Feels So Right It Can’t Be Wrong: chapter 3

"Now come over here and let your horny big sister show you how to make her very happy."

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Kelly woke in her brother’s bed cuddled next to his nude body. The sheet barely covered his morning erection. She thought about teasing him awake, it struck her as the big-sisterly thing to do, but then rolled onto her back, stretched, and immediately dozed off and slipped into yet another rerun of her dreams.


Like most of those she’d had recently, they involved sex. Unlike the usual panoply of unfulfilled fantasies, however, these featured the sex she’d had the night before with Jason.


Reflecting her orderly mind, they began at the beginning with her finally seducing him, and that first explosion of passion. The sex in the shower and later in the den kept blending into some interesting variations. She and Jason would end up back in his bed screwing like horny monkeys. This last part always seemed a bit fuzzy, but still…


Nerve shattering, mega-decibel shrieks obliterated Kelly’s dreams. Before she could fight through her confusion and fright, someone started pushing on her nose. Jason, still half-asleep and on the wrong side of the bed, was trying to turn off his blaring alarm clock the same way he did every morning.


“What the…! Jason, stop!” The pokes on her nose halted, briefly. When the noise continued, they started again. In self-defense, Kelly rolled over to search for the clock—and fell out of the narrow bed. As she half-sat, half-lay on the small throw rug beside the bed, it occurred to her that Doris Day never woke up that way in the movies.


The alarm clock stopped ringing. She looked up to see her brother, with one hand still on the clock, looking down at her, a big grin on his sleepy face. “Jason Layton, if you say one thing, I’ll punch you. Now give me a hand up. It’s cold down here.”


Once back under the covers, she spooned her chilly back and bottom against Jason’s warm body. “This is much better. But tonight, let’s switch sides of the bed, okay? I’d hate to wake up with a bloody nose.”


“Sorry about that. Hope your vital equipment is still in working order,” Jason pinpointed one spot of particular concern by pulling Kelly closer and pushing his stiff cock against her bottom.


She wiggled against the gentle pressure. “Well, a little TLC back there might help.”


“You wouldn’t say that if you knew how bad I needed to pee.”


“Me, too. But first things first.” She raised one leg slightly while pushing backward and was rewarded with the feel of a cockhead shoving up against the moist opening to her pussy. With a thrust of Jason’s hips, it slipped inside.


“Oh, yes,” she purred. That was all the encouragement Jason needed. He pumped into her with short, shallow strokes that soon had her racing toward her first orgasm of the day.


“Oh. Oh! Oh, shit!” The orgasm rippled through Kelly leaving her body tingling with bliss. It felt so good she hated to stop. “Jason, did you come?”


“Close, but no cigar.”


“Let’s try it doggie style, okay? Maybe that’ll do the trick.”


“Sounds good to me.”


They quickly assumed the appropriate positions. Kelly helped ensure Jason’s cockhead was snugly in place. When he lunged forward, she felt it rush into the depths of her churning pussy. It felt incredible.


With each deep, pussy-filling thrust that followed, Jason’s balls would slap against her, multiplying the pleasure. He spread the cheeks of her ass wide then held on as he began pounding away with deep, savage thrusts. Each powerful stroke ended with animal-like grunts from them both. She pushed back, wanting to have every bit of his cock crammed inside her body.


The orgasm took her by surprise. One moment she was shaking and grunting in rhythm with Jason’s thrusts. The next she was gasping for breath as her entire body seemed to contract around his hard cock.


After one more violent plunge into the depths of her body, Jason made a guttural noise then everything became silent and motionless—everything except for the sound of their panting and the rhythmic throb of his cock filling her pussy with warm cum.


Kelly had no idea how long they remained in that position until, as if on cue, they collapsed onto the bed.


They lay together, out of breath and sweating, trying to regain their senses. Jason was on top, but Kelly didn’t mind his weight. It felt good. So did his dick as it gradually softened and began slipping out of her well-lubricated pussy. “I don’t know about you, fellow, but I think this beats the hell out of breakfast in bed.”


Jason laughed and got to his feet. “It also beats the hell out of my usual morning workout. Now excuse me while I go pee. Then we’ve got a store to open, you know, the family business.”


“Well, there’s the family business and then there’s business within the family,” she said, wagging her butt. He grinned and then disappeared down the hall.


The Moss Point General Store wasn’t much larger than the average convenience store. But it managed to carry fresh meat and produce plus some hardware, gardening supplies, feed and seed, and an assortment of dry goods. They also sold ammo in addition to hunting and fishing licenses. The most important item, however, was communication. Located near the town’s small post office, the store served as an unofficial community center.


Much to Kelly’s dismay, business was steady most of the morning. There was a lull in the storm, but with the weather forecast calling for sleet, turning to snow, followed by falling temperatures, people were risking the icy roads to stock up in case they became frozen-in. It was almost noon before the stream of customers began to dwindle.


Lunch consisted of soup and sandwiches, which they ate together behind the front counter. Through the large, plate glass windows that lined the front wall, they watched as the occasional snow flurry covered tire tracks in the empty parking lot and on the icy road.


“Do you think business will pick back up this afternoon?” asked Kelly, while cleaning up.


“I doubt it. Between the sign on the door, our calling regular customers, and the usual Moss Point grapevine, most folks probably know we’re closing at three. That may be why things were so busy this morning—that and the radio saying it’s about to start getting bad again. A few stragglers may drag up, but the worst should be over.”


“Well, I hope so. I was looking forward to us playing around here at the store.”


“Who says we can’t?” Before Kelly could think of a suitably sarcastic remark about customers, Jason had her turned away from the front door. In what seemed like an instant, his hand slipped inside her insulated warm-ups and pushed past the waistband of her panties.


The feel of his long fingers taking possession of her pussy set off shivers of pleasure and anticipation. It took all her willpower to utter a very weak protest. “Jason, not here. What if customers come?”


“If they come before we do, I’ll see them pulling up. With all this ice and snow, it’ll take them awhile to get in from the parking lot.”


Thanks to Jason’s fingers, that was all the assurance Kelly needed. She spread her legs wider, giving him better access, then leaned back against the counter.


Jason stood beside her, facing the door, leaning forward with his left elbow propped on the counter while his right hand continued stroking her silky pubes. Anyone looking in from outside would have imagined they were just hanging around the counter.


Jason didn’t rush. Instead of going straight in, he toyed with the puffy lips of her labia, letting his fingertip slide in a little deeper with each stroke. When they brushed against her clit, she closed her eyes and gasped with pleasure. Instead of pushing on inside, he began gently stroking it and several more back and forth across her clit. Each touch sent a jolt of passion racing from Kelly’s pussy throughout her body.


By now her legs were trembling. She grabbed at the counter’s edge for support. All she could feel, all she could think about were those tormenting fingertips and the excruciating waves of pleasure they kept triggering.


Not once had Jason pushed inside her pussy. Still, she was almost there, about to come. Oh, shit. Oh, oh…


“It’s Mr. Allen!”


Jason’s words didn’t register at first. Then alarm bells went off. Mr. Allen—the school principal? She’d been so close to a climax, it felt like she was struggling back after being halfway over a waterfall. When she tried to turn around and look, Jason’s hand held her in place. “Let go, damn it. Where’s Mr. Allen? Is he coming in?”


“No. He just drove by—probably going to check on his mother.” Jason’s teasing grin left no doubt that she’d been had, big time.


“Jason Layton, I’m going to kill you.” To emphasize her point, she swung at his head. But they were so close the blow had no steam. Jason laughed, dodged the feeble blow, and pushed something deep into her still hot pussy.


All desire to pound her brother vanished. The passion she’d been trying to keep in check came rushing back. The sensation was so intense she wrapped her arms around Jason’s neck for support. At that moment she didn’t care who came in and saw them.


Each upward jerk of his hand sent her reeling closer to that once postponed climax. When his tongue began working on her ear, she arrived. The orgasm turned Kelly’s legs into jelly. Only her grip on Jason kept her from slumping to the floor. With his help, she made it to the old wooden stool that was a fixture behind the counter.


“Damn. What were you using, your thumb?”


Jason gave her the thumbs-up sign with a shiny wet digit. “Yep. Just call me little Jack Horner.”


Kelly shook her head. “Believe me, thumb or no thumb, you’re not a good boy—not after making me think Mr. Allen was coming in.”


“The devil made me do it.”


“Sure he did. Grab me a root beer will you? I’m dying of thirst.”


She kept talking while he walked over to the chilling unit and grabbed two cans of soda. “Where’d you learn that trick, anyway? For that matter, where’d you learn what to do? I mean, at the risk of giving you the big head, you’re a pretty good lay. But I can’t believe you learned it all from Shirley Matson.”


He pretended to be hurt. “You mean I’m not the best?”


“Okay, you’re one of the best. But please don’t get on any ego-trip.” She took the can from him. “Thanks.”


Jason hopped up on the counter. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll answer your question. But you’ve got to answer one of mine.”


Kelly figured it would be something along the lines of how many guys had she slept with or who’d been first or something like that. While she and Jason had never really talked about her sex life, he’d probably heard a lot of local gossip and figured out the rest. “Sounds fair, but you first. How’d you get so good?”


“Well, believe it or not, Shirley had a lot to do with it.” There must have been a look of disbelief on Kelly’s face. Jason smiled and nodded. “Her mother’s a nurse, remember? Mrs. Matson has a very practical, no-nonsense approach to sex. She made sure Shirley had the pill and knew the good and bad and how come about sex.”


He held up his hand in a restraining gesture. “And before you ask, no, she wasn’t my first. When your step-father’s a cross-country truck driver and you worked for him during the summer, you learn a lot about truck stops and hookers. Need I say more?”


Kelly shook her head. “Damn, and I had to do it the old-fashioned way.”


“That’s what you get for not asking him for help. Judging from the way Hank’s always eye-balling you and talking about your butt, I’m sure he’d have lent a hand.”


She made a face. “You disgusting pervert.”


Jason gave her a, ‘Say what?’ look, but said nothing. Then she got his point. Considering what the two of them had been doing, the remark sounded silly, if not hypocritical.


“Okay,” she said, with a self-conscious grin, “it takes one to know one.”


“Don’t forget the family that plays together, stays together.”


Eager to change the subject, she asked, “Okay, so what’s your big question?”


“Why’d you and Craig break up?”


It came with no preamble, no warning, and it caught her off guard. She’d forgotten how Jason had idolized Craig Dickerson. Now she recalled how crushed Jason had seemed when she and Craig split. But this was the last question she’d expected and she wasn’t ready to answer it, not this minute. But she had to tell him something.


“The truth is, we didn’t break up. Craig ditched me when he caught me with another guy. He’d always said trust was the key to any relationship. I played around before we started dating, but not afterward, not once, at least not in high school. But after that…” her voice trailed off as she struggled for words.


“The thing is, I didn’t want to get married and he did. That’s why I went to a different college. And I met a lot of horny guys and decided that since they didn’t know Craig, getting it on with them wouldn’t, you know, really be cheating.”


Outside, the wind picked up. Inside only the crackling of the weather radio broke the silence until Jason spoke. “Okay, you’ve told me what happened. I figured it had to be something like that. But what I asked was why it happened.”


“That’s kind of complicated and, to be honest, I don’t know for sure. Maybe it had something to do with the way daddy’s death just tore up Mama. Let me think about it awhile. I’ll try to give you an answer tonight. Is that okay?”


The forgiving smile that appeared on Jason’s face broke the brief tension. “Sounds to me like you’re reneging on the deal. But brotherly love being in this season, I’ll cut you some slack in exchange for some much-needed relief.”


He grinned and rubbed the bulge in his jeans while staring into her eyes. She gave him a knowing wink. “You’ve got a deal. If relief is what you need, then relief is what you’ll get.”


The problem was how to give Jason the blowjob he so richly deserved without being detected. They decided the best spot was behind the counter with him sitting on the stool, facing the front door and windows while she knelt between his legs. When she complained about having to kneel on the cold, concrete floor, Jason turned his insulated raincoat into a thick knee pad.


Moments later, she gloried in the feel of his warm, hard dick sliding into her mouth. Kelly liked giving blowjobs, especially when she felt something for the guy. Part of it, she knew, was her being so oral. But going down on a guy always gave her a sense of power, of control. The turn-on when going down on a woman was similar, but different.


She started getting into this one, luxuriating in the feel of the thick shaft moving in and out of her mouth at a slow, sensuous pace. A squeeze on the shaft while swirling the tip of her tongue around Jason’s cockhead rewarded her with a faint taste of his pre-cum. Everything seemed in place to give Jason a blowjob neither of them would ever forget.


Then Jason laughed. Puzzled, she paused and glanced up. He was grinning and shaking his head. “You better get up. Looks like I’m being punished for tricking you earlier about Mr. Allen. Guess who really did just drive up.”


Two more people came in while Mr. Allen was still there. They turned out to be the last of the day’s customers, however.


Half an hour later the snow flurries became thicker. Jason suggested they start shutting down. That was fine with Kelly. While he made sure the emergency generator was ready in case the power went off, she began closing out the cash register.


When he asked if she was about ready to go, Kelly said, almost. “You can go ahead and turn out the lights and lock the front door.”


A minute later, Jason spun the sign inside the glass front door around to CLOSED. “There, we’re officially shut down. Just say the word and I’ll switch on the security system.”


“Not yet,” said Kelly. It and the light above the front counter operated off a separate system. Jason started to say something while turning to face her, then went silent.


In the fading, wintry light struggling through the tinted front windows, he could see Kelly standing behind the counter. The long winter coat she’d put on was open. Her pale, nude body glowed in the dim light. Jason shook his head in disbelief and grinned. “Damn, but that should attract business.”


“Smart ass. I’ve worked in this store all my life. Now, I want to play here.”


“Me, too, but where? It’s too cold in the storeroom. The floor’s not real inviting and the counter’s sort of small.”


“Remember what we did this morning? You know, doggy-style?”


Jason nodded. “Damn straight. But that was in bed.”


“Improvise, young man, improvise.” She crooked her finger at him. “Now come over here and let your horny sister show you how to make her very happy.”


The mechanics were simple enough. Kelly put Jason’s letter jacket on the counter, spread her legs, then leaned over and snuggled against the jacket’s satin liner. Jason then dropped his pants, flipped Kelly’s coat tail onto her back and positioned himself behind…

Published 11 years ago

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