head home now as well. She was lowering herself off the rocks and into the water when she saw movement in the distance. She paused, staying low in the water and watched as a solitary figure made it’s way down the beach in the growing dusk. 

A shudder went down her spine, she should probably take cover lest whoever it was should spot her, but she couldn’t move. As the figure came closer, making its way towards her spot in the shallow, she realized they were much taller than she had originally guessed. 

It was almost completely dark out now and Fern nearly screamed in surprise as the person on the beach switched on a flashlight. She quickly dipped her head under the water as the flashlight’s beam slanted across the waves towards her.

From under the water she could hear a muffled voice. “Hello?? Something out there?” Their voice was deep from what she could tell, but the water distorted everything so it was impossible to know for sure. She swam around to a better vantage point behind some rocks and resurfaced, perhaps the human had moved on? She took a bet and peeked over the top of the rocks.

Shit, absolutely, definitely still there. 

“They are absolutely, definitely still there..”

She muttered under her breath as she pinned herself against the back of the rocks. 

“HEY!” Fuck. 

“Come on, don’t hide. I can literally see your red hair shining in my flashlight, if you’re trying to hide you might not wanna dye your hair bright red….” their voice trailed off and Fern could feel her heart hammering against her chest. Dyed hair? So they thought she was a human. That could work for her, she just had to remain underwater from the waist down, it was dark enough water. She pushed herself up to make her upper body visible but she almost fell back in the water when she was met with a smile in the dim flashlight glow. 

He was just… standing there, patiently waiting for her to introduce herself? Like this was something that happened every day? Meeting strange girls in the ocean? The nerve. His smile was so unassuming and genuinely friendly that it caught her off guard. She was suddenly self conscious as he stared at her, slightly smirking but still waiting for her to speak.

“I…. hi,” she started stupidly, why wouldn’t her mouth form words? He was just a human, why should she get flustered because of one dumb smile? She cleared her throat. 

“I’m just… I was skinny dipping, and I lost my bottoms in the sand…I’ve been waiting for an empty beach to go home.” she lied and put on a fake shyness, hoping this would settle the matter and he would move on. No such luck.

He frowned and looked at the sand around him. “Oh yeah? Where did you lose them? I can look if you want, It’s dark but this will help” He raised his eyebrows and gestured around with his flashlight beam. No.. no just go home… is what she wanted to say, but she couldn’t help but think about how adorable it was that he was concerned about her finding her bottoms…. which don’t exist and he is a human, who is decidedly not cute, move on Fern! 

“Oh… really you don’t have to, I’m sure I can find th-“

“Nah it’s alright, I don’t mind… plus you must be cold and ready to go home.” He cut her off but in the nicest way possible, his tone even and patient. He smiled again and her heart jumped. Stop it.

She watched him do his best to scour the beach for a good ten minutes before she started to feel bad. 

“Hey! Whatever-your name is…. it’s fine…. honestly don’t worry about me… just go ahead and go wherever it is you were going…” she wrung out bits of her hair nervously waiting to see what he would decide to do

“My name is Ryuko,” He finally called back from somewhere down the beach. He came stomping back empty-handed, but still looking determined. “And even if I can’t find them, I’m not letting you walk home alone, it’s way too dark now.”

She was beginning to get angry at his persistence, why did he have to be so nice, hmmm? 

“I’m a big girl, I can walk myself home!” She protested, her hands on her hips. His laughter rang out across the waves, a sound that made her want to laugh too at how silly she sounded. 

“It doesn’t matter how “big” you are… it’s dark, you’re half naked, it’s freezing, how far would you get before being grabbed by some guy or arrested for indecent exposure?” He raised his eyebrows again and fixed her with an almost You know I’m right sort of look. Fern huffed and folded her arms, she wasn’t sure what he meant by indecent exposure but she figured it was a human culture thing that she didn’t understand. 

When she didn’t answer him he started to remove his hoodie and then began to walk back towards her. “At least borrow my hoodie to get home with… I can give you my number and you can return it when you have time.” He held out the garment as he came close again. She nervously sunk a little further behind the rock, he was getting too close.

“Hey, no! Stay back… I don’t want you to see me naked! I can’t get out of the water with you looking!”

He chuckled softly and shook his head 

“Don’t worry I didn’t plan on it, I’m just setting it down and I’ll look away so you can change,”

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and sunk down for a moment as she tried to think of a plan. She was intrigued by this human and wanted to learn more about him, but this temptation was something she always felt when she had the choice to learn more about humans. But somehow it was different now, she wanted to know more about him specifically instead of anything and everything new about human culture. 

Suddenly an idea hit her that could potentially end up in disaster, but it could also work to her benefit. Her father had once told her of a spell that merfolk used to blend in with humans long ago to try and save themselves from being hunted. It would give her legs for a period of time and allow her to walk on land. For how long, she didn’t know, and that was why It could be potentially disastrous. I’m doing it… if I turn back I can kill him if it comes to that.

“You done yet? I don’t have all night,” he laughed again and she nearly jumped as she was startled out of her thoughts.

Here goes nothing, she thought to herself and concentrated as hard as she could on having legs as she swam to the shore. He stood about ten feet away with his back turned to her, scuffing the sand with his shoes and patiently waiting despite his acting like he was rushing her. She was starting to panic a little as her tail had still not turned and he would surely turn around to see her true form any second, but just then she felt a tingling in her fins which turned into almost a burning feeling. She reached for the sweater, but as she felt her tail split down the middle she couldn’t help but cry out, an almost inhuman sound. 

“Are you alright?!”

Ryuko whirled around to find fern sitting on the beach wearing his hoody and looking positively…. damp. Her tail had vanished and in its place there were two, curvy and unmistakable legs. The sweater was long on her and didn’t quite reach her knees, but it covered what it needed to. 

“Y-yeah I’m ok… I just tripped,” I need to stop lying at some point.

She blushed and pulled the hoodie down as far as she could, unsure about her newly acquired anatomy. She stood up shakily, not used to legs just yet but she didn’t want to look like an idiot. Her long hair went down just about as far as the hoodie did, but right now it was wet and full of seaweed, as he looked her up and down he seemed to notice this, and also that her legs were covered in a sort of slime from the transformation. 

“You’re filthy… you should go home and take a bath or something,” he wrinkled his nose slightly at her, possibly wondering why she had so much seaweed in her hair. 

Well time for one more little lie, then I’m done, I swear. 

“About that… so I was sorta kicked out of my house…. my boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out…” she was really laying it on thick here, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger and blushing as she looked away from him, it was all an act of course. One that he may have only half bought, at least that’s what the skeptical look on his face told her.

He folded his arms “Really? Is that really what happened? Somehow I doubt that’s the whole story… but if you don’t want to tell me I’m not gonna pry.”

He gestured up towards the houses in town. 

“I uhh…. live alone so no one is gonna be mad if you come and use my shower…. if you’re not creeped out by going home with a total stranger.” 

She tried to keep her face from looking too excited, this is the answer she had been fishing for. If he let her into his home then she would possibly have access to even more data on culture habits of humans. 

She nodded and smiled at him as normally as she could. 

“Really? You’d let me use your shower? That’s really sweet of you… thank you. And… thanks again for this.” She indicated the sweater and and smiled awkwardly, briefly showing her sharper than normal teeth, before realizing her mistake and closing her mouth quickly.

If he noticed, he didn’t show any indication as he started off in the direction of the city. She tried to stay close behind his long strides, he had long legs and was proficient at walking so she was having a hard time keeping up. He turned to look back and realized she was straggling behind quite a ways. 

“Can you walk alright without shoes? Is it the rocks?” She looked around embarrassed, she really was trying to keep up but learning to walk in such a short time was hard. 

“I feel like I’ve never felt rocks until now…” she grumbled, barely audibly so it was doubtful that he heard her.

“Here, you’re small enough why don’t you just ride on my back until we get up to the road,” he didn’t wait for her answer before kneeling down in the sand in front of her. 

Small? She thought about that a moment before she realized just how much smaller she was without her tail. Fern probably stood an even 5’3” without her tail… small indeed.

Great, she thought, I’m a runt on land… just fantastic.

She looked back towards her new acquaintance Ryuko, who was still patiently waiting for her to stop zoning out about her newfound smallness. What the hell, she figured, let’s see where this night takes me. 

She carefully climbed up onto his back and grabbed onto his shoulders. She was startled by the fact that his body was warm through his clothes despite the chilly night air. She blushed as her slightly slippery legs brushed against his t-shirt as she held on for dear life as he stood up. 

“I’m sorry about your shirt… I’m just getting it dirty,” she said as he made his way up the rocky path easily even with her on his back. “Nah it’s ok, I can always take it off and wash it, no big deal.”

Why was Fern suddenly picturing this human without a shirt? That’s not something she should be caring about, as she set the thought aside. 

They finally reached the road and as promised he set her down gently on the warm asphalt, her head swimming a little. She shook herself and pushed the hoodie down as it had started to creep up as she rode his back, it could practically reach her knees… she really WAS tiny. 

“My house is only a few minutes from here,” he said pointing down the street towards a mess of buildings down the road. She didn’t relish the idea of having to walk there but at least that’s there were no rocks now. She could keep up with him a little better now and her mind wandered as she watched him walking next to her, he had slowed down because of her she realized. 

She looked up and caught him looking down at her curiously, she wondered what he could be thinking… gosh he was really tall now that she let herself focus more. She originally thought she’d be able to overpower him if she had to, but she was slowly losing confidence In her ability to get out of this alive if he found out what she was. He stopped walking and she almost bumped into him because she was looking down. 

Fern kept her eyes ahead of her as he led her up the steps and inside his house so when she looked up she nearly jumped. She hadn’t been expecting such an array of items and colors to meet her eyes. 

Her mouth must have been hanging open because Ryuko looked at her and laughed. “What? Didn’t peg me for an anime fan? Yeah I’ve got tons of this shit.”

Fern blinked at him like he was speaking a foreign language but continued to point at things wordlessly. She slowly walked around the room looking at everything with wide eyes. Is this what all human’s houses looked like? How had she never heard of this ‘anime’ before? 

“What is the purpose of it? What do you gain by looking at all these brightly colored fake people?” She looked at him, genuinely interested in his answer, this was part of human culture that had escaped her notice. Who knew there was so much she didn’t know about beyond the beach. 

“What’s the purpose? Entertainment I suppose,” he smiled at her interested expression and explained to her that there were shows and books and all sorts of other media that could be consumed for all different sorts of anime fans. 

“But, how about I tell you more AFTER you get yourself cleaned off. I don’t have any clothes that would exactly fit you but you can still use a shirt of mine or something until you can go to your place and get some clothes from your ex.” 

She pursed her lips considering her lack of clothes and that she didn’t really HAVE any, but she would deal with that later. 

Ryuko led Fern to the bathroom and handed her a towel as he pointed to the shower. 

“Just come out when you’re finished, take your time,” he shut the door before she had a chance to ask how exactly to turn the shower on.

She had seen people using outdoor showers at the beach but she wasn’t certain how they worked. Turning the handle was only about the fifth thing she tried and she was surprised when hot water came out above her and sprayed her hair. She jumped back and quickly closed the curtains so the water couldn’t spray at her. 

She let the water run as she turned to curiously look at herself in the mirror. She knew all about mirrors but it had been a while since she had seen her reflection in anything but the water. She was very grimy to say the least, it was a wonder he didn’t assume she was a beggar or something with how dirty she was looking. She pulled off his sandy sweater and laid it on the counter before taking off her bra and inspecting herself again.

Her legs were small and weak compared to her long and powerful tail, but other than that she hadn’t changed much. Her ears were slightly more rounded she noticed, and a few other small changes, but she had kept her sharp teeth… curious. 

She turned away and climbed into the shower, remembering that the water was warm. She took her time to adjust to it, she was used to lukewarm water at best, but this was positively steaming. She didn’t really know about using soap but her skin was used to having things just wash right off in the ocean and that method seemed to be working now. She made sure all the grime was off her body and out of her hair before finally turning the water off. She stepped out of the shower carefully and grabbed the towel to dry her hair, she figured out how to wrap it around her head awkwardly and then looked around the room and realized he hadn’t given her another shirt yet. She didn’t want to put on the sweater because it would just get her dirty again, she didn’t exactly understand human privacy issues so she just walked back out with nothing but the towel around her hair. 

She found Ryuko pulling off his own soiled shirt to put it in the laundry and she couldn’t help but stare at his skin, transfixed. He turned around and spotted her immediately turning red and covering his eyes 

“Ahhh! D-did you maybe forget to use the towel for your body?” He stuttered a little which Fern found cute. 

“Forget? Was that what I was supposed to do? I mean … right… of course…” she started to pick the towel off her head and attempt to wrap it around her body but he had already left the room. He quickly returned wearing a new shirt and tossed a shirt in her direction which she caught and slipped on over her head. The shirt was a solid green color and almost reached her knees as well, apparently being tiny was working out for her today.

He smirked slightly, still clearly shy but more relaxed now that she had a shirt on. He laughed “With your hair and that green shirt you kinda remind me of Ariel.”

She looked at him, puzzled “Ariel?”

“Ariel. You know, The Little Mermaid?” 

She tripped over a cord as she looked up from where she was going and she felt herself falling before she could do anything but just as quickly she felt his arms stop her descent. She could feel her heart beating quickly as he held her shoulders and gently set her back on her feet. She then noticed his concerned expression as she caught his eye “M-mermaid?” She said hesitantly. 

“Yeah you know, like the mythical creature?” He paused and raised his eyebrows at her “More importantly are you alright? You’re sweating a lot.”

Oh, a mythical creature, so merpeople were just myths to them then, she was safe. 

“I’m fine… I think I just need to sit down,” She ran her hands through her long hair as she made her way to the couch and sat down slowly and then watched as he sat down on the opposite end, leaving a seat between them. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, why was he suddenly watching her every move? 

Wait… he said I were sweating? Uh oh, that was right after he touched my arms…

Her sweat, like the rest of her bodily fluids, had an array of magical properties that all merpeople had. If you ingested their spit it had minor healing abilities, if you got it on your skin it could treat skin conditions, but sweat was different. It had the ability to paralyze an enemy if the mermaid felt threatened, calm them if they were in a panic and draw them to her if they were prey. None of the above applied to right now so she wondered just what affect it would have on him. 

Fern ventured another glance in Ryoko’s direction, he didn’t seem like he was affected in any way, he just seemed to be staring a bit more. She followed his gaze and realized he was staring at the fact that the shirt he had loaned her was now clinging to her body because she had not dried off properly before putting it on. 

“I’m sorry,” he looked away when he noticed her staring at him too, was his face turning red? She had heard her sister Sakura tell her about how shy humans were about being unclothed around each other but she didn’t really understand it, and she also didn’t see how the shirt clinging to her wet body was something to stare at. 

“Don’t be sorry, I was staring too,” 

He was so polite it was almost precious, she was used to her sisters stories of being attacked by humans and having to fight for their lives, but this one seemed downright chummy. Of course he still had no idea what she was, but lying to him was feeling worse and worse to her by the second. He had opened his home to her, and all she wanted to do was learn about humans, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if she told him. 

“So… I should probably tell you something… please don’t freak out or turn me over to the authorities,” she realized she was shaking a little, she had never revealed herself to a human before. 

He frowned slightly but then joked softly “What did you do? Kill someone?” He held up his hands and insisted he was kidding when she scowled. 

“No I didn’t kill anyone… I’m a mermaid.” She paused to gauge his reaction but he just stared at her blankly. Nothing, no reaction? 

“No jokes or tricks… I’m a mermaid… just like your mythological creature. But I’m real. Some call us sirens. You just seemed… so honest I couldn’t bring myself to lie to you anymore.” 

Ryuko looked like he was deep in thought, she wished he would say something, anything. Fern waved her hands in exasperation looked to him for any indication he was listening to her.

“So do you eat fish?” What?

“WHAT?” That’s it?! “THATS IT? I tell you I’m a real life, bonafide mermaid… and you ask me if I eat fish?! Of course I eat fish but aren’t you surprised or confused?? Or something??”

He shrugged and smiled gently at her

“I just wanna know if you can eat the same stuff I do, you must be hungry by now.” He scooted a little closer to her on the couch “And, it makes sense. I’m not stupid you know. If you were a regular human out there in the water for so long at night you’d have caught cold. All that seaweed you had in your hair, you’ve got sharp teeth from what I’ve seen. And you… obviously know nothing about covering up,” he blushed and scratched behind his ear when he mentioned that last part. 

“And you just let me in your house?! Knowing what I might be and everything?”

He just nodded and kept smiling, how could he be so calm about this? Had he known the entire time and let her in BECAUSE he thought she might be a mermaid? He had seen straight through her lies about an ex and being kicked out. 

“You’re lucky you weren’t found by someone with worse intentions than mine.” But what exactly were his intentions though? He hadn’t made that clear. He seemed to read her uneasy expression,

“Don’t worry, I have no ulterior motives, I figured you must have wanted to follow me for you to make up such silly lies, so I let you.” He was going to have to stop smiling like that or she was going to be the one drawn in by him instead.

“Silly! They were not silly!” She laughed and went to playfully hit his arm in protest but he caught her wrists and she flinched. Suddenly he was holding her hands tight and they both became transfixed, unable to break eye contact. She felt little static tingles running between their fingers and then it was gone as he finally managed to break away. 

“Whoa… what was that..” he shook his head and sat back against the couch, closing his eyes.

Fern’s head swam and her feet tingled which was odd because she’d never felt that before. She looked at Ryuko, he was still slightly dazed but he looked ok for the most part. Her whole body felt warm and she wanted nothing more than to keep feeling like this, but she was sure she had crossed some sort of line here, surely he would tell her to leave now. She didn’t wait for him to open his eyes before she started to get leave but he quickly caught her hand and whether he intended it or not she was pulled onto his lap. There was that feeling again, the static, the tingles, his eyes opened and were locked with hers almost immediately. Whatever was happening it was happening to both of them, but Fern definitely wasn’t controlling this. She imagined this was what it was like for anyone she had bewitched before, but for some reason she’d gotten caught in some sort of feedback loop. 

“What’s happening to me…” he said with a little difficulty as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pinned her to his lap, almost instinctively.

“I’m… not sure…” she felt like she was melting, she hardly knew anything about him but the urge to put her lips on his was growing with each passing second.

She couldn’t help looking into his eyes and found him giving her a pleading sort of look, if she knew how she would stop this foolishness but she was just as taken by it as he was. Suddenly she felt him thrusting his hips upwards a little and she could feel something hard poking her as she lowered herself fully to sit on his lap. Maybe she had misread the pleading look, was it perhaps longing that he was feeling too? She had only ever gotten as far as luring someone to their death by charming them, she had never actually been with a human before. Perhaps this was the affect her sweat had now that she was in a relaxed environment. She was past caring at this point, her lips were getting dangerously close to his. She hovered a few inches in front of the almost stranger’s face

“ I don’t think I ever said… my name is Fern. I apologize for anything that happens after now, I don’t think I could stop this even if I wanted to.”

She was so close to his face now that she could feel his warm breath as they stared at each other’s lips. Neither of them could be sure who broke the tension first because their lips met in the middle in a passionate and desperate kiss. Her whole body felt the kiss as the tingles spread from her lips and down her limbs. She immediately loved the feeling of his lips against hers and she never wanted to come up for air.

She was suddenly acutely aware of his warm body under hers and she began to grind against the hardness in his pants, not exactly knowing why, but he seemed to enjoy it as it caused him to let out a few groans. She wasn’t wearing panties so the only fabric keeping her growing wetness from dripping on him were his pants and boxers. She also wasn’t familiar with her new anatomy and how it differed from when she didn’t have legs, but she figured it was the same basic idea. 

She felt very small as she sat on his lap kissing him fervently and the feeling of his hands working their way up and down her body was driving her wild. 

Gradually she could feel the hypnotic effect wearing off a little until the both of them stared at each other in a daze. She cupped his face in her hands softly as she whispered “Do you want to stop?” 

“No.” His reply was immediate and sharp, but he sounded breathless. She could tell that even though the effect of her magic was wearing off, they still both wanted each other very much. 

He grabbed her hips, forcing her down against him and simultaneously thrust himself up against her as she started wiggling herself in his grasp. Grinding harder against him this time she felt tingles move up her body from the spot where she was rubbing against him and it made her weak. 

The next thing she knew Ryoko’s hands were pulling up the bottom of the shirt and he kept pulling it all the way off over her head. He tossed it unceremoniously on the floor where it lay in a pile and was soon joined by his shirt. She shivered slightly as she sat on his lap, completely nude now. That was fixed though when he put his arms around her, hugging her against him and her cold breasts softly squished against his warm body. 

Fern’s heart was beating fast and her hands were trembling as she trailed them down his body and rubbed them tentatively against his throbbing cock through his pants. She fumbled with his pants for a few moments before he took pity on her not understanding clothes and smirked a little as he undid them for her. She stuck out her tongue and smiled again, showing her sharper-than-normal teeth as she pulled off his pants and his boxers shortly after. 

Not much time passed after she slipped off his boxers before the head of his cock was rubbing her pussy lips eagerly as she dripped onto him. 

“So… is this the first time you’ve had legs?” He said, his breath coming short and fast as he rubbed himself against her opening still. “Have you… done this before?” 

She shook her head in response to his last question and bit her lower lip as she blushed. He nodded that it was ok and ran his hand in long strokes through her hair, marveling at the color for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of her. 

“I promise I’ll be gentle… at least at first.” She held onto him tight as he spread her lips and lined himself up before grabbing her hips again and pushing himself up inside her as he pushed her down at the same time. 

She let out a little scream in surprise as she felt his cock fill her up. She looked at him wide eyed as he pulled back and then thrust again, harder this time, eliciting another louder scream. She didn’t understand the concept of having to be quiet, so if he had neighbors they were going to hear her. He started to pick up the pace a bit and she could feel just how easily he slipped inside her each time as he gained momentum. She was starting to understand why sailors might be led to their death if there was a possibility of this happening. Every time he moved inside her it felt amazing and she didn’t want him to stop in case she never felt this way again. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in, wanting to feel his warmth again. She brushed her lips and nose softly against his neck as she stayed pressed close, moaning softly into his ear as he fucked her dripping pussy. She was getting into it and began matching his movements and she started to ride him in earnest now. She bit his neck and accidentally drew blood with her little fangs but sucked it into her mouth before he could see. She hoped he wouldn’t be mad at her, but as she heard the way he groaned and felt his thrusts get harder when she bit him, she doubted that he would be. She went in again and bit him even harder, “Fuck!” He gasped and thrust up into her hard in surprise and his body shook beneath her as she held the bite, sucking on his skin a little. 

Ryuko panted and grabbed Fern’s hips suddenly, she could feel his cock twitching inside her followed by a hot, sticky feeling filling her up. She wasn’t sure what had just happened but she really loved the sensation of warmth spreading inside her. 

He had stopped moving and she was sure they were finished until he easily picked her up and moved so he had her bent over the couch instead. She wasn’t used to being handled like this, so gently but also forcefully at the same time, and she was surprised by how much she enjoyed it. She giggled softly as she felt him behind her, rubbing himself against her lips again, his cum dripping from her pussy a little as he pushed inside her. She couldn’t help but squeak a bit as he started to thrust into her again, the change of position made it feel entirely different. He placed both his hands firmly on her ass cheeks and gripped her hard as he thrust easily into her cum-filled pussy.

She was feeling a lot of new feelings at once that went with doing this for the first time while also having legs and human genitals for the first time. She felt like she would pass out from all the feelings but she managed to stay conscious as he suddenly pushed himself all the way inside her. He wasn’t holding back anymore and he bent low over her as he fucked her senseless to reach an arm under her and rub her clit.

She really started screaming now, he obviously knew more about human anatomy than she did, but he was teaching her more by the second, so she really WAS learning new things. She felt like she was a volcano on the edge of erupting, the way he rubbed her clit made her entire body heat up and tremble at his touch. She lost count of how many times she came because he apparently knew what he was doing. She was a panting, sweaty mess beneath him when he announced that he was about to cum again. She didn’t know that this was or where the night was going to take her, but somehow she was quite happy to be in this situation. She was content to spend the night letting him fill her up, over and over as much as he could until he just couldn’t anymore. She was content being taught several ways that humans have sex and just how wonderful it could be. 

He filled her up again, his cum dripping down her legs as she twitched on the couch and her eyes closed slowly. He would eventually realize that she had fallen asleep and continue fucking her until he too fell asleep with his arms around her.

“Goodnight, Fern.” 

Published 6 years ago

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