It was not just the physical sex; it was also the feeling of enforced submission; the feeling of being unable to stop him from doing anything he wanted to her; the feeling of being at his mercy. Megan had never experienced anything like that before and every time she recalled what had happened it left her yearning for more.
When he called her on the telephone the conversation was fairly short. He asked her how she was and when she told him she was fine he came directly to the point. “Are you free this afternoon?” he asked her.
“You up for a visit?” he asked.
“Of course!” she responded gleefully.
“Good. It won’t be me though,” he told her. “I have some court paperwork to catch up on, but you won’t be disappointed. Steve and Andy are very good,” he added.
“Steve and Andy?” she responded nervously.
“They will be there at 2:00pm,” he told her.
“But………” she started to say before the line went dead.
Alan had done it again; he had left her without her being able to discuss things properly. Last time she was given 24 hours notice but this time it was only 2 hours. In some ways though it was more merciful for she doubted if her nerves could take another 24 hours of trepidation.
She saw them coming up her drive as her clock chimed 2:00pm, two of them dressed in uniform. Nervously and silently she opened to the door to them and they stepped inside. The taller of the two stepped forward and took off his cap. He was a little older then Alan and more rugged in appearance.
“We are following up a recent inquiry regarding faulty handcuffs, Madam,” he told her.
She gave a nervous smile.
“Do you still have them?” the other officer asked as he took off his cap.
“Y….yes…they are upstairs,” she told them.
“We need to see them,” the first officer told her.
“I….I…I’ll get them for you,” she told them as she turned and walked up the stairs.
Megan was a little startled to hear their footsteps behind her. They were following her up to her bedroom. She went to the dressing table and pulled out the bottom drawer, a drawer that held a lot of their sexual play toys.
“Here they are,” she said handing them over to the first officer.
She stood watching for a few minutes as he inspected them. “Yes, they are faulty. It’s the wrong key,” he commented. “Where did you get them?”
“D….Den… husband got them on the internet,” she replied nervously.
He smiled, “You have to be careful shopping on-line. It’s easy to get ripped off!”
Megan smiled.
“What is this?” a voice asked from behind.
She turned round to see the other officer holding a leather paddle in her hand. He had been rummaging through the drawer.
“It……it…’s a paddle!” She told him.
“What’s it used for?” The first officer asked as he took hold of it.
Megan’s face flushed. “F…f…..for spanking,” she told him.
Gripping the handle tightly he held out his left hand and struck himself. “Hmmm can be painful!” he commented.
“So who gets the spanking then?” The officer standing behind her asked.
Megan said nothing as she bowed her head.
“So if you have been a naughty girl you get spanked then?” The officer holding the paddle asked.
Megan nodded silently.
“Well I certainly don’t approve of violence in the home but a good spanking now and again never does a wife any harm!” he responded. “In fact not just in the home. Just think of all the time and money that could be saved if we were allowed to spank offenders.”
“I agree Steve,” The officer behind her said. “Instead of spending time on all that paperwork we could be out catching real villains!”
Megan said nothing as she suspiciously eyed the paddle being held by the officer.
“Especially in this case Andy!”
“W…w…..what do you mean?” Megan asked.
“Well that call-out for the faulty handcuffs, for instance,” Steve said. “It could have been avoided. Some officers would interpret it as wasting police time”
“I do!” Andy said from behind.
There was silence for a few moments.
“What do you think Megan?” Steve asked her.
“I….I…I don’t know what to say.” She responded.
“Well Andy and I think there is a case here for wasting police time and I am sure Alan would agree too!”
“I see.” Megan sighed.
“Just a question of how we are going to deal with it?” Steve said as he suggestively tapped his hand with the paddle a couple of times.
Megan opened her mouth to speak as the officer behind her suddenly moved forward and grabbed her left wrist. Before she realised what had happening a cuff had been snapped into place and he had grabbed her other wrist. Moments later her wrists were secured.
“So Megan,” Steve said as he stepped forward. “How are we going to proceed with this?”
Megan eyed the paddle warily. What she had failed to say was that the paddle had never been used before. Yes, Denny had bought it a couple of weeks ago with the intention of using it on her in a role play situation but they had never got round to playing yet. Denny had given her a few playful spanks on her bottom before with his hand but she had never had a paddle used on her, let alone allowed another man to touch her bottom with his hand.
He reached forward with his hand and brushed her hair back away from the side of her face. “So Megan?” He asked.
“W…w….what’s the other alternative?”
The man behind her gripped her upper arms emphasizing her vulnerability. “I don’t think there is one Megan!” he said.
“I guess you will just have to paddle me then won’t you.”
Steve tossed the paddle onto the bed and reached for the waistband at the side of her skirt. She gasped as he popped the button and began to tug down the zipper. “I’m going to have to take your skirt and panties off!” He told her as he looked into her eyes.
Megan gulped as he released the skirt and let it fall to the floor.
“I know this is going to be very embarrassing for you but I have to do it Megan,” he said as he pushed his thumbs into the waistband of her black lacy panties.
She saw the smile on his face as he started to push them down over her hips. As she felt them slide over her thighs and down her legs she felt her dignity fall with them. He stood for a few moments looking down at her groin before looking her in the eye again. She could feel her face growing redder with embarrassment.
“It’s just a question now of how many strokes of the paddle to give you Megan?” he aked, still looking her in the eye.
“And a question of how she is going to thank us afterwards for treating her so leniently!” Andy suddenly said from behind.
“Thank you?” Megan asked.
“Yes Megan!” Steve stated. “We could have taken this matter much further had we wished”
“I……..I……I have nothing to give.”
Steve smiled. “Oh I think you have a lot to offer us Megan!” He added as his hands reached forward and began to unbutton her blouse.
“You’re…’re…….you’re going to fuck me aren’t you?”
The man holding her arms from behind pressed his groin against her. “I think that would be an acceptable solution Megan.”
Megan could feel his arousal digging into her as Steve pulled her bra up over her breasts and began to fondle her. “I wonder if Megan is good at sucking cock Andy?” He asked.
“Perhaps we should give her the opportunity to show us and maybe get a reduction in the number of paddle strokes we intend to give her,” Andy replied, as he uncuffed her to remove her blouse and bra, before restraining her again.
Steve pulled back and unbuckled his trousers as Andy guided her down onto her knees. She nervously eyed the large thick cock pointing directly at her face before a hand reached and grabbed the back of head. “Go on show me what you can do Megan,” Steve said as he pulled her forward.
Megan gagged on the first thrust against the back of her throat but she was given little time to recover as he gripped her tighter and began to pull and push her head against him. Behind her Andy had also dropped his pants awaiting his turn to receive the pleasure of her mouth but as he waited he reached down and toyed with her breasts; tweaking her nipples and fondling as Steve took more and pleasure from her mouth.
She never expected Steve to take it all the way; she thought he would stop on the point of cumming and let Andy take a turn. But she was wrong, he wanted to cum in her mouth and as he suddenly started to groan loudly his grip increased to hold her tighter against him. So tightly in fact that she could not pull back and she was left with no alternative but to swallow his copious emissions.
The amount of his cum surprised her and made her gag. When he finally pulled out he was still dribbling cum and, holding her head with one hand and his cock with another, he completed the draining of his juices against her temple and the bridge of her nose; looking her in the eyes as the last droplets left him and rolled down her face.
When he finally pulled away he lifted her up by the arms and took her to the edge of the bed and pushed her face down.
She had little time to protest as Andy sat down on the bed beside her and pushed his hand against the centre of her back to hold her down. “Now say thank you officer, after each stroke,” he told her.
Megan had barely managed to twist her head to look up at him when she saw Steve raising his arm with paddle in hand. There was no time for her to brace herself as he brought it down against her the flesh of her bottom. It was not a particularly painful blow but the shock and the humiliation made her cry out.
“Say thank you officer!” Andy told her.
Megan responded almost tearfully; thanking him as the next blow came down. By the time the third one came down her bottom was stinging and she found it difficult to hold back her tears. After thanking him he lifted her up and told her to get down on her knees again.
“Now let’s see you take care of Andy.”
As she squatted down on her knees she suddenly felt the wetness between her thighs. Megan had not yet realised just how sexually aroused she was; maybe it was because of the stinging pain from her bottom or perhaps the feeling of fear that filled her, she didn’t know. She did know however that she was at the mercy of these too males and she was in no position to stop them doing anything they wanted to her.
While Steve had been rough and forceful with her, Andy was gentle. He didn’t grip the back of her head and force fuck her mouth like Steve had done, instead he gently stroked her hair and allowed her to set the pace. His force however came from the words he spoke. “Come on you cock sucking whore.” He said quietly. “Move it or I will increase your strokes.”
It made her grip his shaft even tighter with her lips and move back and forth even more quickly. Sometimes he encouraged her, “That’s nice, cock sucker.” He would say as he grew nearer to his climax. But other times he would rebuke her. “That’s an extra stroke you lazy whore.” He would say.
His climax was just as intense as Steve’s though. As the force of his first spurt hit the back of her throat she attempted to pull back but he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her against him. “Swallow it all whore,” he shouted.
Megan was quick to obey making sure she caught and swallowed each gush of cum. Even when the last gush ceased she still held the tip of his cock between her lips and rolled her tongue around it to make sure nothing escaped. Andy showed his appreciation by thanking her. “That was good whore,” he told her. “Just four from me”
She said nothing as he took her to the bottom of the bed and laid her across the frame. “Now you know why you are getting this don’t you whore?” He asked as he tapped her gently with the paddle.
“Wasting police time?” She responded.
Suddenly he hit her. “Yes whore.” He told her.
Megan cried out.
“And for getting us round here just to fuck you.” He told her as he hit her again.
“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss” She groaned.
Andy hit her again twice more in quick succession and then turned around to Steve. “You can fuck her first,” he told him.
Steve was already hard again. Watching the way Andy had dealt with her had aroused him. He wasn’t the only one aroused however; as he moved in behind Megan he slipped his hand between her thighs and was greeted by her juices. “Someone’s looking forward to a good shagging!” he said.
“Yessssssssssss please fuck me.” Megan found herself saying.
Steve responded with a hard thrust as he gripped her hips, slamming his cock deep inside her. Megan groaned loudly as he filled her; his scrotum slamming against her buttocks as he went in deep.
“Go on take me, use me!” Megan called out.
This spurred him on even more. He slapped her bottom, called her a whore and increased the thrusts of his cock. Andy, meanwhile, picked up the paddle, lifted her arms and gave her a playful stroke across her lower back. “Move yourself whore,” he told her, as he hit her again but harder.
Megan cried out. It was not from the pain though; it was from the sheer ecstasy of all. She wished that her hands were free; she wanted to reach for Andy and fondle his cock as Steve fucked her, but they were firmly shackled behind her back. It added to the sexual excitement of it all though; she couldn’t escape; she couldn’t resist. She was being fucked; she was being used; she was being abused both physically and verbally, and she was enjoying every moment of it. As she heard his loud groan and felt his cum entering her she cried out with her own shattering climax.
She was practically spent a few minutes later when he pulled away from her. She would have been quite happy to leave things there but Andy was ready for her now; his cock fully erect and eager for pleasure. He lifted her to her feet and pulled her against him. “Ever had your ass fucked whore?” he asked her.
Megan trembled as she shook her head.
“Time we put that right then!” he told her as he smiled. “Any KY Jelly?”
Megan turned slightly and nodded at the dressing table, “There is some on there.”
Denny had once asked her if he could take her ass and she refused him. To her it seemed un-natural and she was sure it would hurt too. She watched as he went to her dressing table and picked it up. She didn’t want him to fuck her that way but she was hardly in a position to stop him. As he started to move away he looked down at the open drawer from where he had taken the paddle, something had caught his eye. It was a vibrator. It was an old but large thinnish one that she had not used for sometime. She didn’t need any guesses to what he intended doing with it.
He guided her to the bed and made her lie down face down across the bed. Taking a couple of pillows he slid them under her groin so that she was lying down with her bottom raised. “You will enjoy this.” He told her as he emptied some jelly over her anus.
It was cold to the touch but his soothing fingers around her entrance soon made her feel warm. They also relaxed her and when his finger started to penetrate her she began to feel aroused. He continued to gently probe her for a few minutes, sliding his finger in further and further each time. It wasn’t long before his finger was in as far as his knuckles. It wasn’t long either before Megan started to moan softly from the arousal. Megan was beginning to enjoy his anal attentions.
Andy saw that as a signal to go further and moments later he pulled away and reached for the vibrator. Megan heard its soft hum as he switched it on then she felt it against her entrance. Her instinct was automatically to tense her bottom but Andy told her to relax.
“Just relax,” he told her. “I will be gentle.”
It was difficulty at first but as he gently and slowly slipped it further and further inside her she found herself relaxing and allowing the device to penetrate deeper. “That’s a good girl.” He said to her as he began to slide it in and out of her more quickly. “Relax and enjoy it.”
Enjoy it she did. Megan found the more she relaxed the more she became aroused; her moans grew longer and louder and it wasn’t long before she could feel her climax coming. The sensations may have been different to vaginal stimulation for her but the end product was still the same; a shattering climax came that made her sob with ecstasy.
Andy left her for a few minutes to recover. His whole actions may have seemed uncharacteristically gentle but that was because he was thinking of his own selfish, sexual pleasures. He wanted her ass. He wanted to be the first male to penetrate her that way and fill her with his seed. Making her close her legs tightly together, he mounted her raised bottom and pushed his manhood against her entrance. Megan tensed up instinctively but she was very moist and lubricated enough for him to slide inside her.
“That’s it whore give me your ass,” he said as he slipped a hand under her and began to touch her pussy.
If his introduction to anal sex had been gentle then his taking of her certainly wasn’t. Her tightness excited him and he found himself plunging harder and deeper inside her. His taking of her virgin ass was brutal but Megan didn’t really care; in fact his almost animal like behaviour excited her. The feeling of being taken, almost against her will; the feeling of being manipulated into anal sex; the feeling of being unable to stop him, took her to a height that she never imagined possible.
It seemed like an eternity before she finally recovered, for a moment she thought she had been dreaming until she felt Andy’s cum oozing from her. She was still lying across the bed but the handcuffs had been removed and the two men were sitting on the edge of the bed, fully clothed, either side of her. “So have you finished with me officers?” she said with a smile as she sat up.
Steve returned her smile and reached out to brush her hair from her eyes. “We may have to come back with officers from CID for some formal questioning.”
Megan smiled. “Will it take long?”
“It depends on how co-operative you are, Madam,” Andy replied.
Megan looked him in the eye, “Well, maybe I will just see how good they are at questioning me!” She taunted.
“I think you will find they can be very thorough as well as severe if need be,” Andy responded as he and Steve got up off the bed to leave.
She felt a tremor run through her body, stirring her senses once again. The words ‘severe’ and ‘thorough’ reverberated through her very soul. Megan had no idea how she was going to survive the wait for that next visit.