Not dealing with what I need to.
Trying to fill the emptiness each day,
Reaching out to something new.
It felt like a safe place for a while,
But now I’m not too sure.
It used to make me happy and smile,
I believe I’ve hit a major detour.
Instead of fixing issues in my life,
I just made more problems.
Always fighting with lots of strife,
I think it may have been just boredom.
Running away for many hours,
Not really solving anything.
Time passes and I lose the power,
These feelings mask the sting.
Should I really fix this,
I really have no clue.
To get back to bliss,
Tell me your point of view.
We need to talk about this,
Or do I just continue to hide?
We’re falling into the abyss,
I feel like I have died.
Decisions need to be made,
Do I stay or do I go?
Happiness starts to fade,
You never really know.
The damage has been done,
We both must move on.
The pain and sadness have won,
Our love is truly gone.