Farm Girl……….Part 1

"The true story of two young people who came of age and embracced each other."

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I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren’t as popular as the city kids.

I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me “Farm Girl”. Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their girlfriends were around they ignored me.

Life on the farm was fun but also hard work. “Early to bed and early to rise”, as the saying goes. Saturday nights were fun though especially when about twice a month Daddy would host a barn dance. Neighbor farm families would bring covered dishes of food and among us all there was enough talent to provide live music. Everyone there loved “barn dance night”. I totally love dancing.

Towards the end of my senior year of high school the prom night and graduation were coming up quick. No one had asked me to the prom.

During a study hall class I went downstairs to the school library. While reading a magazine I noticed at a nearby table Eddie sitting with who knows how many books open? Eddie was another kid who got labeled with a nickname. They all called him “Nerdy”. Eddie had the brains of Einstein but didn’t have any social skills or street sense, stayed to himself and mainly existed to study. He was a Clark Kent type of guy and even wore the same glasses.

I got up, went over and sat down at Eddie’s table. He looked nervous as he glanced at me over his glasses. For about a minute neither of us said anything. Then in my library voice I softly asked him, “Hey Eddie, who you taking to the prom ?”

“Yeah, right!” he responded with a sarcastic chuckle. “How about you? Who’s taking you?”

I frowned back and didn’t answer but it was enough to be the answer.

“Well, you better find someone soon because there can’t be many left to pick from”, he said making a good point.

I stood up and and walked around the table to Eddie’s chair, looked down at him, pointed my finger in his face  and said, “Eddie! You are taking me to the prom!”

“What!” he asked in an improper library voice. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“I’m not kidding Eddie and you will be taking me to the ‘after prom dance’ too”, I added. I turned and walked away leaving him startled and white as a ghost.

After a few days had gone by Eddie’s mother called Mama and said that the coming Saturday there would be a family wedding. Eddie had a young aunt getting married. His mom asked if I could go to the wedding and reception so that they could all meet me.

So that Saturday I went to the wedding and then on to a fire hall for the reception. After all the traditional wedding reception stuff was finished a local band began playing a mix of music. No one was getting up to dance so by the third song they played something fast and with that Eddie’s mom came over and told Eddie, “Let’s break the ice”.

“Oh no”, I thought. This is going to be the most embarrassing day of my life. Eddie looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and went out onto the floor with his mom.

Without any delay Eddie started a jitterbug dance with his mom and my eyes about popped out of my head. Eddie?!! Nerdy?!! Dance?!! Eddie stirred up a storm on the dance floor with his mom. Spinning her, throwing her, you name it this cat could dance. No one at school knew this side of Eddie.

When he came back to me and sat down I said, “Eddie!! You’ve got to dance with me like that!!”
I’ve jitterbugged with my brothers before at barn dances but that was only a little more fun then going to the dentist. I wanted to dance with Eddie!  I continued to beg him until he finally took me out onto the floor.

Eddie mopped up the floor with me. We danced almost every dance. This guy was a natural and I told him, “Eddie, we are going to bring the roof down at the ‘after prom’.”

I couldn’t wait for prom night. Two weeks later it came, Prom Night 1983, and was being held at a local hotel convention hall. Eddie took me and it was boring as most proms are. Not many people spoke to us. Some did but only in passing and not hanging around us long.

Finally! It was over and Eddie drove us back to my house so that we could change cloths for the ‘after prom’ dance. Mama showed Eddie where to go change and I went upstairs to change. I had it all planned, I came back downstairs wearing a short flimsy skirt (I call them flirty skirts) and a tight fitting top with spaghetti straps.

Eddie’s face lit up and I could feel his eyes going all over me. I felt Mama’s eyes on me too as she gave Daddy a sharp look. Daddy stood over by the wall with his arms folded and just gave a slow nod of his head and Mama backed off. Daddy was always who I could talk to over the years.  During Sr. High he knew the frustrations and sometimes anger that I had felt. Daddy knew that tonight when his little girl goes out the door and walks into that school gymnasium for ‘after prom’ that the shit was going to hit the fan! I think he was as excited as I was.

As we were leaving the house and when Eddie wasn’t looking Mama did a quick flip up of my skirt to make sure I had the matching panty shorts on.

To be brief and blunt let me just say that we were HOT! We brought the house down. Farm Girl and Nerdy were stealing the show. Eddie once again mopped the floor with me. We didn’t sit out a single dance. My skirt was everywhere but down. Oh, how incredibly happy I was. Guys were coming up to me but I told them I was Eddie’s date. A few girls were talking to Eddie and I told them they had twelve years to make their move, “Tonight he’s mine!” We knew of at least three couples that broke up that night.

Eddie was incredible at slow dancing too. He was so light on his feet, so easy to follow, and each dance he held me a little closer so that I could feel his state of arousal. I totally loved it.

The only other person I danced with was Mr. Ross, my math teacher who was one of the faculty chaperons. We did a jitterbug. A week later when final grades came out my solid “B” in math somehow turned into an “A”.

Go figure!!

When ‘after prom’ was over at 2 AM Eddie drove me home. As we came in sight of our house I was disappointed to see that Mama left the porch light on. I asked Eddie to walk me to the porch and as we were getting out of the car the porch light went out. “Thank you Daddy”, I thought to myself.

On the porch Eddie and I faced each other and I said, “Eddie, you are now part of one of my greatest memories”. We talked and laughed a few minutes recapping the entire night.

I reached my arms out onto Eddie’s shoulders and said, “Eddie? When are you going to kiss me?” He got that nervous look on his face again and leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

“Oh! good grief, Eddie! is that it? You better kiss me for real before Daddy comes out that door with his shotgun!!”, I said with as much authority as I could muster up.

Surprising to me, Eddie stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him until our lips met. Our faces and lips radiated fire onto each other. Damn! I loved it! We held each other tight and we kissed long and deep. I could feel his erection and I was becoming excited and dizzy.

When we unlocked our lips I pulled him into a hug and said, “Oh Eddie just hold me a couple minutes before you go!” He held me and I could feel Eddie becoming more relaxed and so was I and I said to him, “Eddie, this has been the best day of my life!”

Eddie looked directly into my eyes and said, “Mine too, Sue, it really was”. Then he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and went to his car. I stood on the porch until he was out of sight.

The next day I hung around home all day and by early evening took my horse for a ride. When I returned to the barn it was still about an hour before dusk. While brushing down my horse “Zach” I heard a car drive up to the house but paid little attention.

When I turned to leave the barn I was startled to see Eddie standing in the doorway. We approached each other and when standing face to face Eddie said, “Sue? All I have been able to do today is think about you and last night”.

“I know, Eddie, me too”, I said as I stepped into him wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest. Again I could feel his erection pressing against me. We were two eighteen year olds with chemistry boiling.

I looked up into his face and said, “Follow me Eddie, I want to show you something”. I held his hand and led him up the narrow stairway to the barn loft.

“What’s up here?” Eddie asked.

“We are”, I answered, as I laid out a couple riding blankets onto the straw covered floor. “Sit down Eddie”, I instructed him and he did.

I lowered myself to my knees beside him and untied the knot in my shirt so that it came open. “Eddie? Have you ever touched a girl before?”

In a very nervous voice he said, “No”.

I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled his hand to rest it on my chest and I leaned forward to him and we kissed. I slid my hand to his thigh and moved it up to feel his full erection through his blue jeans. He didn’t resist. Eddie softly felt my breasts as I more aggressively rubbed his hardness. Our kissing became more passionate and hot.

We gradually removed the rest of our clothing and laid together kissing and touching and feeling each other. After about an hour I stood up and went over to the loft loading door and opened it. It was dark now and the sky was full of stars. I returned and laid back down with Eddie. We laid together at least another hour holding our naked bodies together and touching, hardly saying a word.

Graduation night came and Eddie won so many scholastic awards he needed a wheelbarrow to haul them out. Now enjoying our new popularity we were asked by several as to which party we were going to after graduation. We never told anyone our plans.

After the graduation ceremony Eddie drove us to my house. Mama already had a basket packed with food and drinks to last us for hours. We got into Daddy’s old pick up truck and drove up the hill to the top of the ridge. It was a place Daddy always took us on summer nights where he had a fire pit and would always cook hotdogs and watch for falling stars and wait for the moon. It was the place that as a little girl I always thought someday a cowboy would come and fall in love with me and take me away.

When Eddie and I reached the top we unloaded the truck and spread out our blankets and set out the food basket and cooler. Daddy had plenty of firewood there and even had the fire pit ready to light.

It was already getting dark and now the fire was burning good with sparks shooting into the air. Eddie and I sat down together and just talked about everything that had happened to us over the past two weeks. We laughed so much and I kept snuggled up to him. I never wanted this night to end.

Eventually on the horizon we saw the moon rising. It was only two days past full moon and was beautiful.

We hit a moment of silence as we both were just staring into the fire. Eddie looked at me and said, “Sue, that fire reminds me of us. Really HOT!”

“You mean the kind of hot like up in the barn loft?” I asked.

Still looking me in the face replyed,”Yeah, that kind of hot”.

I stood up and reached into the pocket of my tight, cut off jean short shorts and took out the small packet and sat back down. I handed it to Eddie. “Where did you get these?” he demanded.

“I got them out of my brothers dresser drawer”, I answered. “Eddie? Will you make love to me tonight? It is all I have been thinking about ever since we were together in the barn loft.”

We rolled and kissed and Eddie did make love to me that night in the warm air. The first for either of us. I gave my first oral that night and so did Eddie.  We were awkward, inexperienced, and had to learn as we went on but it was one of the most beautiful nights of my life.
During the summer months Eddie and I spent a lot of time together.  There on the farm we worked together, horseback rode together, and ate Mama’s great cooking together.  Did we make it up into the hayloft anymore?  You’ll have to let your own imagination answer that one for you!    Well, okay!!! I’ll tell you, “Hell yes we did!!”

Yes! It is so true. You never forget your first love!

That fall Eddie went on to college. Every college wanted him. A few years later he married Jill and together they have had two beautiful children. I took up business classes at a local college. I married Tom and the four of us are great friends and get together often.

To this very day Eddie calls me “Farm Girl” and I still call him “Nerdy”.

Perhaps soon I will write about Class Reunion 2003. Eddie and Jill along with Tom and I went together to our twenty year reunion where once again “Nerdy” and “Farm Girl” brought the roof down.

Published 15 years ago

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