Not many knew about this gym. It was not advertised by any means. It was only known by word of mouth of those in the know. This gym was known only by a select group of people. People who wanted to be fit or lose weight. People who loved being humiliated. People who got off on being humiliated. Getting fit in the process? Why not.
It was owned by Ms Sheila. Ms Sheila was 5’2, toned and with a taut butt that she loved flaunting in people’s faces, literally. What she lacked in height did not hinder her domineering nature at all. Her cold, stern glare made people nervous around her.
The day began as usual, with all her humiliation slaves working out on their various stations around the gym as Ms Sheila went about her rounds with a riding crop in her hand. The gym doors opened and a young pudgy man waddled in hesitantly. “Why, you must be Peter!” exclaimed Ms Sheila with a big smile. “Come on in! Don’t be shy now! Georgie your sister has told me all about you!”
“She did?” Peter asked stupidly. Ms Sheila walked up to Peter and without a warning, gave him a hard kick to his nuts. Peter fell to the ground, moaning loudly and holding his groin area. “Now, now, stop grunting like a pig. Georgie has explained to me that you are on the couch all day long, stuffing your face in front of the telly instead of looking for a job and living in her house rent-free. The final straw for her was finding your porn stash where her son could have found it! She hopes I can knock some sense into you while you work out here. Don’t even think about not coming here again. Georgie has paid for the month and you will come every day if not she will kick you out to the streets. Are we clear?”
Peter nodded his head.
Ms Sheila stomped her booted foot down onto Peter’s groin area and ground her heel hard on his hands covering his jewels. “I did not hear you, Peter!” Ms Sheila said coldly.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Peter managed to gasp out through his pain.
“Let’s get started. We shall test out your stamina and endurance,” Ms Sheila grinned wickedly with glee in her eyes. Peter tried to struggle to his feet. Ms Sheila pushed him back onto the floor roughly with her foot. He lay on the floor, looking up at her fearfully. Ms Sheila stood astride him, with her feet by his sides. “Now listen up piggy boy. Every time you make a sound, you will be bitch slapped.”
With that, Ms Sheila jumped and landed heavily on Peter’s stomach. She remained seated on his stomach as Peter flinched and yelped loudly. “I told you. No sound.” Ms Sheila’s hand made hard contact with Peter’s soft cheek. His cheek turned red immediately. She got up to her feet and butt-jumped Peter again. Again he yelped and a resounding smack could be heard across the gym. She butt-jumped him at least another ten times. By this time, Peter’s face was a mouldy red smeared with his tears.
“Oh poor piggy is crying now, is he? We cannot have that, can we? Let’s wipe those tears. Get to your knees, Peter.” By now Peter didn’t even want to think how he would get his tears wiped and still have to be on his knees. He quickly got to his knees. Ms Sheila stood in front of him. He came face to face with her boobs. He wondered if she was going to let him wipe his tears on her tits.
Ms Sheila grabbed his head and shoved his face to her pussy and rubbed his face on it. He could smell her excitement through the tights that she wore, He could have sworn there were no panties beneath the tights but before he could dwell on that she slapped him hard again. In one deft movement, Ms Sheila had climbed onto him and sat astride his shoulders. “Now get up and walk as fast as you can,” Ms Sheila commanded. She cracked her riding crop onto his side. Peter gasped and struggled to his feet, trying his hardest not to topple the Queen on his shoulders.
Peter waddled around the gym as fast as he could. Ms Sheila was just seated comfortably on his shoulders, not caring an ounce that he was wheezing like a leaking gas pipe. He wondered if the wet patch on his neck was his sweat or her pussy juices. ”Ma’am…I..can’t breathe. I don’t have air,” Peter gasped as he came to a standstill.
“Kneel,” came the curt reply. Ms Sheila got off his shoulders impatiently as Peter slowly tried to lower himself to the ground. “Go to the bench and lie down’.’ Peter groaned inwardly. He wondered if he was going to have to lift weights. He had barely recovered from giving Ms Sheila a ride on his shoulders.
Peter laid down on the bench apprehensively. Without a word, Ms Sheila swung her leg over Peter and sat down on his chest. Her feet were clean off the floor and she was sitting full-weight on Peter’s heaving chest. His hands instinctively went up to her hips to lift her off him. Ms Sheila grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her thighs as she scooted forward. She now sat on his face, her covered vulva forming a perfect seal on his mouth and nose.
His eyes looked up at her frantically. “Oh being face-sat is not the same as watching it on porn isn’t it?”
Ms Sheila smiled down at him. “What was it that you said just now? That you couldn’t breathe? That you had no air? How about now? Can you breathe well down there? We need to test your lung capacity then.” Ms Sheila laughed gleefully.
Ms Sheila started rocking her hips forward and in upward thrusting movements. She loved fucking their faces in this manner. She brought her calves back up and hooked them around Peter’s thighs, pushing her pussy more into his mouth. She pushed her palms onto his forehead and started thrusting up and down on his face.
Peter lay there helplessly. He couldn’t defy her lest he become homeless. He was mortified that Ms Sheila was fucking his face and getting off on his humiliation. He felt even more disgusted with himself that his traitorous dick was straining hard against his underwear and shorts. Ms Sheila’s thrusting was getting more momentum by the minute. Peter could only catch tiny snatches of air when she lifted. In desperation, he opened his mouth and started eating at her clothed pussy.
Ms Sheila started riding his face faster and faster and faster until she came on his face with a loud shout. She sat slack on his face as she soaked in the orgasm completely not caring that Peter was breathless beneath her ass.
Finally, she sat back on his chest and stared down at him as Peter gasped wildly gulping in as much air as he could. “Water…waater please,” Peter gasped weakly.
“Sure.” Ms Sheila remained seated on his chest and removed her tights with a slow deliberate move. Peter saw that he was right. She had no panties on and her pussy was glistening with her recent orgasm. Peter gulped.
Ms Sheila leaned down close to him and said coldly, “You will not waste a single drop of this drink, if not your punishment will be severe.” Ms Sheila turned around all the while not getting from his chest and presented him with her butt. “Say thank you for the drink now piggy,” Ms Sheila commanded.
“Thank you, Ma’am,” said Peter obediently. Ms Sheila leaned back and positioned herself with her butthole sealing his nose and vulva sealing his open willing mouth. Without a warning, she let loose a long stream of hot pee into his mouth. Peter chugged down her pee in fear of his punishment should he spill it accidentally.
“Clean me up,” Ms Sheila said without any emotion in her voice. Peter instinctively slipped out his tongue and lapped at her pussy like a dog, cleaning up the pee and cum. To add insult to injury, she leaned back and farted straight into his nose. Peter almost gagged and retched her pee out but he managed to swallow it all back down.
Ms Sheila got off from Peter. “Do an hour on the treadmill and be back here tomorrow same time.” With that, she punched his stomach and strutted off to her office.