Feeling Empty

"Feelings of emptiness and pain"

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I think I’ve been running away, 
Not dealing with what I need to.
Trying to fill the emptiness each day,
Reaching out to something new.

It felt like a safe place for a while,
But now I’m not too sure.
It used to make me happy and smile,
I believe I’ve hit a major detour.

Instead of fixing issues in my life,
I just made more problems.
Always fighting with lots of strife,
I think it may have been just boredom.

Running away for many hours,
Not really solving anything.
Time passes and I lose the power,
These feelings mask the sting.

Should I really fix this,
I really have no clue.
To get back to bliss,
Tell me your point of view.

We need to talk about this,
Or do I just continue to hide?
We’re falling into the abyss,
I feel like I have died.

Decisions need to be made,
Do I stay or do I go?
Happiness starts to fade,
You never really know.

The damage has been done,
We both must move on.
The pain and sadness have won,
Our love is truly gone.


Published 10 years ago

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